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Show Page Eight THE DRAGERTON TRIBUNE. DRAGERTON. UTAH . CUFF CLUB BOOK Spring prevailed in all its glory Tuesday evening in the Library Club Rooms lor the annual Officers Formal Tea and installation of officersof the Book Cliff Club of Sunnyside. Taking over the gavel from Mrs. Alice Kloster, retiring president,' was Mrs. Mary Daily, newly elected president for the coming year. Other officers installed by Mrs Edna Graham were Mrs. Hazel Morgan, vice president; Mrs. Helen Durrant, recording secretary; Mrs. JoAnn Kissell, treasurer, and Mrs. YVanada Cassano, corresponding secretary. The program was announced by Mrs. Hazel Morgan, retiring program chairman. Mrs. McAlpine presented the boys double quartet from the Dragerton school who sang the three contest numbers presented in Price during the band festival. They were accompanied at the piano by Mrs. Mahalik. Mrs. John Naylor played a piano solo. Mrs. Maurice Daily sang Maytime and Now is the hour accompanied by Mrs. Homer Brown. Mrs. Alice Kloster and Mrs Mary Daily presided over the tea table resplendent in gladioli, crystal and shining silver. As a token of appreciation of her work for the past year Mrs. Mary Daily presented Mrs. Kloster with a cameo pendant and chain from the officers and members of the club. This was the closing meeting for a very successful club yeai Funds wee donated to the support of the Library and a scholarship in nursing given to some deserving girl in the community. The last public card party of the year will be given in the af CLASSIF1ED temoon of May 27th and will be in charge of Mrs.' John Naylors ALL KINDS OF CAKES made to committee. order in my home. Decorated birthday and wedding cakes a Mrs. Florence Cullen entertainspecialty. Mrs, Walter Whited her bridge club at her home in burn, 167 Grassy Trail. Sunnyside on Wednesday eve1 ning, May 5th. Special guests of FOR SALE New pianos and the evening were Mrs. Alfce Fad-di- s, Piano tuning and reorgans. Mrs. Gertrude McCourt and pairing. House of Music Mrs. Joanne Kissell. Mrs. Inez Price Theatre Building. Hyatt won both the first prize and the traveling prize and Mrs. Lois KINDERGARTEN For children Odendahl wron second. A. M. to 12 P. M. ages 4 to Enroll at 136 Whitmore, May Wiley-Emmo- ns 2. Mrs. W. S. Wright. 69 21-2- Vows Solemnized 310:01 rivnxiamir Saves space. Saves steps. Provides more and better foods for lowing the ceremony dinner was 'served at the home p fthe brides parents. The new Mrs. Emmons is the oldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert She graduated Wiley. with the class of 1947 from Paonia High School. After completing her high school. education she was employed by the Union Supply Co. as bookkeeper. "rtie groom, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. 1. Emmons, was educated in Paoua schools and entered the service in July, 1943. He ' airbed served in the China Burma India Theatre and was discharged in July 1945 with the rank of sergeant. He is now employed by the Oliver Coal Co. and the couple plan to make their home in Paonia. Sunnyside Fannie Haley t PaOniaf has returned to her home after visiting a week with her nephew, Mr. Heathe Fluke. She plans to return for another visit Colp-rad- o, soon. Mr. LeGrand Graham had his mother, Mrs. R. B. Graham of Provo, as a visitor last week. She came for Mothers Day and stayed a week. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Williams from Waverly, Kansas, are visit ing in Sunnydale with the Daily family. Mrs. Williams and Mr. Daily are cousins. The Williams are on their way back home to Kansas, after having spent a vacation in California. They arrived Tuesday afternoon and stayed until the following Friday. FOR SALE Band instruments, accordions, guitars, sheet music and musical gifts. The Price HOUSE OF MUSIC Theatre Building. IF YOU ARE INTERESTED in a position as clerk in the DragMiss Alberta Wiley of Dragererton Postoffice place your apton was united in marriage to plication with the postmaster Boyd Emmons of Paonia, ColoEffective July 1st Salary to Mrs. James Cassano visited in rado, Friday evening, May 7. begin with, $1 04 per hour. Huntington last week at the home n Bishop Orion Mortenson of of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Murray. Trombone Conn performed the ceremony at FOR SALE his home. horn, fair condition, $35.00. FOR SALE Maytag Washing The couple were attended by Nelson, 306 Sunnyside, Good Machine, 1947 model. Utah. the bride's sister, Norma Jean 110 $125.00. condition, 3rd West. Wiley, and Ray Davies and the ceremony was witnessed by Mr. LOST in or around school, A. W. Anderson and Genier Mortooled leather wallet, letters EVERY CAR tenson, all of Dragerton. B, H. on outside, nine dollars The bride was attired in a sheer and some small change. Also nylon street length drss of deli rivers license to Katherine icate orchid color and wore a Williams Olsen. Reward, corsage of pink and white carnaPlease return to Mrs. Olsen, A tions. Her attendant wore a pale 156 Grassy Trail Drive, or Box pink dressof the ?ame material 719, Dragerton. and pink and white corsage. Fol- Drag-erto- Le-la- in Tuesday, May 18, 1948 nd REEDS meals through- out the year. Pays for itself. F. ANSELMO & CO. ciira-u- p FIRST HATIOHAL BARS! Let Us Tune Up Your Engine and Check Yourj U7P.u(t)V Pioneer Bank of Eastern Utah FonmuM! 1- .tuv OUTBOARD YOU 2. BREAK It f. BRING It MOTOR NOWI O 8 N0UR8 RUNNING TIME INSPECTION BACK FOB CHECK-U- P IN WITH fc'i") J motor Be all let with a iweet-runnin-g when you start your seasons fishing. Youll want to put a few hours on your new. motor "at slow speed, and have a final check-u- p before your vacation. The new models are .IOIINSON .. delay. Come m today oCClm and see them! llOTSCS LARGEST LINE OF FISIIIHG TACKLE EASTERN UTAH , Sporting Goods Headquarters Since 1920 . . EASTERN UTAH ELECTRIC CO. Q O Lubrication Brakes O a V J - o-- Price - - Utah Clutch.. 4 Wheels Member Federal Reserve System Expert Work at Extra Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corpn Low Cost See BUCK for a Complete Selection REDD MOTOR CO. Price ARROW AUTO LIRE IRC. BUCKS SPORTIHG GOODS Phone 384 BUS SCHEDULE DAILY SCHEDULE (Except Sunday) Leave Price for Dragerton, Sunnydale, Sunnyside, Columbia 9.0 A.M. 2:15 P.M. 10:00 5:30 PJM. . LEAVE FOR PRICE 5:15 P.M. 7:00 P.M. 10:50 PJM. Dragerton ...11:00 A.M. 5:05 P.M. 6:50 P.M. 10:45 P.M. Sunnydale ..10:50 A. M. 5:00 P.M. 6:40 PJM. 10:45 PAI. Sunnyside ..10:45 A.M. Columbia ....10:00 A.M. 4:15 PJM. 6:05 P.M. Special Saturday Shopping Bus Leave Sunnydale for Price Leave Dragerton for Price Leave Price for Sunnydale From Price Return 9:1$ A.M. 9:39 AJVL and Dragerton P1L 2:15 CHARTER TRIPSERVICE Buses chartered to any point In the State of Utah and return. Phone Price 94 Price, JJtah Effective May 17, 1948 ' LEAVE PRICE FOR (Except Sundays) Wellington Dragerton Sunnydale Sunnyside 8:00 A.M. 10:30 P.M. 3:00 P.M. 5:30 P.M. 9:10 P.M. LEAVE FOR PRICE ( Except Sundays) Sunnyside 8:45 AM 12:15 PM 5:00 PM 6:40 PM 10:00 PM Sunnydale .. 8:50 AM 12:20 PM 5:05 PM 6r45 PM 10:05 PM Dragerton . 8:55 AM 12: 30 PM 5: 15 PM 6:55 PM 10:15 PM Wellington 9: 25 AM 1:00 PM 5:45 PM 7:25 P.M. 10:45 PM LEAVE PRICE FOR COLUMBIA 10:30 AM 3:00 PM LEAVE COLUMBIA FOR PRICE 11:45 PM 4:30 PM MiliLw ' r"'- - a. r SHOPPING BUS SCHEDULE Only) 9: 15 A. M. 9: 30- - A. M. 3:00 P. M. v at a cost no greater than for old fashioned methods ' i w noor.i SETS $29.50 $49.50 io y V SATURDAY - SURDAY OPEN ADULTS -- RIDIN Price, UtST Us - these marvelous Yes, ' at a old-fashion- IncL CHILDREN 60 methods. ROPIN' BULLDOGGIN Sponsored by Dragerton Rodeo Committee Albert Miller, Woody McMahon, Ernest Castelman comforts and conveniences are yours cost no greater than for ALL CONTESTANTS SHOW 91.30, your cold water supply! 12 13 JURE WELCOME HELPER FURNITURE CO. Instant heat for cooking at a snap of a switch! Constant depend able refrigeration! Hot water at a turn of the tap, as automatic as Dragerton STUDIO SETS LIUIiIG ( Saturday Leave Sunnydale for Price Leave Dragerton for JPnce Leave Price for Dragerton and Sunnydale 5:30 PM 6:15 PM 4 UTAH POWER A LIGHT CO. Horn Ownership A TAX PAYING COMPANY Loco! Control |