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Show Tin: WEEKLY KEFLEX. KAYSVILLE, XT' AT?. Queen Mary Paying Tribute to the War Dead Queen Alary of wreath on the memorl.il to war dead England placing In Passamaquoddy Indians Going on Tour Motor Truck of the Days of Ten-Cylind- er 49 In 18411 even If they haven't them todav. Thu motor on this old freighter tn comdsted of ten oxen, making one of the moat picturesque alglrta Sacramento celebration parade at the day of in the relvnl of scenes of yesteryear motor truck 'they had the cemetery of Terllnothun. HEN Wl 5 MU wooden leg Unique Hall Owned by Legion Post as L - i "s d.jfA . '$ 5 C 7 hrsssssT ?t steers- - ( tU t The raesamaquoddy Indians are going to leave' their reservation at Pleasant Point, MaUne. this summer for a tour of tho country. The photograph shows Govern Soplel Mitchell, big chief of the tribe, In full regalia. 'n i 1 The most peculiar American Legion lmir In the country Is this one. of the Warren O. Grimm post in Seattle. The post was badly In need of a at anchor. ball; out in the harbor there were 40 wooden shipswarIdlyat riding iX.vievxo,v.ceiS-vcost of the the Jemuppes" They had been built by the government during and prethe one of for ships, the Ever hear of a chicken with stands with proudly lifted comb price raised bnigaln Ultlzen $1,500, Ipg? Here's one that lays, ping the historic shaft at Jemappe. sented it to the Legion post. Bulkheads have birn torn out, office rooms 11 Thousands journeyed to this spot to fitted up, dance balls put in, and the clubhouse is complete. The vessel Is fights and scratches Just as well as ceremonies, for shown here as It was being towed through the Lake Washington canal to Its she had both legs. Two months ago vlew the ... , was after being permanent moorings on the lake. rebuilt tjn1omi,irnt 111 destroyed during the German drive This memorial 1014 toward Mons. s commemorates the old bottle of the defeated where the French Prussians and Austrians on Belglup ground. gHOO,-00- White House Flowers All Picked -- A' 4 r .'" ry 1 i top-wood- .. I ocr r1 Baby Elephants Come to America Jem-appe- Ti -- 7 a V". wA. . w 1 ' AUTOMATIC LIGHTHOUSE 1 I 2 fi S, v ivawSjti3Li i yrs v f ? &. !, V , 5, Pi ' 7f--; 7 773N t Mm Iiower picture. Tourists picking flowers from the White House beds, In order really unusual sight In Washington, the privilege having been granted flower the Replautlng that new beds might be planted. Upper picture. beds In the White House grounds. Will SenH Moving Pictures by Radio Miss Dorothy Bough, here seen going iver the hurdle, was a star per-former In an athletic meet tn Philadast delphia. Rbe made the In ten seconds, tying the womens reo The steamship Mount Carroll arrived at New York the other day with a cargo of animals from India via Germany, Among them were thirteen baby elephants, One of which Is here seen being unloaded. 1 75-yar- d J I Manhattans Only Remaining Squatter nl ! 7 rs U i i "ni'l ord- - New automatic liglRhouse recently completed at Barry Holmes Gower, Convincing the Captain. When wireless telegraphy was In It England. The only attention it needs Is In two years Infancy there were many people who to be replenished once efficienWhen the aclinic it to a chemical. with were quite skeptical of light value readies a certain degree It the was of these captain One cy. a trans Atlantic liner. It happened lights Itself, and when the daylight that on one voyage Rlgnor Marconi reaches a corresponding degree. It exwas one of bis passengers. One eve- tinguishes itself. ning the captain turned to the great Pathetic 1 Imentor and asked him; "Do you ml was wireless in telegraphy? The raggHl, unkempt, and believe Jy Signor Mariont smiled end replied: tlie dark rings around her beautiful ow, captain. Just jou send a tele- eyes told of weeks of hunger and to privation. she leaned Dejectedly gram to your wife, and tell her will from IoMn, and you against the gnarled trunk of the recidve her reply when In mighty oak and passed a tremjdlng her brow. tic." "This I did," related th captain, hand . flliered In tin And snowflake and, sure enough, my wife telegraphed to me. I was quite convinced chr.ly breere. causing lier to tbiver: Her llj framed a prayer a she fhst wireless was genuine T gazed hungrily around,"Ah !" A cry of Joy escaped lier Ups Motor ImprovemsnU. more she espied a crust of bread tUg as Gasoline on the vnuvr klsnetl grass. uit ing every year." she pouncest upon' It, and I think. commented 3!r. Uboggln Iaig(rlf --onduev he most to it her trembling Ups, and earned they thoughtfully, mott to Ik sate devoured wane experiment ravenously Ing Then a voh-eet,oed through the fuel." -Ga i not more inflammable becan wrs,d: "ItU.I, MI-- s Dainty! and with a !gli of relief the hurried to her , JtV malmhirous." 1 to get waiting automobile and drove away to idea The evidently "N. invention rest her mansion go so obnoxious that the old fii jcSkln hold the twit o. Its own a count aa cinema star! ShefFop she was will hop of America. field Tilegrapb. try t run away from Ik rrrm. '? rl ( mid-Alla- n ams - evli-snu- ll - o - I rands JenmasWa-dilngto- a inventor, jitdlbraty - fnnnmwat of his latest invention, which will ni'. f .7 W 1 moving pictures by radio. The real rinrv which he only recently h" Prlwiiatlc c,. ,w,r.W bj a, , . 1 orig.Mtor and inventor of the moving Hfture m '"7 ttrn 'f TI hij.ti eot of living does riot InterTer tuimng MimiUTH on Manhattan Hlanti v. . -- - tlf on, of hattti nt millionaires are whom of some srre of front lawn and with neighbors, with In hi equatter mauhhm" uJ Riverside drive near the Hudson river febom The pitot og'ph Bkne' "Uncle Jim JBUev ami h elan k, v Mch h h 0CC&1 o'ed for yu n nU tho hniqmit |