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Show BOX ELDER NEWS t Brigham-Scity- " Wednesday, November , A weekly newspaper, established In llshed at Brigham City, Utah. 1951 21, 181)6, pub Published every Wednesday and entered as Second Class Matter at the post office In Brigham City, Utah, under the act of March 8, 1879. Charles W. Claybaugh, Publisher Robert M. Crompton, Managing Editor Gladys Johnson, Advertising Manager Crompton The regular gathering of this group in the neighborhood of a thick steak could, and probably will, mean more unified effort by the northerners and the southerners in making a greater Box Elder county. Much head-knocki- - better than that the shin-kickin- g, that hasnt been ng uncom- mon between the two areas in the past. . vice-presid- photo-engravi- An engraving machine is a that you reproduce a picture with on to a solid piece of metal or plastic (plastic in this case) from which you print pictures in the I i'v' Its the latest ig development in and takes all the dark room and several hours of work out of making the engraving plate. photo-engravi- ng to save f week- - iw News Of First Child Comes From Minnesota Speech Festival And One Act Plays Enjoyed By Fifth Ward Mutual e Bluebirds of the First ward with the assistance of their teacher, Mrs. Luda Keller, enter talned their mothers recently in regular Primary class period. The group sang a welcome song to their mothers following the opening prayer by Jean Hust and the code. Marcia Balls gave a brief talk on the Bluebird Diary. Lives of the apostles were discussed by Saundra Sheffield, Jarilyn Payne and Mer lynn Harris. The group enjoyed playing games including a First Presidency games. Carol Petersen then explained the emblems. The girls received the yellow service bar from their leader. Harris offered the . Merlynn benediction. Girls present, along with their mothers were: Marcia Balls, Saundra Sheffield, Carol Peterson,' Jarilyn Payne, Merlynn Harris and Jean Must. Outgoing Sixths Mutual Officers J (IA Don Sheffield, Wa land, Dean Cheney, son and Grace Robert officers of the Sixth wa, J were special guests day evening in the wal1 ment hall. South Box Elder stake X board members were - J a- ted guests. The group enjoyed J their first child. Mrs. Ohlen will be remembered as the former Mary ChrisThe following births are', announced ' from Cooley Memorial tensen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ! H. C. Christensen. Mrs. Christeni hospital: sen was in Truman for the arriOn November 12, a girl to val Vernon and 'Aldean Morrison will of the blessed event and remain there for some time. Woodruff of Tremonton. IA was bom November 14 glrJ to Marlow and Cornllie Janssen Airs. George Ridd Burrop of Brigham City. Ace Hi Club Hostess Frank- W and Edith Bowen are the parents of a Mrs. George Ridd was hostess Forsgren son born November 14. to the Ace Hi pinochle club on A girl was bom November 15 Tuesday evening, November 15. to Lyle and Connie Joyce SkinFollowing dinner at the Idle Isle the members enjoyed pinner Hess of (Fielding. Wallace and Dorothy Sellers ochle at the Ridd home. Prizes went to Mrs. Ruth BarnSpencer of Naf, Idaho, are the parents of a boy born November ard, Mrs. Ruby Forsgren, Mrs. 16. Anna Rasmussen and Mrs. Sadie A boy was born November 16 Jensen. to Wm. and Doris Wells Flint of -Promontory. Lament and Gladys Gerard Wheatley of Honeyville are the parents of a boy on November - - Layerne Vonda Cheney tehe Erickson.' assisted bvi of,,he Mr, Horsley expressed a of the group fe fine work done by the N retiring officers. predation Air. And Mrs. FranL Forsgren Have New and Mr. Mrs. Frank ff. gren are the proud parents son, 'born November M n local hospital. The youngster weighed pounds six ounces and rival home from the I, will be greeted by his two ers, Dean and Ray. Mrs. Forsgren is the tij . Edith Bowen. . 17. . .: ; Rosel r . , . SEASHORES Sheet Metal Phone 25 Heating Air Conditioning Roofit 48 North Mail CAKE 1 TOO" hur t. : . 'and Bring em back alive. Dont let your trip be the death of you and your' family. Drive extra carefully watch, out for inexperienced drivers . , , week-en- .. d ... Better late than never. Start your trip early enough. More cars will be on the road so make proper allowances for traffic de-- 1 Take your time and death lays and wont take your week-en- week-end- Safety checks check accidents. Before you go away for the week-enmake sure that your car is in safe condition. Safety, check lights, tires, and especially brakes. The few dollars you save by skimping on safety may cost you your life. tie-up- s. ; use proper hand signals. Above all, stay on your guard every minute. Remember there are many other s on the calendar. Dont let this be your last. d. BE CAREFU- Lffie fife you OR TOUR SAFETT IT by saQ prepared Ths Advertising Council in cooperation with the National Safety Council. fjeivd and EAT IT wsth SUGAR BEET! HIS IS HIS IS K V? , reoeiv Sugar beets are a dual you sb from the sugar and purposean crop & supply abundant you get succulent, highly nutritious livestock feed from the topi Steady Cash Returns wkiR Sugar beet prices have been holding steady prices on some competitive crops have been slipping Under the present Sugar Beet Act assured growers are a for tfeir beets . . . beets are not .rjmrn sugar yet u sidy crop. Benefit payments to growers are H om money raised by a processing tax on sugar soli Two crops In one jjdjtion to receiving a good Ja, o their sugar beets, farmers per acre from their beetmany when tops income from realize $35 to W fed to livestock-feeding valuable sugar beet the farm M able to put economical gains on his animals and turn many plant nutrients to the soiL . Soil Improvement Sugar beets respond to a high level of soil fertility, ihe increased return from fertilizer applications nk economical to use rather heavy applications of (fervll2er- - However, not more than 50 per ce applied is likely to be used by the P.ee,?ainder is used succeeding crops- - 0tb 2?5n Wently Ugaf taduM to 25 per.cent when sugar beets are w the crop rotation program. com-S- may 6e your oton! THIS MISS AO I SPONSORED IN THE INTEREST You "KEEP YOUR y save j wi News and Celis Nish Zundel of Garland are the parents of a boy born November 17. t Bridge Club Hostess Rex. and Dorothy , Rowe Eirf 'Mrs.. Reid H. Tingey was announce the arrival of a son club hostess on Friday evening, born November 18. , November 16, at her home. Special guest for the evening LaPrele was Mrs. Lloyd Whitworth. Wight Reviews deBook For Soroptimists Following the serving of a Air. And Mrs. J. W. , licious luncheon the following Wheeler Honored On members enjoyed bridge: Mrs. Soroptomists of Brigham City Kent Jensen, Mrs. ID. Wm. Hol-lis- t, held their monthly dinner meet" 64th Wedding Day Mrs. Gayle Tingey, Mrs. ing at the Idle Isle on Thursday Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Wheeler of Keith S. Boyer, Mrs. Knowlton evening, November 15. Brown and Mrs. Winston P. NelThe meeting was conducted by I Ogden were honored guests Mrs.' Mabel Nielsen, club presi-denat Maddox Ranch House son. I High score for bridge went to when their children and grandThree special guests, Mrs! children assembled to pay their Mrs. Whitworth. Mrs. Hollist drew cut. Katherine Wilson, Mrs.. Douglas respects on their 61th wedding 'Fife Myrtle Ducharme, anniversary. along with regular members Those present at the dinner Mrs. Miriam Jensen greatly enjoyed a book review, were: Mr. and Mrs. Claude L. Moses, given by Miss LaPreal Wheeler of Ogden, Mr. and Mrs. Hostess To Club Wight during the evening. ' 'Earl R. Wheeler of Ogden, Mr. Mrs. Miriam Jensen was hosand Mrs. Fred J. Burt of Brigham tess Thursday evening, Novem- Airs. I their City, children; and their ber 15, to members of her Charles Keller ; ' bridge grandchildren: Mr. and Mrs. club with Mrs. Cloria Pearse Curtis L, Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. Gwen Carver as Sewing Club Hostess guests, 'Fred Forsgren and Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Art Bosley and Mrs. Art Victor of Brigham j Fall flowers adorned the room. Hess Maynard Dessert were special sewing club luncheon was I served. City, Mr. and Mrs. Gene Stan-ge- r of North Ogden and Mr. and Bridge was the diversion of the guests at the home of Mrs. CharMrs. Gage East, Mr. and Mrs. evening with Mrs. Pearse win- les Keller on Wednesday - eveNed Wheeler, Mr. and Mrs. Bill ning high and Mrs. Dorothy ning, November 14. I During the evening of sewing, Timmerman and Mrs. Dale Rock Thompson winning cut. refreshments were served. I all of Gifts were presented to Mrs. light Ogden. Members present were: Mrs. Following the dinner the group Mary Fisher for her new little Sam Gordon, 'Mrs. Raymond enjoyed home movies at the son, Robert Steven. Payne, Mrs. Earl Johnston, Mrs Stanger residence in North OgMembers attending were: Mrs. Dale Mrs. Wayne Rasmussen, den. Highlight of the movies Connie Seashore, - Mrs. Dorothy Johnson, Mrs. Eugene I was the 24th of July parade and Mrs. Carol Holmes, Searl Beecher, Mrs. Price, Mrs Marvin Pecelebration during which time Thompson, Mrs. Mary Fisher and Mrs. Mary ters, Mrs. Jay Oldroyd and Mrs. Mrs. Wheeler was pioneer queen. Reese. , TjSflfl iPQAtrrui Airs. Reid H. Tingey dance 15. comes from Truman, dancing followed by the J of Minnesota the birth of a of chili pie and ice baby son to Mr. and Mrs. Orvdl Ray Horsley, Vern Wei Mrs. Eileer Ohlen, on November 10. This is Fredrickson, Mothers Of 1st Ward Bluebirds Honored Members of the Fifth ward M.I.A. enjoyed their speech festival and two one-ac- t plays on Tuesday evening, November IB. 'During the first one half hour period the speech festival was held with Lila Beth Jensen selected as winner to represent the ward in stake activities next week. Other contestants pre' senting fine talks were: Mar-genBird and Stephen Bunnell. Musical numbers included Darrell Siggard singing two vocal solos and Portia Reeves with a piano selection. The plays were then presented to the large crowd present. Mushrooms Coming lUp was directed by Mrs. Parry Jensen with the following cast: Sandra Knudson, Sherrillee 'Jensen, Donna Burrows, Cheryl Palmer, Connie Jensen and Joan Hamilton. "Grandma Pulls the String was directed by. Mis. Wayne Pulsipher, with Josephine Johnson, Joyce Thompson, Roxalene Ridd, Gwen Seely, Kay Petersen and Ray Dixon as members of the re cast. production staff for both plays Included Ruth Marie Pierce, Willis Robbins, Stephen Bunnell and Sonia Hansen. ann2 the Christmas on December Fred J. Burt was guest of honor last Sunday afternoon when members of his family honored him on his birthday anniversary. Dinner was served at the family home. Those present were: Mis. Clestia Burt, Mrs. Fred J. Burt, Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Johnson and family, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Forsgren and family and Mr. and Mrs. Maynard Victor. paper.- Marian Smith, manager of J. C. Penneys in Ogden, was a visitor at the dinner and in that typical chow chatter, commented that freedom of the press was a lot of bunk f. Thanksgiving oirl) Family Honors Fred J. Burt On Birthday That new hunk of expensive looking chrome and wheels in our window is not an ice cream maker or fancy television set, as many people have dropped in to claim, its a machine. , r. Cufc ' The U. S. treasury department has been making a plea to put those pennies back into circulation recently. Without doubt their campaign has evoked many a What for? They arent worth a Chinese rice straw any more. thing-a-maj- uansante Leaving the Wyoming winter Members of and arriving in Brigham City bn dancing club enw J Monday in time to join festivities is Mrs Thanksgiving John C. Forsgren, daughter, Car- day evening XL0 ol Ann, and sons, Johnny and the, Fourth ,war? Bobby. They are the house guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. P, Special guests for Forsgren. were Jean and John C. Forsgren will ' arrive Two new couple, Rock ed as mew today, Wednesday, from membersi" Springs, Wyoming to join his Mrs. Earl Seegmili and Mrs. family. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Chickens Claud were raffi?' Forsgren, son Earl, and daugh- ing the evening Mr. and ter, Terry Lynn, and The hall was Mrs. Frank Forsgren and three rated the TS sons, Dean, Ray, and new little theme using and delicili. be all will son, Thanksgiving ments were dinner guests at the home of ers by Miss served ,tte Donna Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Forsgren. Miss Claudia Morris Mr. and Mrs. c. J President Ross Bowen introduced Jack Shumway as a fellow Ive always thought should be in Hollywood and W. Vosco Call, director, as the man who was born in that house in Willard where a great man was born. The Smiths gave that old idea that parents suffer, too, when the kids come down with their youthful diseases special significance. When their children contracted mumps, they promptly followed suite and caught them worse. Knife and Fork festivities began in Box Elder county with a (so to speak) cosmopolitan - air last Saturday. The charter members include residents of almost every city and town in the county, not just from the southern end. and Forsgren homily nan Thanksgiving Dinner ...For the Brave Men...' Dee Glen and Ida Smith had recovered from the mumps enough to be at the dinner. Dee Glen is the newly appointed Just About By Bob evttry time he had put an ad in a newspaper it had cost him plenty. journal S, " For 1952 increase your acreage In sugar beets crop that gives you "two in one". - COUR! |