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Show THE WEEKLY REFLEX, KAYSVILLE. UTAH VOLUNTEERS ENROLLING TO BUILD AMERICAN SHIPS. BURIAL, PLACE OF OUR FIRST SOLDIERS KILLED IN FRANCE JIT f? ' V fp' .)4 fi ;p -- : 4'' k I r r' r,:i; 4 ail 4?- -' f,r V'S t3 I k -- i;u.' , 1 V, . ft , 1 i 't ' f 4. .,W.w '? f7V ;:u I .Ml r I; aa .. ; f . 11111111 "" ' .v'Uu-h.- ; ! W I , (' J" g... ' -i' . ffwvrwwrw '& a i wvw' fc .. " "' ' 94 IV : ,' ft. XN 'V V- .... y a. y - A' '"' ?'? w. XvXyvC-w.-i- JZjty"' ' ' VWV t ' - ;''; A i. V V 3, " r..ft.r ' ,?s VsAt a "V Tr S4 V F TEtefts '&? M y , y j yy,,YyfrA.Y.w.i.few.sy.A This Is but a small batch of the men who are daily enrolling to build ships to beat the kaiser. All the n, n volunteering for this work a reenrolled In the United States shipyard volunteers of the public service reserve. each one of them will be given a certificate signed by Edward N. Hurley, chairman of the United States slupimu hoard, to testify to the volunteers patriotism. little cemetery jut outside the ruined village of itotholement In Lorraine rout the three first American soldiers to lose their lives facing the enemy. The hoys, CorfMirnl Creshtim and Privates Enright and Ilay, were killed (luring an engagement November 3, 1017. A monument will mark the spot where they are burled, Th!& photograph shows n party of American newspaper correspondents at one of the graves. In n FRENCH TROOPS ADVANCING BEHIND HEAVY. CURTAIN t BRITISH USE DUMMY TANKS TO DECEIVE THE GERMANS FIRE Having found the battle tanks a great success, the Eritlsh are now using dummy Imitations of them to deceive the enemy to Induce him to waste his ammunition and to cover movements of the real things. One of the dummies is here shown being taken to a position near the front BRITISH PEERESS A NURSE AERIAL BATTLE IN PROGRESS - Hds retnaikalde photograph shows French troops coming head on In, tin advance behind a heavy fire curtain hlch uinkcs them IndlstlnguMinbledo the enemyr This raid was made directly across No Mans Land on the enemy Tenches, luidnfhe photographer evidently risked his life as he must have been at an advanced listening post. n TAKING ON BOMBS FOR AN AERIAL RAID 'i v' ,X MtflhiMMiUii - A l W iSvSTtll t V' bmitit'e-aPn- - a . XS'XV A S V" 'l nioj np over the military establishments of the enemy. ASSEMBLES MACHINE GUN BLINDFOLDED y I hotographs of the actual maneuvering of the battleplanes In the realms above have been extremely few and have not shown In any sense the graphic Ulshop William I. Remington, who A Cheerful Liar. tenseness of ap actual air fight that Is shown- In this The French photograph. was rector of the St. Haul's church In Hes a cheerful liar, even when the plane at the top Is maneuvering for position preparatory to swooping down Minneapolis for seven years and 13 Af ter iTsnV)f tT ttr thffm fig hi n chTfTegirtr'(tnc I tho- well known In religious circles in the Recently, on the coldest f the Frenchman succeeded in downing the Teuton. The photograph was made morning Northwest, Is now serving ns chaplain year, he came Into the office mopping by an observer in another French battleplane. of a hospital unit at Fort McPherson, the off his brow. perspiration On. The photograph shows Bishop What's the matter, .Jim? asked his Remington in the uniform of the .army. office mates. Been working with your MAKING JIGGEST-GU- N USED furnace T What We Believe,-- . Ive been chnslng Nix, said Jim. If we all acted upon what we all be- robins from cherry trees and drivlieve, what a different world this would ing the sparrows from my strawberry be. Everyone admits that it Is more patch. blessed to gh than to receive. ,Yet Then somebody called attention to Instead of seeking happiness by giv- white spots on his nose, checks and ing of our best to those about us, we ears, and when the frost had been sit waiting for it to be brought to us, rubbed out of them, the telephone bfll through the kindness of olhers. Wq rang. A wifely voice rang for Jim, are like those who are learning to saying : swim and though they know the wa- Can you come home for a few - ernvonveters,.te-,Htieri-de-fter?erir-J-Hv-4ts-4;tinnarv-nTlTrTsi- BY-ALLI- -- ES -- jLfoff ;r reettons, cannot v. htiH7W-4fcstr-ptfeuHTfW- bring themselves 'to It is ,ife to trust to the let go. 4ru thx-- t h at'aM 4vHrcvt,,'"t,iU upon. Uirl's Companion t'?'i'rewitct' - Exciting. Johnny was at the concert and he was h.ully bored. Hts mother was uneasy, for Johnny was disturbing others, but when a girl began to sing The Minstrel Boy and reached the line Ills father's sword he girded on, Johrjuy was alive with excitement. You like this, Johnny? his Be quiet, mother. It is have nlwavs been noted for their Ingenuity and ability to mother. I want Intricate plects of machinery, so It Is not surprising to see di said Johnny Impatiently. taking apart and then putting together again, while blind- to see what happens to him when his gun. The photograph was made at an army training camp. father gets homo. s.-i- The Yankees handle the most this army expert folded, a machine 7 Tr and burst, and I'm afraid the house will be flooded, and It Is so cold the chiidreirm re'crrtng:i"" Jim stopped his eamouflhging and !HdirrPTOlTffTii mpe any sweatfrom his face. Cant Resist Odor of Onions. The Inquisitive subscriber of Wharton WRnts to know If we ore We can pass a botk sign and turn up a successful sniffer at a Julep, theres a little restaurant on Travis stmt (hnt makes us itake the other side because of the almost Irresistible odor of fried onions that pours cut the front door all the tlnte. Hous- tempta-tion-proo- f. ton Po-t- . Th:s thTm h shows men ht work on J,)"tograi ar ''orvS' Frnt1ce. The on the western front x, howitzth In the guns are the largest used tf |