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Show - . THE WEEKLY REFLEX, KAYSVILLE, UTAH CALL FOR HEW RUSSIAN INVASION BY GERr.IANS HERTLIIIG APPROVES 250,000 GIFTS For all occasion Oil HOOKS Each State Asked to Contribute Volunteers to Speed Merchant Fleet. Workmen to Stand Ready When Called Standard Seal of Wtgea and Good Housing Conditions , Assured. -- Two hundred and fifty thousand workmen are to be enrolled In a reserve organisation of American mechanics, skilled workers In many lines, to bring to completion the gigantic shipbuilding program to win the war. The organisation Is known as the United States Shipyard Volunteers of the Public Reserve.' Those who enroll will stand ready to respond when they are called to report at the shipyards for duty. An appeal for volunteers has been made by the department of labor, the council of national defense, the shipping board, the 20,000 men, governors of the various states, organised labor and business men. The aim la to fill all the present and future needs of the government's shlpyaVds. Pay of volnnteera will be in accordance with the prevailing wage In the shipyards at the time they are called. Construction of houses for the workers It being pushed with energy, and the neegssary homes will be ready whea the rfen art called. Cards are Issued to all applicants, hearing statements of the purpose of the shipyard volunteers, classifying them according to trades and asking signers to respond when called. But tons will be given to volunteers hearing the Inscription,' "U, S. Shipyard In addition, the workVolunteers, er will receive a certificate signed by Chairman Hurley, which reads; t ' 'Tfits la to certify (name of volunteer) of (city, state), has enrolled in the United States of rub- Shipyard Volunteers ( lie Service Reserve to aid the ' Nation in Its ' Imperative needs foy merchant ships with which to overcome the submarine menace f and maintain our forces st the . . four-minut- . e fron. Shipyards to Win er Lose. The world war will be won or lost "In the American shipyards. Every rivet driven Is a blow at the kaiser. Every ship turned out brings America hep for to victory." hose who give their strength and Influence to the speedy construction of ships render service that Is patriotic and highly essential to the successful termination of the war." Ilans for the organization of the , Shipyard Volunteers were laid with the view to Interfere as little at possible with the private Industrial concerns and to cause the minimum of Inconvenience to the workers themselves. Under this system, when an acetylene or electrical welder, blacksmith, boiler maker, carpenter or any other of the skilled workers or laborers Is enrolled. be need not fear that he will be called upon to quit, his present position without notice and go Immediately to a shipyard. The government does not contemplate Issuing calls to the volunteers until the yards are ready to receive them. ' When a man Is enrolled be may ' make his persona) plans In accordance with the governments wishes and be ready when the call comes. , He will then hare awaiting him a definite Job at a definite place, at a definite, generous rate of pay. Quota of Each State. Each state has- been assigned a quota, based upon the population and . industries. The quota la as follows; - I l.H 1,191 l.SSK) MasaaetuiMttalt.sn Rhode Iatanl,. 8,355 Connecticut n 4.784 New York ..,.38 824 Minnesota .... 8,782 8.331 Iowa ! I . Missouri,, North Dakota. 8.&M South Dakota. 8.393 - Nebraska "Kansas Delaware general peace can be discussed on such a basis. Only one reserve need be mude In this connection : These principles must not only be proposed by the president of the United Ntutes, but also must actually be recognized by all states and peoples. But this goal has not yet been reached. There Is still no court of arbitration established by ail the nations for the preservation of peace In the name of Justice. When President Wilson Incidentally says that the German chancellor Is speaking to the tribunal of the entire world, I must decline this tribunal ns prejudiced, Joyfully us I would greet It If an Impartial court of arbitration existed and gludly ns I would to realize such Ideals, Allies Terms Not In Accord. Unfortunately, however, there Is no trnce of slmllnr statements on the pnrt of the leudlng jmwera of the entente. Englands war alms are still thoroughly imperialistic and she wants to Impose on the w'orld a peace according to Englands good pleasure. When England talks about the peoshe ples right of does not think of applying the principle to Ireland, Egypt and India. "It has been repeatedly said that we do not crhitemplnte retaining Belgium, but that we must be safeguarded from the danger of a country, with which we desire after the war to live In pence and friendship, becoming the object or Jumping-of- f ground of enemy imudnu-tbins- . If, therefore, a proposal came from the opposing side, for example, from the government In Havre, we should not adopt an antagonistic attitude, even though the discussion at first might only be unbinding, Meunwhlle, I readily admit that President Wilsons message of February 11 constitutes perhaps a small step toward a mutual approuchinent." te , 'Vv Illinois Mtehl Wlaconein Alabama Mississippi Arisen ml 23.SC? ... t T.4S8 8,022. f Ill 8.2M tro 8.451 West Virginia. I 877 N Carrln&. . . .J4 8 Carolina.... 1251 11 W1 Geonrli 1.435 'Florida Kentucky .... .... S " X V,ttv V 7.832 -- nteer ; Acetylene and electrical welders, Bgie--j men. fiange turner, furnace men, boilermakers,, riveters, reamers, carpenters, ship carpenters, (dock builders, chipper and calkers, , i electrical workers, electricians, crane operators, foundry worker, laborers (all kinds), loftsmen, and template makers, machinists hands (all sorts), helpmachine ers, painters, plumbers and pip 'fitters, sheet metal workers, coppersmiths. shlpfitters, structural Iron workers, erectors, bolters up, cement--er- s and crec snea. drop-forg- iNrlnw-jr t e wire-men- , at . " y kL . 1 katMxnl twenty-seve- n cth iv ' members of the n tncp and bocj SALT LAKE STAMP dm nanauiiMdhMiir ... Nine mr itah mi CO. mmb (WU-W5-- 8) BARGAINS IN USED M 1 Francis J. Heney, In chanre of the fetlejaUnveKtigalRm-- of the packing Industry, declares he will show that the big Chicago packers had taken s t ci)S.Jmmediatelv-A- f lor - the- - n trance of the United States Into the flur to place meu In the food prior to its .creatioiv- - w ho would not allow the packing Industry to be placed at a disadvantage. Mr. Heney declared Monday that' at least six men who drew salaries from the packing companies and their subsidiaries were holding important post Ittlhe food adiuintstfuttoiiTThese iiH-he Indicated, were placed in the food administration for no other purpose tbun to head off any action which would be detrimental to the packers. ,. , 0. 1m4M tiol-25- 0 nnlo( n4 cnBo!ckt, OUmobUn. CurantwO to 1800. coadiiloa mt ami Wtitt fca 4atillc4 right Mrtln. Utcd Cat Dept., N. ri din it vaatt4 br lltt tad datcria-tioa- , Auto Co, s,i, Lag, ct,r RantUU-Dod- d Seeds Fiill-of-Li- fe dead. When the rescue ships finally reached the scene they found the few who were saved clinging to the wreckage in .a grim, determined battle with death, amid a foaming sea and the bitter elements of the storm, which had not yet subsided. Many of them were unconscious and were still unable to talk wlieu they were brought here. . The coastal steamer Prospero, the sealer Terra Nova and a government ship, Home, met the lifeboats, which lmd first reached the wreck, but wrere unable to land. The, survivors were taken aboard the larger vessels. The captain of the Prospero reported thht the Florizel was at the mercy of the waves. Her wireless had been destroyed by a fire which started In the CARS Now la th Mm to boy your Modi for spring planting whilo shipping facilities are good nod tho quality of needs U high. Writ for catalogue of Vogoler' Purity Seed. VOGELER SEED CO. Salt Lake City, Utah ROUTE TO SWEDEN AIRPLANE Trelleborg and Saasnltz to B the of the. Proposed Line Con. necting With Germany. Ter-mi- ni The following bulletin on Trelleborg and Saasnltz, the tecminl of the proposed Swedish-Germaairplane route, which assumes special significance in the light of recent developments in the diplomatic relations bet wet GerSalt Lake City. Open defiance of many and Sweden, has been Issued by the authorities of the United States National Geographic society. Between Trelleborg, the most southgovernment lu enforcing the provision forecastle. Several persons attempted to reach erly town in the Kingdom of Sweden, of the draft law among the Indian residents on the Gosliute reservation on the shore" In smnll boats before help and Sassnltz, a summer resort ou th a the line In Juab county, reached them, and were swallowed up northeastern shore of the German and threats of violence by the redmen within sight of those who had re- Island of Rugen, express steamers in against the Indian agent and his fam- mained on board. Many were swept times of peace make regular trip across this arm of the Baltic lu four ily, was promptly and effectively met overboard during the storm. when the government quietly sent a deTen bodies have been washed ashore, hours. .This Is the chief water link In the tachment of the Twentieth infantry one a Woman, express service between Stockholm and Berlin. Neither town from Fort Douglas to the- - reservation would be of any importance were it not and arrested the ringleaders In the American Raiders Capture Huns. draft revolt and brought them prisonSomewhere in France. An American, for the fact that they are the termini of this steamer service. ers to this city. secpatrol In the surTrelleborg is a quaint old town of The Indian prisoners, who wrere tor, In conjunction with a French pa- some 10,000 Inhabitants, lying 20 mile roundprised by the federal troops and trol, early Monday, penetrated a few southeast of Malmo, capital of Skane, ed up before daylight, before they hundred ynrds into the German lines could make escape to the hills or or- and captured two German officers, teh most populous province in all Sweden. It Is only 16 miles from Malmo s ganize effective resistance. Include twenty men and one machine gun. to the Danish capital, Copenhagen. Tommy, A1 Steele, Jim Straight, Sassnltz Is one of several popular conJohn Syuie, who are charged with Hun Raider Reaches Haven. on the Island of Rugen, seaside resorts of 4o draft Indians Incite the spiracy Amsterdam. A dispatch to the Dus. the largest Insular possession of Gerage upon the reservation to defiance of seldorfer Zeltung from Berlin says the many, having an area about equal to the government, and Tweedy Baker, Wolf landed In the that of Cape Cod. Only about 2,500 Lou Murphy and Jack Seinoo, who are auxiliary cruiser Austrian harbor of Iola, Adriatic sea. people make Sassnltz their permanent charged with being evaders of the The adds that the vessel tried home, but during the bathing season in dispatch draft registration law. to return to the North sea, times of peace the village Is visited The soldiers from Fort Douglas, In- repeatedly was barred by the watchbut always annually by more than 20,000 pleasure encluding three officers and fifty-on- e of the British ships. fulness seekers. listed men under command of Captain The water trip from Trelleborg to Walter C. Gullion, accompanied United Sassnltz is 60 miles. Thus the JOHN F. NUGENT States Marshal Aquila Nebeker from distance between StockSalt Lake to the reservation, making holm Is 415 miles. and Berlin the trip so secretly that they arrived upon the reservation without an Inkling of their coming reaching the 'To Boll Eggs by Telephone. . . .. Iudluns. Telephone operators need a sense iof humor' to make the petty annoyArmy Captain Interned. ances of their occupation bearable. If New York. Capt. David A.' Henkes, .they have that, they can find endlesi U. S. Sixteenth infantry," matter for amusement In the A., has been sentenced to dismissal from the servof the human nature that ex; ice and Confinement at hard labor for hibits Itself at the other end of the twenty-fiv- e ylrCi years by a general A telephone subscriber asked Ms held at Governors island. descentTen-deavored HenkesrwhrrlrxrfGmimn .operator to ring his bell in three min reto resign bis, commission, jutes, and immediately hung up his suthe time ceiver. At the appointed saying he did not care to fight against relat Ives- - ftttdFrieMd pervisor rang on the line, aSST thr subscriber responded merely with Government Owenship Defeated. "Thank you." Later he called &abj .W ashlagton.-rChampioato thank, .tho, operator, and explalned ofgovera-men- t lost that he had been boiling eggs ana by an overwhelmownership wanted to time them. They had been ing vote on Friday their bitter fight cooked to the queens taste, he said. In the senate for an indefinite federal control of the railroads after the war. A Good Wife., An amendment to the administration Once offered railroad bill, upon a time there was a faiV by Senator Johner whose wife dally pumped the houseson or SuthDak6taFand providing hold supply of water up to a tank o' that government control should conthe roof, says The Little Journal. Aftinue until congress otherwise ordered, ' ter 20 years he Installed an electric was defeated, 61 to 10. John F. Nugent of Boise ha been motor to do this .for her. Careful calHundred Drowned. appointed United States senator by culation brought out the fact that the Ship Torpedoed; --One n.nd .ten arsons Governpr Aiexsnd? to flit the vacancy wife hadDeen working thatpamp baa bnndrM PnrlSj when' the steamer Ladives caused by the death of Senator Brady. die 3.650 hours at a value of half perished cent per hour. She had saved him was torpedoed in the Mediterranean Mr. Nugent is a lawyer, Democratic state chairman and also $18.75 In 20 years. What was it the February 1, according to an official announcement. Tne attacking submarine member of the counsel for th Western preacher, said about Iter worth, .being Federation of Miners. above rubles! was hot' seeiC Threats of Violence by Indian Against Agent and His Family' Also Charged Against Erring Members of the Tribe. The Bolshevlkl Government Has Announced It Radines to Accept Hun Proposal, Parley to Begin at Once. Diet In Attempt to .Save Pig. Lexington, Ky. Fred Croyle hist his General Giardino, under chief to Ufe Sunday while trying to save the General Diai In the Italian army, who life of a pig. He tried to push, the ha figured prominently in fighting pig from a railroad truck when he was struck by'A trahi," ' ' along th Piave, LYTotfette DenouneedTBy Senate. Chocolate Plant Burns. Madison, Wk A loyalty resolution Harrisburg, Pa. Fir lu the plant of Including an amendment condemning the Ilershey Chocolate company did Senator La Follette for his attitude to- damage amounting to more than SV),-00ward the war, was passed by the state One million pounds of powdered senate late Monday night by a vote cocoa was destroyed. The origin of of 26 to 3. the fire 1 unknown. Japan to Act in Siberia Soon. Fake' Captain Makes Escape. Harbin. The Japanese, according to St. Louis. Cnpt." Harold J. Keyes, reliable authority. Intend to take ac- en route from Salt Lake to Camp tion In Siberia ut an enrly date, and Wheeler, uear Macon, Ga., to be tried there are evidences that they have as a deserter, eluded his custodian tills while on a train Sundiiy and has not long been prejairing to carry-ou- t move. been found. , v -- F LENINE AND TROTZKY YIELD TO GOSHUTE SLACKERS CAUGHT AT UTAH LINE, RINGLEADERS HUN DEMANDS TAND ABBEING IMPRISONED. JECTLY SURRENDER. n, ITS .Trade Needed In Shipbuilding. The department of labor ha prnvld-the following list showing the kind of trades mort needed In shipbuilding, And t special appeal ts addressed to men In those occupations to enroll In Stic " United State Shipyard volu- smiths, GUI'S TERMS admin-Lstrution- 03-- Vlrelnla ....... 1 . 4 400 Maryland .... Diet, of Col... Tennessee S2I'. CITY TUMnVMrMkwiikPMtM)a TiA , ml III tw PM m. TW hrUct La, Til j. kti ot U Brest-Lltovs- k Chicago. ..il.m .. Mil ..... 8,994 LAJC ur Declares Packers Have Paid Spies on Hoovers Board. ...... .10,847 SALT THIS TAG PREVENTS LOSS The three rescue ships, which were dispatched to the scene of the wreck In answer to the S. O. S. wireless call, returned to this port late Monday afternoon, bringing with them the forty-fosurvivors, who were found, clinging to the stranded hull of the ship. Unavailing efforts had been made all The dotted line shows the approximate boundary of the territory Gerthe previous night by the lifesaving many was reported to have demanded In the peace proposal made to Russia at the conference. 1 Where the northern advance wasmade erews along the shore, but the storm by the Germans across the Dvina river In the occupation of Dvlnsk. 2 Where would not permit a small craft to the southern German advance was begun In the occupation of the Russian reach the wreck. Naval gunners .shot fortress town of Lutsk. 3 Later reports from Berlin stated that the Ger- a line from the shore across the bow mans were advancing on the Russian front along the entire line from Riga of the ship, but there was no apparent to Lutsk. This front Is approximately 400 miles long. effort to make the line fast, and It was believed that all aboard were HENEYMAKE$ GRAVE CHARGES. ,?f ' r tf "V Slim crew. 506-mil- e New Jersey. ..11,344 Pennsylvania, 12,771 18.S02 Ohio Indiana gers and two-hou- . makers of jewelry WOMAN r up'-Moild- Tendon. The Bolshevlkl government, represented by Nikolai Lenlne and Leon Trotzky, has acceded to the demands of Germany and announced It readiness to accept the hard peace terms which Germany has laid down. Thus, apparently without further hesitation, the Russians are prepared. In an effort to atop the Inroads the Germans now are making into their country, to add to the enemys already PROFITEERS DENOUNCED. vast holdings more of Russias most valuable western territory, extending North Dakota Senator Declares Bol- from the gulf of Finland southward to shevik! Movement Spreading Here. the Illuck sea, and even to withdraw Washington. Profiteering by labor her troops from Finland and give back slackers and supply contractors was to the Turks what has been taken denounced In the senate Monday by from them in battles. Senator P. J. McCumber of North DaThe surrender seems abject., Russia kota, Republican, as typifying the Is Immediately to seud u delegation to there to discuss with spread of what he called a Bolshevlkl movement In this country. The sena- German representatives the final der tor delivered a , prepared tails of the peace and sign the comspeech, declaring profiteering was en- pact. At last account the German armies couraged by government officials, charging that labor unionism is slack- In the east were giving no hoed to ing In most shameful and disgraceful talk of ience, but, on the contrary, manner" In shipbuilding, and urging were methodically pushing forwnrd enactment of his bill to draft for In- their line over the more than dustrial or agricultural service men front from the gulf of Flnlund region between IS and 62 years old. to Volhyniu, and still nowhere meeting with uny systematic attempts to GENERAL GIARDIN0 hinder their progress. Numerous additional towns have been captured and several thousand more Russians made prisoners. In addition, nearly 3000 German and Austrian prisoners of war have been liberated by the Invaders. 5 BOYD PARK St. Jolm, N. F. Forty- - four persons were rescued from tie wreckage of the Red Cross liner Florizel, which was pounded to pieces off the rocks of Cape Race In the fctortn on February 24. The death list now stands at ninety-two- . The last hope of saving the lives of more persons dbonrd the night at ship was given the offices of the Red Cross line. The saved Include seventeen passen- Brest-Lltovs- - Maine New HaSnp... Vermont Forty-fou- A fiiKtmlfiin. Speaking before the rdchstag on February 23, the Imperial German chaneellor, Count von Uertltng, made tills declaration: "I can fundamentally agree with the four principles which in President Wilson's lew must be applied In a mutual .exchange of views, aud thus declare with President Wilson that n e O Survivor Found Clinging to the Stranded Hull of the Ship and Saved by Rescue Ships Dispatched to the Scene. When American Aims Are Openly Indorsed by Others, Germany Will Consider Peace, Is Imperial Chancellor's Declaration. FORM RESERVE ORGANIZATION with u by malL LIVES LOST WHEN STEAMER IS ROUNDED TO PIECES OFF CAPE RACE. NINETY-TW- AGREES WITH VIEWS OF PRESI-DENBUT SAYS ALLIES DO NOT APPLY THEM. are doubly appre; dated when they come from th tor of Boyd Park. Only fir,t qu,i Ity. good, at honestly reonabl price. Perfectly Mf to hop Wlth n Utah-Nevad- 24-ho- ur Chemin-des-Dam- An-nip- 200-mil- e freak-tshne- court-marti- ss al s was-former- ly , r Huns Sink Spanish VesseL The Mar Caspio, a Spanish steamer, has fallen victim to a subrna-rinit was announced here Friday. The vessel was destroyed and sunk by shell fire from the undersea cruft, the statement added. Americans Murdered at Tampico. Washington, One .American was killed and three were wounded in an attack by Mexican bandits on an oil boat at Tampico. The man slain was Edgar House, a paymaster for the Texas Oil comjmny. Army Health Condition JLmprtrve. Washington. Health conditions la all American army camps showed decided Improvement during the week ending February 13 and for that week there was a lower death rate la all camps than since November. - Need 53,000 Tuberculosi Beds. New York. At least ofl.OOO more hospital beds will be needed in the United States within the next two years to make possible adequate control of the disease and check its ravages under war conditions, - Madrid. e. Well Posted. " and They were discussing literature authe conversation turned to English thors, "Have yon read Carlyle! qutred the literary connoisseur, answered the literary pavenu, "hot fT visited his Indian school." . Lav Food Discoveries. Lichens have been proposed as latest addition to staple articles diet One scientist has SUgge?ted 0 land moss as suitable for making for bread and reindeer moss as gc - J fodder for animals. . , |