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Show - IW4M TUn(l. (VtMHM wy HM lfc DESERET EVENING NEWS, JUi 0iwn (ur hkrt t II PAGES SATURDAY MARCH 0,1020 r-u- ." tLve Fwf Ml It UTAH SALT LAKE CITY Me . mime I let Ym The m Ike 'Row Jloer. SEVENTIETH YEAR PRESIDENT WILSON STILL OPPOSES LONDON TREATY AS SOLUTION OF ADRIATIC PROBLEM T ATLANTIC COAST Ig-STO- i ; Is Your For Man IN AFFAIRS OF EURO D lit Na--Tb- is I IfttiltH Accepts French and British Suggestions That Efforts Be Made to Reach Direct Understanding Between Italy and Jugoslavia on Issues That Created ReV son For Negotiating. Preeident Wit PARIS, Mrh non reply t the nut aeni him by the Hied premier relative to th Adriatic waa not diaruaaed by member of the ye supreme allied round) t lerday bccauoc of oberurltle In the text, the table company being aakt-for a repittion. aaya "I'ertinax In A the Echo do furl far a can be " aarrrtaintd, ho ever, ha aaya. Mr Wilson doe not how any dcalr 1o withdraw from European concern and accepts Jho b'refh and British uaetkjn. lfiV 'iiArriet "lrt road to teach a direct undemtanding between relative to the Italy and Jugo-Slarl- a Adriatic problem. He lets It be under' atood. however, that he regard the tentative agreement of December I the moot equitable eolutlon of the problem. The American preaident li underatood to reject the treaty of London aa a mean of settling the controversy while carefully, refraining from offering any other method for consideration. V WASHINGTON. March 0. The text the note front the French and Brlt-!h- h premiers on the Adriatic situation, to which President Wilsons reply wan delivered In London today,, was made public tonight by the state department. It conforms closely to the summary, cabled from London 'Febru27 and emphasise the Importance ary attached bv the premiers to the fact that Mr. Mr. Wilson had previously "expressed his willingness, to accept a settlement arrived at by direct negotiations between Italy and Jugo-SlavIt has been assumed here that the president's reply will be found, on publication, probably Monday, to deal n alnly with th Invitation of the premiers that he Join them In formally proposing such negotiations to the Italian and Jirgo-Sla- v governments. The premier iote after reiterating never had the intenthat they "have tion of making vt definite settlement - of the questions raised withput obtain- , govern-ing the views of the American ment, adds that the "further explanation of these views, contained in the president's memorandum. Is for them "a matter of very great Interest and importance. All the more so," the note continues, "since it shows that the United States government do not wish to disinterest- themselves from the general question of peace. Ready to Withdraw. . .. . of ia i. , , r parr PERPETRATED tallies th pieeiSaatiel uttit. IN NEAR EAST si Chairman of Probe Committee Charges Notorious Failure to Proride FightBomb Propulsive ing Planes' and Alleges Held For Ransom Heads of Work Were In-experienced and IncomAwrisa J CHICAGO, March Inventor Depth iti( Blandly Meet Criticism Con cerning Massacres With Explanations That Exig encies of Situation Re qutred Drastic Action. pro-grrar- PA Rift, March I Japan baa, Informed th council of ambassador that ah rtcognlae Armani d facto government. a Wilson' View on Article X Were Given to Glass Two Week Ago and Executive Shows No Sign of Reversing1 What He Then Expressed. liquor Company Makes Attack on a 18th Amendment ' , WASHINGTON, March g. White House officials In discussing today the move of administration senators to arrange a conference with President Wilson to discuss the peace treaty situation said the president had told Senator Class of Virginia, two weeks ago that hi' attitude wa toward a compromise on tho Article X reservation. It was said there had been no decision as to whether the president would vee the senators In response to the tequest of Senator Hitchcock oi Nebraska, the administration leaders. Those close to tho president, however, pointed-o- ut that Senator. Glass must have Informed bla colleagues aa to position, which was aald of settling the question, the premiers f5WIuivoca term9 Senators Disappointed. said they were ready to withdraw their settlement proposals of Decern , The president's attitude toward 20 felt as ber t, and January they further conference" with ''Democratic "that If the two parties principally senators on the treaty as reflected at concerned believe that the various al- the White House was learned with lied and associated powers are com- - manifest disappointment by Democrat - mitted Jta supporting them In any par- and senators who hav ticular solution it will bs more difficult been Republican for a compromise. It secure a voucher for agreement was working said the negotiations would con- " between them. but many senator, predicte tinue, with this feeling. In accordance President Wilson was invited to Join that If Mr. Wilson declined to conthe premier in proposing that the sider further compromise proposals slate be wiped clean of all previous the hope of ratification would - be - settlement proposals and that Italy greatly diminished. negotiate by mutual and Jugo-SlayAmong some of the Republicans Even however, tt was predicted that a re on that basis. agreement, should such negotiations falT of re- fusal to see Senator Simmons would result in' further defections from the gatta however, the premiers formally announced they agreed In advance to admhcstratlon ranks, fnthe Senate further Joint consideration by the and mightTeacTTo aTbreak sufficient to United States, France and Great Britsecure acceptance pt the Republican ain, with a view to arriving at con- reservations, settlement for crete proposals, The compromise proposal Sna- Mr. Wilsons stipulation that the set- - tor Simmon had planned to present would tlement negotiation were worked out In nebe acceptable to him pro vid ed Tt l.thepresident term were not framed at, the expense gotiations between substantial groups of th nationals of a third power was ef thertwo parties with Senator Simnoting for the Democrats and duly noted by th premiers who said: mons, Senator Watson of Indiana, for th Appreciate Interest. and British prime Republican. The French rlrrwoTif'tlaWwt Joyfuir ministers desire further to record apstand caused rejoicThe president's fhe by preciation of thd Interest taken American 'government in - the future ing in the camp of the irreconcilable, who said it meant "one more nail in the coffin of thp treaty. la the (Continued on page nine.) -- la i March WASHINGTON, The prohibition amendment and portions of the enforcement act were attacked as unconstitutional tn a brief. filed in the supreme court .today by the Kentucky DMUrric and Warehouse company in appeal from federal court decrees holding the act valid. The cane will be argued Monday along with the Rhode Island and other cases. Arguments contained In the brief are similar to the one advanced by other - . Portuguese Rail Strike Is Ended; Cabinet Resigns ket" - ,.V - - . t Mrr-Bora- Arrest Suspects For Bombing of Grain-corporati- - Consulate of U. S. InChicagoonStrike Four susBERNE, March pects' have.' been arrested at th frontier station Of Buchs as a result of the bombing . of the American 'consulate - at Zurich.-The- y were attempting to croes the . border into- - Austria.' A federal- commissioner will be appointed to Investigate the' at- - ' tempt to wreck th consulate as the explosives were carried there ' ' 'in contravention of tha law, 6. -- - - '"' , -- - P v -r eon-nect- lon Cue and Wind With gen DU-tr- e. Hur-rica- ne Velocity Endan Life and Doe Great Damage ' to , Property; Shipping Ii Threatened. . WASHINGTON, .March IVbli tho storm which wspt out of the aorthwest twe day ago was passing lowly eut to art, today, high wind continued along th Atlantia eoeet and severely cold weather, prevailed over the enure country east "W the Rocky mountain. . e rut . Weather bureau official said th oold wav probably would continue for several days, diminishing gradually after Monday. Storm warnings still were displayed tong th coast with northwest gales forecast for this afternoon and tonight The storm center wa off the Massachusetts coast today and was expected to pass far tnough te sea te result In diminishing wind on th , aboard. Borne few report of damage te hipping by the storm had been received today and more were expected as th gale last night and this morning was directly Is th coastal steamer . ' . - lane.., Th high winds did. some damage te telegraph and telephone wire and put th hlgtD power radio station at Sayrtlle, Long Island, out of commis- sion. - - 'v .Business and transportation was almost at a standstill throughout and Vermont, as well as the other New England state. according to report reaching here. Con-nectlc- ut Steamer in Distress N. Sh March Exhausted by their struggle bitagainst mountainous seas, ing blizzard and toe fields that HALIFAX, House Committee t. Extending Credit J r-- Riven; Cold All InMarch of vestigation of the management J been kidnaped la Detroit and held Amarloa's aircraft program -- during tha war have revealed Inefficiency, for Mtnanan. OmM left Cbtnag-- J Wedneedar morning for At ashing irresponsibility and enormous mart ton to roller ro) allies for the nae of money," Representative Freer, Reof hi Invention. publican, W loo ns! n, chairman of th Finn report that all waa no well were rrrclved Thumrtag afterhouse committee that made th 1st-- at noon by Min Mabel Nlnlira, Cm-test-'s Investigation, declared today la tele-gran tn of form the fiance, discussing the committee reports befrom Detroit mrtng hi bod had been fnond three, explaining fore the house. H agreed with his he had been ran over bf a train. Republican colleague on the commitThe telegram 'wan algned The tee that thare was a notortoU failure IdraUrkmUon company of Ante m." iDwwtigmtion proved there to provide fighting planes." was no mart) concern In Detroit. "la spruce production," continued Taie last night' M bn NMra Mr. Freer. "Secretary Bakr Ignored B pnatal card front Cketen dated In Detroit Wednenday night all th logger and lumbermen on the eoest and selected Colonel Diaque, after the tetrgraaa anapnaein death had been imC This kd to warden of tha Michigan penitentiary the kidnaping theory. Garten wrote and former captain in th army, who know nothing about (umbering. CoL be wan leering Detroit. Until ' Garten formula won deBisqae tried te leant tha buslnes and kart In aol unrounded hlmadlf with IMS li erred July Washington men guarded dler who wer largely clerk, lawtwo'nrrrri nervtoo him constantly- yers, doctors, fanned out os cost plus contractor in logging rajlfoads Washington and Oregon. "Four coat plus contractor wer elected by Dique to get out lumber and three ef the who got (II. 08,-0- 0 ... In contract knew nothing about lumbering. The only contractor with any experience awore h had been Interfered with by under --officars cent him by Dlaqu so that three month were loet and 10,000.004 feet of log prerented from reaching the, mar WASHINGTON, Decides Against May I inquire what report the senator from - North Carolina, brought from the president?" asked Senator Borah, Republican, Idaho. Why, the senator brought no report from the president, Senator Smith replied. "That what I thought, rejoined ' Citie Menaced by jRaglng rix-mk- Chased Mach Wwta. Others in charge of th air proPorS. Tha March LONDON. gram, including John D. Ryan, CoL resigned Deeds and W. C. ' Potter, wer comtuguese cabinet ha nt after the defeaf of the, govern-maplained of by Mr.' Freer for lack of on a vote of confidence in experience in lumbering operation, Vaa to which he charged reculled in waate of the chamber, according transmitted the by much money. lencia message at Central News correspondent Representative Magee, Republican, New Madrid. York, a member of th committee which inveatigated aviation exConfirMADRID, March penditure during the war, told th house that not one Amrlcanbullt mation of re port q that tha rail- battleplane or purely bombing plan way atrika in Portugal had bean Massacres Costly to Turks waa produced during (h war from settled was recelvsd today in a tha expenditure of more than a billion telegram from Pontevedra, near dollars for aircraft. LONDON, March 8. There Is likethe Portuguese frontier. "Tha Liberty motor, h said, was lihood that the Ciliclan massrere will and The poatal telegraph aqcoat Turkey much of what the treaty th only achievement of merit of the trike are continuing, th of peace would otherwise have left American air aervlca in the United uation with regard to them beStates. her, according to expressions heard In ing unchanged. . Tha 21 S Amerlcan-but- lt r. inner circles at Whitehall, where DeHavtland planes sent to France, he said, might foreign ministers continue frambe used for light day bombing. Ha The proing the said theaa planet ware fawkward and posed western boundary from Enos, , on the Aegean sea loVldla on the in service. dangerous. Criticism of tha airplant lumber Stack sea, may be abandoned and the Hne.max.hft drawn much further east. production in the Pacific northweat waa mad by Mr. Magee, who argued This would limit Turkish possession in EulrOpe to the narrow peninsula that if experienced lumbermen, of had been organized, all that locality north of the Rea of Marmora. lumber-- needed would hav been the Another effect of the Ciliclan outat modern cost. is be produced said to rage unanimous assent Had No Eiperienoe, amopgf members of the foreign min, ister council toward totally deprivThose placed in authority In the March ing Turkey of an army and permitWASHINGTON. northwest by the war department," ting! her to maintain only a force of ho said, "not only had no experience Holding that the United States gendarmes, in th lumber bueinee, but they wer haa sufficient autocratic - and operated arrogant, authority today'.3eclded "against Want American Probe wholly i regardless of law and authorto the legislature preference ity. Those that had no power to do bill, so ordered the construction of railCONSTANTINOPLE,-- Mar. told the Chairman Campbell roads in Oregon through cost-plu- s olutiona asking the United States to company that necessity for legiscontract at large governmental exsend a commission to impartially Inlative action had been removed pense and not tn the public Interest. vestigate the Marash massacre and by the decision of tha grain .The employment of 0,000 soldiers. conditions generally in Anatolia were comannounced to the Including officer, in the lumber operapassed unanimously today by the U. Julius mittee yesterday, by tions was also attacked by Mr. Magee, Turkish chamber of deputies This who asserted th payment of them or Barnes, preaident, to ship to Euaction followed an address by Arif 8.000,000 on credit sell and rope wage of 22 to $8 a day was "in deBey, who today was elected president Tloirr Would sotfwheaf barrel of fiant violation of law. - John D. of the chamber, succeeding Rechad " congress not acfto permit sales Ryan, director of aircraft production, . Kismet Bey, deceased. for cash. President Barnes told he said, "heartily approved of these the debate it was charged '.the During ' committee that the corporapayments. the Inter-Allie- d censorship did- not to "Those who are responsible for this tion had found it impossible permit Turkish language newspapers unlawful expenditure," he added, sell th soft wheat flouKjn. the to tell the Turkish version of the Ma"should be held strictly accountable United Stales, t, rash ' Incident,' although it was said . therefore. The Greek and Armenian, Journals were corporation waa actually paid version as well American Express permitted to give their massacres by the war department a seven per elseaa publish reports of cent commission on civilian wages paid where which never occurred. Turks, Company Employees tcy soldiers working for it is aaAd, are not permitted to deny in the ' construction of the Lake these reports. T heBrlawb,-- French Creecfcnt -- railroad, -- in excess of. tha the conduct Italians censorship,. and The strike of compensation fixed by the congress. CHICAGO, March approximately 2,600 employee of the Gather News by Wireles. American JUilway Express company Accused Banker-Takes- ' stations, today, ordered la 12 Chicago stawas effective in st least-thr- ee The CLEVELAND. O., March Life While Out on Bail were the and tion indication early first actual attempt to gather news by inclined to were wireless from all partsi-o- f the United employees generally shift re- - NEWPORT NEWS, Va March States will be made here during the i obey tb order. The Cnight of th m. and a unUl work malned at only R. d. Holloway, president 10 March show Cleveland electrical company, who was ar-a- et a few day workers-- reported at a nura v 20 Blght on charge la A huge wireless station capable of ;br of statlona wlth the recent failure of the sane- wa without called ( strike The . across tbe from messages receiving State- - bank here, shot and ocean, brought her by the United ! tlon of the international union.Of Si a Colonial killed hlmaelf today after he had been State marines from Philadelphia, ha men demand a salary increase released on balL I month. been aet up, Turklch-settlemen- cident. During a speech by Senator Smith, Detnocrat, Georgia, Senator Slrnraon entered the chamber and held a abort the with whispered consultation senator.-- petent Al-ile- days debate In the senate they showed their pleasure by seeking to embarrass the Democrats over the In- Georgia, . CaMe. dirrrtiif ttt eipwlaiealal rhembuy for the International Htnoait NNapaar and Inventor of a nropuMve agent for depth boanb charge sad bg the the war agftlart government In br-treed to have mbmartnea la nt CONSTANTINOPLE, March I. British force In th Mesopotamian oil region, particularly near Kerkuk and Mosul hav been engaged In constant skirmishes with tribesmen and Turkish Irregular. the 'opposition of these foroe being similar to that encount ered by th French at Aintah, Maraah and other points In Cilicia. Protests by 'Allied representatives that the Turk ar conquered and must accept the consequences of war have little effect on the Turks who Iniist they entered th war against their will and d lamina the matter as tf th disposition of Turkish affairs were not connected with the war. Th horrors of Armenian massacres and deportations are blandly' met by the Turks with th statement that the Turkish army suffered at the hands of Armenians and that tha deportations were necessary. It la also contended that the recent maiwa ere at Maraah does not approach, raataacre at cities against . the Turks when th former landed at Smyrna last year under orders of the supreme council of the peace conference. Natlonaliat leaders also say frankly that many clashes similar to that at Maraah ar Inevitable If the Europeans insist on partitioning portions of Turkey where the Turks predominate. Conferences Over Treaty Compromise BLIZZARD -- British and Turks Clash Senators Are Disappointed Over Stand Of President Wilson Against Further 'Mr.-Wilion- s -- f arilelt trli Ik Import! dan-ftfo- ' ! a ail TO AND CAUSING MONEY WASTE OVER HORRORS IPS by Ptot B tier.) NEW TORK. March I "Lawful radlrUm in petltlr t l' In th than reaction, for radical lam la blatant and dlpt)i opn, Unlawful rwdlcalurm can b handled by th polio. Rctioa too ofln fool th poop) through subtle channels of obstruction and platltud In the word Krbrt Hoover Uir on of tho cardinal points In his pront "platform. Himlf neither radical nor oonoorratlv. ho ball rvr that America should kotp to tho pan mlddl ground In th trying yar ef reconstruction which pro ahead. In making this declaration of principles, as b did th ethr day In a pubMc addreoa, Uoovsr of ooura did not admit or Imply that h la a candidal for th presidency. II remain at th moment this Is written, as h has been for six months past, th grat American enigma. Will b run, ar or won't he? If h run, with which party will h affiliate? Th question which ar on million of lip today. Without wishing to poo aa a prophet or pretend to th pooaooolon of Inside Information. 1 think I can clear up oom of thoa point a. In my Judgment Mr. Hoover ha not yst docldod whether h will run or not. I am' certain that h does net want th Job, In th way any ordinary politician might want It. Th question In hi mind U whether It 1 his duty to ck th office a much hi duty aa It waa to acctpt th office of food administrator during th war. DscWo Mist Com fioosi. But Hoover know that hi declaim cannot tong b delayed. H ts too tnlbl a man to bliv that' a dark horn can run away with a political convention In which the wtrU ar a cars f u lly laid tn advance as will b th caa this year. H ha postponed hi detlon for two reason: Th first 1 that h want to b absolutely sur that It really t hi duty to run. Th second la that h I determined not to get Into politico himself until Industrial conference has completed tts work and mad ita after the second -- - ' report. Mr. Hoovr regard this conference a blng of th greatest Importance to th country aa a whole. H la taking Ita work very seriously and (Continued on peg eight.) State Department Give t Text of Notes of French And British on Adriatic ?! vtnlh ef (MiPri vtewa in Mrrtblng Ik pereeaalltiaa of -of all parti ) poaiubllltl- DENOUNCED AS INEFFICIENT NOTWORRYWG. Herbert Hoover Is Heard From Today E AMERICAS AIRCRAFT PROGRAM President? MOSLEMS ARE Ten Quotient Atked Leading Candidates i. KRfl Government-Facto De .As. Armenia Recognizes apan British Forces in Clash W ith T urks in Mesopotamia Who V' . balked attempts to make the port for which they were n the Spanish crew of the schooner Terra Nova from Bovine, Spain, for St. Johns, N. F reached Barrington p swage, on the aomthwest coast of Nova Scotia today. . The - schooner was drifting in a helpless condition whoa picked up by A small steam- - x 121-to- . - NEW YORK.. March. A The storm - -king paid another unwelcome , visit : to New York Just ns the city was to recover from th effect , of the 5,000,600 blizzard of a month asu. and within 12 hours the metre- pell struggled with a pelting rain, a driving sleet storm and a biting snow- - , quail. In the early moaning the wind had reached a velocity according te --unofficial report, of 60 miles an which bodes JU for shipping offhour, th . . coast. . . The warm rain was at ftrstcomparatively welcomed by the street dea the fall washed some of partment the icy. muddy relic of February's blizzard. But soon sewer were clog, ged.-- - cellar were Hooded, email streams tn tha outlying sections overflowed their bank, roads were wash- - . ed out and high tide contributed to com-menci- ng ' damage along th waterfront, . Thousand of emergency calls were received by th water department' Th sleet and drifting snow made successful at- tacks on transportations system. on Service nearly aft the trolley Iln tn Manhattan on and some of the elevated lines waa crippled, The rising wind whistled through th canyons ef narrow street In the district making walking skyscraper h It- - unlooses impossible. signs, toppled over chimney' here window in fashionable shops shag (Continued on page nlae.) well-nig- "d ' rPPp-- r "" |