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Show TIIE DRAGERTON TRIBUNE, DRAGERTON, UTAH Tuesday. May 18, 1948 PAGE TTIREE i ammo td, ev. st .. A A.,' . .' ' .V.VVVfc A- . A . AV.V' . ' - .V. r M k'Jml ClvCWS,,, .VdV.. J By INEZ GERHARD 2 J ,V, A jwp, LETTER From an Unknowt Joan Fontaine has th Woman, type of role most actresses yearn tc play. As a young girl she falls lr love with a man who returns hei love but soon forgets her. Later lr life they meet and fall in love again Sister Olivia de Havilland won ar Oscar m To Each His Own m a somewhat similar part This pic r A, . X ' r V W , x, v Vi x r ' ) ltlrjE'.J . .t 1 ' yrc -- V- -' ,? I. .Waa,. . ii X' V vv Old-tim- ' FAIR... At a White House ceremony, President True an received s scroll Invitation to the Chicago railroad fair froa conductor of the Chicago and North Western railC.A. Hiller, and Hiss Noras way s replica of the faned Pioneer locomotive, days. The original Sykes, typical passenger of those Pioneer, first train to run west froa Chicago 100 years ago, will star In the Railroad Fair scheduled for Chicagos lake front starting July 20. COKE TO THE y ' m by-go- ne t (See Recipes Below) Balancing Meals LYNN CHAMBERS' MENU Stuffed Baked Tomatoes Tossed Green Salad Sliced Cold Meat Peach Pie a la Mode ONE OF THE QUESTIONS most frequmtly asked by homemakers is, How can I plan balanced meals0 Fundamentals of balancing meals are really simple. Take your dinUse a serving ner, for example of potatoes or another starchy food to go with the meat course; add to this one or two vegetables that go mcelv with jour chosen meat cut. If you have not had a salad for lunch, this may be added to the dinner menu. If you have s heavy meal, use a fruit dessert; if the meal is light and the fruit requirement of the day has been satisfied, serve cake, pastry or cookies. That is the dinner plan. However, It also is well to bear other points in mind, so that the meal will be pleasing. First, select foods that have contrast in color, for these will make meals more interesting. We eat with our ees first and a picture pretty plate certainly will whet the appetite Second, serve foods that have contrasting texture. You dont serve boiled potatoes, whitefish end cauliflower at a meal because they all have much the same texture. How much more interesting to serve asparagus witK the broiled fish, with crisply fried potatoes. Third, do have variety. Families have favorite dishes but they wont keep favored rating if they are served several times each week. Prepare everything you serve carefully so the family will learn to enjoy a variety of foods. DOES YOUR FAMILY enjoy pork Did you know that they chops0 could be served with a tomato sauce to add tang to their delicate flavor? Or perhaps youd like to stuff them with a celery-breacombination, omit potatoes and serve creamed turnips. You always can put your vegetables in the salad and balance the meal that way. Doesnt this meal sound tempting and colorful? Staffed Pork Chops Creamed Diced Tornips Asparagus Salad Whip Orange Muffins Prone-BanaHere are the recipes for the mam dishes In the menu, and you may he certain there wont be any leftovers: Staffed Pork Chops Have the butcher cat a pocket In each of six thick pork chops. Make the dressing as follows: Cse 1 cup of bread crumbs and mix with 1 teaspoon salt, teaspoon pepper, 1 tablespoon chopped parsley, i2 teaspoon thyme and H cop celery, cat np and sauted in S tablespoons of fat. Moisten with 1 egg. Fill pork chops. Brown the chops in hot fat, season with a sprinkling of salt and pepper, then cover and hake In a moderate (350 degree) oven for one hoar. The turnips are diced and cooked until tender in boiling salted water. Fresh cooked or canned, drained asparagus, well chilled, may be used for the salad. Use a tart dressing. Use your favorite plain muffin recipe to which grated orange rind has been added. Heres the luscious dessert recipe: na Whip (Serves 6) 14 cap prune puree 13 cup sugar 1 cup thinly sliced bananas 2 egg whites stiffly beaten 1 tablespoon lemon Juice Mix together prune pulp and sugar and cook until the latter is dis- LYNN SAYS: Plan Colorful Meals With These Hints A broiled ham slice or ham loaf goes well with buttered rice, sweet potato croquettes, stuffed baked potatoes or broiled potato slices. Pork roast, either the loin or the shoulder cut, may be prepared with potatoes in one of the following ways: Mashed, browned, buttered, scalloped or baked. Baked squash also may be served In place of the potatoes. Bread Butter Beverage then cooL Add bananas mixed with lemon juice. Fold In beaten egg whites. Chill thoroughly. Sene in sherbet dishes garnished with more sliced bananas and cut marashmo chfcrries. solved, LET S PLAN another menu around an entirely different meat course This menu has the advantage of limiting cooking to an hour, and most of it can be done in the oven, so that you don't have to watch the proceedings NOW Tomato-Her- b Meat Loaf . various targets. The N P. (slang lor National Pa time) is running out of pitchers The N P, needs more than doubli its present allotment of right oi left arms that can get the ball ovei the plate with enough stuff to baf tie the batter now and then. Last year, for example, the Dodg ers were good enough to win s pennant with a pitching staff comg hurl posed of three or ers. They usually needed four m five pitchers to finish out one game. Yet they won a pennant. The American league had onlj eight or 10 pitchers who were able to finish games. Both leagues wers shy of arms that could locate plate or go the distance. e pitchers such ae Ed Walsh, Walter Johnson, Christy Mathewson, Pete Alexander and h Cy Young could Individually the greater part of am entire modern staff. Bob Feller could and can handlt his share of work. So can Ha) Ewell Blackwell and Newhouser, Warren Spahn. Few pitchers today can work 250 in a season. Innings Johnson, were Walsh and other pitching more than 400 innings a year. Any pitcher who cant work 250 Innings shouldn't be listed as a starting pitcher. Ha is certainly no part of a regular. Yet, few pitchers now getting relieved around the fourth inning could think of working 200 innings without an attack of palsy. four-innin- Averell Harrlman V. Let Foods Complement Each Other Banana-Prun-e S t 1 Charles Sawyer, former U.S. ambassador to Belgium, no a Cincinnati lawappointed by yer, has been President Truman to the post of secretary of commerce. He " - ? A A . ,i. . it. jf has been named special U.S. ambassador to the 16 nations participating in the European recovery program. j S T B SECRETARY... """"a V w. 'r T'7 W,1 X M v. v;I 1 VyOUNGSTERS WHO would Ilk t A make good money a few yean from now, and not work too hard should start throwing baseballs a1 who Vs , i succeeds v ' w ture does not give Miss Fontaine much scope for her talents, but it does give her an opportunity to wear beautiful clothes and play" opposite the new French sensation, Louis Jourdan. Warning there's a sad ending, she dies, he will soon. a y a vocalist on Marjorie Hughes, Frankie Carle's new radio show, Carle Comes Calling, has to be a stand-ou- t as a singer, because she is Frankies daughter. Too many people would be eager to say that s the reason she got the job if she didnt prove at every performance that she's deserving of it. Just as many are cheering her return to the air after a serious illness'. FEELING NO .Pin PAIN.. pricks, burns and buaps Bean nothing to Beverly Smith of Akron, Ohio, ho never hts felt psln In her life. Her rare condition Is described by doctors as a state of indifference to Injury of congenital origin.' one-year-- Ilurlers Pitch Less Today Yellow Waxed Beans or Zucchini Squash Beet Pickles or Tomato Salad s. MANLY ART OF SELF DEFENSE. . .These two sturdy specimens of adulthood, in whoa all aorta of vltanlns abound, are (left) Sen. Owen Brewster (Rep., He.) and Sen. Allen J. Ellender (Dea. , La.). It wasn't a grudge fight. They aerelya were gloves 1$ thrumming each other a noses with exhibition aatch in the senate gymaslua of the capltol where lawmakers try to pare oft the excess poundage they Patrick Lake, son of Arthur (Dagwood) Lake show, of the Sunday CBS Blondie has been placed under contract to his father's film producing company and will have a part in Lakes next film, White Devils. Arthur Fresh Fruit Parfait or Apple Raisin Pie If you choose the squash, and pie, these can be baked at the same time as the meat loaf and potatoes. The soup is made simply by heatfew ing canned tomato juice with herbs for flavor. If you serve the soup, have the beet pickles in place of the salad. Easy Meat Loaf (Serves 6) 23 cup dry bread crumbs 1 cup milk 1 12 pounds ground beef 2 slightly beaten eggs 14 cup grated onion d a a The Great to cancel Harold Peary, teaspoon salt 18 teaspoon pepper 12 teaspoon sage Soak bread crumbs In milk; add other ingredients and mix well. Form into one loaf or Individual loaves to be placed in muffin pans. Cover with piquant sauce and bake in a moderate oven 43 to 60 minutes. Piquant Sauce: Combine 3 tablespoons brown sugar, cup catsup, y, teaspoon nutmeg and 1 teaspoon 1 had his scheduled personal appearance tour of the country. So many of the principals of the cast bad summer commitments that he couldn't assemble the right group. Priscilla Lane, youngest of the three Lane sisters of movie fame, returns to thd screen after a year and a half to play the feminine lead in RKOi opposite Bodyguard, Lawrence Tierney. She retired in 1944 when she married, but returned briefly to play the lead in Fun on a Weekend in 1946 when her ion was five months old. Bodyguard is directed by Richard Fleischer. dry mustard. Zucchini Squash (Serves 6) 6 medium sized zucchini squash 1 cop soft bread crumbs 1 small onion, grated 1 cap tomato quarters teaspoon salt teaspoon pepper 1 egg, beaten 2 tablespoons bacon drippings Wash squash; cut off ends but do not peek Cook In boiling salted water for five minutes. Halve Remove pulp and comlengthwise. bine all other ingredients with pulp and fill zucchini shells. Sprinkle with American or Parmesan cheese. Bake in a moderate oven for 30 minutes. 1 Ed Byron, producer, director and of Mr. District Attorney with Christopher Adventure and still is amazing the radio Wells, world by his dramatization of events that make headlines either simultaneously or a few days later. Byron credits his scoops to his knowledge of crimes and the ways of criminals. He has kept a file of newspaper crime stories for IQ years. 18 Odds and Ends . . . Jimmie Durante will not have the same sponsor next season, according to the latest report . . . Mark Warnows Is very inreturn to Sound-Odefinite, because of ill health . , . and Arnold Moss ("Road of Life Young Dr. Malone) is called the educated ketor by his colleagues. He has a B. A. in Latin and Greek, M. A. in Old French. Ph. D. in The Art of Acting . . . That palomino Fresh Fruit Parfait (Serves 6 to 8) 20 marshmallows Juice of 1 lemon 1 cup crushed fresh raspberries 1 cup heavy cream whipped Melt . marshmallows in top of double hoiler; add lemon juiee. Cool slightly, then add berries. 'Fold in whipped cream; freeze In tray of automatic refrigerator about two hours. Other parfaits in season: Substitute one cup finely chopped fresh peaches for raspberries. Strawberry Parfait: Substitute one cup sliced or crushed strawberries for the raspberries in above recipe. develop while waking laws. .. Dr. Leonard H. cereal-ls- t, has retired ss the power behind the thrones of wbest neny kings. He developed rust-r- e si s st snnewt varieties of wheat and to HARVEST TIHE. New an, faned Canadian i youll see ridden through a' principle for Billing flour vitaminize bread. ,: '? - When you serve breast of lamb, surround It with browned potatoes and green lima beans. Add a carrot salad for more interest When you have lamb shanks and dumplings, the meal can be rounded out with green beans and glazed carrots. Serve a side (Lsh of apple BUT sauce. I i $ 'I Jw-- ed - i jV A - -( .- x The finest championship golf score of the year to date was Claude Harmon's 279 at the Augusta National's Masters show. It was better than Ben Hogans 273 at Riviera, where the next open will be played. There have been endless discussions of what a championship score should be, but Harmon has slipped la the best answer U 'date. The Augusta National waa keyed to Its toughest test In every way. Riviera wasnt, with Its fairways rough cut. Its baked-oand Its soft greens. I doubt very murh that 283 will be broken at Riviera in the National Open. And Harmon happens to be a golfer who is quite capable of winning a U. S. Open or the ut MEDITERRANEAN CATHOLIC MOTHER... Hrs. Richard of Philadelphia, children. Including four, priests and three nuns, was naaed Catholic Mother of 1948 by the National Catholic Conference on Family Life. T. HcSorley other of 15 Somewhere in DUNKING.. . Dateline on the Mediterranean, this picture Just reads assn In tba which could rate, choppy seas Bade the vicinity of Greece or Italy. At aany hazardous venture when, on reacue of three navy fliers maneuvers froa the aircraft carrier USS Valley Forge, their crash-landin the water. They are shown torpedo-bombwhich attempting to board the destroyer USS William C. Laws er ed put out s small boat for them. NV-- . A m JOINED HANDS.. .On May 28 the U.S. government will Issue this commemorative Four Chaplains stamp. This Is the story behind it: The troopship S.S. Dorchester was torpedoed and sunk In the North Atlantic In February, 1943. On board were four chaplains of three faiths: Protestant ministers George L. Fox and Clark V. Poling, Father John P. Washington and Rabbi Alexander G. Goode. When the ship was hit each of the four gave his lifebelt to nearby men without the. Then they Joined bands and prayed to the one God they all served for the safety of the men stroggllng to leave the ship. The four chaplains died together. Statements of the survivors of the sinking include these words: This Is the picture engraved THEN THEY imfiHkbl- yw.'l'mtvfc- - AM Taloe ..Nellie her commission displays U.S. mint after ss director of MONET MAKER. Rosa she was sworn In for her fourth term In that office. First ever to occupy the post,, she has held It since 1933. woman P.G.A. Ar car 08 Comeback year ago there was pretty fair that Eddie Arcaro was The slender Italian from Kentucky was still riding fairly well, but he was no centaur. He was booed around New York tracks whether he won or lost. It came to the point where it didnt matter to him whether they, booed or cheered. This was the situation when Arcaro headed for Santa Anita last December. But on this occasion his health was better. He was In better condition. And suddenly a new ambition was bom. It will be different out here this It wll be a lot time, he said. different Eddie began winning. He began outriding Lobgden, Reeves and the rest of the outfit When he saw he conldn't win he was ne longer content to pull up and let other horses place and show. Now he was riding them ont All the He also waa taking narway. row openngs, riding recklessly at times. He was the Old Arcara ef A evidence slipping. rwumpimpw 190 ' A Championship Score ' ball- passed these auditions, 26 were heard on the air, Robert Adams, talent auditioner of NBC, says experience is essential; amateurs almost never make the grade. And Elaine Rost, (Inza on "The Adventures of Frank Memwell,) says the best way to get dramatic experience is singing with a band She d d it for 18 months, studying acting meanwhile, then came to New Ycrk and landed on "Just Plain easy-to-us- n t it NBC interviewed 3,074 persons in 1917; S iw room In "The Great Gatsby is a The Viveteran of "California, rginia and Incendiary Blonde . . . "Arthur Godfreys Talent Scouts will be absent from the air from June 21 to August 23. Certain combinations of food go better than others for a meal, because of flavor and texture contrast e You'll enjoy these , I I r ff Released by WN'U Feature! nd one-rou- 16-ou- ' Robert Shaws chorus of 30 professional voices will take over for Bergen and McCarthy this summer. Although Shaw is only 31, he has conducted everything from ballads to Brahms and is one of the foremost choral conductors in the country. Feller Newhouser Blackwell Marchildon Munger there wasnt a pitcher in the American league last season who worked 300 Innings. Feller and Newhouser were the closest. There wasn't a pitcher In the Ns- -' tlonal league who worked 300 Innings. Spahn, Blackwell and Branca were the closest up around 230. Today, someone youd rate as an average good pitcher works In less than 200 Innings say 160. The decline In pitching has been pitching startling. This means In games In games finished la pitched Innings pitched In bases on balls in games won (from 30 to 41 season). Walsh worked In 67 games one season winning 40 and saving 12 others. Today the pitcher who can go nine Innings without being removed is a local hero. This is why we advise all kids to start throwing. You wont have to be too good. The pitchers we rate as real pitchers this season are Blackwell, Feller, Newhouser, Spahn, Dickson, Brecheen and possibly Munger, Trout, Houtteman and one or two from Connie Macks Athletic group; very likely Brlssie; he may be the best Dickson Something new in cinema fights: Robert Ryans battle with Michael Harvey in RKOs Berlin Express takes place in the interior of a beer vat. Director Jacques Tourneur had it shot by three cameras, so there would be no Soap Baked Potatoes out-pitc- on our minds and hearts as the S.S. Dorchester disappeared beneath the waves.' , winning years. Then be came hack East again. He began winning on opening day at Jamaica. He has been winning ever since. t |