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Show Standard Melodies, Popular Music, Ragtime Piano Playing Taught from Sheet Music In 12 Lessons Guaranteed r This method is tested and practical. Through it. thousands of people over the U, S. have become successful pianists, since 1901. It is endorsed by' well known performers and the Music m. Trade and is worthy of your sincere attention. ADVANCED PLAYERS If you already play the piano, learn to convert any piece into ragtime; cultivating a used by syncopated touch that will not harm. Classical Interpretation. Learn the StyleVaudeville and Music Professional, Cabaret, Sheet Demonstraters, Motion Picture Players, .pianists. Learn to transpose, accompany, harmonize, memorize, improvise; and the all Atraining otherround good musicianship so necessary in public, and professional work. a at of humiliating salary. wise requiring a long period apprenticeship . Course is for adults, only over 12 years of age. tinnUnNrh1! ?2?isti?ct ii .... Reading and Form Playing. They may be studied separately or conjunctively, - secJions-N- ote -- -- - . at your option. the sheet music This "tu Method is a pedagogical revela --. . uv, K win. rurm playing is based on reading the notes and consists in building up the melody of any piece. It is a Course of Invention by f toliw certain paths which are easily traveled after a few trials. Form Playing enables you to play Popular Music with swing, accent rhythm; supplying that . something so often lacking in pianists. CJassi?al Pourse is: To make a music teacher and concert pianist out of each pupil requiring from 3 to 10 years diligent study.- tvI! mulmfv ot m&uiu form Playing. is: To give anyone, in a few lessons, skill enough to play the pieces they LIKE. For example: , mi . o , d . STANDARD MELODIES Dvorak Humoresque. Barcarolle. Hymns. ' BALADS Gray Home in RAGTIME WALTZES Get Over Sal. Are You From Dixie? Good Bye, Good Luck. the West. Mother Machree, Baby Shoes. Song of Songs. Perfect Day. Walkin' the Dog. of music tau&bt. Bring your own sheet music; anything you LIKE. It is not necessary to play just certain pieces we give you. his Method is ethical. Conforms with k Nothing to harm. All to gain. harmony. It is a wonderful aid if you study Classical Music later on. There is nothing to It is socially important that you learn to play the piano. If you wish to play for your own amusement or to entertain in your own home or for people to sing or for them to dance THEN Form Playing is recommended. Talent is not required to learn. It is easy to do. . have the desire to play then. get your wish. Dont it off three months (12 lessons). If you start now you will be a good player by then. Act now, If EVER. Advanced players look over the following Synopsis, if you put are real sure you know everything in this list, then you do not need lessons you are considered a musician. Your atten- is to called the out in Harmony this course. Whether you have played 5 years or 15 years, you may find several subjects in this. list that you are not acquainted with. Twelve tipn brought lessons of this course are equal to from 4 to 10 years of the classical teachers. J. Text-Boo- un-lear- n. Iou SYNOPSHS OF COURSE The music used in this Course consists of sheet music which you buy at thk music store. The book instructs you in treating this sheet music, and covers the following subjects; 1. TREBLE NOTES: -- Beginners are taught. the Treble Clef, or right hand notes. Where these notes,' are on thepiano., 2. :. HASS NOTES Yj Beginners are taught the Bass Clef, or left hand notes. Where these qotes are on the piano. 3. TIME ELEMENTS: Beginners learn note values, rests, dots, etc., pnd are taught to count. Time is made clear according to the six possible combinations in all music. .The' only I practical treatise on time, extant I II 4. ELEMENTS OF NOTATION: ..Beginners learn musical symbols, sharps, flats, slurs, phrasing, etc. I 5. USE OF HANDS: Diagrams and written explanations of the strokes required. 6. USE OF PEDAL: Students quickly grasp pedaling because of their harmonic knowledge. 7. TREATMENT OF MELODY : Teaching Single, Double and Triple Fill. 8. KEYBOARD CHORDINATION : Teaching practical finger harmony at the keyboard, by observation. Structural. 9. TRANSPOSITION: By Note. By Ear. By indicator. Rule for transposing. to suit the range of Vocalist. 10. EAR PLAYING: Explained for the first time A Practical Working Method enabling anyone to become proficient in this art. J -- to play two pieces at once. Half tone with melody note. How to accompany the melody. Using tie and combining stems. Combinations to be memorized. Half tone with all members. Determining the harmony. Raise and grace combined. Altered tonic harmonies. 20. Altered seventh harmonies. 21. Fifteen rules for syncopating. 22. Chromatic embellishment. 23. Preliminary for beginners. 24. Natural progressions. 25. Foreword to note section. 26. Accompaniment in right hand. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. How 27r Diatonic-embellishme- nt. IMPORTANT: Beginners can become proficient pianists by learning just a FEW of the above subjects. ADVANCED PLAYERS will cover the above listed material as rapidly as possible; same being fundamentally exhaustive. 9 I Come to Farmington, Kaysville and Layton One Day Each Week. FARMINGTON: D County Mat of rich and fortfla eounty. Home of tha Millar Floral in tna tha laryaat yrawara of flowary ot tM LocaUon intarmoontain country famcaa Loyoon raaort. Haa watarworki and alaatric libU. A fine plana for raaidanea. com-Pan- y, -- Mrs. George Q. Knowlton entertained- the Veron club at her home Friday afternoon. A bowl of pink carnations formed the centerpiece and luncheon was served to fourteen. - The Red Cross auxiliary of the Relief society are very busy on their Mrs. Robert Miller visited friends assignment of sewing and knitting. in Salt Lake City during the week. They have been highly complimented " llrT and Mrs. J. H. Robinson visit- on'theiTwork7""''"' ed friends in Salt Lake City during Mrs. H. R. Dumke has just received the week. a' letter from her soldier husband at Miss Viola Taylor of Ogden spent Fort Meyer, Virginia, in which he the week-end 4it Farmington, .visiting says, he js expecting to leave in a few friends. days for the other side of tne pond. -- Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Steed have Mrs. Stephen Rice entertained on leased part of the Spencer block oil Thursday afternoon in honor of the South Main street, for their home. Utile club. The house was beautifully decorated in potted plants and ferns. Miss Rhea Taylor Bpent the greater A bowl of roses formed the center-piecpart of the week in Salt Lake City, a Luncheon was served. $uest of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Taylor. 4 At the Parents class meeting last Miss Louise dames and Miss Alta an interestin. Salt Sunday Frank Steed gave Robinson spent" Washof life the George ing talk on Lake, guests of Miss Maud Brown. Miss "Anna Miss Chaffin, ington. was gave Florence Perkins aniR.ay Foster, Friday evening dancing party, Riven the North Farmington ward. the orations they delivered at. the. e. . the-week-e- nd by TrnumbVrgueits'wefrtff-atr--- ' and enjoyed his hospitality which included a sumptuons dinner. Mayor Bourne, who is also a visitor in San Diego, finished their days enjoyment by giving a theatre party for the boys. aux-illia- City Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Robinson entere tained Monday evening in honor of t Relief society choir. A "pleasant practice was held and, light refreshments ere wtmi. ry of j; ton anj Write for Terms. BIDS Bids will be received by the Board 0f Directors of the Haights Creek rfgation company, up to noon, March j, 1918, at the office of the Secretary, Kaysville, Utah, for the services of a watermaster for one year from March J Ir-tu- re 1, 1918. to the Aged. If people past sixty years of age A Hint Y could bo persuaded to go to bed as soon as they take cold and remain in bed for one or two days, they would recover much more quickly, especially if they take Chamberlains Cough There would also be less Remedy. danger pf the cold being, followed by. any of the more serious diseases. Adv.-Fe- b. SEE OUR SPECAL OFFER m Mrs. Armand T. Rose. Stomach Troubles ; If you nave trouble with your stom- you should try Chamberlain's Tablets. So many have been restored to heajth by the URaof, these tablets and ach, When You Have a Cold, beth Herding, assistant chairman; Jfc severa-eoli- 1 A usman Williams, secretary Mias a that you appreciate the good qualities j Miller, treasurer. This new Red of Chamberlains Cough Remedy. Mrs. were and week, last they school High Crocker, Pana, I1L, writes Our Cross work is being taken up with Frank five-yeold Paul caught a severe listened to with marked attention. T. enthusiasm and the North Farm- cold last winter that settled on his p. Jansen gave an interesting dis- great school has 100 per cent mem- lungs and he had terrible coughing ington course on genealogical work. spells. We were greatly worried about bership. him as the medicine we gave him did from returned Wood has H. jiajor J. Another crowded- - house greeted the not helpsohim in the least A neighbor his two weeks business trip to the spoke highly of Chamberlains coast- - Before arriving at San Diego third concert of the competitive ser- Cough Remedy that I got a bottle of he wired the Farmington contingent ies. A program of unusual excellence if. The first dose benefited him so 1 tinned giving it to him Jhat at Camp Kearney to meet him and had beta planned, which was rendered i,:!1 h W cuml" Qntil filled as the follows: Drilland tableau Meeting appointment. aH who could, AdvFtb El-n- -- The Misses Gladys Wood, Minnie pun uoo aujaAvq Pnn? spent the latter part of the week in Salt Lake visiting friends. ' Lessons Given at Your Home. the Nations; vocal selection," fol-- j lowed by a two act farce comedy en-titled Mr. Bob. An interesting fea- was Thomas Brimley in an Hawa- ain dance. The concert closed with a striking orignial number entitled Makers of History, in which Wash- -' shower The U. K. A. girls gave ington, Lincoln, Roosevelt, Wilson,1 Monday evening in honor of Miss Uncle Sam and others were cleverly Chloe Whitaker at the Whitaker home. impcrs.Qnatjed- - .The. final. concert-- . will Over fortypersoni Were present,"" be given next Saturday evening under the parents of Miss Whitaker the direction of the Utile club of which and her husband, to whom she was Mrs. Harold Robinson is chairman. married Tuesday by Bishop Clark. Professor Judmanson of the B. Y. U., The rooms were decorated with carwho is said to be a master of the violin nations roses and ferns and a nice will talbe present,lunch was served. A number of useent has been engaged. The judges ful presents were presented to the who will have the onerous task of young couple. The evening was spent on the merits of the several passing in playing games, singing, etc.- contest are: J. II. Wilcox, Don C. ClayMrs. D. L. Rice and Mrs. Squire B. Chipman organized the Farmington Central school junior Red Cross Monday afternoon and the North Farmington school on Tuesday afternoon. ' The officers appointed! or the Central school are: Principal G. Q. Knowlton, chairman; Miss Eliza- Utah dfenio ar i tcwariBurion Co. GENERAL MERCIIANEE KAYSVILLE UTAH |