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Show I THE DRAGERTON PACE FOUR Pulisbe.1 Weekly Office: Dragerton Theatre Phone Dragerton 18 Rates $2.50 Per year; 10c Per Copy Publisher Jack Clifford a structure, and is the largest in the community. Across the street was a beautiful two story building, the home of Price Lodge No. 1550, B. P. O. E. Tl building, faced with fine terraza, and with large picture windows, really added to the street. But all along the street toward the east new business buildings had been built up. It appeared that many of the business places we had known on Main Street had moved to this new street. The block occupied in our day by the Central and Harding Schools, had been changed to a fine automobile building, and a large department store. On the opposite side of the street were other business houses, some new matter Entered as second-clas- s November 11, 1947 at the post Dragerton, under the act of March East. Thcf sign sayg, Carbon Em3. 1879. ery Bank. A tall three story building. Tall for what we knew of Price.' A fine marble finished Photographer John Blevin. front, and big display windows. Offices located on the upper floors. Carbon Emery Bank As we entered the bank, we By Smoky note the fine lobby. A large reroom greets us, where is New hospital managed by the ception stationed a stenographer for the county and Miners Union. New convenience of the patrons and L. D. S. Fourth Ward Chapel, and to A long visitors the building. a three story apartment house on row of flat counters for the the street near Carbon College, j accommodationtop of the public. Inshows Claude Empey that quiry We have visited the city hall, has moved up to the office of and learned a little about the new president and Earl Hills has bePrice, from Mayor Jim ee. We come cashier. The building, a have gone to what was described credit to any community, certainas the greatest forward develop- ly was an added attraction to ment In the city, the area sur Price. Ramblings THAT But our attention was directed hotel. A massive building, and the tallest we had seen in the city. We entered the lobby. Everyone around was strangers to us, but we were impressed by the large lobby. It was noon time, and we went toward the dining room. As we entered, a fine looking man greeted us, and says, you dont remember me, well I am Keith Leavitt, and I would like to have you join me at lunch. As we entered the beautiful dining room, we noted it was almost filled. At most every Uble w'ere what might be considered business conferences, and while I thought I could recognize some of those present, I was not sure. I had to await being seated and a chance to ask Keith about who was who. (To Be Continued) to the All. SPRIIIG SUITS and COATS , reduced SPRIIIG SUITS and COATS Drastically REDUCED for immediate clearance. & - 'Vrf BOTH sole and upper horsehide, of inner-she- ll shell. the center layer is the gram Extra Wear becausewear is runs vertical the wood in on the end, like the butcher's meat bloc. triple-tanni- ng -- 1 4 Reg. $5.95, now A FEUER'iS 60TTA KEEP OWTHRf NEW GAMES X PVZLLES Section $3.00 IWCR&ER TO UNDERSTAND THE NEW JOKES HO THE magazines UOtUERIUE Almost a thousand loads of mountain topsoil are being placed on the lots surrounding the new homes under construction at Dragerton. This topsoil will be spread over the lot, and will be seeded with lawn grass within a very short time. Plans are also Under way to start laying natural rock asphalt paving in the entire area, as well as building a paved driveway approach to each of the new homes. All these buildings are "new being painted on the outside, and the colors varied, so as to make a very attractive street appearance. The neV home constructed for Mine Supt. F. V. Hicks, has been completed and is now occupied. This home is located on a large triangular corner, and has been graded and, the lawn put in. It is t SLIPS Wolverines secret process tansso this leather it is tough super . . stays soft. buckskin-sof- t. Being Landscaped i Charles Hobbs, superintendent of the Arthur Painting company stated this week that he expects to complete the painting of the new houses in E Section within the next week. The houses are being painted one of four colois, white, buff, yellow, and green. Each of the houses has a contrasting trim. The houses are all of the shake type. Shingle As soon as the painting is finEASY TO FIGURE OUT! ished, Mr. Hobbs will leave for Columbus, Ohio, where his new bride awaits him. Charley says that, he hates to leave Dragerton, his new friends, and the wonderful weather here, but that he is a little homesick, and lonesome to see Mri. Hobbs. j New Price Hotel E Of New Houses Nears Completion j to us. j Outside Painting two-sto- ry Elks Home rounding Carbon College. Now Main we trace back toward as known had we or what Street, Main Street. As we go down Fourth East, toward the south, we are astounded at the high buildings near Carbon Avenue and First North. We head that way, and first note a fine buildside of the ing on the south street, between Carbon and First Dragerton Tribune Tuesday, May 18, 1948 TRIBUNE. DRAGERTON. UTAH Folks have to be mighty hard to please not to approve of the service they get at J&inOnSEIIIDES ONLY Wolverine Shell Horse-hidhave this stronger but softer inner shell leather in BOTH soles and uppers this 3 -- ply leather that wears and wears that costs less to wear month by month on apy work shoe job. No other work shoe in the world like Wolverines. Come in and try on a pair of Wolverines no obligation, ; o RACK OF DRESSES CLOSE-OU- T es each $4.00 -- Qlorid Shop .... is rfwys wamfttfof voiBhhe SUB l. ROSSlimw vurmv wm J Yes, there is ALWAYS competition. People are always and continually in the process of making up their minds. Attitudes, opinions, preferences, are always changing. The soundest backlog on which to build is the backlog of public opinion. Hence, it is our earnest endeavor to merit your good will ALWAYS by giving you full value for every dollar you may spend with us F. Anselmo&Co. COLUMBIA, UTAH for transportation. - .2sse2&i 7-U- PHONE 345 E AT THE $11 usinijihe Same old oil ? - tort 'OLD OIL can cause a lot ef trouble June SEASON 12 FISIHRG TACKLE Fly Rods . . . reels . . r Double-tapereNylon and Silk Lines. Hunting and Fishing Licenses now available. d - f Zd Level-windin- g Mw? m OPENS Just Received a full line of BOTTLING CO., Price, Utah P MEET YOUR FRIEI1DS Inn MAIN,-PRIC- W Ladies , Store Z 280 EAST HICKS Lewis N-- UNITED MOTOR COMPANY COMPLETE SELECTION OF Better Get Clean, Fresh Oil in Your Cor RIGHT AWAY! ): Let us check your car's crankcase, oil filter cartridge, and clean and carburetor, air cleaner, your differential, and transmission . . . now! Honestly, ust how long has It been since you've given your car the careful lubrication It deserves ? New car, or old It will glee yoa longer service and greater riding pleasure when you fit it regular lubrication. If you like to Lave your car ready to go anywhere ond who doesn't? drop in and see us. It's the right place, for the right service! re-o- il point-by-pol- ot lUBRICAnv H uie only itcrory-approvc- lubricants, and our " have thi thorough fob I know-tiow- TUNt-- d "nperu" to do a ur Our vServlc$ Department U quipped to teat your nttlne'i heart and nerves scientifically . and to reetora smooth, powerful operation. . , Buy your tackle at Ricks Club . . the price is always reasonable. Ask About Our Budget Payment Plan DURREL GARAGE NICK ZAKIS Jrop. Dodge and Plymouth Distributors for Eastern Utah t Dragerton ., |