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Show ( Tuesday, May 18, 1948 THE DRAGERTON TRIBUNE, DRAGERTON, UTAH BIRTHS Mrs John Lloyd of Sunnyside on Sunday, May 9 On the same day The following babies arrived at a son was also born to Mr. and the Dragerton Hospital this past Mrs Melvin Bishop of Hiawatha week. A son was born to Mr and On Monday, May 10, a daugh- - ter was born Gilbert Brown and Mrs. Win. ton had a boy to Mr. and Mrs of Dragerton Mr Valdez of Drager(Continued from Page One) on Fuday, May 14 than say, on Clevelands or Chi On May 15, a son was born to cago's coal. Mr. and Mrs Rudy Ortega of Like everything else about Price while Mr. and Mrs Toby Us of Dragerton had a Geneva, the surroundings of DeVaul coal supplyare oddly daughter. Horse Canyon coal on its way to the steel plant passes Dragerton, the mining town built by the Defense Plant Corporation and which the U. S Steel bought scaled intact, broken windows, paint and all for $1,500,000 . . . MILLIONS READ ial Anselmo, Coors Lead Keg League 39c large size 36c giant size 79c SWEETHEART SOAPS 3 for 29c CIGARETTES . . . ctn. 1.65 JELLO 3 for 25c DEL r.lOFITE COFFEE . . 1 lb. 49c DEL MONTE COFFEE . . 2 lbs. 97c COCKTAIL . . 18 oz., 2 for 33c COCKTAIL . . 46 oz. can 33c 5c GAUDY BARS . . . 3 for 12c 2 pkgs. V-- 8 V-- 8 F. Anselmo and company of Columbia took three out of foin points to maintain the lead for the second half in the Carbon Coal league. Cal Griffith of the league-leid-m- g taem bowled both high single game and the high three-gam- e series His high single score was a 257 and the three-gam- e series score was 643, a 214 average Team high three games 2984 F. Anselmo 2967 Aberdeen , . Kaiser PAGE FIVE 2875 Co Team high single . . nselmo Aberdeen . game-F. Beauty In Dragerton i about East Carbon girls have gained annually This is approximately 15 per recognition in the Eaglette Club cent of Utahs cash income from of Carbon College. Sally Buff-mi- re farm maiketmgs Geneva will has been selected as secreload 150,000 railroad freight cars to succeed Norma Anderson, tary In 1946 all Utah loaded only 400,-00- 0 while Shirey Davis retires as recars porter, a position she held during Year Round Employment the past term. Both these gnls East Carbon has become a year hail from Dragerton. A farewell party to the old ofRelound occupational center cent surveys have shown that ap- -j ficers of the Eaglette Club was proximateiy 7 000 people will be calling some part of East Carbon home, by the beginning of a new year It is not alone Geneva Steel, but now Kaiser-FiazAUTO PARTS Parts, Kaiser Co , Inc , and the AUTOMOTIVE MACHINE SHOP Utah Fuel Co , all contributing to create more jobs, more payroll, MOTOR REBORING and a better place to live The story goes to the world by BRAKE CLUTCH this famous writer, Arthur W. Baum, in the Saturday Evening RELINING REBUILDING Post The stoiy is already known to all of us here in East Carbon It is our opportunity, and it is up BRAKE DRUM TURNING to all of us here to make the Piaton Rin8 Refitting and Resizing the best part of our lives i $18,000,000 MENDENHALL'S NAPA STOREr Describing the beauty of Dragerton as a place to live, the author wrote The Books half circle the hortzoh, and Drageiton has a glimpse of a couple of ocean ot An peaks sciubby cedars surrounds the town wander Bands of goats "cedar's, farther "up toward Salt Lake City sheep by the thousand make quivering, jellyhke blots on the hillside So here again is a story of the community which we call home It is pictuied in the eyes of a clivisitor, with a worl-wiThe speed of sound is approxentele, who will read the things we should be enjoying right here imately 760 m p h at sea level er YOUR N. A. P. A. JOBBER de 1103 1065 1032 Kaiser Co Individual high single game 257 Cal Griffith 235 John Zwahlen 228 Ronnie Jewkes Individual high three games 643 Cal Griffith 607 John Zwahlen 599 Ronnie Jewkes . CAMPBELL'S TRANSFER IS MOVING PACKING -- Jfc A GOOD MAN TO KNOW 62 N 1st West, Price Phone 505 STORAGE MW&Kvm -- DRAGERTON THEATER SHIPPING TUESDAY-WEDNESDA- 009 N. CALt OS 4VI. Early Wednesday morning, Mr and Mrs James Cassano motored to Salt Lake Mr. Cassano went in own held last Monday evening at Rita Silvagms home. Refreshments were served by the charming hostess, and the entertainment program was under the direction of everly Griffith. Rita Silvagni was elected president of the club for 1948-4- 9 succeeding Ramona Harrispn. Anna Lee Ralphs takes over Juanita Rowleys position as vice president Ttye new treasurer and reporter will be Beverly Griffith and Maxine Vuksinick. in Schol MAY 19, 19 Y, on business. . lb. 51c BACON, economy squares lb. 55c PORK ROAST . . . . lb. 61c FRANKFURTERS . . POT FOAST, shoulder cut QUCtCDHYlt.'S Certified to Haul Any Place in UTAH and COLORADO Complete Moving Service . . . We Pack, Pick Up and Deliver lb. 53c on CLOSE-OU- T We have a complete selection of FISHING TACKLE Our selection of Major Appliances and Furniture is of the best. Come in and look them over. BENNETTS Top Quality Safety SHOES 6 inch $7.95 10 inch 8.95 Wolverine SHOES 8 inch 8.59 Hi-Te- st Oa. v. 40 al eM, the frt.tat y & At Reduced HERHTISI 1 he new Easy Spindner wbirh out up to 25 mere water. Clothes drjr faster indoors oa rainy days. No wringing, in the Spin-drieither. Clothes are damp-drte- d basket, fts home-testeproved, backed by 68 years experience in home laundry equipment. See it toUyt F. Anselmo & Co. WASATCH STORES ttMomraatoolalo WARfiBR DR03.' jjf ITOtSSC!?? LUMBER CO. E Y f Price, Utah E oho4fc,fraMI 'm A full and complete line of builder8, supplies. See us for an FHA home loan. TRI-STAT- COLUMBIA, UTAH af LJ sVv! Prices to nor waot a, a,afautl M BARBARA PAINTS These values good, all his week. SUNNYSIDE-SUNNYDAL- v I o 'X y mitt HtH WATCH FOR... SUNDAY, MONDAY, MAY 23, 24 W rtlnq n.M GERAinmE BSOO"0 a, Peter fy by - Godfrey Celhrin w Henry Btonle II Ivnwy Wi Mm r FRIDAY, SATURDAY, MAY 21, 22 Ilf r t ! S IFIF 1 PACKARD-BEL- 1 MAJESTIC nov 5319.00 L a, t v V1 f,-- a. r i 1. it.. if RADIO CONSOLE RADIO .afc. i ENTIRE RECORD s STOCK 30 i unn mi rj,. -U ? i OFF These values are for the GRAND OPENING only , in May store opens at 9:00 A . M . I 3 22-- "X., Wtnii Price, Utah mb' r- Electric Service .(Company 50 West Main Street it ' n f IIOFFMAD COHSOLE Reg. $519.00 4 IT I ALL TABLE MODEL RADIOS 1 y V . with Frank Fayten Eitrabatb Fattmon Robert Shayn Larry Young Party Kilbride A ( Olrao.4 by DAVID LEAN bmW. Fradiwaf ANTHONY A Oo.fl.rN fr.dwcHM by RONALD NEAME HAVELOCK ALLAN L RELEASE . |