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Show urn weekly reflex eaystille, otah RED CROSS HOPES The executive committee ef the Davis county Red Croee unit will meet at headquarters at Farmington en Wed- nesday afternoon of next week p. m. at 2 The Y. L. M. I. A. Red Croee auxiliary has finished and turned in to the county unit, the following articles: 61 hospital bed shirts, 25 pairs of socks, 11 sweaters and 2 helmets. The Y. L, M. I. A. auxiliary to the Red Cross entertainment at the opera house was another unqualified success in the campaign now being waged in Davis county for Red Cross funds and also from $ social standpoint. The program ,was well rendered and contained several new and novel features. The gross 'receipts were $104,9Q and as is usual with Red Cross entertainments, the expense was slight. MARTHA PECIAL-PIRI- E- , Insurance Policy The Free has a policy covering a period of five (5) years, which absolutely protects you from fire, tornado, lightning, and water. H. J. Phone No. Kaysville, Utah. f George KAYSVILLE Th mrvwt city In north Daria county ; fine place for rcaidcnco. Kaycvillc Roller Util., eevetahle and fruit canning eatab liahment aad great brick plant add cteadlly te the wealth of the city. General farming. fruit and vegetable growing for .hip-neand canning are important imluatriea, Haa the Dacia County Central High achool. ehurehee and new opera houae. City water and electric light are inducement for Home of the Inland Printing company and it printing plant. nt -- 1 Haight has returned from San Francisco and Los Angeles. He visited Gamp Kearney and saww all the Davis county boys. Chance Barton of Ogden, formerly of Kaysville, lost the four fingers 6f his right hand In a sausage mill in an Ogden market a few days ago. The young people of Clearfield will give a patriotic entertainment in their Mrs. R. C. Jamison ia visiting with amusement hall th i s evenin g. M any of hap mother at Burley, Idaho. the most talented people of the ward Mr. and Mrs. Charles Odd are vis- will participate io the entertainment. iting with relatives in Boise, Idaho. round-u- p farmers and is convention, FOR SALE A Studebaker one ton being held at the Davis school first-clasNorth at Syra s High condition. Ernest track in cuse today and will also be in session Paterson, Kaysville Garage. Adv. tomorrow. The Syracuse Farm bu FOR SALE Four well broke work reaulsYaking active part in the affair hories and one driving pony. Charles ami - much - good -- will come from-th- e Barber, Layton. Phone 66--3 Several of the really big meeting. work will be present Dr. Gleason is again on duty and men in round-u- p will answer calls promptly night or and speak at the meeting7 L. L. Boaz, the erswhile field super day as usual. intendent of the Pioneer Oil & Gas Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Gailey are company, who recently returned from paying a visit to Mrs. Galleys old California in charge of Sheriff Nalder home in Lincoln, Idaho. of Davis county, was to have had a The drillers for the Pioneer Oil & hearing inhe justiceeurt of KaysSeveral Gas company are now about ready to ville Wednesday morning. of hand on to comwere citizens the in well initial the for that spud city but-fo- r some attend the rea hearing, ' pany. son or other the case was postponed J. Clyde Bishop, electrician in the until next Monday. Boaz is charged naval service, is reported in the hos- with selling shares of the stock of the pital suffering from bronchitis at the company and appropriating the funds Brooklyn Navy Yard. to his personal use. Tyler H. Barton of Kaysville deay ..Wje.ax.e.xery parted for Vancouver. ONCE.--Ther- e enAT the to He been, -has assigned day. gineering corps and will take training are altogether too many subscribers Adv. in arrears. at that camp. A house-keepe- 1t Adv-2-2- rs One of the best Eastern brands, per can 13c ; 2 for 25c 1-- River Valley jar of gallon, jar included Bear $1.09 Sr LAYTON GOLDEN RULE Theater LAYTON, UTAH Heres an old fashioned recipe for corn mu fling that haa recently been . Saturday evening, March 2 revived and used with unusual success In several of the larger New York hotel: To make three and a half dozen muffins take one quart milk, six ounces butter substitute, twelve ounces of light syrup or honey, four eggs, pinch of salt, two ounces baking powder, one and a half pounds cornroeal and one and a half pounds rye flour. The butter and syrup should be thoroughly mixed; then add the eggs gradually, pour In the inilk and add the rye flour mixed with cornmea! and baking powder. V Douglas Fairbanks IN J. R. GAILEY NOTARY PUBLIC Earth Douglas .Fairbanks 'ROTjlflSOfi m DowaiTO Ea&th ARTCRAPTPlCTVtt&$ An Artcraft Picture irtdrtrtrtrtrtrtf'trtrtii SPECIALS Friday And Saturday Utah-Nevad- ONLY - -- Down to - . Kaysville 7 For the, purpose of considering ways 7 and means of improving the contiE. nental highway through Davis, Weber licensed Abstractor and and Box Elder counties, about fifty Notary Public representatives from these counties met at the Weber club last night under Office F. C. & M. Bldg. the auspices of the Ogden publicity . - . bureau A committee of sixteen was FARMINGTON UTAH to with confer state the appointed road commission to ascertain if funds The were available from auto taxes of 191? Way and 1918 or by the sale of bonds, for To the purpose of completing as far as Wealth is as plain as the way to market. possible arid for maintaining the road from Salt Lake north through Davis Be Industrious Be Saving Weber and Box Elder counties to conTake Good Life Insurance and nect with the Overland trail at the Make Sure a state line. of cash enough to keep you in your All of the various problems of road OLD AGE building and maintenance were discussed at the meeting and many plans You may delay, but time will not ifor repairs and genera! improvement Do It NOW -1 of the highway were discussed. The Z. HENRY JACOBS. matter of improving the roads as a Kaysville Tel. 87-war measure was also discussed at Real Estate Insurance length. At the conclusion of the meet-ingtOnly the Best concensus of opinion was that concerted action was necessary on the part of the counties named to complete a big portion of the work during the coming season. The committee named last night is: BUTTER WRAPPERS Weber county T. S. Browning, THE REFLEX OFFICE mayor; Marnoi Skeen, countjreommis- w June Peas, per can Early June Peas, per can Aunt Jemimas Molasses,-pe- r can Velva Molasses and Syrups, per can he ORDER YOUR 10c :.'..:...12Vic .11c and 15c :12c and 19c ....9c .:. Tilikum Salmon, per can Golden Anchor Salmon, per can : 15c CALL AND CEE ONR NEW SPRING LINE OF DRESS GOODS, LACES, EMBROIDERIES, ETC. 1t : GOLDEN RULE STORES HHrfBC Originators of Low Prices DONT RAISE UNPROFITABLE HOGS Time Table Changes Bamberger KRESO DIP - (STANDARDIZED) rio.L L EFFECTIVE EASY TO USE ECONOMICAL live boss pror that IiS'S dilutloo ot Kreo dip No.1 will kill Virulent Cholera n fire mmutM by or n act. Write foe free booklet on bo rake Cotcreu Ho W allow Construct km. Die Na, 1 ia oriciaal S Bf account not only protects your money against theft Every man owes himself and his family the protection of a savipgs account jn a goxl sub- stantial bank like this one. Under the new schedule trains will leave Salt Lake and Ogden as follows: WhynQUstarUin.a-4ma- U -way and save everyday day? LAYTON DRUG CO. 4-M- Great Oaks from Little Acorns Grow KAYSVILLE, UTAH Leaves Ogden. ' Leaves Sait Lake 6:15 A. M. 3 .. No. - 9:30 A.M. No. No. . 10:30 A. M. - No. 17 No- - IT No. 21 No. 23 No. 25 -M BARNES BANKING COMPANY. UTAH No. No. . KxteHmcntrm pack,Far 'S A bank f' AND KEEP THE PREMISES SANITARY BY PRINT. FARM KAYSVILLE , LAYTON V2 We Can Fit Large Men in Overalls against temptation to spend. fcw the Made ; and loss, but also protects it - Gallon Honey alfalfa meadows of the famous on 2 - alesirAus-that-you-p- - t? P your-subscrip- tion KX THE UCE I te J. SHEFFIELD & SONS Canned Corn DELICIOUS CORN MUFFINS." Delegates From Three Counties Meet With Barnes Banking Co at Ogden, Name Committees. sewing machine in the world. Let us put one of these machines in youre home. e y, IMPROVING ROAD TO THE STATE LINE CONSIDERED is the lightest running I SPECIALS FOR THE NEXT WEEK La Tonia vow to keep this country which Washington made and gave to them, the purest and the best on earth. i Layton Golden Rule first-pa- ge ever-willin- j The Free from and we will surrender our money, our array, and our navy to help win world liberty. So the spirit of Washington still lives to kindle the fires of patriotism in our breasts an to prod us on to our duty; we in return will save our Country and still hold up to the whole world the unsullied picture of our first leader. As our boys are marching to battle, g a picture of their counwill them lead to victory, for tryman World Freedom. In the battle trenches of France, those American boys will t 1 E. BA9RNES CONTEST ( Continued On The Free Machine For Ten Days Eioner and A. P. Bigelow of the Weber club. Tremonton, Box Elder county Charles Me Lure, mayor; A. D. McGuire,' Commercial dub, Garland; , L. W. freeton, mayer; J. W. Lea-laCemmeroial dub, 'Brigham City; J. W. Peters, mayor; J. FraneU Merrill, Commercial dub; Brigham . Wright, county commissioner. Park Valley; Fred Herrington, land owner. Davis county Farmidgton, J. D. Wood, mayor; Arthur Hesa, county commissioner; Kaysille, J. W. 'Thorn-lemayor; W. P. Epperson, Commercial club; Bountiful, the mayor and representative of the Commerrial club. No. 29 .. No. 31 ... No. 33 ... 16 ....12:30 P. M- 1:30 P.M. .... 2:30 P. M, r: 3:3Q-P."M- 4:00 P.M. 4:30 P. M. 5:30 P. M- 6:30 P. M. 7:30 P. M. 8:30 P. M- - We call the attention of our patrons to the improved service now in effect. |