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Show I THE DRAGERTON TRIBUNE, DRAGERTON, UTAH Tuesday, May 18, 1948 PAGE SEVEN - Familiar Birds BURTON turned pale when saw the telegraph boy at her door. But just one moment later she was rushing to the telephone. Henry was amazingly slow to understand. She said it rapidly three "WE WON. WE WON. times. THE TELEGRAM HERE HENRY! SAYS SO. THE TRAILER COACH WILL ARRIVE . . . was deserting them. She made an especially nice lemon meringue pie for supper and Henry brought her a box of candy rather sheepishly. ANNE Everything was lovely once again at the Burton home. But nothing more was said about taking the beautiful trailer to California. In fact, it was two days later that Henry broached the subject of Denver. Henry caught on then, "you mean we won first prize in that soap It would be fun, Anne agreed. contest?" His voice was hoarse w.th She was to the point of mentally excitment. packing suitcases when Henry made "Henry Burton! Thats just what an unfortunate remark. been telling you! Ive Boy, the fishing, he said dreamHenry muttered something that ily. "Guys have told me they really a like combination of Holy catch 'em ii the sounded mountain streams. Mackerel" and "Jumping Catfish. In the Intervening days the Burtons were told over and over that they were the luckiest people ahve. Dozens of people asked the rhyme the Burtons had submitted and walked away shaking their heads, mumbling "not half as good as mine." Anne was almost delirious the day the trailer coach arrived. It was everything the pictures had shown. Chrome, clear varnish, soft lights and gadgets galore made it a fairlyland palace. "The only trouble, Henry complained, "is when Im sitting inside gloating, I think of something outside I want to see. I never know which side of the door knob Im ing, Arent you? It was different, Anne tried to assure him. He should realize how she felt Henry didn't. Before he gave the front door a slam that could have been heard a block be growled that he wasnt going to California and moon over a lot of actors, even the unmarried ones, and that some people seemed to have never gotten over their swooning days. Six handkerchiefs later Anne admitted to herself, with reservations, that she might have said the wrong thing. Working around their home all day she wondered jwhat had happened that their beautiful happiness tion. She "Where are you going? asked. but why Feeling almost guilty guilty! Anne admitted that they hadnt decided. Martha held forth on the New England .states. She beamed at Ilenry as she told them she had always wanted to see the historical spots. She looked up at the ceiling as she related the dream she had the previous night. Using the doctor's pet terms, she explained her dream as a hidden desire, a desire very necessary of fulfillment tor her to see the New England states. She turned to Anne and asked brightly. "Surely you aren't going alone in that big trailer? It will easily hold another passenger! Anne choked and looked at Henry. For answer he said, We havent decided. Want a ride home? Im going your way, Martha. When he returned his mind was as invincible as steel "But, Anne protested, "Martha would enjoy it so much. After all "After all, she doesnt go where I ftuild Vigor. .. Energy J T obtain T transfer designs, color chart for working, amount of materials required for the Familiar Birds (Pattern No 51911 end 20 cents In coin, Tour Name, Addraai and Pattern Number. Due to an unusually large demand nnd current condition!, slightly more time Is required In filling ordars lor n few at the most popular pattern. Bend your order to: They almost decided on New Orleans until Henry remembered the miles he tramped there in army " -- Enclcs 20 cent Chicago ?, for Pattern. 4. 111. Nacna Addrea- t- SATURDAY 5191 v '? ISNT THIS aW iSlfcWAtt REDUCE telines Distress of and his promise to training himself, "Never again. .The shiny nice trailer seemed destined never to be used. Then Henrys cousins, the Nortons, descended on them. A visit from tjie Nortons never had been unmixed joy and hearing Jean Norton gush as she made the date over the phone, Anne trembled. They came. Their imp. Bill, was twice as troublesome as Anne had feared. It seemed that the Nortons were being forced to move. Jean Norton talked much of the luck of some people. She was frankly envious of the Burtons and their trailer. Out in the kitchen while they washed dishes Jean Norton remarked that her doctor had said she needed a complete rest. To herself, Anne thought that anyone dealing with their Bill deserved a long rest Jean Norton cocked her head on one side and suggested delicately, "Bill wouldn't Be the least trouble, and we could pay well . Wouldnt you like to take BUI with you? He would be so much company for days Lydia E. Pinkham's Then In NR (Naturei Remedy) Tablet, there are no chemicals, no mineral, no phenol derivatives. NR Tablets arc different off different Purely vegf table a combination of 10 vegetable ingredients formulated over 50 year go. Uncoated or candy coated, their action is dependable, thorough, yet gentle, at millions of NRt have proved. Get a 25 box. Use as directed. TACICT5 QUICK I ROET ruCMmO-BAL- L Saw Vj FOR ACI9 iszosim 3uy U. S. Savings Bonds! a i KOI Hu the power sod wili to heed. I End ray comfort in thy symbols. Loot Tby rod, thy staff, and like a small lort lamb, Wet and odd and shivering through the Bight. I find them where I am. I readi foe them, and they an in thy hands, And dosce thaa breathing, nearex than hands sad fee. had been propositioned. They stood there staring bale-full- y at the trailer, shiny and bright in the darkness. "Life was more fun before we received first prize, Anne said dolefuHy. Henry had a sudden,' wonderful idea. They whispered. They started to shake hands la congratulations, then Annes arms stole around Henry's neck. Close together they stood for a moment, each thinking life again was fine. When they went Inside Anne told the Nortons, Youre having trouble finding a house and you need a rest. Henry and I wondered if you wouldn't care to take our trailer? The Nortons fell on them. They laughed. Jean Norton half cried, "I cant understand what we ever did to make you share your wonderful wonderful luck with us." It was over at last. - The Nortons left, promising their undying gratitude, and making plans. Anne picked up ash tray and Henry yawned loudly as he leafed a magazine. He sat up, suddenly excited. "It says here theres a contest where you win a . Anne reached for the magazine and closed It firmly. "No! We might be unlucky enough to win." 2-W- oocTOt TOBACCO OO. INO, X. T. wartanlaalaatt qf FoyMisr SraaSt nows Aiovr sano aeutms HEATING make this amazing rang possible I - . Heralded as the first museum In the United States devoted entirely to the circus, the Ringling Art museum has been opened at Sarasota, Fla. Eventually the museum win contain exhibits tracing development of the circus from Roman times. The museum Is located In an old warehouse, with a central pole and girders suggesting the Interior of a circus tent The building Is on the estate of the late John Ring-lincircus operator, who willed his residence and art museum to the people of Florida at his death in 1936. I tied thy presence wrapping me thou Arad thy corpfort. Lord, sweet Grace Noll Crowell Ol COUTV you! Anne was seized with a sudden choking spell and escaped to the Henry followed her out porch. anxiously. She told him how she Has Nostalgic Items the green pastures ot the csrtir, As old as its quid waters, is the seed comfort for the heart, and Oos aloor PLAIN Not a Subsfffvfe Not Mediated Sanos scientific process cuts nicotine content to half that of ordinary cigarettes. Yet skillful blending makes every puff a pleasure. ... Hero la the moot exciting developer meat In yeare In electric cookery. W This eensatlonal Universal Bantam S Electric Range pluge Into any appliance outlet with no costly Installation to worry about . . . does everything youd expect of a regular range coating much morel Its easily accessible .oven la larga enough to roast a turkey . . . bakes four cakes, bread, desserts . . . broils steaks, chops and fish surprisingly fast.. .cooks a complete meal for the entire family. See the startling new Universal Bantam Electric Range In action today at your nearest Universal dealers. Take It home . . . plug It In 7. . enjoy the benefits of electric cooking Immediately! of making the of equipping new email homes best use of email kitchen space . . . and supple- -. mentlng Inadequate or seasonal cooking facilities. Control Nsvsr Expected In a Small Rangel The Univereal Bantam brings you the latest advances in instrument-controlle- d cookery. Itseaslly accessible oven is thermostatically controlled for perfect baking add roasting operates at standard oven heats. Theres a simple control for every cooking need. An Electric Timer Is available for full control. Big Range 20-l- b. JR $ OLD SLMIIE36? ask him about SAflO, the safer cigarette with KtONTHtV POfJfl'i First Circus Museum LU m Delicious Kelloggs Com Flakes are satisfying fuel food I At quick energy food for kids. They sure can use it! T . CIRCIE NFF DI.E WORK SEWING 530 Sontb Wells St. No "But the movies, Henry! Just think of seeing real, live actors. She sighed blissfnlly and let the toast burn. "ideas. Her conversation dripped psychoses, split personalities and the subconscious. Anne was showing her around as Henry came in. Martha thought it a wonderful way to have a vaca- Thouaiod Bow aloep vwdiatarbed of ih news that their being awakened aight after ba from bhddur not ths Bight rrtaitn, kvtnoyo I,'hopeee! That's a condition PiiU uBoaUjr allay wtlbta 24 hours. Binee Frlj blao- der imuuoa ie o prevalent and Foley Fills ao potent foley Fill nuat benefit yen within 24 hour ar UuUBLK Ulli MONEY BACK. Make 24 hour twt Gat Voiry Pdl irrm dnar- ist Full eaUefaeWoa or DGLfiLfi VOLK 10NEY BACK. ed Also Helps Build Up Red Hoad! Do female functional periodic disturbances make you suffer pain, feel to nervous, irritable at such times? Then try Lydia E. Plnkham'a TABLETS to relieve auch symptoms. Plnkham'a Tablet are also very affective to help build up red blood In simple anemia. He tilted back in his chair, "Imag1 ine tying on to a big one "Do you mean to tell me youd spend our vacation fishing aQ the time! Anne's tone was icy. "Any time you think Ill just go along for the ride! Denver never! Henry attempted to explain he wouldnt fish all the time. But Annes mind was made up. Shortly after that Anne's sister, Martha, came to give the trailer her Martha was dignified once-ove- r. secretary to a psychiatrist and had makes folks J ygy Jg that sleep all nightl AT ALL! "Seaman Smith swallowed his knife, air, and we've operated for its recovery without success. "Very well Issue Smith another knife." T ONLY wish you could see the color sketches of these birds theyre colorful enough to frame! The seven-inc- h bird designs to be embroidered on towels, pillows, breakfast cloths include a kingfisher, woodpecker, bluejay, robin, oriole, cardinal and two brown sparrows. Colorings are vividly natural and the fascinating designs are to be embroidered in outline and satin stitch. I go! Imagine every morning being forced to deliver last nights dream to Martha to mull over. No! 1 wouldn't like the New England states now if they gave bonus to every trailer arrival. NO! And that was that! In the week that followed they considered most of the U. S. as If Henry vacation possibility. made a suggestion, Anne had heard It rained there. If Anne suggested a state, Ilenry became positive his sinus would bother him. after." Eventually Anne made coffee and they tried to bring their chaotic thoughts to earth. Henry put his coffee cup down with a thud. "She will be the best trailer that ever sailed into Florida." Anne paled. "You "Florida? didnt say Florida! Henry no!" Henry had some difficulty getting a coherent account of the trouble with Florida. It developed that Annes great aunt had been bitten by a rattlesnake while there in 1916. She had lived, but had reported there were dozens of snakes in Florida Anne's "I won't go was fervent. Henry reasoned that 1916 was sometime back, that the snakes must have been killed off and that he personally would guard her. In the end they decided they wouldnt go to Florida. Over their breakfast cereal next morning Anne made an elaborately How about gocasual suggestion. ing to California? Henry wondered If California guaranteed there were no snakes. Anne smiled sweetly But the movies, Henry I Jlist think of seeShe sighed ing real, live actors. blissfully and let the toast burn. Scraping the toast Henry inquired which actors she wanted to see. Peter Lawford, of course, Anne told him. Her smile was radiant. Not Cooper, Peck or Van Johnson, Henry teased. Oh, but they're all married! Henry (pilled his coffee comment- NO TROUBLE Included among exhibits are five old circus wagons, costumes, masks, drawings for the decor of spectacles, handbills and photographs of famed circus characters. Oven f. Wrap-aroun- d Element glvae uniform oven beat tor baking and roasting. Oven It thermostatically controlled. 2. Reversible Twin Unit for broiling and cooking plugs in top or bottom , . . provides fast broiling and surface cooking action. long Quality In Small Rang Construction! Only space has been saved In making the Univereal Bantam the most rugged, most efficient, email size range ever built. It requires no special utensils uses regular-siz- e pots and pans. Roomy, sturdily-buicabinet provides convenient (pace for utensils and kitchen accessories. Big Utility la Snail Bangs Spats I Fitting Into a small bit of kitchen space, the Universal Bantam has amazing capacity. It provides a solution extraordinary to the problem Rig Rang !SE THIS AMAZING, AT YOUR NEAREST SPACE-SAVIN- lt G, RANGE PLUG-I- N UNIVERSAL DEALERS TODAY lANDCKS, MAIV A CLARK, NIW IIUTAInVcONN. - I ( |