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Show PAGE FOUR ' tn A Tense Moment Perry Training Meeting Held At Mary Woods BOXELDERNEWS Brigham City, Utah Wednesday, November 21, ; iiiVi 1951 Nicodemus Came by Night IN THE BIBLE STORY He came to find life's mean-m- g His need to know how Jesus did his mighty works roke the bounds of habit and convention. This is the need and right of every man. For the truth of God, and man's relation-shi- p to Him, is not so strange and unfamiliar as it has been supposed to be. The way of discovery ts now at hand. A remarkable book, read and studied in every quarter of the globe , :tr ! SCIENCE AND HEALTH WITH HST TO THE SCniPTtmES by Mary Baker Eddy shows logically that the understanding of God is natural to man. Why i$, this important? Because knowledge of the actual Science of Christ ; H I: , i - leads anyone to freedom It brings that is ' new new and health, hope, best of all, mw understand ; mg to any sincere seeker. .. God-give- n -- . The textbook may be bought, borrowed or read at Christian Science . READING ROOM 323 Kieael ; Building OGDEN Ot send $3 and a copy in the blue cloth Library Edition :.will be mailed postpaid. You ore invited to make full use of the ebove end other public Reed ing Rooms (list tn your neighbor .bood sent oo request) Information conceromi free pubbe lectures church servicetend Sunder School ts also evaileble to these Rooms Fred MaeMurray Has Explaining To Do as his future father-in-laRaymond Greenleaf, holds a pair of Freds undershorts which Eleanor Parks has just given him.' Its all in A Millionaire For Christy, which will be at the Capitol beginning next Thursday. ... w, 70 Junior Gleaner Girts And Their Fathers Attend Party Friday Evening At Fifth Word Over seventy girls and their fathers attended the South Box Elder stake Junior ' Gleaner fathers and daughters party held last Friday night at the Fifth ward recreational hall. The evening was spent In playing games, program and Gleaner dancing. - The Junior d "Rally Song led by Connie Introduced the program. A talk "What My Dad Means To Me was given by Diane Grant, Stake Junior Gleaner president and the response was given by her father, Ben Grant Blanche Hendricks, Young Womens president, paid a tribute to the girls and their fathers. A trio, composed of Dianne Grant, Gwen Seely and Joan Hamilton sang The King of Glory. ... The girls Introduced their fathers to the group.' Following he program round dancing was enjoyed under the direction of Lillian and Ralph Westover, Stake directors. Refreshments were' served by the First and Mantua wards from a table appropriately decorated with miniature figures and abodes portraying a scene "Ruth from the Bible. the Gleaner They were created and arranged by the Perry ward. The games were under the direction of the Fifth ward. Prizes were furnished by the Sixth ward. Ward Junior Gleaner teachers present were Helen Marion Bunnell, Fifth ward; Davis, First ward and DeEsta Young of Perry. Joe Carr, representing the Sig-gar- State for all these services Mobilgas M08ILGAS . A gasoline we're proud to fill jrour unk with MOBILUBRICATION Complete expert service for all makes of cars .f, .. MOBIL TIRES New fully guaranteed tires with the accent on. safety ACCESSORIES Fan belts, lamps, windshield wiper blades, complete stock of all the little things ... BATTERIES Full resting, servicing . . .. and replacement facilities WASH -P- OLISH Rub and scrub department to furnish that added sparkle-th- at look like new appearance Phone At the Sign of the Flying Red Horse , Snum- of the Fort gasoline 'stations1 night got le Inare cordially camp took 25 Brigham attend regular monthly vited to on Friday, meeting of the camp November 23, at 7:30 p. m. . at the home of Mrs. Afton Olsen, 503 north Third west. All past captains - hert n ; Thanksgiving Thanksgiving comes but WM wristwat a year once Bert Hunsakerg Bound To Give FARMINGTON, Open the door let it in here For I am the one who likes to eat Conn. (U1P) A tiny local woman, rejected repeatedly : when she ottered to begive the Red Cross her blood' cause she didnt weigh enough, finally made the grade. Beaming, after her blood was taken, she showed her weight-gaininformula lead hidden in' her : : clothing. , Turkey and dressing and pumpkin pie sweet And Thanksgiving can go Or it can stay ... But remember thankfulness is g Why we have Thanksgiving day. Nancy Jeppsen Fourth Grade engraved JgflOB on bad vicinity of Fifth church or near X school west of the. reward Phone th Central School Thanksgiving - Thanksgiving comes but once a year, For those who love and those who care I am one who is jolly and gay, . And hope you are happy on Ri i . ... Right . WRECKER Thanksgiving Day. Linda Rae Jeppsen Fourth Grade Central School SERVICE DAYTIME CALL SUNDAYS NIGHTS ORINNE By Marijane Morris season Is here in Corinne. Aside from the cold weather and the snow that we experience during the winter, it Is one of our best seasons. The crops and other pressing duties are taken care of and we all have more time to relax and catch up on Well, the social Upon us, even - our reading or for the ladies crocheting; more time to go bowling, dancing, clubs and other forms of entertainment. (For one group of people the fun of square dancing begins on Wednesday evening at 7:30 in the ward recreation hall. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Craner serve as president;' 'Mr. and Mrs. Lylse Wells, secretary and treasurer and Mr. and Mrs. Walt IGheal as vice president. (This arrangement surely Is unique, but I have an idea very satisfactory.) I have word from the officers that they are extending an Invitation to all who are interested to come, to their, first: dance of the season. Here Is a chance to limber up for the coming events of the winter. ' Mr1, and Mrs. Walter Bosley and Mr. and, Mrs. Jesse Nicholas are the dance directors for this group and it goes without saying that their instruction would be the best. . . Speaking &f dances. , . there will be a Thanksgiving dance, Thursday, 22, in the recreation hail . . . This dance is sponsored by the Church. . . It is mighty wonderful to be able to sit down to the laden Thanksgiving tables that most of us will be able to do and then in happiness and a feeling of well being, attend a dance that evening We have much to be thankful for and in saying it over and over again it never becomes trite or out of place. . . The one thing that brings Thanksgiving close to my heart Is the poem and song, "Over the river and through the woods to, grandmothers house we go. . . The horse knows the way to carry the sleigh. . . over the ground we go . . . And the one thing that makes me drag out my soapbox again, is the way Thanksgiving has been pushed around in the past years. Have you noticed the Christmas decorations up, the toylands open? Mrs. John Craner has been confined to the Cooley hospital in Brigham City for the past week. She underwent surgery, but from all the reports I can gather, she Is doing just fine and will perhaps, b at home by the time this is in print. We are all very glad that she Is getting along so fine. . . , I understand Mrs. James Ny gaard also underwent surgery at the Cooley hospital and has had somewhat slow recovery. At the time of this wrting I cant find out just when she will be home. This news Is perhaps a little late, but news nevertheless. Out at the Cheseapeake Duck club, there has been no less than the governor of Utah, J. Bracken Lee himself, along with a dozen other dignitaries from the Gea eva steel mill and other Indus tries. The governor is reported to have shot his first ducks of the season at the club. Well, happy Thanksgiving to everyone. , , . v CERTIFIED utmost Tha delicious flavor of Cream O' Weber accident. It is the result of selecting only lb very best milk from our finest local dairy fern then processing it as well as it is possible lei with the most modern and complete equips available today. IS rntes a drop of Cream O' Weber Milk escaper rigid testing program. Each step in the p ing of Cream O' Weber Milk is followed laboratory test to assure quality, purity flavor. To our knowledge, no other wik tho world receives greater care than 6 reflected by O' Weber. This painstaking care is the flavor of Cream O' Weber Milk other cream O' Weber dairy products. .j rtOPTr- - ... cook thicken- (7 A flour job VS"" 'hr , lo wVi ab - Pd oven th a We believe you'll prefer .....Ait In Cibawma 0.... rk tces. ofdlHi , ut-ov- f oge w 0 . need uitrownonloPrwrye6. Why flavor is so Important in the milk you buy tn eN foods, particularly in dairy products, flavor it tho hey to quality. A good flavor moans good quality. $ Croam O Webers bettor flavor Insaros not only moro anjoymont In drinking milk, but milk thats batter tor pure, whoiotomo, nutritious. Com para yoa than lieod for your family 1CrMM O WtOAf. - - ij Fortifitd with Sunshine Vitamin - DEALER o SEASHORES v 1Q65' 48 ttnytiaui City the jniilc that tastes better because it-- is bett a Cream O' Milk to any other milk." Won't you "and tasto the difference? ppvrf HEATING O mm Not FrOlA Pen kacbine (S OMMENTS Billings Mobile Service Station North Main Beehive Camp Of D.U.P. Stake high council was a special Will Meet Next Friday guest, also' attending were sevThe Beehive camp of the eral Stake MIA Board members. The evening was under the su- Daughters of Utah Pioneers will hold their meeting at pervision ' of Gladys Johnson, the home ofregular Violet Tingey, 26 Stake Junior Gleaner leader. east Sixth south, Friday, November 23, at 7:30 p. tn-- . AIRE-FL- 759 Teacher training meeting' for officers and teachers of the Ferry ward Primary was held at the home of Mrs. Mary Wood, Friday evening, November 16. Mrs. Thelma Billings, president, was in charge of the meeting and opened with : the reading of a beautiful poem. was offered by Invocation Mrs. Francis Nelson followed by the scripture reading and progress chart by Mrs. Wood. Mrs. Ruth Barnard . of South Box Elder stake primary board was present. Lesson for the evening .was 'Latter-daSaint Concept of the Godhead, given by Mrs. Melba Oyler followed by discussion by the group. Song practice was then conducted by Mrs. Eva A. Young, accompanied by Mrs. Maxine Nelson. Plans were then made for the annual officers and teachers Christmas party. Ruth Hlrschi closed the meeting with prayer. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Bertha Wight, Mrs. Retha John and Mrs. Donna Nelson. Sin's Wage Fort Brigham Camp Invite Past Captains try W"?! |