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Show thii upon it,' FojrRenf or Lease ,' is, for float potlsnet rent. Beehive Coal & Appliance, 68 North Main. F181f-c- h ELECTRIC-- on, ' FOR elder news FOR SALE 9si Phone Pigs. Byron - 0I97-R1- Nebe-ke- r. N16-21- p Red - Roosters and Capons. 7 to 9 lbs. Call at 670 North Third west , FOR SALE N21-23-p- d INTERNATIONAL tenser outboard Mercury motor and Johnson it Crf r, ss: fold one 'Arisen, Htm, tied :mto rifle. at SAT Be on,y d Sport if 1 AGES FOR before winter sets 5 aPPea e. siue its a Klondike not just a cover), late delivery. Erection used Coldspot 6 ft. Record, & 741-- PHONE LADY a thrill to have a date wittTLady Luck but she's a lickle girL What a disappointment when she stands you up I Be prepared. Insure with MILLERS INSURANCE today. A Millers Insurance policy will never stand you up. PHONE 300 A NELSON 51 So. Main Zenith Washing Machine jances . ' Stok-Furnac- 4 Radio, a Msv Ron Hr Furn. Repair , Rug Clean. Ranges, Hoover North Main EXPERT RUG GLEANING, furniture repairing and cabinet iture Co. Phone 250. work. Call D. C. Cornia, 506 south Second west. Ph. 530. Repairs s. , auto AM Jewelers SUPPLY CO. service. friendly Tires. Garage. Auto years MW r Paint And Body Burts Body Paints And Glass KEEPSAKE Clothing tens PtlS SIFT SHOP Complete tting from tots to teens, needle work, yarns and ads. Ladies ners lalize in ' CLEANERS LADIES 86, ie - READY-TO-WEA- uoym s into Laundry iiitsai COAL iVE ireai L w l, Dealers in Utahs oiled stoker slack, fin-coa- yoa YOUR L wayi igfor I KING Wight Coal Co., 310. Animal Collectors y more receive ,Jn Knights money. O Service Appliances SERVICE new engine, Packer Motor Co. - 525. Phone 1069. N21p , FOR SALE heavy plywood ping pong table, hinged in center for easy storage, Phone 1069. .. N21p For Sale - Real Estate Real Estate Main Insurance Better Service . Ph 19 , FULLY MODERN HOME Includes new carpeting, curtains, Venetian blinds. Nw furnace, stoker and blower. Full basement 14 acre land. Chicken coop. - Ideally located in 6th ward. ' i Reasonable Cost for all your priming needs ' PHONE' 1000 $ioJoo ; . Requires $4000 down NEWS-JOURNA- Markets L ir Service : - Services Ottered : 8 Repair EARLS FOOD FARE. Open a. m. to 9 p. m. Fresh Fruits CusWASHERS, STOKERS, Furnaces, i'jere, Vegetables Groceries. We fix Refrigerators, Small ApplianMeats Just tom Cut anything. Grade A Pasteurized ces. Beehive Coal & Appliance. ? them in or us. of Store phone SHEFFIELD I. G. A. The Phone 1. MILK & CREAM. Groceries. Quality Meats and Vegeta- DELIVERED Fresh Foods. Radio Repair Frozen 12U bles. Every day low prices. TRY IT South Main. Phone 69. 1 REPAIR RADIO . llte H90 84 S. Main for Prompt and ExPhone 649-Men & Boys Wear SUPERIOR-- . DAIRY pert Radio Service.. T. Howard Good Smith, 107 E. 6th N. Phone 540 ,flce Cleaning QUALITY MERCHANDISE. and fair prices. Blocks, service Sales Books - Tickets ieuum clean all makes and the Friendly Store for Men. FURNACE. CLEANING t bating equipment. ' We Vacuum, Clean and Repair 420. service. Phone Office Supplies RESTAURANT checks, manifold All Makes of Furnace '. Larsen Sheet Metal Mach-ine- s books, salesbooks of all kinds, BEEHIVE COAL & APPLIANCE Adding TYPEWRITERS, can save We tickets.. and tags Registers Cash , Phoqe "ONE and Order from the you money, i and REPAIRED. sold iture WILL DO plain or fancy quilt bought Phone 1000. The Reminder Office. stitching. Reasonable prices. COMPLETE of LINE checks, Service Stations Mrs. Ben Grant, Phone 202 R. restaurant SLIPS, SALES anally Advertised Home sheet., ledger books, manifold nishings in Box Elder Coun-flortoffice forms and aI1 r Main Furniture Co. Wanted Ph. n all makes of vacuums, irons, MILCi eitenbeker electric J ?. Im-Ia- P-- News-Journa- v3f d W oldi4 trek l, -- h needs. 250. jobs MADE DRAPES, Vene-Blind- s made to order. in- and linoleum 1 . HadfielcJ Ir Produce and GULISTAN Car-an- d Rugs. Gold Seal, Armstrong' Free Estimate Lino-Til- e. Mark Brightenburg's l, Orchard Supplies I??5ove5qu XuwSgg spraying Furniture. Coverings and News-Journa- Paints Co. And Glass ciasT home & Automobile Reives, Mirrors. instiled. General paints, asphalt a Gls installation. North ber tile floors. Brigham 696. Furniture Co. Ph. 250. Paiat, 85 North Main- - Ph. i Hf CHE TATI ON fores Better Service ALL WAYS Phone 155 180 So. Main s ARRIVED At PACKERS THIS WEEK THERE IS ONE FOR YOU!! ... for young man in retail selling, in Brigham City, full time, permanent position. APPLY AT THOMPSON LIBERAL TRADE - IN ALLOWANCE CONVENIENT TERMS Packer Motor Co, Lost and Found with car wanted to call on farmers in Box ' Eider county. Wonderful opportunity. 515 to 520 in a day. No experience or capital required. Permanent- - Write today. McNess Company. Dept B, 2423 Magnolia St, Oakland 7, Calif. RELIABLE. MAN , 14-N21-pd - WANTED-- ? keeper. -- Typist arid bookLee Accounting Ser--- vicelOl East Forest-N-24-U- Monday between 5 and m. Phone 807-M- . Reward. -c 6 CHRYSLER p. 17 jewel perfect men's wrist watch. Phone 368-M- . Pay for ad at News and JoumaL FOUND water unit good working softening, condition. - 5495. . - Complete SALE 134 S Good Printing Spring Canyon Brigham. FOR V3 CHRYSLERS FOR SALE 6 month old roost- LOST 17 jewel Bulova watch. ers, S1.50 each; 2 coal heatBlack card band, red gel on 1 515.00 overstuffed each. ers, sides. ARMILEEN set 530. 612 North Main, on back. Lost in centerengraved of town 1941. FORD, vs 05-if-c- h HARDWARE Baird Agency Printing Benjamin - Moore Paints and Varnishes Norge Electrical .. Boys Ph. 696 Main 85 No. Coal TROUT FARM, Ph. No. 1, or 2215 Logan. toca Hardware & Lumber Hardware John Deere Farm Implements DEAtD OR ALIVE prices paid for horses, and carp. Call us imme-eafter death of animal BRIGHAM GLASS and PAINT SHOP . Merrells, Inc. ED TES 62. Lumber OF SUPPLY Now! e large Phone and stove. lump Dry Cleaners & Pittsburgh Plate Penn vernon Window Glass Mirrors For Every Purpose Kawneer Store Front Metals Pc. Glass Blocks Auto Glass Replaced While You Wait, Work or Shop. R LAUNDRY & DRY MESERVY CLEANERS. 144 South Main. APPLIANCE & 430-- Washable dresses and blouses, lingerie and guaranteed full fashioned hosiery. House coats and robes. Mode O Day, 86 South Main. . CLEANERS. "Your to Finer Cleaning. Tex-- i Cleaning. Fur Storage. EN fair Ready-To-We- ar South Main. Phone Quality Cleaning LITTLE EXTRA GLASS MEANS A LOT OF EXTRA CHARM . -- furnished . OPPORTUNITY FOR SALE Apples. Red Delicious. Winter Pearmains. Ph. . 451 W. ' SMART STYLES in Coats, Suits, Elite Shop, 56 Dresses, Hats. Main. Phone 31. South 23 y . S RELIABLE A DIAMONDS DIAMOND SETTING ENGRAVING DIAMONDS 37 So. Main Ph. room 450-W- .UNUSUAL Co. Houst" uTW fc ELECTRIC 2 Help Wanted . Plymouth, clean, heater & radio. 5775.00. Packer Motor Diamond "Your V 1946 PALMER JEWELRY 1 . sled, snow shovel and sidewalk shovel, a combination sale. Mahogany coffee table and steam iron. Phone 964-pd SALE ft AND Furnished 3 room apt. Clean, modem, includes garage, private entrance; extra garage available. Adults. 75 north Third east. Ph. 568-J- . N-2- 1 fen-wor- Shop, Main. North CE R epak I body and PAINTING, of Christmas r1 ; 3 PLYMOUTHS 6-- FOR RENT $7.00 per 100 ft. FOR 101 Three room heated apt. on ground 95 north First west. apt. Phone N V . Two Romex - DECCA CAPITOL 0Xr"' llnae id Mi ' 14 Large selection Records. ,f,t 1 Just 33c ea. RCA MT. STATES Wa&AudlmxL irs. floor. Iver Johnson (single shot) SHOTGUN A Steal at $21.50 Rrighams Record Center x furnished FOR RENT Complete Line 45 RPM Records , FOR RENT General Electric Room Heaters PHONOGRAPH RECORDS s. i furniture. Call Electric Wall Boxes ' ' . OF NEW lower Furnished apartment; also furnished upN21-stairs opt. Call 536-- FOR RENT Modern three bedroom home. Furnace. Some Only $21.50 Phonograph Records FOR LOCAL or long distance moving of household effects, 79-- J for free estimate. phone PRODUCTS, Radios, Washers, Beehive Appliances. Appliance Co. Phone 1. )A1RE - Large Size Pressure Cooker ' Furniture Moving x & CARLOAD couple. New frig. All hot water you need. Heated. Fully furnished. Call at 845-before 12 noon, or 315 afternoon. 18 north Second west. for Now $6.49 handy reference guide to Brigham Citys Sales and Service institutions. A 91 l P Phone 1040 BUSINESS DIRECTORY refurnished Newly ,or FOR RENT Brand New $98.00 This Is Your Brigham City Tsanc . ELECTRIC LUCK It's always IMPLEMENT CO. Brigham City to. Main ! MOUNTAIN STATES d BRIGHAM TRUCK property now. own no iristenaeu, . $275.00 Real good buy $50.00 1 used Massey Harris 33 H. P. Tractor. Good condition $550.00 in. let garage noike NOTICE OF NOMINATION AND ELECTION Notice is hereby given that RENT Very nice, fully on the 3rd day of December, modem, furnished apt. All 1951, an election will 'be held utilities paid. Private bath. for the purpose of electing a 540 month. 493 south First commissioner for District 3 of east. Phone 19 or 94. the Willard Precinct Cemetery FOR RENT Large trailer, most-- t Maintenance District, said comso elected' to hold ofly modern, permanently loca- missioner for a term of four years. fice ted. Access to toilet facilities Polls shall be opened for the and water, lights paid. Near 7th So. on Main. 520 per mo. purpose of 6aid election from Warm and for 1:00 P. M. to 5:00 P. M. of said comfortable winter comfort. Baird Agency. day. The place of election shalj be at City Hall Phone 19. Notice is further given that FOR RENT 2 room unfurnish- any person residing in District ed 113 west Sixth north. ' Callapt. after 4 p, m. Phone 364-J- . Straw. Morris Bure, FOR SALE Westinghouse electric range.' Excellent condition. . Leaving town will sacrifice FOR SALE 1 John Deere Mod. for immediate sale. Ph. 954-el A" tractor, practically new. . Also, 6 head of good milk cows. Phone 3104. or call at first house CLOSEOUTS AT FOR RENT north of Elwood school. Lysle apartment Munns. West Brigham. Refrigerator sale V lect your WiEEJjj my hand rate Seal 15th day FOR SALE 1 used Coronado 11 ft. Elec. Refrigerator. Exc. Condition $125.00 , Passed ty Rea-price- used International Harvest Home Freezer used refrigerator. Mrs. Dredge. 1 E 1 rl-- shotgun and - OrdlnafK " used 30-3- 0 j2 gauge bolt action r&? trade-in- s motor. One H. T. 16 EXCELLENT BUY Stevens 20 gauge, double barrel shotgun, 1940 Dodge 8 pass, sedan; clean, overhauled --and painted, 5385. good condition. 529.50 cash. Phone 705. Packer Motor Co. may become a .nominee - , Page Seven IrE " v Elder line. to the Weber-Bo:f'- - :!iU Hu- - pni lie will please, iu- ollicc of col. uni. sinner themlake notice and govern filing a petition signed by 5 selves accordingly. electors within his district which PRECINCT CEMEWILLARD him :I! petition shall nominate Das- TERY maintenance for said position. All certificates TR1CT, of nomination shall ' be filed By Geo. W. Facer, of with the Secretary-Treasure- r Commissioner Dist. No. L said district, Hannah B. Nichols, By Gus Perry, in Willard, at her residence Commissioner, Dist, No. 2. before November or 28, on Utah, By Delbert E. Cook, 1951. Commissioner, Dist. No. 3. ' ' District No. 3 begins at and Attest : ' resi- Hannah B. Nicholas, including James Keyes dence, thence south on the east Secret ary Treasurer. cH iLf(j side of highway 91 to boundary Weber-BoElder county line, Four varieties of trout Inhabit then beginning at and Including and lakes of New Mexstreams thence Clive Wells residence, south on west side of highway ico. 3 Legal Notices j J PLYMOUTH 2L |