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Show WPPtTT V TTT PPPf PT TT A VCVTT.T TT! P On the Road of Good Intentions REACHES SENATE PLAN CARRIES NO ADDITIONAL TAXATION FEATURES, CUT8 BIG SUM FROM ESTIMATES PRESIDENT WILL VISIT MODERN COLLEGE WITHIN 100 MILES OF ART1C CIRCLE' it for your information on Thj your corner. Make use of questions tKat are puzzling you. It will be my pleasure and privilege to answer car.' full and promptly all questions submitted to me. If a more detailed aoswQ than can be given in these columns is desired, send a stamped envelope and i will be given prompt attention- - All communication will always be held Presidential Party Will Be Taken To Senator McCumber'e Measure Pro. vide Adjusted 8ervle Pay, But Many Place of Interest While No Cash Payment If Credit On Journey to Far North; An. Exceed Fifty Dollars rangemcnt Being Made absolute confidence. All letters itould be addressed very Helen Brooks, Box 1545, Salt Lake City. Dr plainly m pen and kk b Dvarea Mb Brooks: Mbs Breaks t bonus Washington. The soldiers ts writ to yea today.! I'm the toeeaomevt girt tn the Un ted I km )wt bill was formally presented Thursday 1 great tost beeena 1 eeot arin the aiteruen 8uw fled your Man ere so Blew fft mi never let yovmg gvntiewiaa who live thirty Wile In the senate by Chairman lleCumber pleosarv ekn I reed them. I ne bed I bare like seems eoe naae. It just way. He eeme to ear for me ai 0Bt w of the flnnnce committee with an aclone vinft whew I set throne rendm jronr aed then Orain be eeta uat the totters. Well. I would like to know if yon Do you think It would bo wire for g, companying report placing the mid 1ve see a rood rrvam yie recipe. try to win bis offeedaona, and bow I u I tt ? He mokra me prom be bo to too am I fat... I think Mas Brooks, And, cost to the federal government at ga ng am five feet tww inches tell sd welsh IS er feilewa. arhieh I do, but Be ateje ret m $3,845, fo9, 43 1, spread over a period of poanda. Dont you think so, toot 'AUo, is It other girU. So, dear Mae fcroex. fd L the style te have bobbed heir end rolled down tick led to death to,' Information kadiag J. forty-thre- e year from next January 1. stockings f Some of the glrlo do that in to how to win ha offectioo." With ew Y vrsnt to thank you for making of love and our town. many thanks, This is appoxlmately $230,OOQ,OoO eur paper' eo interesting and firing aa n DKAN.' Prwuio, chaace. than the estlmate bill five house under predicament te fa. CRACK. WondelL Idaho. strawberry tlme.ttnd to gait nn, plat You are sorely genereas In year wards of The United States riea aa Marlon never saw to hear the which waj 11,098,719330, payable over eare thero aro a aa taker f u Ptoaso accept my and appreciation. chrer cheer M, in ee ay tor if thanks and I hspe my comer mdl centime peayto natives brag. The president will are twenty year. earn Ik ef catN ef tkejr toneLncaa n, to be interesting te yea. If I were yea I The senate bill estimate we a d a government built railroad and be weald net worry la lbs toast about the few might think yen had a eons te he kmh a New alt. tots at hast this mr 2 by treasury experts and Is based extra pounds ywu are currying. Probably your able to take a little auto trip right up Be to aa aaaelfish sort, net gentiamen. them. 1 would aeede type particular The on exact to 73 a cent the he, (rasa of that promia theory nat yaa I many per te addicted If that eating to the nose of a glacier. R you are sweets" yen avoid them as mech as possible eat with ether nice ynag gentirmaa?" him te make a similar pranb. n The head of the college near Fair, 4,138,109 veterans who would be eligiand take plentyef eutdeer exercise. If you net get New my 'dear, ne daakt ye ikh ble for compensation would elect the should centime 12 gain 1 would ad rise you ymi? banka U Charles K. Runnel, former 1 hla affaetton to worth winning, aid if m, la to reed the magazine Physical Cellars. t hk would net fu so far as te say bobbed heir me give yen a bit ef adrtca, Step federul Judge, and the campua Is on adjusted service certificate option, and relied stackings are good style, bat1 the nicest ynsg man yve imr aad hm 22V per cent farm, home and land set- COMMITTEE 'MAJORITY RESUMES DEPOSED EXECUTIVE WOULD year friend thirty mile, away find sat fm a tract of land four miles from Fairseme ef the girls de it bare, toe, and POST AFTER FIVE YEARS; have .heard that they de la ether ptocae. hut da net Intend to be kb Slav, he will and 2 EXCLUDE PLANT; DEMOCRATS per cent vocational banks, on the main line of the new tlement, It to really only a fed end to ea the wsee. far P. aad if h haa the toast partWU ef am PREMIER MANDATE NAMES BACK FULL ACCEPTANCE which 1 am truly gralcfal: arent yea Tj. Per Men fer yve he will de unite differently railroad. The college was formally es- training aid, Should all of the veterthink? the way he has been doing. 1 am aer. they are net very attractive de you ans select the certificate plan the toament think yen can wto an follows I T eur cream pie tedye tablished In 1917. There was nnder mens affeetton by hsssmtny hb star tal coat would be $4.4SC.543.073. ewe third cup ftoar. sugar, sup Dr. Sun Yat Sans Rut Ballevd About eighth tees peon salt, two sgr. two cups scald- being meek aad eebmbeive te aU hb wbtoa ' cultivation In the Immediate vicinity With reference to financing the leg- Two Republicans Submit A- - Third another hit sf , ed milk, eae teaspoon vanilla, ltla dry In- Aad new tot me To Fall As Prim Minister Ac of Fairbanks last year, according to en Rspert Favoring Claim of Ala a: A catfish mem makes a me gredients add egg slightly beaten. Pear Chairman McCumbers report islation, fifteen aeatlsfsctery boebamd. Be when yea fsM to cept Position Under Chlf bama Company and Many gradually tbe eeeded milk and reek Professor Bunnell a total of 1920 said It waa mine tee In double bailee, stirfieg ecus realty tore select ene who een give a litlis timU reduction that the hoped Executive sisaalswaDy-Coto 'Madlfcatlona tons acres. This land produced 10Q of htmsali of In yen tnete until It tktokenei afterwards stir the governmental flavor. and expenditures plus vegetable. 1006 tona of eats hay, payment of interest on the refunded who five 1270 huahela of oats and barley, 316 Peking LI Yuan-HunWashington. Three separata reIW Prieodi of fifteen wf 1 m keeyiac bushels of wheat and 392 tons of po. foreign obligations would be sufficient was out of I ta girl the forced presiago year ports setting forth recommendations f twenty. 1 eanpuy wttk tatoes. The wheat represent the to obviate the imposition of additional for action arChina of the m mther young, but ey militarists, I dency by reatiiee with oongreas by respect taxation. s thy wwh Mj unit takta with hia yield of 183 acres. rived here Sunday and resumed the arc uiMKpi-to4 eyeed to erepnee. Now In If U does become necessary to im- to private development .of the govern-ment- s As e result of red taps," Alaska wonJd be levr hMb houM bnppen. wbnt $100,000,000 power and nitrate post of the nations chief executive. 1 rw lost 23,4 per cent In pontatto to ten pose additional taxes," the report con"Tnhoub. LI to in came from Tientsih response to years when it should be growing by tinued, lt is believed we can better projects st Muscle Shoal, Ala., were the call of the revived Inter. ting tadeeS. bntI Year eneettow republican knve bnrd ef repa bWngbeeryUnnW. On this. Colonel determine the amount of the neces- made to the bouse Friday by members leaps and bounds. vtort POPULAR SHEET MUSIC to the flwt I kw ev rmmn met which there, parliament, recently of the military committee. W. B. Greeley of the forest service has sary Mwr wi Wu were tklnkif f levy and the methods of ikttr dlstrp. tills to say; Chulrman McKenzie of Illinois, that he again assume the direction fleeted to er to wbetbw Ike gnttotyntd yr rvfnl ceewtin ntlng such burdens for the future at a Acting of Chinas sfsirsf. te thmk ef botk "An effort Is now being made t eneeqirntly 1 wweldntoebeve later date when the future condition of who drafted the majority report, deone ef ff5" nd rvfMl lever Yuan-Han- g LI Ills Issued OU Faohtotfd Ctrl (Fox Trot) President create for Alaska a local comisslnn, the clares at the outset of that documeptj Tf yen wlU wrU ngmin and tote wto1 -- k "f treasury will be more accurately Tkroo O'clock m tho Morning to ttowm mandate m. first after t hH or development board, which would assuming shortly yu.nlng that the Ford proposal was the only lw (WaUx) 40c 99 Ting-FanJto Wu as office, take over the duties and authority of established." appointing premier one found worthy of serious considMoon Ritmr ( IVWtx) 30c Senator McCumber former minister to the United Ctonr Mtoe Brook t explained that the various federal executives, toand And Its askes eration, other by acceptance place. every en popular r attempt had been made to reduce States, and since 1917 one of the .ta, have een yenr etol gether with the administration of all the house; provided, however, that the tin, I tkink It to vrry send end strongest supporters of Che Canton end public resources In Alaska, working to a minimum actual cash payments t un oing to uk yon I am n Bee Hive steam be Included not Gorges It plant governments struggle against what solely under the direction of the secre- nnder the bill during the next three ( think yon wOl enrwvr. m-SBed- e' utd lot enr next mooting my teacher rlrl neked termed the militarism of the north. t. n tary of the Interior, This proposal years while the treasury la engaged among the project to be sold. for enMtion n Ink me to tot Concurrence in the majority report, which tot "know end expUin tbe It is understood that Dr. Wu WtMMhr may well be challenged. After alt, the In refunding the seven billions doe to the nearly ji JAMiWjthan fotm the etatb Op utam for to the Gorgas lias accepted the premiership. In f knven't beenef raped national interests In Alaska are patx of dollars the reference except nil toente tnni to ble obligovernment maturing to knew ebeet U. o I thought yen mount, Alaska represents, In her mn. plant, D voiced In one of the minority the meantime President LI has desig- would like be kind enough to iw me eoao help. rlne fisheries, her enormous agrlcu gations. The estimated cost of the bo- opinions, presented by Representative nated Dr, W. W, Yen, former minister weald ThnakUs yon fat ndvenee, OLDS MOBILE Alma, Idehn. tural areas and her resources roe nus for those three years was , M. B.. tow DEALERS WANTEIto-l- n Utah. Malta, Na ' Wright (Dem.) of Georgia and support- under the last premier, Liang Elilli. force In Wkllo Own to no fedcr! vada, W yarning. Liberal rommiseton wi growing meat producing antmata, one ed by Representatives James (Rep.) YL to act as premier until Dr. Wus portmining to I bo manner ef dieptoyt end representative on reoneat. After Btoteo Vaitod flrng. to ltq tbe A- - E. TOURSSEN-btotrtbnt- er. the senate of the great food sources of the United arrival from Canton. presentation hanging, er omtotimg be of henld Demon-erIket and the Michigan proocrtolng eay iwmtaiu remaining The unification of China is declared erboerrod. State. In her vast forest Hex a prso- - & Bonus bill went to the calendar, ere many ronlnttoM there tic members. Theyaak full comt. force boering en the KNOWLTON BEAUTY SHOP Rverytltlsf la efletttl tin les here to have been tmgvo of natlonml Jlcal solution ofour paper, shortage. wliere It will remain until there Is an among which arc the following t In known in beauty culture. Let ne tekl ynu skmt the house with all pliance by proviWu Juat what U Involved Is pointed out ageement to call It up. Senator brought considerably nearer by pntolng the flmg It aheald never ho rvUed wp aer Cream, powder and Hair Gouda M S. Msb sions of the Ford proposal, and point Ting-Fanthe top of tbe lUf before and some other proponent by the American Forestry .association acceptance of the premier-Mp- . aad hototodTbeto flog ebeeld be free dering the There are 20,0u,(J00 acres and $ trier desire early action, but s?vesl Re- out the belief that, If congress ellmntes It Is asserted that Dr. Sun act of betoting, which thoeld he done aalrkiy. eheald net he homg where It 'can he 75j00o,00,i00 feet of timber of a qual- publican leaders are opposed to side- the Gorgas unit, It would defeat the president of the republic of South It tominatod or eeitod omIj, nor drspod ever for orating peryoora. end ity suitable for general consumption in tracking the tariff hill, a they expett Ford offer. China, In whose structure Wu has beeu chain er booth kind oboe Id no ehloct er embtom ef the national forests in Alaska, This the fight ove the bonus to consume at In a third report, submitted by Rep- a cons'stent pillar of strength, will be placed even It er above It.any Ybe flmg aheald vs ration Enjoy the best kind of Ai-- . aa net he fwteeaed ever deen Is SHjuivalept to nearly 6 per cent of least - month and perhaps six weeks. resentative Barker st tbe and cost to without of New Jer, unable much longer to maintain you (Rep.) tot Tbe the flmg hang otraighi. wmyo flag 11 the timber lu the continental government. separate mined by any mochmntcel error ebeeld be r same time render a fine servlc to ey ,and signed by Representative g When tbe nattonal color, an appUmeoo. United States. China reunited of the Wisely handled, a pn Proponents your country. Jostph Admit Identity ea paradox the tpoctmten hMld, if Frothinghain (Rep.) of Massachusetts, count on Ws to swing many walking, belt, per Industry can he developed In aad If tiui g artoe aad otmnd Lake. "You may announce that the opinion Is adverse to the accept-am-- program Salt and ancaver Ikdr head. Old, Alaska as permanent as the paper of Suns suporters to the new Peking at atonttoa I admit my identity as Milton i fmdel. er werneat flmg tbeald not b of Mr.' Fords offer, uness it is of Scandinavia, and capable of tne which for k anon or ether oocond.ry perp government, already has Joseph. newspaper men were told modified in other sections than that no toager fit for d'rplmy tbe flag of a large bloc of the revised When for the supplying a third of the present paper hacking .boo Id be dmtrwyed privately. The flag aheald by the man who has insisted Thursday with Gorgas.- In the event Mr. republican parliament, as well as be belated brtobly at nnrtoo. tmepecUvo af dealing eonsnmptton of the United State. that he was Captain J, D, Mvers since Ford CITIZENS MHJTARlf the weatbor, and lowered at earnot. I declined to agree to the modlfl-rat- n that of Gernnnt Wu Pel-Fconqueror tbto "During the administration of the hT, eepplira tbe informattoa yea lacked, SiTamf, Ha., several Tso-Liand the outstand- am nhreye at year oorvtoe. tnited States futeit service national months ago for an alleged embezzleproposed, the signers would of Chang TRAHMG CAMP forests hxve been open freely for the ment of f34, 333,10 from the Continen lime the secretary of war lease the ing military figure of the country. Wf Mb. Brenk: iie of timber ami other commercial tai National bank In March of 1914. dams and nitrate plants on such It Is expected- that In the near Ft. Douglas I h.vv bran en interraivd reader of yoer old resources under regulations of an e members as hk in terms of the would loin to nd th will vorner Recure the republican completion With this admission the question ns to 27 August 25 "Between You and Me." Please liberal and simple character. whether of the dams, and would authorize Mm parliament resident In Canton will toil tnetalk the thing that boy like h Myers arrest was a matter Mail irl the coupon today to settle fair value of the Gorgas plant come to Peking a the result of Wu's and what they dislike. Wish nrz yota a happy They are bring cut today to the extent of mlataken Identity Is cleared. Opln and noted saeeeee. of altout 43,009,000 board feet annualIon haa deen divided aa to whether and convey the same to the Alabama assumption of office aa the head of WONDERING. Spsni.lt Pork. Utah Officers In Charge the cabinet Be yea are weedertag. tea, fattie girl. Thta ly. Myers was In fact Joseph, snl while Bower company. Citizen to rather a d!S ealt eerattea as there are ee Military Training Camp, Wu g has been sn nctlve very In conclusion, the majority report Bat aevertbeleea tnany persons who knew the former Many diSerent bey. Ft Dougta, Utah have talked with tot f toft e I think Fillmore Road to Bo Built Soon enrniy of the Peking government s'nce II can broker were posttve tn their Identifi- says : kind a ef tell what of rlrl yea I desire full Infonnaton about was forced the Two courses are oien, one gov- 1917, when Li Yuan-llun- g like brat. Pint and forewrat they Salt Lake' The nlon Pacific rail- cation, others expressed considerable the Citizens Mi'ltary Tra ning bk the girl who to e et ee refined in her ernment ownership and operation out of the presidency by the mlUtar sts wanner road Tuesday filed with the state public doubt of this fact net toed end befetervas; then riee Camp. Please send me without repul lionn parlt.tnient dlssolv ut Title cotnmlslon sn application for which. In view of the character of the n etodraty (a dreee end epeeth; end, cnbellw. l.k os it atil. the cost, circular giving 11 details Way me. they , net girl a certificate of convenience and necespnijw-twould, la the Jmlgcmentof the eL At that time he resigned the preBusins who to tolly end entertaining in a rrwd Shows Improvement miership to throw the weglit of his rather than the on. they can eingte vet and Nome sity for the construction of a branch New York. Continued Ind entions of majority of his committee, mean distake te a eraUtded tar eMedadad) eereer and Into of the souththe support strugg'e line from Delta to Fillmore Accomto aster of tlie the fanners and hope peen" wttk. New trety, arent the O. Address Industrial Improvement, signs of a rewestern provinces again't the militartrait yra lik. want in a bey. It to net Mm panying the application were maps and newed easing in money rates and di- other users of commercial fertilizers. I am trying n plctar. There prvd h toy N City or Town to profiles of the requested to wire the verse testimony as to crop conditions To have the government undertake ists of the north. kapny median Wetw.ee tiue type end the Gau-totn be He backe! te wh ene mantree has cona'stantl.v her the The rerp neat profiles of the proposed road. State are the features In business and fl and engage In the manufacture of ferdram and speerk. I Imp I have wed battle for the rertor-st-l ner. governments commission Is. requested to wtre the nance te enderstandabl and with ere yea tilizer hepa yve wyerlf Ingredient, political of the past week. Commodity n of the republican parliment, a )et the err? that the boy ike brat-- Thank Interstate commerce commission, askforeman ami straw, still show a firmer tone, retail The space for this advertisement prices which ts one of President far yeer w.nderfal t4 wiakae. conprogram In formalities all waive It to ing K and underto (tosses, unthinkable, la 1 about what might be excted trade dm tted gratuitously for the LI most prominent ad. Dear Mbs Broolmi nection with the petition which la at time of year and the labor take such a scheme would he thla of the nation ll welfare. - I hope my vocation 31 not pot yon to nlinlatrative planks. made to that body also This acilon Is situation shows no decided folly. W'Jl maeh trouble. yon plsaee d scribe change very It Is reported here that President twwn work may "prosought In ordez y wild fkmara which grow in the mate The picture continues to- - be of prd "The altei native course is to sell da oae aad Utah wbrb af Dr. IJ obtained yen think ought Wus acceptance of the ceed at once. BUSINESS COLLEGES ual but fairly steady recovery from de- the tangible proierty on conditions flower T Aba. deaerbe to be the naticoa! . before Tien Tsin. premiership leaving two graeo-anative moaaaa. ostve six COLLEGE, two BUSINESS S I. d pression a recovery exceeding expec. prestribed by twngress lease the LIa return to the aadgta and Swn rosbe , er salt btmbaa. I grhooi er E.T ciraicv. AU romaserewl was presidency Arms Blew at Liquor Export ue power at a fair rental, and permit tations entertained earl'er In thaak yon vxry much. to. Mm Sta Sait Lak free. Wu Pei-Fchief of ( nmas S0MKBO9Y, Utah. Catalog Ottawa A blow at the transport, year. American initiative and In. sought by Tear tvitlX weald regairo ee araeh ypaeo. military men, as well as by the revive? Mb BUTTONS tion'of liquors from Caxjd to the that 1 am afraid I raaswt BmtMr, genuity to have an opjortuidty t thh but el the newer it feat ee yon hove asked H. bat tt lerly republican parliament, HttMPtrhmUnites! States Is seen la provisions Box S Pirating. te. Accord .an, Broken Arm Brings Big Sum place, where the greatest wattr jtower tho Salt Lake Public Lipark statesman declared himself yon will yeed to fasst SsttsM. Bt.Unn.bca. Kid Cor phlnese of the budget announced by W.S. Field-log- . ' what waat. In brary axpUiaiag reour yea tic can they 4 K. Broadway. country develoied, A Arlz. broken arm Phoenix, reluctant to letive h's ret'rement to will eaad yae a hwak eevertag yawr gwastiea. minister of rinanvjl Liquor exof the element reenter the turbid ail yw wiU have to de b pay the paeiage Oharlea Head, laborer, a ver. quiring a brought political seas at aad to law are the aad raturn the hash. Thera required aa snany porter under im tour rususnsB diet In the superior , court of national defense and at the same Peking. On being importuned he said baaetiTal wild ftowrt to I tah are 810300 of that It weald furnish a bond double the amount of here I be an time arlert Bndinr sny kiad difficult for set af al tot Tske yoor giving relief, he would undertake the resionsIl,ility eaeextremely oportn!ty agslnst the Arizona Kastern rail bar any pnrpaaa. bat 1 think they did net rai printer. LeiLh's Trade lnqKU-- t duties on anch goods to guar to if car such not there the road. He suffered the injury while un le, only h If all the tuchuns Inspecting mek meek af a mistake when they selected anteo that the shipments shall be tbe elate ftow y, de yea ? He had sued for $23,0110. Southland, bntto our country. In the commis-donerUTAH METAL W0RK3. MTgs Tyv tie. limned loading would llst-eresign delivered at the place they are The Jury deliberated les than an way of commercial fertilizer at late'y, aecompaylng him to Ieklng to for shipment. feou n confer cn the welfare of Chins. Washington When Secretary paid the Russian government $7,200,00(1 for Alaska flfty-slyear ago he did not dream that there would ever be a college within 100 milee of the Artie circle, or 'that it would be a wonderland of wealth, .When President !Ianlln& goes up there this summer he will land about Se-nar- d it x protv-abl- e r. sueb-elrawbe- FORMER PRESIDENT pre-pare- eug-fe- et a. h. Bcven-oight- ha a whi-p- er al g, t T u laMI wi ee uitaxaSB' i By lilail g, onb-Uo- Ting-Fan- $212,-000,00- ene-lontr- y g Jh. -- a 0. a mb-foc- Mo-Cum- gs Yat-Se- n, Fall In! -- pae-om- Enroll e - . , u, n, fu-ur- - d-- e ar eenfl-d.ne- i July Ting-Fan- b- -r , n Yuang-IIung- 's nt u, pre-ervath- tn k and-hig- s sl reason-tiVe-qwtce- Syndicate Buys California Ranch Lo Angeles. An Rngliah syndicate, headed by the Duke of Argjt, has bought the Buitonwlllow ranch, comprising I.VVW acres in thq .San Joaquin alley of Cel'fornia-- for a ron-- . siderutt'-of l2.(kXMVk), setording to advices published by the Lea Angeles Times. The mph was part of the tie In- Miller and Lux holdings. It v 1 i t d i v td f fenrton oTfbe j u rrh a s e and put the property on t.c imirurt tbe Times reports , , ; Yukon to Loose Booze Dawson, Y. T. Yukon tcrrtltory while legally "wet may n t be r.lde t buy a drink after June 13. The only praitlcahle mctltod of shipping m. thdng Into the Y'ukon Is by way of the American terrtitary of AhiuVn. L'qnor has been arriving In bon from Vum-ott- . vc. It. C., through Skagway. Alaska, to hVhitehorse and Daws n. Now ea sexved Oommla-ione- r Haynes that no may traverse Ameriu.n territory except for medicinal or scientific use. 1 rtion-liquo- r s. TraWng Squadron to Sail Will Net Cut Printers Wages Japanese naval trainto effortx to re. lAindon. Oppo-e.- -l ing qnadion, cnrrving alxat 4 mid- duce the wages of priuters on Lonshipmen on h practice cruise, which don daily nevrs;apers, lani North-(l.ff- c wll-aifor Brazil e.ir'y In June, will l has resigned from the .News, touch at Honolulu, T. H. : Sin Pedro, Proprietors' isss x I stVm. He paper Gal., and Panama en route. The squadUrt the of the flagship Iwate takes all his newspapers, ini Li ron will con-dtho Mall. m!'5, and Times hlnj. Itat'y nl the cruisers As.tna ml Iunun known 1e let it that has tv tijre wi" j e chtpili Aftar huivln Frazil, vi u. o the lit onctiMio uf trvrer.tP 'ers vi;;rtke jMrt ia n- -. on his puliUcdto vvil emptojed lal velebrstion, the three vesoN ' s Involved in the ross the Atlantic, and go round th' association of Good IIop. tar, hence h decided t break with It, Tokio.-'-T- he i st ta nmt-Cap- o e - |