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Show TIIE WEEKLY EE FLEX, KAYSVILLE. ITTAII ;;:!ii!!!!i!!!;!!!Ili!I!li!Iill!II!II!!IIIii!II!llll!ll!ll!!l!IIillI!II!!l!III!l!lii!!!!iiii;iiIiiaii;i!!!!I!!i!!i!!i!ii!!iI!!ii!!i!!I!!l!!l!IIIi!l!!!l!!i!!ii!ii!l!!!l!i!!!!!:::i!!!i!!li!l!!!!l!!i!i!lliIilil!ili;i!ll!':ii!!I!;iIi!I!!l!i!I!i!!iII!! White Hosiery Arrow Collars The This is a white hose year. Full fashioned silks. Armor Plate No. 2501, our best, was $3.00, special now at t Others at z : fr- $2.00 -- .3 Oxfords and Slippers fo : r t.z styles, special price, each HARVEST HATS in big variety, each' 2 BICYCLES FLAPPER PURSES the latest and neatest yet. Buy now. Phone No. for' correct, dress, rtear G'JK ' TRY US for MOWING MACHINE EXTRAS! ' We have F&itasumj, practically all staple parts. H. J. SHEFFIELD & SONS 1 Kaysville, Utah OUR PRICES ARE EQUAL TO ANY AND FAR BETTER THAN MOST i2 KAYSVILLE forfeit Tb lty In north DrU county' flm pl.n for rcakfone. IUw villa Hollar Mill and wfaUbla and fruit canning actabUahmant of tha add K arc villa Canning corporation taadily to tha wanllh of tha city. General farming, fruit and vegetable growing for ahlpment and vanning are Important Indue trial. Haa tha Davie High echool, eh arc haa and opera bouae. City' water and electric light! and InduceHome of tha ment for lnvcatmant. Inland Printing company and It plant. Miss Martha E. Barnet was an Ogden visitor Wednesday Mrs. Sarah Jane Sears of Salt Lake Visited relatives here Wednesday. Joseph Barton of Baker City, Ore., la visiting relatives here. Miss Edna Smith of Thatcher, Ida., Visited relatives here during the week. Mrs. Sarah E. Taylor of Salt Lake Visited relatives here yesterday. Mrs. Frank Winegar spent Monday in Ogden. Mr. and Mrs. I). II. Sanders and children of Garland visited relatives here during the week. Mr. and Mrs. Boy Peck of Logan were Sunday guests of Mrs, Alice Sanders and family. Mr. and Mrs. J. Gam of Salt Lake were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Graham during the past week. Mrs. Elsa Cook of Syracuse spent a few days here this week as guest of her aunt, Mrs. Joseph B. Jarman. Miss Miriam Barnes and Maurice B. Barnes motored to Vernon, Tooele county, Saturday and spent the day. Mrs. Dimon Bodily of Fairview, Ida., vitisted with her aunt, Mrs. John G. M. Barnes, during the week. Kill Those Weed- sSodium Arsenite will do this without trouble or danger. Recommended by the Agricultural department of the U. S. Smelting, Refining & Mining Company. We have all kinds of chemicals for the extermination of flies and insects, injurious to the health and to the crops. Mrs. Ernest Peterson and daughter, Hargaret, and Mrs. Emma Galbraith were Ogden visitors during the week. Mr. and Mrs. J. Leland Campbell 6f Salt Lake were dinner guests of M. Barnes Friday Mr. and Mrs. evening. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold M. Barnes were last week-en- d visitors to Salt Lake as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ferris B. Thomassen. Leon M, Strong returned to Tetonia, Mrs. Etta Anderson and children Ida., last evening after a short visit of Gooding, Idaho, were guests of here. Sirs. J. B. Jarman and family this Mr. and Mrs. Henry Cartright of week. Ogden were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. John Larsen announce John E. Barker Sunday. the arrival of a daughter at the L. D. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Blamires of S. hospital in Salt Lake Thursday Burley, Idaho, were down to attend afternoon. Mrs. Larsen was formerly the funeral of Lambert Blamires. Miss Janet Swan of this place. -- Layton Drug Co. 7X fPxcifL Sa art Layton, Utah i t made similar to B.V.D. but without any buttons. To seejt is to appreciate it. i Let us show it to you i i i i i i i i GJWe are prepared to give you any information you may wish on plumbing fixtures and Private Utility pumping units. B. j.Phone GALBRAITH 1 26, Kaysville, Utah , Hendersons Corsets Kaysville For the June Bride Co-o- p T he Home of Quality The pretty June Bride is the cient housekeeper in July and effidur- ing the many ,happy months to come. Thats why She Will Appreciate a Gift of Service ELECTRIC APPLIANCES An electric table appliance toaster, percolator, or table stove gives her thegrill pleasure of cooking the first honeymoon breakfast right at the table. It is convenient for assisting in the cooking of any meal, and a delight as an aid when she is entertaining fnends. ' are prepared to furnish of all you with Fishing Tackle ' lands. An electric iron is always useful an attractive gift which she will appreciate as often as ironing day comes round. IVe oy Steel Rods Cane Rods . Reels Fish Lines ; -- - Artificial Grasshoppers Kewart Spinners Reel Seats LEADERS FLIES HOBART BOSWORTH . One of the larger electric servants electric vacuum cleaner, ele- $3.00 to $3.75 .... $2.73 23c to $4.00 5c to $1.00 .33c 33c ctric -- in g ma-cru- Come in and ask about our special combination j2oc .offers on EASY TERMS! KAYSVILLE I range, or electric washing makes an ideal gift from or from a group of friends-the-iamil- SNELL HOOKS SNAG HOOKS LEADERS LEADER BOXES SCALES ETC. SINKERS FISH AND GAME LICENSES SOLD HERE BESSIE LOVE 23c and 13c 5 Just received a new line of gale-swe- pt Ward Show. a Mens buttonless underwear, . Get the thrill of a whale fight Lie becalmed on the broad Pacific. Dash through seas with at the KAYSVILLE OPERA HOUSE FRIDAY, JUNE 16, 8:15 P. 31. i t The Sea Lion f i i i i se Le-R- i i i - SomefMsig New Mrs. A. M. Barnes and Miss Miraj! Barnes were guests at a trouuad tea given by Miss Ruth Posters5 her h'ome on J. street in Salt LiJ Tuesday afternoon. t i Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Caddie' and children of Salt Lake were guests of Mrs. Alice Sanders and, family during the week. Mr. and Mrs. Chris Boynton and daughter, Mary, of Burley, Idaho, were down to attend the funeral of Lambert Blamires. MrtLBc!lle Rogers and Mrs. Horace Van Fleet, both of Farmington, spent Wednesday here as guests of their sister, Mrs. Alice Sanders, and family. Lylo Graham, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Graham, fell on a hoe and cut his left arm quite badly Friday morning. Dr. Tanner was called and it required five stitches for the injured member. Miss Faye Sanders entertained at a prettily appointed dinner party at her home Sunday afternoon, complimentary to Miss Fonda Jolly, who left Monday for Provo where she will make her home.' Covers were laid, including the guest of honor, for the Misses Thelma Williams and Norma Underwood and Messrs. Van Sanders, Truman Curtis and Newell Sanders and Mrs. Alice Sanders. Miss Lamia Young entertained the members of the Bee Hive club at a social at her home Thursday evening. After the usual study hourjthd time was spent in games, followed by refreshments. Thos present were Mrs. Frank Jones, Misses Un Scoffield, Lynthia Barton, Bertha Sessions, Helen Hyde, Vera Barton, Ella Green, Jenncss Conrad, Agnes Bochel, Laura Lavender, I,eone Linford, Bessie King, Erma Bennett, Ada Ball, Madge Peak. Miss Ethd Ward entertained at""a a bonfire party at the Ward farm on the mountain road Friday evening. Appropriate games were played, followed by a luncheon. Those present were Misses Gladys Openshaw, Lois Roberts, Rhea Harris, Florence Chadwick, Dorothy Roberts, Alberta Conrad, Elsie Uyton, Vera Blood, Christie Bodily, Millie Blood, Bessie Hyde, Lenor Williams, Vee Galbraith, Ladia Conrad, Leone Anderson, and Messrs Harold Chadwick, Clarence Layton. Kenneth Blood, Harold Layton, Clifton Linford, Blamires, Howard Linfosd, LeRoy Sessions, Orin Blood, Vaughn Sheffield, Malcolm Layton and Hollis Rouche. two-cour- Miss Madeline Smith and Miss Mildred Strong graduated last week from the University of Utah with elementary school diplomas from the school of education. - and Call us for information.- - Bicycle Special :z i i $2.50 10c to 75c Two (2) at special prices. Call and have a talk with us. We carry Bicycle Supplies tapes, spokes, plugs, tubes, tires, cements, etc. WE ARE THE LOCAL AGENTS FOR GOODYEAR TIRES : t: k (new patterns). Latest BARRETTES ; catches the loose curls and is the last word in hair ornaments, selling now at, each 15c to 50c t CORRECT Dress Collar. Mens Straw Hats Latest in LADIES PATENT LEATHER OXFORDS, $5.75 STRAP BUTTON SUPPERS for $4.50 GINGHAMS, ORGANDIES, PERCALES 5c Our SILK TIES are the latest in mens neckwear. We also have the SPORT BOWS for young men. HANSEN KID GLOVES for dress. Best SILK HOSE for $1.00 B. V. D.s (the genuine). The high quality of our goods will become better known to you the longer you wj?ar them. 23c to $1.25 We have a big line of SHORT SOCKS for the children. I J- 1 GOLDEN RULE STORE I ORIGINATORS OF LOW PRICES H Utah Power & Light Co. "EFFICIENT PUBLIC SERVICE' ne |