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Show fil Monthly MIA Leadership Fifth Word Relief Meeting For South B.E. Society Plan Bazaar Stake Planned Monday Members SiS5 today - Mooggil!! i M -y- features big AT 1 P. M. GIVING DAY EV " Hen-drick- JiBfl I m BO 1PE1 i tTAMlM I0HN UCIILE R BALL-AGA- ( PATRICIA MEDINA lill 1ATMOH0 THUS llltKI i (iimm wmi 'njojed by the ice crea n Weiser s. Eileer Erickson, ssisted bv rganiza' Pressed f group io y the po Frank 'eN&! 'rank id parcel ber M PCTWES jnsart HAYWARD louis mm 54. Dalbarl Suzanne )am Robert Hy bv seethe Bum bv ... the body responds quickly, to our skilled adjustments. Chiropractic may help you, after other . . . and MEDINA methods have fail- Tom Tuily Uwtt md Frtefc Burt poem. DichTurpwsMb" ALf0 NOYES ftotocad by HARRY JO BROWN Omtttd by RALPH MUfiftff ed. Call for a I f ALSO CARTOON NEWS Dr. C. R. Jones 124 East 1st South Phone 182 mpMm PICK O' THE PICTURES" rth Man Last Times Tonight Highway In The Sky No IKE Stewart and Marlene Dietrich James O' hursday - Friday - Saturday BIG 4 'HIS EH ' IS A HIS IS s, DOUBLE BILL GUY MAKNG LOVE? (He Thinks!) ! (She Knows !) A DOLL TAKING OVER jr-- r cons. n Project. Grace the roll. Ferguson called Seals of Approval were award- Dinner Guests At Home Of Eugene F. Wright of (Dinner guests at the home ed by Grace Ferguson to Evallne Cuthbert, Zula Kelly, and Doris Mr. and Mrs. Eugene F. Wright Simonsen on , their completed on Sunday were Mr. Wrights Record Books. Helen Harrison mother, Mrs. Amy' Wright and presented a campaign talk for his sister and husband, Mr. and Mr. And Mrs. Marly n D. Nielsen subscriptions to the Childrens Mrs. R. P. Foregren. A delicious turkey dinner was . . . Mrs. Nielsen is the former Opal Petersen, daughter of Friend magazine. Song practice served followed by a social was directed Sackett and June by Mr. and Mrs. Royal T. Petersen of Perry. The grooms Verna Johnson. Marble Glen parents are Mr. and Mrs. Frank Nielsen of Willard. spoke briefly on the preparation v ' , t and leadership in Primary, Zula Mr. And Mrs. Marly n D. Nielsen Recited Kelly announced the rooms for each department meeting. An attendance of 124 helped Wedding Vows In Logan Temple On November 2 to make this Union meeting a Now making their home in Mrs. Petersen wore a gray af very ' Inspirational gathering of My Suit ' Looks New Perry following a honeymoon in tefnoon dress and Mrs. Nielsen people interested in Primary wore a California are. Mr. and Mrspoudre blue afternoon work in North Box Elder stake, Again . . . Thanks To D. Nielsen. Mrs. Nielsen is frock. Both wore complimenting said Mrs. Grace Ferguson, Amazing Sanitone the former Petersen, corsages. Opal Mr. Mrs. and Mrs. Freda Oyler of Ogden Royal daughter of Dry Cleaning T. Petersen of Perry. The bride- was in charge of the guest book. Honor Friends Mrs. Nola Fallows, La Wanna Jen groom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank NielSen of Willard. sen, Lu Gene Jones and Pearl Pearl Nelson On r - w IMAGINE - Mar-ly- n The young couple recited wedding vows on November 2 in the L.D.S. temple in Logan with President Elray L. Christiansen officiating. Immediately following the ceremony a wedding breakfast was held at the Bluebird in Logan. Saturday evening, November 3, a wedding reception was held in honor of the newlyweds at the Perry ward hall. Many relatives and friends called during the evening to extend best wish- Program for the evening was under the direction of Elmer Jeppson, English teacher at Box Elder high school, and was held in conjuction with Education es. Week. The hall was beautifully decoTheme for the program was rated with baskets of chrysanUnite For Freedom. Splendid themums. The four tiered wedtalks were given by Dee Ann ding cake of white accented Thompson who spoke on Faith with pink and blue topped with In God; Joyce Waddoups who miniature bride and grown was spoke on The Glory of God Is cut by the young couple during Intelligence; concluding speak- the evening and served to the er was Richard Bosley with his guests. talk on Schools Keep Us Free. For her wedding the bride Between speakers musical was lovely in ft' "White' Satin a included rendered numbers wedding gown with snug bodice vocal solo In My Fathers House accented with covered buttons. There Are Many Mansions sung The neckline was high with by Val Woodland, accompanied small Peter Pan collar. The by Athleen Toombs; a piano sleeves were pointed at the solo, Nocturne by Ruth Bernt-son- ; wrists. The skirt was full and two vocal selections This fell from the pointed waistline Is Worth Fighting For and in soft folds. Her wedding veil The Lords Prayer by a trio of brides illusion was edged in composed of Rea Nielsen, Pat lace and attached to a lace Hunsaker and Carol Johnson, ac- crown. She carried a bridal companied by Leota Hunsaker, bouquet of rosebuds centered all of Honeyville. with a large orchid. Benediction wad offered by Bridesmaids were Miss Carol Dellas Hirschi. Petersen gowned in yellow and Miss Connie Wagstaff in blue. Both are cousins of the bride and Needed Saddle OAK BLUFFS, Mass. (UP) carried rosebud and chrysantheRichard Carr, a high school Jun- mum nosegays. Flower girls were Rena Oyler ior, tried cowboy tactics on a sand shark. He harpooned the and Charlotte Nielsen gowned in and seven foot fish, then leaped from .little Alice Blue formals a jetty and landed on its back carrying nosegays of pink and ride be- white chrysanthemums. 'for a wild three-minutfore the harpoon handle broke ' Worth Jensen was best man. For her daughters and the shark got away. wedding e s!l(G TCa'KSGMNG recent .( e f nicely. Young Ladies president, progressing Special project work has been and Wallace Christensen, Young done in preparation for the baMens superintendent of the zaar by Mrs. Mary Tea who has Stake. assisted with groups doing textile painting and Miss Rosa Larsen and Mrs. Any L. Hansen Delightful Past who have assisted with groups Presidents Party Held making stuffed dolls and animal A delightful party for mem-ben- s toys in their home. of the Past Presidents of On Tuesday afternoon in reguthe American Legion Auxiliary lar Relief society session . Mrs. was held Wednesday evening, Vilda Bartsehi gave a very pracNovember 14, at the home of tical and demonstrahelpful Mrs. Esther Hodges. Mrs. Bessie tion on mending and patching. Eskelsen and Mrs. Claire Nel-so- n Lunch was served to the ladies were hostesses with Mrs. at noon by Mesdames Marjorie, 'Hodges for the evening. Jensen. Dorothy and Margaret A hot luncheon was served Two committee members, Mrs. from small tables centered with Jennie Jensen and Mrs. Cleo-ph- a chrysanthemums. Jensen were unable to The diversion of the evening was bingo. High point winner were Mrs. Arietta Rasmussen and Mrs. Ruth Jensen. Mrs. Na- Education Week dine Stratford won low. Program At Perry Seventeen members of the orWard Sunday ganization were in attendance. Regular sacramental services were conducted in the Perry ward Sunday evening, November 18, with Bishop Rulon Hirschi presiding and Counselor Eugene Bott conducting. Meeting opened with the edn For The gregation singing Strength Of The Hills followed by the invocation by Wallace Wilde. Sacramental song Well Sing folAll Hail To Jesus Name lowed with services conducted by priests Boyd Hirschi and Phillip Oyler assisted by the dea Pains Vanish it Brigham City. Utah The North Box Elder stake pri Approaching Marriage November 2L . 1L.1 Wednesday held mary officers and teachers Arvin And a successful Union meeting Sun- Of Luana Burt Congress must meet annually on Jan. 3 unless, by. law, it apday, November 18, at 2 p.m. in N. Fackrell Announced the Seventh ward chapel. points a different day. j, Officers and teachers of the "Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Burt of announce the engagement 8th ward were hostesses. Helen marriage of Harrison presided and Viola Pett and forthcoming conducted the meeting. Ephraim their daughter, iLuana to Mr. Johnson and Glen Marble of the Arvin Fackrell of Howell, Utah. He is the son of Mr. Isreal H. priesthood were visitors. Devotional music was played Fackrell. The young couple have chosen by Verna Johnson before the December 6 as the date of their following program: will be solemnwhich marriage God Is Our Opening song LJD.S. temple. ized the in Logan Good Shepherd and the opening A will further honor reception was Glade Sygiven by prayer later the same camore. Viola Pett welcomed the young couple Corinne Recrea-iothe in evening everyone there in a short talk. hail. Kay Secrist led the porject. Trilda Thompson presented the new department. All Junior Gleaner cl V presidents Including pillow cases, lunch sets, rugs, quUts, aprons, stufare invited. ) fed dolls and animal toys, at The meeting tfrtlr start 7 o'clock. Plans for a special 7 :30 and will close at 8:45 ly at program during the evening are it was reported by Blanche Sir ' BOX ELDER NEW? Hold Successful Union Meeting Last Sunday 1 of the" (Fifth ward The South Box Elder MIA will Relief society enjoyed a full hold their monthly leadership work day on Tuesday, Novemmeeting this coming Monday ber 13. Work during the day night at 7:30 p. m. In the Fifth was done on various items to be used for their annuel bazaar, ward chapel. All officers and teachers are which is to be held on November 29 in the ward hall. The group urged to be present or have someone there to represent them plan to serve supper at six, followed by the sale of handwork in their own PAGE' THREE North Stake Prlmdry Officers And Teachers At Home In Perry pplyof be tops i will 'Hansen were in charge of the gifts. Gift bearers were Nel Birthday Anniversary magene Oyler, Lucille Hansen, was A pleasant afternoon Dorothy Oyler and Katherine spent Friday, November 16 at Nielsen. Refreshments were served by the home of Mrs. Merle AnBeth and Audrey Petersen and drews by a group of neighbors Afton Nielsen, wearing little or and friends who gathered to honor the birthday anniversary gandy serving aprons. Earl Fallows as master of cer- of Mrs. Pearl Nelson. .The afternoon was spent in a emonies announced the follow social way with various prizes ing program: Solos, Because and Through being awarded for games played.A delicious luncheon was serthe Years by Wayne Hunsaker a 4 Love You Truly by Billy and ved from table centered with a beautiful pink and white birth Shirley Busby; original reading cake made and decorated by Iva Lou Nebeker; two accor dayMrs. Maude White. dian selections, Forever and by Friends presented Mrs. Nelson Ever and I Love You Truly, by Rennie DeMars and quartet with a lovely gift Groups present to extend many composed of Dorothy Hirschi, Connie Wagstaff, Arlene Wight happy returns of the day to the and Wilma Walker Carter, sang guest of honor were: Mrs. Maude White, Mrs. Bertha Wight, Mrs. Temple of the Father. Selma Thorne, Mrs. Hazel Nelson, rethe Immediately following ception the young couple left for Mrs. Vivian Nelson, Mrs. Lois California. The brides going Thome, Mrs. Amy Walker and away outfit was a green suit Mrs. Marilyn McCoy. with velvet accessories. . Several showers have honored inochle Club Meet the bride recently. A miscellaneous shower was given by Nelma Saturday Evening Mr. and Mrs. Arden C. Balls Foote and Elaine Willie at ' the Foote home, to a dozen close were hosts to Saturday Night friends of the bride. The group pinochle club on November 17 s enjoyed making a brides book. at their home. Following the serving of a deLight refreshments were served any many beautiful gifts were licious luncheon to Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Smith, Mr. and received by the bride. Arlene Wight and Connie Mns. Douglas Orchard, Mr. and' Wagstaff entertained at a kitch- Mrs. Lee Rue Nelson, Mr. and en shower with M.I.A. class Mrs. Lee Hazeldine and Mr. and members and officers attending. Mrs. Reese Baty, pinochle was Pot holders were made and pre- played. sented during the evening. The Mens high went to Lee Hagroup made a brides book and zeldine, Mrs. (Lee Rue Nelson presented many lovely gifts to won ladies, high and travel the guest of honor. Light re went to Reese Baty. freshments were served. Th bride is a senior at Box Elder high school and will continue her education. The bridegroom is a graduate of Box Elder high school, is a member qf Morgan Future Farmers and at present is employ ed at Second Street. Onhj Seh:n!:q c'vp t;cuab!crJi!:rS I j ALL DIRT OUT MEANEST SPOTS GONE NO STALE CLEANING - ODORS WONDERFUL PRESS . LASTS LONGER Colors and patterns recapture original brilliance . . . like new texture restored! Costs no more than ordinary dry clean ing! eel CALL 86 For Free Pickup MODERN .. 1 TRY SCHENLCY TODAY. THE FINEST WE'VE EVUt PRODVCO f GRAIN NEUBLENDED WHISKEY 86 PR. iS TRAL SPIRITS. SCHENLEY DIST ING. N.Y.G CLEANERS 1 3 State Girls Honored At B.PfW. Meeting ' Last Monday Evening Misses Donna Compton, Diane Jensen and Marilyn Reese were special guests of the Business and Professional Womens (club at their regular monthly meet ing Monday evening. Diane Jensen was sponsored by the club to girls state. She reported - on he? experience there. Donna Compton 6poke on the spiritual values received there. Marilyn gave a very In teresting report ,on her trip to Girls Nation at the capitol city, Lovely corsages were pinned on the girls by the committee in charge of the evenings program, Helen 8. Hill was introduced as a new member by Gladys Johnson. William Sackett, Utah State Highway Patrolman, .was the guest speaker and was intro duced by Valene Hansen, chair man of the health and .safety committee. He concluded his re marks by leading round table discussion on highway safety rules. Assisting Mrs. Hansen were Dorothy Olsen, Hazel Christen sen and Florence Gardner. . i i 4 f 4 -- assured are re p im d toJse estoct farm rnd rtilitT' ( make CO if ce sugtf Other Jij eluded WORSE Thursday, November 22 DAN ROSS and his ORCHESTRA CO-HI- T IS CHARTED FOR THANKSGIVING MATINEE THURS. 1P.M. Phone 738 after 6 P. M. evenings for booth reservations. NO INCREASE IN PRICES ADMISSION: $1.25 PER COUPLE Including Federal and State Tax fh Also Shorts, Serial, News and Cartoons Regular Dances Every Saturday Nights Bovaro Coughs Froa Ccaisca Cc!dr That Favorite r t; One of the nicest treats at this season is Royal Fruit Cake, Here is fruit cake just as delicious as you mould make at home full of choice pecao nuts, raisins, citron, orange and lemon peel, glazed cherries and pineapple yet it costs only 75 cents a pound! Enjoy it often ell during the fruit season. Get a Royal Fine Fruit Cake next time you shop. Your grocer has it in ooe, twot three and five pound packages. i deal to serve to company yet inexpensive enough Hint you can enrve it fo toe whole family ofteel I1AIIC Oil Creomnjsion relieves promptly because it goes right to the seat of the trouble to help loosen and expel germ laden phlegm and aid nature to soothe and Beal raw, tender, inflamed bronchial or money refunded. Croomulsion L stood the last 4 millions of users. cnEor.iuusiorj Skat ' JFine. Fruit Cake to, - elrjcli stedcQ4 ' i I 'ki1 i, I it |