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Show THE WEEKLY REFLEX. KVYSVILI.E. UTAH . ft LAYTON BlMlit of of .L Uw product r; borU. Ho day evening. The time was spent in music and games, followed by a three-courluncheon. Those present were Mrs. Luther Ellw, Mrs HoK ert Green, Mrs. Joseph Ellis. Mrs Lawrence Corbndge, Mrs. Ion Wane Mrs. P. T. Sessions. Mrs. George Bennett and Miss Wanda Kiln,. Mrs, Samuel Cook spent a few days in KaysviUe this week as of guiM her aunt, Mrs. J. B, Jarman. Mrs. Verna Simpson, Mrs. Ldia McDonald and Mrs. Hattie Briggs were Ogden visitors Saturday Mr. and Mrs. J. E, Bodily spent Monday in Ogden. sew-mg- g se 4 tio factory milk, t.- 4 rny. fooonr. Poof ood 5 u7!hfuirw. ef oil too T ,r,nery f1'" Good Wportunitm 4 for 4 acrr. w'inT.ubuH.. t truck ganidnin. chicken On the line of Short Orunelectric Haa K- - G. (,,r I fruity'1 i& S 1 - jj. ?. JWWWWWWW and Mrs. Alma Phillips Mr engagement of their Sughter, Nora, to Henry Hill of The marriage will take Ccon, Idaho, the I, fin June 20 on of Mr. and Jesse Thornley, who leaves Vrs, John H. Thornley, a mission June 28, for " nesday, astern states, was tendered y T farewell social at his home and relatives evening. Fifty A friends were present. the time was and luncheon was served L Wed-Lsda- , NOTICE rhiereb? given that the of the Davis County School District will receive f f IJia'iom0 8" in Farmington, Utah, on Monday, June 19, Jn; funusing the schools of the District, approximately 650 tons of coal (run of mine or lump, bid on each or season.. oL.XQ21L2g-tIivered at any time before the 1stW spent and day daughters, of September, 1922, in such Gwrge W. Layton quantities rs Henry Flint, at the various stations as the Board an 51ye ervisitors Sunday. may designate; also, an alternate bid were Ogden Bessie Ware, on the coal delivered in the bins of Leila Layton, Misses two-cour- 1900 se Florence Cooley, Blanche Adams, Alberta Simmons, Algie Bone, Annie Jesse Thornley, Bone and Messrs. Robins, Charles Vernon Ural Major, Adams, Harry Sim- jf jh, n ihe various school buildings. Bids on ar I'ar of the amount will be considered, The Board reserves, the right to meet any and all bids. BOARD OF EDUCATION, By Thomas E. Williams, Clerk. 2t in favor of the plaintiff upon an implied contract to pay to plaintiff the sum of Ttr.s'iO.t'O, the value of stock of the Ellwon Ranching Company anti of the I avion Sugar Company owned by plaintiff and appropriated and hy the defendants to their own use and benefit. 'eon-vert- ed 1,800,000,000, SUMMONS., In the Second Judicial District Court RAGi.n, Fabian, clendenin of Davis County. State of Utah. J. D. SKFEN, E. I. Ellison, plaintiff & Jl'DD, , vs. Attorneys for Plaintiff, Ogden Packing & Provision ComP. i address 702 Walker Bank pany. a corporation, A. G. Becker & building. Salt Iuike City Utah, 407 Company, a corporation, W. H, Shear- Ream- - budding. Salt Lake City, Utah Fii-- t man, Eva C. Erb, James Tingree, A. publication June 8, 1022. Cl. Becker, F. L. La-- t Lippman. C. II. publication July 6, 1922. John R. Washburn, Carey M . Rhodes, William H. Wattis and NOTICE TO CREDITORS James II. DeVine, defendants. the District Court uf the Second In The State of Utah to the said DefendJudicial District in and for the ant: Countv of Davis, State of Utah. You are hereby summoned to apIn the Matter of the Estate of pear within twenty days after the ser- SARAH ANN SIMMONS. Deceased. vice of this summons upon you, if Creditors will present claims with served within the county in which this vouchers to the undersigned, at the action is brought; otherwise, within First National Bank of Layton, Lay-toand defend thirty days after Utah, on or before October 6, the above entitled service, action; Bnd in ?se 1922 of your failure so to'do, judgment will Dined thiil 29th day of May, 1922. Iw rendered against you aecordingto I . El 1 l,Ld S 5 hi , the demand of the complaint, which Executor. has been filed with the Clerk of said W. R. SKEEN. Court. Attorney for Executor. This action is brought to recover a Date of first publication June 1, 1922. judgment against the defendants and Date of last publication June 22, 1922. 5 1,800,000,000 Dollars in Gold MEMBER FRDER Pop-penhu-e- n, U,JiIERYF. SYSTEM Eighteen hundred million dollars is held by the Federal Reserve Banks as the reserve of the hanks which are the members of the Federal Reserve System. This hank, as a member of the system, shares in the protection afforded by .this great reserve. As our customer you also share in this benefit. n, BARNES BANKING COMPANY -- Wfield, Quincy Harold Ellison formed a motored to Como jolly party that and spent Springs, Morgan county, mons and week-en- last d. Miss Josephine Stookie of Salt Lake visited with Miss Beatrice Ellison on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. C. 0. Nichols, Mrs. Arthur Ellis, William to George Ellis matored yon and spent Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert family visited relatives in Greek Ogden and can- Birkin and Farmington Sunday. ' Mr, Robert Birken and Clyde Bone are enjoying a fishing trip on Moss Creek, Morgan county. j. Ray of Denver, formerly accountant at the Layton Sugar Co. is j, visiting here this week. Leonard Alder Robins was granted the degree of bachelor of science with high school diploma from the school of education. FARMINGTON Mrs. Samuel I Gregory, who has been suffering from high blood pressure and complications for some years, suffered a serious paralytic stroke Thursday, June 9, and is still in a critical condition. The home of Miss Gloria Anderson was the scene of a farewell party Monday evening in honor of Miss Reva Dustin who, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Dustin, is leaving Farmington. The party later went to Lagoon in a body. Mrs. Walker W. Davis of Blackfoot, Idaho, arrived in Farmington Saturday, June 11, in response to a telephone call from the bedside of her mother, Mrs. S. L. Gregory, who is very ill. Mrs. Miller Tuck, formerly of Farmi- ngton but now of Salt Lake, visited a number of her friends here Sunday. Mrs. E. A. McDonald of .Salt Lake City visited friends here Sunday. . Mr. and Mrs. John Armstrong of Salt Lake, relatives of Mrs. S. L. Gregory, visited at hpr bedside Monday evening. Among those on the sick list here are Mrs. C. A. Miller, president of the Central Farmington Relief society, and Mrs. John Workman. 3lrs, Faitnie Thackham of Bountiful Farmington respectively, is spreading sunshine and cheer by her daily round of visits to the sick here. and '.--l 't. j, . , :V 1 . A j f 4 :v. ' Vj'tJ Vb- - J 1 x!i S f j M . Copyright 1922 Hart Scluufuer & Marx on style and fine --ins- ist quality this summer . . i SYRACUSE The primary officers of Syracuse ard held a racial at the home of Mrs. Oswelt Strker cn Wednesday 'flernoon. A lun hon Ws Served and the time was spent in music and games. Those presn Mrs. Lawrence Hidaon, Mrs. Mary Waite, Mrs. John Bennett. Mrs Edwin Williams, Mrs. Roy Briggs Misses Vcrda Cook. Alta Briggs, Louis? Sldlrr and Ida Moss. Lra. LrsRe Ellis was tendered a sor-- r party at her home Yednes- two-cour- se style alone isnt enough; youve got to have the tailoring we know; and the fabrics that hold the style in place, we have the clothes that will give you real service 'at . the lowest seasonal cost. - summer clothes EOR SALE Good mare and colt. 01 trade for good saddle horse. Nick Bonnenicrt. FOR SALE Brick. Mrs. Leone R Stewart, Farmington, Utah. FOR SALE dos r Planted, wheat. v Xv a gtMHi Charles barker. Hooper Utl ,r On young work horse, double or single; 8bou 12 Off lbs. One fresh cow or will trade for Fore ani? J 1 ' SALE ' , to Two choice building B good water rights, , ! a rr w ' SALE About 25 acres arm ind. most of it in w ni grain; fifteen shares ci iTly to Arthur Smith, Kays- 3t 3 1 vipz tN dviloinq thcLcclcs OCjDEN.UTAW M |