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Show r A OTHERS BE 111 FOOD SUPPLY 'Should Read Mrs. Monyhana Letter Published by IS DEMANDED Her Permission. Lvdia E. Pinkham Kltchell, Ind. Vegetable Compound helped me so during the time I waslookingforward to the coming of my little one that I am recommending it to 1915; Minnesota's hos Agricultural Department's Pro for gram 1918 Points Out Needs of Nation and Allies. BROW MORE not live, but after taking three bottles of Lydia E. P i n . SPRING WHEAT Necessity of Producing Large Supply of Foods and Feedstuff la Emphasized Vegetable Compound! was entirely relieved of hoM-w- ort -- More Hogs Demanded South Is Urged to Feed Itself.' neuralgia, I had Isj gained in strength 1Tr- - and was able to go around and do all Ur babv whm Washington, D. 0 The planting of I ply of other food products and of live stock, especially hog it recommended In a upplementary fond production program Issued by tho United States department of agriculture. This program and amplifies the food production program for ISIS Issued by the department In August, 1917. and other suggestions made In the fall and the first of this year regarding Increased pork production and Increased of foodAre Your Livestock and stuffs In the South. production In connec.Taken Free From Lice? Poultry Dont nte a Uqotd insecticide In cold tion with the recommendations previweather. It Is dangerous Use L ously made, It suggests In full the proDavid DIOLICE and posals which the department thinks It Louse Powder desirable to offer with a view to sePjntltrv RtTecltvc dry powders that are and easy so apply toe sad . cure enough meat and dairy prodRRead the Practical Home Veiennarian sad fra. iKortlu. I. ten ucts, cereals, sugar and other staple If no dealer In your town write snd perishable foods, wool and cotton r. Datld lobtrte' let Ce. 100 trend irtnse. Waukesha, Wit for the nation. Its nrmes, and the allies. It gives suggestions for the apSmall Pin proaching spring operations, based Small Dose upon the latest available Information Small Price as to the condition of the crops of winter wheat and rye and as to the numbei of meat and dairy reported for 1917; They represent the best thought of the specialists of the department who have had the benefit of advice 'from agricultural leaders throughout the country. Our Best Effort Required. Notwithstanding an Increased production of staple crops in the United States in 1917, there Is need for more have stood the test of time. food," the program states. Taking Purely vegetable. Wonderfully Into account our own needs, the needs to banish quick biliousness, of the nations associated with ui In headache. Indigestion and to this war, and the needs of friendly clear up a bad complexion. neutral nations, our best efforts will Genuine bears signature be required to provide enough food in 1918. Whether the war continues or not, the demands on this country, because of the Increasing population and the needs of Europe will be great. An especially strong demand will be made on this country for meats and live Generally Indicate a lack stock. .In 1917, notwithstanding the of Iron In the Blood many difficulties encountered, the farmers planted the largest acreages Will help this condition In the history of the nation, harvested record crops of most things except wheat, and succeeded In greatly InIngratitude makes us doubt the suc- creasing the number of live stock. , , cess of the teachings of civilization The situation l.s such that chlef emphasis should be glven to the producCatarrh Cannot be Cured tion of the great staple food products, as they with special stress on wheat and hogs, by cannot reach applications, the sent of the disease. Catarrh la a local disease, greatly Influ- the leading war foods." enced by constitutional conditions. HALL'S The 8outh is urged to provide food CATARRH MEDICINE will cure catarrh. It Is taken Internally and arts through for its own people and feed for Its live the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the stock and then to plant as much cotton System. HALLS CATARRH MEDICINE Is composed of some of the best tonics as can well be cultivated and harvestknown, combined with some of the best ed. To raisers ofjiogs and beef ani blood purifiers. The perfect combination of the ingredients tn HALLS CATARRH mals the world need for meats and MEDICINE is what produces such wonfats Is made clear. Farmers are urged derful results In catarrhal lojola.wlth .lh e ..men on JJb e ranges n Druggists 7.0,-- Testimonials free.F. J. Cheney ft Co., Props.. Toledo, O. providing sheep whose wool Is needed to equip soldiers. Honesty is the best policy In pubThe program discusses the farm lalishing war news as In other things. bor problem, points out the lines of effort for relief, and outlines the activDp. Pierces Pellets are best for liver, ity of the federal and state agencies bowels and stomach. One little Pellet furnish assistance. for a laxative, three for a cathartic. Ad. Spring Wheat. In deallngwlth the question of A fnlt pnrse is the best pocket com wheatTthe program states r spring panlon. The acreage of spring wheat should Increased In order to make certain be Only One BROMO QUININE" To ret the renatte,eall for foil LAXATTTS we shall have an adequate supply that BROMO Look for sIjdamiw of B. W. for our own usee and to meet of e nova QCIMNtf. wheat Wo. Cold ta a On. Day. Care, of the allies. needs the Lots of good people would go wrong While the area xf winter wheat f they did not fear punishment. sown In 1917 was the largest on record, the conditions the crop, as reported 4-RwmbM-LjM the lowest ever recorded. Indicating a probable production of only 540,000,000 bushels. Whether the actual production will be greater orJess than the estimate will depend upon conditions prevailing between now and the time of harvest If there fere planted to aprlng wheat In the United States this year an acreage CASCARA QUININE equal to the sum of the record planting In each spring wheat state within the last ten years, there would be sown apthere Tbs standard eold core for 10 years proximately 2300,000 acres. la tablet farm safe. tore, no opwtw should be planted an acreage equal to eold in M boon fnp to I the days. Mooey baefcif it fail. GetMr. the sum of tbs record planting for each baa with Rad top and state within the last five years there HilT pteturs on it. Coats laaa, gives would be sown approximately 21,000,-00- 0 seres. The record piinttcg for aay UTAbulwIto. year was 20.381,000, la 1911. The acreAt Any Dm Stvr. age for,1917 waa 13311300. "The department of agriculture has carefully rfudledfIRhese reoeidFIid ether data In connection with the present war conditions and needs, and believes that It will be possible this year to secure an acreage in excess of the with record acreage which was planted In 1911. It Is believed that Increased 2St I SOt Oisfa felS-s- Sc. acreages can be secured In states and production sections where spring-whepromising, FZnSISTEFiT COUGHS Is known to be ieaaooably can be made such increases that and Is prompt fra sod aredaeremn. Relief Effective farm CokU. plans. without upsetting Remedy t Cocfti sad Os to lot yams snd eld. No The total acreage will be greatly influenced by what Is done In Minnesota, North Dakota. Montana and Idaho, where the conditions have not been the I have for a long time. I never bad any medicine do me so much good. "Mrs. Pearl Monyhan, Mitchell, Ind. Good health during maternity is a most important factor to both mother and child, and many letters have been received by the Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Ca, Lynn, Mass., telling of health restoredduringthis trying period by the use of Lydia E. PinkhWsYf table Compound. better than JL)i Rom-KT- tnex-penal- Am- - fall-plante- d anl-ma- -- FOR CONSTIPATION PALE FACES Carters Iren Pills local - ' No"Raise oa -- In Price Of This Great Remedy lt - m Soothe Your Itching Skin Cuticura at o Li (19T2-1916- ) ls NATION-WID- Ida- Dakota, was All BOOST IS SEEN E t States of Union Have Availed Themselves of Opportunity by Government Ot-fer- s annual planting has shown hy the United States DepartIncreases during the last four years as (Prepared ment of Airrlculture ) follows s 1914-15- , That the better roads movement Is 321,000; 1915-1boost Is shown What these receiving a nation-wid- e 1ST, 000 185.000; 1916-17- , states can do this spring It is difficult by the fact thut all the states of thd to determine. Union have availed themselves of the It ia hoped that many farmers, espe- opportunity of participating In the cially In the northern part of the corn benefits of the federal aid road act, belt, will find It possible to plant five which appropriated 373.(100,000 for the to ten acres additional in wheat In construction of post roads and 00 for forest roads, according to some cases they will plant more, la-number of states In the eastern and the rejHrt of the director of the office of public roads and rural engineering, central portions of the country wher spring wheat has not been grown In United States department of agriculrecent years, the crop Is now being re- ture. That the passage of the act hns established and It is recommended that stimulated road building Is shown by rp "thlsmovemenr beeticoura To a small extent the acreage In proxlmately $41,000,000 of state funds oats, if necessary, could be reduced in expended for all highway purposes, and It is estimated that In the calendar the Interest of wheat Likewise,- very small portion of the acreage year 1917, the aggregate expenditures which normally would be planted to of state funds for tWla purpose will he corn In the northern part of the com at least $60,000,000. A number of tho states have made specific appropriabelt might be sown to spring wheat. If the acreage of spring wheat Indi- tions to meet federal aid dollar for dolcated for some of the states cannot be lar. Among these are New York, Illiplanted, the barley acreage, which I nois, Michigan, Rhode Island, Nevada, known' to grow better tn some locali- Iowa, Florida and Vermont ties, might be Increased. The use of barley for food Is Increasing tn this BUILD ROAD CULVERTS RIGHT 6. $10,-(XX- country and It Is a welcome food In Europe. Summary ef Other Recommendations. Following is a summary of other important recommendations regarding cereals, meat, poultry, and perishables. Hogs. The nnmber of hogs should he Increased by at least 15 per cent during the year 1918. Sugar. Effort should be made to maintain the acreage of sugar cane and sugar beets, and to Increase . these areas In so far as these crops are well established or are necessary to sound agricultural practice. Production of satisfactory substitutes for sugar, Including sorghum, opm snd cane sirup, maple products and honey can and should be Increased. Sorghum sirup, It Is pointed out, may be produced In, nearly every state in the Union, and Increased production of sorghum sweets would enable the public to conserve still further the sugar supply In the form moat available for transportation to our soldiers. Dairy Products. The supply of dairy products should be maintained to meet the needs ef this country snd to help supply the Increasing demands of the allies. Poultry. Poultry production should be Increased greatly, especially In back yards snd on farms where waste material Is available and tha purchase of expensive grains and other material la - noLrequlred. V Waste of Time and Money Unless Work la Done on Approved Plan Under Competent Direction, necee-k!Wl(5a- spring wheat. Oats, Barley, Rlcs, Buekwheat and Flaxseed. The area In oats should be maintained, especially la regions and on soils which are not so well adapted to other grains, but with a amall reduction to provide for Increasing the wheat acreage. Barley production should be Increased la regions where It grows best especially In the northern edge of the corn belt and In sections north? and west of the belt ; end rice., buckwheat and flaxseed production should be maintained and, If possible, Increased. Grain Sorghums. The production of grain sorghums (kafir, mllo, feterita, etc.) . should be Increased greatly throughout the drier portion of the Plains region. Kafirs are the most ry make-tt-eoff- r- over-worke- welt-aime- d CASTOUIA, that famous old remedy for Infants and children, and see that It Bears the No culvert that Is improperly built of will reduce inflamed, swollen Is safe or economical. On the con- Signature Use In Over 30 Years. for Joints, Sprsins, Bruises, Soft Is bf to waste money spend trary, It a Bunches; Hesls Boils, Poll Castoria Fletchera Children for Cry it on such work unless the work Is Evil, Qulttor, Fistula and well done on an approved plan under sores quickly Infected Treasure i. as it ia s positive tnti.eptic competent direction. There must be lie who atenlvmy purse steals and germicide. Pleasant to trash, quotmUdiie poetical citizen. wi doe not bliater or wwwa lti hor. kd roann work tix bone Thats ytgfit, replied the iinprlncl-deR2, per bnrtl, dHtrrwd. Book I R Ire. If yon want to relieve person. tuimrat lor eukM, amtMtrtc JR.,th ABSORB1NE, of for real valuables go dlreet njan rr4tten Palatal, Iwollra Vcum. Went, Itrtmt, Brutmi d jhls coni idle, One of the differences between men and women Is that men have to die to become angels. Bridge. ptin tnd lnttBiotto. Price It t! per bottle at Will tU pea More II jrotl writ. Owlet, of delivered. Liberal Trill Bettlt for !0e In Kdeipt. W. F. YOUNG, P.D. FH4TaiatoSt.,lprtntlleldlMata. mo, No Older Than Your Face. Is true In most cases. Then keep your face fair ntid young with Cuticura Soap and touches of Cuticura Ointment as needed. For free Ramples address, Cuticura, Dopt. X, Boston." Sold by druggists nnd by moll. Soap 25, Ointment 25 and 60, Adv. Low Water Concrete SO TYPHOID I no more neceneery Army Smallpox. hu demonstrated alnwet mlramloue efficacy, and hermleetneee, of Antityphoid Vaccination. Be vaccinated NOW bp your phyilcltn, you and your family, tl li more vital than bouee tniurence, Aik your phytidan, drugflit, or lend for Have yon had Typholdf telling of Typhoid Vaccina, results from me, end dancer from Typhoid Carnets, THE CUTTtK IAB0KAT0IY, BCBHELCY, CAL reoMctee vsccieit etsaas users e. t, eev. irctasa ini rrisprhr, A MM Pile Cured in 4 to 14 Days I'rnsslw rafOBd monrt If PAZO OINTWHtfT JttAs4iPA-L- D Tall! calculation as to the volume of water to eur ZiQwxi s Iifhiotf, Blind. Biedl&tfor frutredifitf IMUt. Mo. the culverts are to carry off la relay irtratftppUeUoflvi rUi W. N. U Salt Lake City, No. season and flood time, not In dry Some peoples charity consists In weather, and as to the flurablllty of the His Recipe. material used In their construction. giving advice. There canJena skimping on culverts Thyme Ildlo, OBose, Youre getNome of the heaven-madmatches ting fat. What are you taking for it 7 or bridges or drainage "without waste. OBese Food. It Is better to have these three things got their tips In the other, place. to have and than permanent adequate an expensive form of road surfacing If a choice must be made. The man whobunt'hTS'houHe'ou'BTiIftlngsand Instead of solid rock has been regarded for centuries as the prince of fools. e Corn. An acreage of corn approximately equal to that of 1917 should ba planted, with possible slight reductions In certain sections to free areas for AUTOMOBILE IS BIG FACTOR Present War Has Found In Roads an Motor Cars Means ef Moving Great Numbers of Men. Two conditions of civic - life - emphasize the necessity forgood roads. One Is war. The Homan roads were built because Rome had vast armies to move. The present European war has kept thousands fupon thousands of men busy in eastern Prussia and 'western Poland building roads In territories where before there were only certain grain crops In this section and swampy trallsiMany of the roads la theycan be made to supplement wheat Belgium and northern France were s human food and to replace corn as built during previous wars, when vast animal food. armies must be moved quickly, so that Potatoes. The normal acreage of the present war has found In roads and Irish and sweet potatoes should be motorcars the means of moving great maintained In 1913, notwithstanding armies as never before. Good highthe large crops In 1917. ways have made possible a rapid transHay, Ferags and Pastures. Wherportation of troops which is astonishever feasible, the area devoted to hay, ing the entire world. forage and silage crops should be and these products should be used to i great er ex tenOnJ)race cf IMPORTANCE-OF-ROAD-DRAGgrains and other concentrates. Beef Animals. The number of beef More to the Work Than Standing on animals should be maintained and, la Implement HoldIngReIrta Over Team of Horse. areas where It Is dearly the best range and farm practice; should be Increased. Perhaps the ease of dragging the Beans, Peas and Peanuts. The production ef beans and peas should be road and the simplicity of the King Increased In regions to which they are oad drag has been overemphasized. adapted, because of thdr high food At any rate, there Is more to road value, keeping qualities, and availabil- dragging than standing on a drag and ity for domestic or export trade. Soy bolding the reins overs team of beans and peanuts should be Increased horses. And there Is more to drag In order to supplement beans and peas bnlldlng than merely pinning together as human food, as a source of muvh of the two slabs of a split log. On the othef hand, almost any sort of drivneeded oil, and as animal feeds. ' Feriinabtss." (a) Market gardens ing duwnthe roadwiththeroughest near large consuming centers should possible pair of slabs, slapped togethet be Increased so as to meet, as nearly in any old way, will change the oras possible, the needs o f the com rap nl dinary road for the better. lyaMTh. order, to obviate, the necesConcrete Culverts BestT'sity of transporting such products Concrete culverts are, without doubt, from distant points. It It important to do ad tha: pos- the best to use in point of durability sible to relieve the strain upon trans- and cost of maintenance. There are several reinforced and plain concrete portation facilities. (b) The planting of home gardens, pipes manufactured la most states especially for family needs and for whl,ch make very satisfactory culpreserving food foe fatare use, again verts. should be emphasized. Dont Disturb Sow. (c) The commercial production ef After farrowing the sow should not perishables generally should be Increased above normal wherever It is b disturbed, and If she lies quietly reasonably Wear that transportation for 10 or 32 hours, so much the better. When she wants anything she will go and marketing facilities alii b to the troueh for it. ed S- -- - - , GREENS AUGUST FLOWER has been a household remedy all over the civilized world for more than half u century for constipation, Intestinal troubles, torpid liver anil the generally . We can well be proud of our Ameriand depressed feeling that accompanies can girls and women. In France tak-Ing England women are suh disorders. It Is a most valuable work of men the up or nervous for dysindigestion remedy and have resolutely, pepsia and liver trouble bringing on to do shouu their ability headache, coming up of food, palpitaalmost all kinds of work, tion of heart nnd many other sympH When It becomes women will show toms. A few doses of August Fhnver their worth In countless will Immediately relieve you. It Is a shops, stores, factories Ask jour druggist. gentle laxative. and offices. No one hears Adv. Sold In all civilized countries. them complain of their hard work. Thee are Two Claasea of Women. the dajs when American men lime cause to re. In this country the women are dispect, hue and honor vided intix two main classes those their mothers, wives and who dont believe all their husbands If a woman Is borne down tell them nnd those who haven't any weakness and sufferings of womathe by husbands, Indianapolis New s. nkind.-she should be helped by a herbal tonic made with glycfrta which 1ms had such uniform success RECIPE FOR GRAY HAIR. She during Jlie past half century. To half pint of water add 1 ox Bay should he irell. instead of sick and Rum, a small box of limbo Compound, suffering; healthy and vigorous, inox of glycerine. Anv, druggist cun and nnd weak; bright stead of worn-ou- t at eyes, dear skin, rosy cheeks you put (hm up or you can mix it at home very little cost. Full dim tiftn ,for makwouldnt think It was the same woming and uae come in each box of Iturlio an, nnd Its all due to the tme of a It will gradually darken few bottles of I)r. Bierces Favorite Compound. TabAll tfeked,"fadel'fTay haic;knd prescription. druggists; and rIom) . It will not color the scalp, is not lets or liquid. Tablets, 60c. sticky or greasy, and does not rub off. Adv, What this medicine has done for thousands of delicate women, It will d do for yftu. If youre No Light on the Subject. build will It nnd you up debilitated, Who is the author of tho sajlng, If yotire borne down with the chronic a before asks day? 'Meeting the deul nches, pains and weaknesses peculiar correspondent of the Adams Enter- to your sex. it relieves and cures. It prise, nnd the editor replies; regulates and promotes the proper This old 'punno. Sometimes we are under functions of womanhood. the impression t lint we said It ourself, nnd tried Proscription of Dr. Tierces Invigorates the system, purifies the after we had "successfully dodged a blood. digestion, and restores kerosene lamp on a 3 a. in. health, Improves flesh and strength. Consult tha stairway. specialist at Dr. Pierces Invalids Hotel, Bnffao, N. Y for free confidential inedlcnl Bdvlce'or for free book on to Mothers Important Examine carefully every bottle of Womens diseases. rAdv. No Slackers in 1913; 7.657,000; Minnesotas 3.995.000; Mo231.000.-Montanantanas 506,000, and Idaho! neu-ralg-ia rt'w average North - Before I suffered somedaya with so badly that I thought I could , 375.000 In 1917. five-yea- r otherexpectant mothers. taking it, 4,150.000 Montanas 1,122.000 In 1917. and r , American Women most favorable and where. In some sections, they have been decldedlyjiufa vorable during the past two years. North Dakota's acreage In the last flvt years was that of 1917 7.000,000 ; Minnesota's, 3.200.000 In 1917 ; Montanas, 300.000 in 1913, and Idahos, 200.000 In 1913. - North Dakotas record acreage In the last five years was 8,350,000 la BIO INCREASE TO , LUCKY STKDKI Until this new smoke r was made you could never have a real Burley tobacco cigarette. It's the best yet BTS TOASTED The toasting brings out the delicious .flavor of that fine old Kentucky Burley. You never tasted anything so agreeable think what roasting does for peanuts. |