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Show THP WPPVT V PPPITT. ITAVCHI TP ITTMI. 3E5SK25F VORKIHG GIRLS JM Pithy News Notes HERE T trocblesthat With P1 back weak, tired. m J nervous feelings and a weak stomach. 1 bad been this way about a year ana was unable to work or stand on my feet for any length of time. husbands aunt My how muck rood Lydia E. Pink told me do ham's ve getable Compound had done her and begged me to Ail my pains andweak-Sai- re did. I is aU nght stomach my 6',"workafhome and also work Company. I recom- ?.7wtltln? Vegetable Compound to my S, u. and you may PuWudt my letter UTAH Petersburg Resident Says She Had About Lost Hope of Getting Better Now Well and Happy. , I III Tanlne has been such a Messing to me 1 can't help singing Its praises," aid Mrs. T. J. Archer, highly esteemed resident of 1147 Shepard St. leterwburg. 'u. "I bad Indigestion so bad I couldn't eat a thing without being In misery for hours nnd the rain around my heart caused by the gas seemed all I could I constantly had heailaohes itand, and awful sjndls of dullness. Then to make mutters worse rheumatism tlP mv arms, shoulders and knees almost drove me to distraction, and for three months 1 couldnt do a stroke of PRODUCTION tlon were made. The convention will Chicago. Increased bituminous pnv. be held in Logan 22 diutbui, wdiioii, September!. according to figure and 23. id th United States geological sur- reached ap-Hoab A of the roomJ''' of San Juan county's new courthouse ,,rox,'"t-- l the ii.W.ntMon mark, will collapsed under the weight of 70, im) h:,v, lltt,e ffeet on "holea!e prices 1,1 llle I'limediiiie future, dealers here pounds of flour stored by the cllo Milling company dining the wet H9,ftrt,,I Monday.' I.ending wholesaler tome distributing spring season, for the entire Middle West, estimated that the norSalt Like At a meeting hed irT mal weekly bad readied Durango, CIo at which every section between eight an nine mill on tods, . Colorado with some large users , for suppressing a,ul Lil was represented, sssuranee plies. given by the lxs Angeles Price Increases In the near future dicnte in charge of the financing of were predicted by some dealers, esthe proposed southern outlet railway in view of the Hoover agree, ,h"t "I"" th nolln f pecially "l0,n subscriptions melit I with the oerutora whereby under the new contract to a net sum of $3,000,0n(). maximum figures were established for J immediate, construction will begin. mine deliveries In an effort to prevent profit orlng and speculation. Estimates of the above ground supply now on hand were fixed" by deal, ers here at alwut 40,000,000 tona, of which 10,000,1 NX) are in transit. At the floorne M-n- - mens v biml Vegetable Compound. You who work must keep yourself and well. You cant work if rou I frorn roch ir iuering table Mrs. E. Pink- rhatlt did for her. Giro Lydia a fair trial Compound hsm'i Vegetable ' bow. : tooktag for a otfy. You are whos aged and model entirely too pretty for the type I desire. Model What are . you tculpture? atwe Scolptor A Amusant. jooroal of peach.! Reakrj cf tHi Paper TkotMutda upon tboossod, of womn ktn kjdaey or bladder trouble and acre , iiwpeet it Women, complaints often prove to bn ; aotbiog elae but kidney trouble, of the ; remit of kidney or bkddor disease, i If the kidneys am not in a healthy they may cause the other organa to become diseased. Yon may suffer pain in the back, bead-- ; ache and lose of ambition. Poor health makes you nervous, irritn- bit and may be despondent; it makes any eoa-ditio- a, i sue so. But hundreds of women claim that Dr. I Kilmers b warn by restoring 1 health to the kidneys, proved, to bo juat the remedy needed to overcome such 1 cocditkma. I Many send for n sample bottle to see what f Swamp Root, the great kidney, liver- - and syn-ltron- Illnckley county are red crop. CondRlona wry Millard fuvrrabte for a large In Ogden Utah Construction company of Ogden has here awarded seventeen and tnlfes of grade by the Oregon Short Line between Kings Hill and Medbury. In. Idaho. one-hal- f Salt Lake. The Industrial commission of Utah hns awarded . $3,792.00 ?nch, in payments at the rate of $12.12 a week, to two Widows of men who were fatally injured in the cour- - of employment. In the rose of Mrs Emma IKiber of Payson, widow ol . A. Huber, there are five dependent children surviving, and In the cnae of Mrs. Roxle Jewell of Knit Lake four. In each case funeral expenses are awarded in addition. Ogden awvl-U- tnnocsnt ft-- and tiO.Ooo.ooo tons. Increased aeilvitly in manufacturing renters, the entry of several railroad Into market nnd orders for luppltes for Great Likes vessels und the Northwest demand have transformed the customary stagnunt summer market Into daily companion among dealers for shipments. Tlt-BI- Obenchain Trail Again On Angeles, Cal. Mra. Mndnlynne Ohenchnln Monday for the second time heard the state- - beglnthe presentation of the evidence b.v which il hopes to convict her of the charge of the murder of J. Belton Kchnrdy on August 5 last year. Mrs. Ohenehaln faced trial once befor, the Jury dls. agreeing. Arthur Burch, arrested with her, has been twice tried, nnd each of hix trials also resulted In d's igree-men- t. 1 tlire-years- - At a man's party find dill pickles and you me sure to chei-s- somewhere e i- EXAMPLES OF REAL OPTIMISM r -" Fair to 8tate, However, That They Are Not Actual Happening of Record. SlSimtu- r- of In Use for Over 30 ears. Children Cry- for Fletcher's Castoria o. Only - "Fire?" Fiddlesticks, young maiw Both Bidet PUased. Tire booklet says this lintel Is abso"The rain falla alike on tin Just and Go away and Wt m unjust. "They both point to that with lutely fireproof. sleep." pride." What's this from the income taw bureau? Oood! They probably ire On Reason for Haste. sending me s refund." Two iarys were passing "I dont seem to be able ts get cenhills raw duy in Fiilrmoimt. They tral, Mary, but Im sure those borglar Ktopiaul, out of hiutlr and tired, at wont be through In the cellar tni the hcMiw of a relative for a brief rest, some time yet." Why should you go so fast?" asked a good tldng Jack has gon "It's the relative. "You have plenty of time over ts Gloria. He'll appreciate m and Its too hot weuther to hurry so." all the more after he tires of her." "Oh, was the answer, "weve Jus' "Lits of time, George, dar. Just got to hurry In order to keep up with try again and give her s' Utile more each other. Indianapolis News. gas. That train will stop rather thaw hit us." Literary Amenities. "I feel Im going to lose my pettt-em- it George Miwire, the English novelist, before another block, but lIB and u group of other littoral! were dis probably Imik snappier w'lthoiit It " cussing recent books. Mr. Moore "Ten years In King Slug? wished to refer to the author of a you, Judge. Ive always wanted I new puhlleirtlon, hut could not recall wear a light suit, but I never had tbs tils name. "You know," said Moore, courage." the mnn with the funny name. Dour, "Triplets? Hot dog! Thut Just comdeur, what is It? You know, n stupid pletes the children's bnnludl nhier ' nu me, h silly ninne." "Slruw?" sug- Life. gested some one. "That's It," said What tin extraordiMoore. Shaw Tin Can. nary name!" An old lady was crossing tli street the other duy. A dog ran into hevt Unkind Rsmark. with such force thut It knocked her, A srennrlo writer experienced great down. Ju then a light auto ranover diflieuHy In getting his plots accepted. her. A gentleman witnessing the alie-sai- d Aa a rule, they were so nnlntercKtlng cldent rnme to lwr assistance, : was hurt did seldom a that dog that youY complete hearing Lady, Ehe looked at him a little dased sod granted. At last he managed to a weary producer to listen to replhsl: "No, the dog Jidnt hurt me. It wus the tin can tied' to (is fall." the synopsis of Ids latest play. "Imagine," he began, "midnight, ail silent as the grave. It was the dtist mid grime of ritle "Two burglars forre ojien library that resulted In hoiimchsining findlag windows, nnd eventniilly eommeuee less liouse to clean. ojMratlnnK on Hie safe. The clock A life of employment U a life of e strikes one ' Which mie?" yawned the prmlucer. Joy meet. Tb4 1 -! Edinburgh . jer-sund- People are often willing lo share bread. It Is the butter and Jam thut they are ntlngy about. -- 1 e y, -- Ills kingdom without Tent ef debt is a the Iregtnnlng of N. , , rs e ono-four- i ef th Sure Relief OD 4tll placed in wheat and barley the wonderful food properties which build and sustain life and health. !- "refined foods are Many robbed of vital elements which the body needs. so-call- ed water SursHdirf that famous wheat and food brings you alb the natural barley goodness of the grains in perfected form, with a crispness and flavor that charm Grape-Nut- d, , Heres a real treasure from Natures storehouse OOD old Mother Nature has for ii:d:gsstio:j 6 r s the appetite. I- There's Reason y You will find !et ponies and .the victim becomes Pendent and downhearted. To Chnj beck the sunshine take - goldisjal r Salt Luke Drainage dUtrh'ts are Ure7 h liable t tire county in wl.i anC s'.tm te-- i for the rest of ssse snient leoll ctl.m of the drainage di tr.rt !n M.m.on , r f (sesMiienta and Ltxes ai-- CU ietltti "Mt Hj mm every k South Sanpete' drainage no-sth- tt..- -o- colon fo, .-ented iT " districCa :rer the assessors "d trea. co.mty. deputies ia Swafftt proirta No- - 1, strict on account of a t: . , Oruer 9 Grape-Nut- s from your grocer today. y j j ; t saj Uej an ideal s e. t-- . National Remedy of Holland for ow ? u n enemy cf all pains r Ew ,ftd ric Aa dmggjrta, three tisea. Grapes Brirg Good tum Many wine piape prow, M strict are hoping to reers of this for their crop this vive $!2' a and Iho a ton of Offers fHX) yeir refu-e-- 1 fie-lby the gloware !,e r.g 1922 will be the cre hel that who ers.' 4ne rnii exer In tlie lggest year cro; tit f.ir ns sales g. At th' time YV for t- -t jeir whi h was being offered ncrttaally .ld anmud the cr.c., So a ton. Beiorta from Kon.mm it ate that offers of fiflO ai.d FSI0 Grape-Nut- dish lor breakfast or supper-timHeady to serve from the package, with crcahi dr good'nnlkl s, Cal. genert-oiillnrvwy- - H. fluff, attonny for f;ah A. H. ("irlstensen, att.tru'y J ) Q me ot y full-pag- - C O L - Important to Mothore Bringing Him to th Point. Miss De Muir lupa lias forbidden you to come to the house. lie nays you are a dangerous man. "Dangerous. What cun he meanf "He Bays you are the kind of a man who will hang round a girl all lrer life n. news-pape- Ibb. CMi, ie i id Examine carefully every bottle of CASTOltlA. that famous old remedy for Infuuta and children, and see that It nt Tlmes-Unlo- BaMf EKa, the program. In t. Love rules sword. , cn-.- n- l fwn Ina,,6 the Body Builder Grape-Nut- s , .i - It CO. BUFFALO. N. Y. -- Paitlm. and never marry her." Then he proposed. .Scotsman. 14. DOAN'S JfJlV FOSTER M1LBURN he? "Wiry, no, child, lrer mother replied. "But he hus," Insisted Margaret. "Why do you say that?" the mother asked. Because, mother, didnt He wash my fins away Y ber county will have their annual reunion and outing June 23 at Larin t bladder do them. will for medicine, By Farr park, Tonrmfttees of the four Happy If Orinkars Are Poisoned stakes of the Mormon chinch announcenclosing ten cents to Dr. Kilmer 4 Go Muske ton, Mich. "Physicians have i Binghamton, N. Y you may receive earned Sunday. All men and women over You can pie sue bottle by Parcel Post. us the information that booze given 70 years of age will be special guests. purchase medium and large sice bottles at ," Jrlnkers cannot live more than all drag stores. Advertisement. Mr said C, L Calkins, presiPrice Jack Cave, an employee of More Artistic. the McCunes Forwarding company, dent of the sttate association of the DeareCl- be said, sighing line was caught in the Price Commercial Womens Christian Temperance Union, furnace, "it doesnt seem like the same Savings bank. A revolver and twelve addressing the Michigan convention. old amile you used to give to me.' rolls of one-cepieces worth 50 cents Mrs. Calkins hailed the high death "Oh, no, Jack," replied (he sweet rate from moonshine as one of the on his person. were each found thing, "this Is a new one. ' I have been chief blessings of prohibition, ns it will Rtudylng at a school of dramatic art Salt Lake. The city recreation soon dispose of that portion of the Florida grounds, of which there art ten, have population which desregards the law sn Insists upon iwlsonlng Itffeif, "It opened officially for the summer seaThe Cutieura Toilet Trio. son.' is pleasant to know that drinkers of Having cleared your skin keep It clear this vile stuff cannot long survive. by making Cutieura your every-daOne hundred Utah Salt Lake. aid Mrs. Calkins. toilet preparations. The Soap tovcleanse held a .meeting here last sportsmen nd purify, the Ointment to soothe and effort to have week. A state-wid- e Would Prevent Sunday Papers heal, the Talcum to powder and perfopen for fishleft, valloy Strawberry ume. No toilet table is complete Oklahoma City. Natonal lglsln-tioermen was launched. without them. Advertisement ahmild suppress Sunday and exclude from the United lib hfield Utah possesses radium Heinrich's Share. mriBa btates newspapers containing Heinrich Vot vos you ddlng, Flansl deposits which some day may prove I a This advert lament. In value Hans I vog my vlll making. To of Inestimable helping to Thomas of the from platform plank mein vlfe everything I of the give to mein furnish the worlds supply sister t!e remainder 1 leave to mein precious metal, according to Frank L. Pratt Kapler of Knjd, who, aspiring aerial to succeed Manuel Herrick, brndder the residue shall have und Iless, geologist of the United States U that the from daredevil" congressman vos after that left ofer to geloical survey, who made a trip on here file Oklahoma you, Heinrich, is. Boston district, Transcript through southern Utah in company eighth an Independent modulate. with V. C. I Idkes, statistician in Monday as Young men are "revolutionists the Issue, Ilopler saya: If b Renaming of the geological survey. charge reuse they dont care a an advertiser (untnt tell the truth great deal tc be comfortable. of a Soldier Summit Recurrence about about iris bargains in on witness Is a fa's lie bargains two miles west of here on the right pare Dve sees no faults. of way of Denver 4 IUo Grande West- and 'should not be premltted the use ern railroad of what la declared to be of the mails. one of the strangeat freaka known to Use Radio to Catch Bootleggers is caualng delays geological seven. railroad. of that Activities of bootleg-ger- s trafife the in Washington A mountain 1 slipping on Its internal now are lielng tlpied off by rastrata resulting in an upheavel be- dio, according to a statement Issued neath the tracks of the railroad and Monday by Commissioner Ilaynea. Ita-dservice, lie said, has been enlisted throwing theui out of line. In places is reported to have been to asa'xt pruhlhitloa enforcement and the track OmrAMS raised four feet, twisting the steel rails ts being qej succevfully in Michigan, Hot and making the road bed Impassaoie. Colorado and Florida. Two steam shovel stnd two dltctiera are working on the mss of earth and Dean of Public Utility Dca? rock clearing It away. San Francisco Colonel II. D. Ixive-lan25$ 4nd 75$ clean In point of service of' pubPackages. Everywhere Maude Salt Lake. Utahs own In the United emnm'a-mnelic utility Adams has earned the gratitude of fiia here Sunday home at died the pope by the generous gift last State, a memiier of had He leen afternoon. last week of her 3XLacre estate at the California railroad "commission Lake Konkoukoma. - L forttie use continuou-da'nre ltkTT and was one of of the Roman CalwHc S.gterhiod of the men in the country informed Our Lady of tlS Cencnie. accrd ng to on transjwrtat'on protdema. lie was Es a burden when the body advi es fronj New York. 51 Adams born in Nv York In 1 TC!, B raced with pain. Everything Is not a Catholic. frtMB I ftrjf f rmmrf kxlW ofiHaa liBlr Get Doss' st Aay Sloes, 60c s Bos Burs of It. Margaret looked up at her mother one day and said: Mother, Jesus has withir duys hnsnt liO Kidney tmuble." shivering with fright. "Viis " said the burly .one. "You put yer rinds up nnd Ill tuke yer wutoh!" London OtWr-- tHinn'a An oJ.l man was walking along a rvii one night, when lie was confronted t a burly stranger, "VS tint do you want? he naked. ' "Were going to Hve a garni1 of put und 'ake, mate. replied the stranger. 'Tur and take!" gaspetl the old mnn, WXUXX) Bf ! ihard Riu-- t a r t e ol pain through ny bck A boxes t.n.lor toot. Shako All.n' FoutICaoo Into your ahoao and ohjoy tha fellao of loot Wlthiut aa arho. AdTOrOoomont start of the coal strike April 1 supplies were estimated at between 50,. Old folks of-- Ogden and We- acbtn. ttc, kair nafeM kook bHmIbbI or krlf AtVbcIi bU food AnMurteM 4aKr Rwitiwf wilt tapm 4n4mt1 4tvr-- t D COR up. V !a LOOK OLD? OPrORTV New York Drug Concern, New Yoik SAVE SHOES AND STOCKINGS It you hhnka Th., will la.l twte. a. Ion FOOT BASIS, Intv oar SIMM ALUCh'S for I ha f.t. It lahaa tha fric !' quirk rollof to tion from tha ahoa anil Kunlona. Calloufoa, ooro, rTKOH!HNAHY of my hack nU ti a short time I suf v e re I y j fered When 1 rutt dowr I lould hardly (reil his Corn. Mrt,Ilk n BURNS CUTS ITOH SORE 75c st store,; 85c by msiL AAlits T'lentv vears after, one looks at !lloniu with a sort of pensive nunc merit but kindly, too. g AUVST i j " Tani Timbre is sold by nil good druggists. I llt, A Utah Caw , I dlWcnsa Important to j bad Just about decided It whs no use to tHke any more medicine when my husband brought me a bottle of Now 1 never have a touch Tan' n of b digestion. Headaches nnd dh.zy spel'- - are a thing of the past, and rhec ..itisin has left me entirely. 1 never have known a medicine to equal I to going swelling reckwod la few day; rogslates iho kldnse. ftomwb mi heart! pun tie tbs Wood Hftartlwa k sours ytem. Wrtt fmr S eas Trml fwalowil. COUDi CROPST 1FML3T DO, Dept ID, ATUITi, U Atk your neighbor! thotuand. j "1 1 ther of the ' work I tI ! - Con-sumpti- I It your back giving out! Are you nd l tilling tortured with lhrkf,-bpsine! lVcg mv exertion leave you nil played out"? Keel you jut can't keep going? your kidney are to blame. Overwork, strain, hurry and worry tend to weaken the kidnev backache i often the fiwt warning. Headache and dirtme may eome. too, and annoying bladder irregutvntie lleln the kidney with Doun'e Kidney the reined v recommended s ID RAISE CAINS ACCOROINQ Hanford McNider, national TO GOyERMENT, WILL NOT AFcommander of the American Legion, FECT WHOLESALE COSTS will be the principal speaker at the fuorth annual department conent..n of the Utah department of the legion, New Demands In Industry And Tran, according to the annouceinent made b port tlon Jump Weekly Dr. B. W. Black, department coninwn. to Almost der, at a meeting of I.egtonulres, at 9,000,000 Tona which the first plans for the comen. Mo. -- "I LmSai P to ha, nnnp OwI HcIpThat Aching Back! LICK FOR MONTHS From All Parti of Yesn jUj befatliVe ; NEED IS EXPEGTED COULD NOT HIT A Msdi I I'fHl'iw lUtde C$nl CcfEp) CrK, Mb. loo, , a |