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Show .i i r PAGE SIX Seg o Lily Camp Fete Young Journalists i t Invited To Meet Sego Lily camp Daughters of Utah Pioneers met Thursday evening, November 15, at the home of Mrs. Berdle Hansen. The meeting was conducted by Second Lieutenant Blanche Hyde with Captain Vera Sederholm presiding. Count Your Many Blessings" was sung by the group present. The invocation was offered by Sarah Longson followed by reading of the minutes. Twenty-onmembers and two visitors were present. A letter was read from the County camp. A list of candidates for the county camp election was read. Student journalists from Box Elder and Bear River high schools have been invited to participate in the annual Journalism conference at Brigham Young University on Dec. 1. Five hundred delegates are expected from more than 50 schools in Utah and surrounding states. Conference attenders will receive practical instruction from Utah newspapermen and other guest speakers on effective publication methods for school and magazines newspapers, yearbooks. A total of 21 separate. sessions have been arrangDuring the evening two seed for editorial staffs, advertis-ln- lections, "We Were Sailing 'staffs, photographers, broad- Along and "Mockingbird Hill casters and faculty advisers. were sung by Brent and Martha Claire Horsley. A sketch of the life of Marie Petersen Olsen was read by her daughter, Mrs. Sadie Pett. Business and Professional Women in the Early Days was the lesson given by Mrs. Melissa Petersen. She explained that in those days the women were called and set apart to work as doctors, nurses, dressmakers and milliners. During the social which followed regular meeting all past pesidents of the Sego Lily camp were honored. 'Following Is a list of the past presidents. The list includes some who are now deceased. Thora Nelson, Ethel Smith, Rilla Jensen, Emma FaHelping to build Clarinda. cer, iRhoda (Hansen, YOUR community. Beecher, Sarah Davis, Elizabeth Morrison, Charlotte Reeder, MeBranches in 26 lissa Petersen, Della Horsley, Laura Morris, Jeanetta Olsen, towns and cities Birdie Hansen and Anna Jensen. Eliza White, now a mem"home provide ber of the Sego Lily camp but town" service for formerly president of the Willow Creek camp, was honored all poultrymen and with the group. Plans for the annual Christfarmers. mas gift party were announced. The party will be held December 20. Closing song was Our Mountain Home (So Dear. Mrs. Sarah Longson closed with prayer. (Hostesses for the evening Were Elda Nelson, Laverda Lee, Sadie Pett and Ellen Hess. Inter-mountai- n sipcumscclpir BOX ELDER NEWS Past Presidents e g mrum Brigham City, Utah Wednesday. November 21, 1951 News Of Intermountain Indian School By Helen B. Hill Several tonsillectomies were scheduled Tuesday morning at the campus hospital. The operations were proceeding In usual orderly fashion when two emergency appendix cases were Annie Clawson and Johnny Mitchell were operated upon and after this brief respite, the tonsillectomies were continued. All surgical patients are doing well. .. ' . , day evening. Guests present Included: Billie Holder, Barbra Earl, Marian Eu-gi- e Blair, Myrtle Arrow-smits (Dean, Wilma Victor, Nora Grissom, Genevieve Harrington, Joy (Rhodes, Dorothy Hanlon, Louise Dyer, Charlotte Mangseth, Elizabeth Oliver, Jean Shonka, Ann Erickson, Mrs. Roland B. Harris, Marjorie (Peddi-cor- d . . and Carol Johnson. Mrs. Harris won first prize and the traveling prizes, went to' Mias Ear? and Mrs. Harris. David of Etfer, superintendent Is on sick leave. buildings, Visiting Mrs. Ella Vale are her daughter and husband, Lt. and Mrs. Lloyd J. Moeller and her son, John Vale. Lit. Moeller recently returned to the States from Korea. John, who has been employed In the Phoenix Indian Area office, ,1s leavng to join the U. S. air force. The visitors are also enjoying reunions with their sisters, Mrs. Ben Russeii Dugan and Mi E.Ves. ' - f Ho-Mu- n - kv ' : J , 270-- I . . ; . Tri-Cit- y four-poin- - ' 1 Gertrude Giesen entertained at bridge Monday evening for Mrs. Russell Dugan, Dorothy Hanlon and Mary B. RusselL Aiding the religious Instruct- ors in adapting teaching materia': to the Navajo child, Mrs. Clark spoke on social, religious and cultural life of the Navajo." ' Betty Mary' 0 Legal Notices GAME-FAC- Euphrasia Mitchell entertained at a canasta dessert Thurs- Mrs. Anna Nolan Clark spoke before a group of 38 protestant ttachers and five assistants on Thursday afternoon as part of the weekly teacher training program. "What makes a worker want to get ahead? He wants to earn more, and live better. So ha tries harder, and does a better job. That's whafs known as incentive. But when income taxes go up and up, and the more we earn the more we pay, we begin to wonder, just haw much ia contivo is loft to try to got ahead." i - YAZZIE YARNS , ,rnm . or upon Brigham City, that yea to be of remain in nance take effect UDIU, any of the afreets, alleys or pubFrobate sod Guardianship lic places or vacant lots within publication and it T? !t,l MAHONIY Clark oi Sutrlet Hees. limits of Brigham City at rected that this ordinal Court Brigham City, Utah, or the between the hours of ten so take effect upon night for respective signers (10) oclock P. M. and four (4) and first publication. oclock A. M. following, unless Adopted and passer NOTICE TO CREDITORS is accompanied toy City Council of Brii by such person Estate of John P, Holmgren, Deceased. or other per-so- Utah, sitting i wf h a parent, guardian Creditor! will present claims page SeVoucher J. Quill at the to custody of undersigned legal TWO having ON UNO plAVED emOgden, ELDEI Building, Nebeker, Municipal or whose WAS NOV CHAMPICSH1 Utshi on or before the- 25th day of such minor person, M T COLLEGE business lawful 1952. or A. D.. " LORENZO March, J. bopj ployment WHEN HI J. QUILL NEBEKER, V Novel ) make It necessary to be upon Administrator of Estate of ' NORTHWESTERN. r John P. Holmgren. Deceased. said streets, alleys or public ATTEST: Date of first pub bee ion November FANNIE J. CHRISTENS! r Sale places between said specified 21, A. D., 1951. Nov. 2126 Dec. hours of ten (10) oclock P. M. City Recorder. fri-Mere and four (4) oclock A. M. in The State of Utah ; NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS p, motor minor said person event which of Box Staled proposals will be received by Elder Jrf 16 H. the County Comratsoion of Utah, shall obtain a permit from the State Road I, Fannie J. Christen,, one State Capitol, Salt Lake City, Utah, un- Chief of Police of Brigham City Recorder of Brigham Cfe V tonand12 til 2:40 o'clock p. m Tuesday, Decem9au? said streets, alleys hereby certify that ber 4, 1951, ana at that time pubMclv so to be upon the opened for construction of a 3 inch or public places. (Provided, how- and ijj bolt act Plant Mixed Bituminous Surfaced Road foregoing is a fun, of correct Vjj priced tt. In Box Elder County, the same being ever, that on Friday night copy of an OrdW that section of Proposed U. S. No. 191, each week, the said hours shall State Brigham City, entitled vj Idaho between Plymouth and Line, identified st .Federal Aid Project be twelve (12) oclock midnight DUNANCE btE--1 PROHXBITm: hi. o'clock A. M. fol- NORS ON STREETS N The length of road to be constructed and four (4) e or improved it 6.487 miles, and the lowing, In order to provide ade- SONABLE HOURS, nJL'' principal items of work are approxi am CARTER, PITCHER quate time to attend school, mately as follows: proICR me CROSS SCADS CLUS OF aha rat, Tons of Plant Mxed Bitumi civic and church functions 29,5'DO nous Surfacing and 176,000 Cu. Yds. vided for 6uch minor VA., BEAT SANDY LEVEL 9 TO 0. HE persons. MSI. ss the same , Sages-- f of Unclassified Excavation. &JS UStteVtCH, TOKMER PITCHED A PERFECT Prea unification of bidders is requirWhere permit Is required from record in my office. TITLE ONLY 27 HITTERS AND NOT A before winl ed before plane and specifications can HOLDER, 19 NOW A DISC the thief of Police under this MAN REACHED FIRST. BUT THAT 13 obtained. N WITNESS be set four WHERE JOCKEY FOR A NEW NOT ALL H6 STRUCK OUT The attention of bidder is directed section, said permit shall be have hereunto set YORK RADIO STATION. WDIKE ACL 27 BATTERS Provisions my to the Special covering kept upon the person and lt affixed the Corporate Smi eubletting or aesigning the contract. the to be unlawful be all skilled upon The minimum wage paidto e sure If. shall labor employed on this contract shall or public places Brigham City this 15th dav nd not just streets, alleys . be $2,025 per hour. , November,' 1991. idiots deli The minimum wage paid to all In- of Brigham City within said curtermediate labor employed on this few hours without such permit. Fannie J. nir own pro Christensen, contract, shall be $1.60 per hour. SECTION 2. Guardians, , etc. The1 minimum wage paid to all ' labor employed on this con- Not to Permit. ' : fKONE (SEAL),.' tract shall be $1.50 per hour. The attention of Didders is directed for made unlawful is It o.Main hereby has to the' fact that this Commission other been advised by the Wage and Hour any person, guardian or HIGHEST FAYOFf PRICE A.N! Division, U. S. Department of Labor, person having legal charge or TURF HISIN AMERICAN in highway that contractors engaged sixTORY IS of under 1889 FOR A any person construction work are required to meet custody A 2 TICKET. WISHING the provisions of the Fair Labor Stan- teen years of age, to allow or dards Act of 1938, (52 Stat. 1060). RING WAS THE HORSE, Plans and specifications are on file permit any suoh person or child, RUNNING AT EATON I A. VINCE DIMAGGIO. OF THE FAMOUS in the office of the State Road Comward or other person under such KENTUCKY, M 1922. CLAM STRUCK OUT 249 TIMES IN mission, Salt Lake City, and the office TWO SEASONS WITH THE BRAVES.1 of its District Engineer at Ogden, Utah, age, while in such, legal custowhere they may be reviewed by prosto go or be in or upon any pective bidders. Specification. ' pro- dy, and plans will be fur- of the streets, alleys or public forme, posal While here, Miss Helbing was nished at Salt Lake City, on depositin Brigham City when on sick leave. ing $2.00. which will be refunded: pro- places BOWLING RESULTS viding bidder submits an acceptable such going or being in or upon bid and returns the plane within seven such streets, alleys or public days after opening or bids. Each bidNora Grissom, Dorothy Hana letter from an ap places would be a violation by der must submit Corinne Celtics Stretch AIRE PRC proved surety company guaranteeim lon, Genevieve Harrington, Mary such minor person of any profurnish said bidder with require and Lead In Tri-Cit- y ?urnaces,K Joyce, Charlotte Mangseth vision of Section 1. Any person bond. The right to reject any or League (tobids U reserved. Euphrasia Mitohell attended a In the of this Appliai (bowling lea Cash,- certified check, cashier check, violating the provision social service meeting at the gue, the Corinne Celtics stretch1 Applian approved proposal guaranty bond section shall be deemed guilty Boys and Girls Industrial school ed their first place lead with a for not less than five per cent of total of a misdemeanor. amount of bid made payable to the ) Radio, In Ogden on Friday. t victory over Palmer State Road Commission must accomSECTION 3. Curfew Signal. Refrigerate The subject of the program Jewelry last Wednesday. pany each bid as evidence of good It shall be the duty of the faith and a guarantee that if awarded Cleaners, was "How do Individuals act Waynes Associated Service the the bidder will execute to for of contract, Police Chief arrange iture Co.,,F under stress. Putting the theme cinched second with a clean the contract and furnish contract bond some . proper curfew signal to be required. Into action, various distraetlve sweep over the News and Jour as 'Any additional information may be sounded at the hour of ten (10) noises were emitted from all nal and the Best Market of Co secured at the office of the State Road oclock P. M. of each day except Commission. sides of the room. rlnne rolled high game . and Dated this 6th day of' November, Fridays and on Fridays at, the The Inteimourat aln ladles man- high series of the evening to win l5i. Atom, is hs wa$fublT AM AUTO hour of twelve (12) oclock midSTATE ROAD COMMISSION aged to survive the test. frii four points from Brigham Truck vears OF UTAH. Wo go "ALL OUT" to gtoi night. , and Implement Co. Tires mt SECTION 4. Penalty for Viola. CLEAN SERVICE. . Euphrasia Mitchell entertainTosh Tawatari rolled high in lirs. 127 tion. : . ed at canas:a Saturday evening. dividual series of ithe evening, An ORDINANCE NO. See U First MiOrdinance found of person Prohibiting Any guilty Those present were: Mr. and a 634. Homer Dunn picked up Paint i-nora on Streets. at Unreasonviolating any of the provisions Mrs. Roland B. Harris, Mr. and the difficult split. able Hours. of be this Ordinance, shall guilMrs. Harold B. Knutson, Mr. and ' Be It ordained PAINTING by the City ty of a misdemeanor.,',. Mrs. Gordon Brown, Mr. and Tti-Sta- te Council of SECTION 5. To Effect: . Take Brigham work. Utah, City, Bui Clips Eagles Mrs. Robert Quintana, Mr. and as follows: When. y North Mair Mrs. Pierson .. Metoxen, Carol For 3 In Thurs. SERVICE League . SECTION 1. Children Not to In the opinion of - the City Johnson, Mrs. Ann Clark and In the bowl- Be on Streets. When. Council night is if Thursday Irens Cl of. Brigham City, Mrs. Russell Dugan. e Lumber Husky Gets You TWIX It shall toe unlawful for any necessary : to . the peace, health ing league, Pk 403 No. Main polled a sparkline 8026 series to person under the age of sixteen and safety of the inhabitants of -- Donald Rogers class held a SIFT SH the Eagles for three points fried bread party Thursday eve- clip iting froir and hold top spot. In 22. Building No,. ning needle wo . The Brigham Tire Shop crew ads. stayed within one point of first Group No. 15 of the special place after taking three from ners Navajo program school held a Earls Food Ffire and Andersens party Thursday evening: in the sparked toy Sid (Farnsworths exrecreation hall,. Building No. .21. ceptional 680 series, . grabbed S3 RELIA1 There was square dancing, three points from. , the . Indian lalize in C of school. games and refreshments South Mai punch, cookies and apples. ; . ' Farnsworth also rolled a 201 IN CLE to win ?1 in trade at1 the Brigto Finer Red Hansen ham Tire Shop. Dr. and Mrs. George Boyce le Cleanin Lee Hazeldine each get Aside from any question of fair and family left Sunday, morning and ie 86, afbe for Arizona on a combined their hat cleaned and blocked kow they'll people wonder ness, at. Finer Cleaners for their 200 pleasure and official trip. fected personally if the Antitrust lawyen The family will visit relatives scores. succeed in cutting big companies into in Phoenix and will stop in TE COAL smaller ones. We hear Such comments ai Window Rock.To Bowl In Ogden City ie L Deal " What have got to lose if they break December 2 Tournament coal,' oiler education Dorothy Hanlon, you up?" J JAH lump an bowling In the Og specialist, spoke Monday'eve-nin- den girlstournament .Mil bowl City before- - the Weber high who yon answer The on YOUR S depends school faculty (Wives club In the at 8 p. m..on Dec... 2 at the OgNow! :Most wayi are. in many was people gain Mansion house, Ogden. e 110. by the fact that there are both large Miss Hanlons subject- - - per- learned today. and small companies competing for tained to the program at the I Anim, and informative trip to the Indian school. Chrysler-iPlymout51,000,000 ex your patronage, trying to get ahead. ED DEAl hibit at the Fair Grounds in Salt Heres what you stand to lose: est prices Two buses with students from Lake City Friday. e and car here enjoyed the Exhibit of The highlight of the show ely alter Living Masterpieces sponsored was an automobile made of receive by the Palette club of Ogden, plastic. The students saw how ITES TR tires are built and learned of Tuesday evenng. No. 1, Mrs. Lillian Turner extended new driving devices. invitations to both students and The exhibit was excellent trical S Indian Service employees to at- visual education, Frank Crowtend the affair. ell, head of vocational schools, related. Students of the auto mechanic school enjoyed , an interesting Phone your news to l,00r By - Lou Scaeewater and B. Russeii 'plan to spend - the extended Thanksgiving week end in Phoenix, Arizona. left Sunday her headquarters in the Portland Area office in Portland, Cleora Helbing for iOregon. . - , . huskv :.- - . ; Tri-Stat- ! . ... ,t mliES BEER - I : tf-- ' : y ii g h Your bottle of Budweiser Lager Beer Is brewed and aged by the costliest process known. We spend a million a year extra to add Europes choicest hops to America's finest blossoms . . . for flavor and bouquet. We are the biggest buyers of highest-price- d brewers rice. It helps to give Budweiser its stability, brilliance sparkle and creamy, snowy foam. We pay premium prices for Americas finest barley . .' . and discard all but the very select kernels before malting. We lager every drop of Budweiser , . , ferment it not once, but twice . . . age it much, much longer than average . , enrich it with natural carbonation. Do you know of MILLIONS HAVE MADE THIS TEST . i Drink Budweiser for five days. On the sixth day, drink another brand of beer. You'U want the distinctive taste of Budweiser thereafter. any other beer whose label tells you just what you are getting? Our label is your warranty against short cuts or substitutes. Tune in EACH WEEK on our Budweiser Hour featuring THI KIN MUKIUY SHOW. Consult your local papers for time and station. TUIVISlONi , SEE New products and improvements in old flow steadily from our laboratories new gasolines and oils, raw materials for new fabrics, soapless soaps; many others. You may take , such progress for granted. But Standard has ' some 40 million dollars into research since put 1940. We can t go on this way if they break us up. oneS' VIE GUARD YOUR C10THES Thins ii II H E U $ e R it,,, absolutely nothing I N C. V. H ST. LOUIS nothing like B U $ C Westers Our tec- gas stations; Standard led the way. hnical counsel helps many industries eut prw 'hers, We v: fix them tion costs of goods you buy. Weve pioneers taking needed petroleum products into und" oped farm and frontier areas. We cant givstbe services if wlre forced to be small. , AGAINST tofee MOTHS Cl icuum cl heatinf Hate f sen k P.iLa , The MONITE INSURED MOTHPROOF CLEANING PROCESS is harmless to fine fabrics, yet deadly to ntufe moth larvae! Enjoy the protection and security that our MONITE INSURED MOTHPROOF CLEANING PROCESS can give you. Have your clothes cleaned by us and they will bo insured for six months against moth damage. This insurance applies to all woolen garments except knitted wear. LAGER DEER all on Motorists get the finest service at PHONE 54-- Lichtensteins FINER CLEANERS f ampU "PPK of petro-leuproducts at reasonable prices. Standard is Ut Dew cnide oil reserves in aroad- - Th sometimes costs o found. We can benefit hUib,L ya well as tbs country, being integrated. m I depend -rj on industry. Our fighting men are bacte the world" t greatest prod uction capacity. Sho now be limited, by breaking up big We are at work for the U. S. on atomic synthetic rubber, aviation gasolines, other beinf We believe we perform them best by rk BUpA and bi- - ffideutly h- Americas military strength serving you StsndtarJ integrated company . America helping to strong- - STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA plan ahai te serve ye better I COMP ionally fishings North M 250. MAI Blinds Toting a ;id. Had )r Cove WK an and I'm and and T P'S in Fumi |