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Show Wednesday, December 6, 1995 For Sale ... ; 1 986 FORD F350 4X4 WITH CREW CAB- 460 V8 engine, wheels and tires, air, 623-543- 988 PONTIAC LEMANS- very economical, AMFM cassette, great stu-- I after 5 dent car. $1,800. Call 1Pd p.m. ; 1995 HONDA 300 4X4- - With snowplow J and speedometer. 1 ,400 miles. Call 623-- ; 1999. 49Pd r 1 623-163- 8 . 2 NEVER USED- - Pre ban SKSs, each complete wpolymer folding stock, bayo-- ; 0 net lug, rnd, polymer mags, 50 stripper clips, 20 rnds, ammo and much more, $500 each, or wo mags $300 each; 2 military style body armor bullet proof frag, vests, $200 and $400 or both vests $500. Will consider trades fro 87 or newer economy car, or complete .49 computer systemlaptop. Pd six-3- f 23 ; ; 12 FOOT TERRY CAMP TRAILER- -' Forced air heat, very good condition. 1 or 377-- 1 509, ask $3,900. Call 47 - 494Bill for Mike. 623-008- HOME FOR SALE- - In ; - j ' ' Nephi. Large kitchen, large laundry 5 room. $80,000. Call evenings or see at 257 North 200 East, Nephi. 623-743- 51Pd Loaded perfect condition must sell 49PD (ucan $22,950 . CREW CAB 4 X 94 FORD 756-543- CHRISTMAS PUPPIES- - Just in time for Christmas. Males, $10, females, $5. 0 9 a.m to Good kids dogs. Call 6 p.m. 49Pd BRICK BUILDING-- ! COMMERCIAL 42X83', full basement, loading ramp, on 300' X 1 30' comer lot, 8' chain link fence. Milford City Corporation. Phone 801- -' 49PD (ucan) Contact Russell Anderson for more information at the above address or call 896 5451 Ext 20 during business hours. The Central Utah Public Health Department is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Closing Date is December 29, 1995 at 49 - 5121Bill 5:00 p. m. s, OLDER DOUBLE-WIDE- home in park. $17,500. Call Snowblowers, tillers, lawnmowers, mH&F for all 7. SUNQUEST WOLFF TANNING Home Units From $199.00. Buy Factory Direct and SAVE! Call TODAY for NEW FREE Color Catalog 462 9197. 49PD (ucan) WEDDING LISTS- - We have wedding lists for all Nephi area weddings. $2 or $5. Plumbing and Builders' Supply, 66 0 - 14Bill South Main, Nephi. WEDDING LISTS- Thinking about wedding gifts? We have weddings list for $1 , $2, $5 and up. Nephi Lumber Company, 1005 N. Main, Nephi. 4-- Bill Notices... 49Pd COUNTRY STORE- - presents a crafters holiday open house, Sat. Dec. 9th. 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. 50 North Main, 49Pd Mona, Utah. MODEL 5960 CD CHANGER- Brand new, still in box, new $430, $300 OBO. 7 ft. Antique Armoire, $125. Baby swing with interchangeable cradle, car seat, misc. Winchester model 70, 25.06, 3X9 scope, 49Pd $300. Call MUST SELL- - Two arch style buildings. 25 ext. x 28 and 50 x 96. 49Pd 896. 50Pd Help Wanted... 623-091- NEW PENTIUM 60 MHZ COMPUTER-Wit- h 256k cache. 8 mg ram, 2.44 floppy drive, hard drive, video card, minitower case, 101 keyboard, $800. New PENTIUM 75 Mhz computer wlntel Triton mother board, AMI BIOS, 256K cache, 1.44 floppy drive, TEAC super ALASKA EMPLOYMENT- - Fishing Industry. Earn up to $3,000-$6,00- 0 per experience necessary! Age call: Board! Transportation! MaleFe-mal- 18-7- (206)545-415- 5 BREAST FEEDING PEER AIDES- - The Central Utah Health Public Departments WIC (Womens, Infants, and Children) Program is currently looking for a BREAST FEEDING PEER AIDES in Juab, Sanpete And West Millard Counties. Duties will include working with pregnant and breast feeding women. The position is 4 to 6 hours a month, starting salary is $4.25 per hour and does NOT include any benefits. Some travel may be required. Ap- will be received at 70 Westview Drive, Richfield, Utah 84701. plications Nephi Auto Wrecking North State Highway, Nephi, Utah e. For more information ext A89632.49PD Open 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Mon. - Sat. 623-220- 0 mote or encourage the purchase or sale any product or service advertised in this newspaper. Advertisements are the sole responsibility of the advertiser. The Times-New- s hereby disclaims all liability for any damage suffered as the result of any advertisement in this newshas the sole paper. The Times-New- s authority to edit and locate any classified advertisement as deemed approprireserves the right ate. The Times-New- s to refuse any advertising. 1cmp Has your life been affected by drinking? For information about AA or Alanon 0 or meetings, call , 623-245- - 375-8620- 14Bill Comm. Services... ARE YOU RECEIVING MONTHLY PAYMENTS- from a Real Estate Contract, Trust Deed, or insurance settlement? We buy! Call us last. Jennings Finanor cial 49PD (ucan) BUY IF YOU DON'T YOULL BE SORRY CHRISTMAS- - A 16 page collection. 12 letters from Mrs. Sue Claus to your child teaching character values. Order now. $3.00 each letter or $10 per collection. Custom Creative Writer & 49Pd Whims. smm GfflgML 224-106- FRANCHISE AVAILABLE Now rent the HOST System! Rated by a leading consumer magazine, HOST is the easiest, most effective dry extraction carpet cleaning system available. $3.00 OFF oneday machine rental with purchase of one box of HOST Dry Carpet Cleaner. Chapman Furniture Co. . r 5 Passenger, motorcycle, truck plates, etc. Call John Clark Good money offered. (801)750-632- 49PD (ucan) Business Oppor.... Real Estate Appraisal! Nebo Appraisal Service 623-223- Utah State Registered Appraiser RA 00047232 or 3 Home 623-053- 8 No More Suffering! EAST JUAB LANDFILL NVITATION TO BID Separate sealed bids for the operation and maintenance of the East Juab Landfill will be received and publicly opened read aloud by the Juab Rural Development Agency on Friday, December 15, 1995 at 1 :00 P. M at the Nephi City Offices located at 21 East 100 North, Nephi, Utah A bid form will be available on December 3,1995. All bids must be made on the required bid form. All items on the bid form must be priced Separately. A performance bond will be required for the contractor at the time that a contract is signed. The Agency may waive any informalities or minor defects or reject any and all bids. A pre-bi- d meeting and tour will be held at 9:00 A. M on Wednesday, December 6, 1995 at the Nephi City Offices. 48 - 49 New approved spray stops itching, flaking, red skin. Restores your skin to normal in as little as 7 days or 100 of your money back. No side effects. Call now for full counselor. information from a courteous, NOW: CALL 24 hours SAVE $$$ ! STEEL BUILDING PANELS'! Storage Areas Barns, etc. Easy to Install! GALVANIZED! Bill NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Your Hometown Appraiser David Paystrup mission to adopt the proposed budgets for 1996 for Special Services District 1, and Special Service District 2. 48 - 50 Bill JUAB RURAL DEVELOPMENT AGENCY s Available? Manufacturers Seconds Hem DW WdUEmfflPWuBKM PALMERS METALMART INVITATION TO BID 1200 East 100 South 8:30-5:Open Mon.-F- ri. for the labor to remove the old metal roof and Install a new sheet metal roof on the Nephi City Fire Department will be received at Nephi City Offices, at 21 Sealed bids 00 Lehl Saturdays 9:00-12:- Noon 00 WprtaFOe Uft.caft Scarry. SutjMt) Prior SfetWIWIBilodiia hand Swart Gfd) V 9 CABIN LOTSRANCH LOTS Fruitland, Current Creek Area, Between Starvation 10, 20 & 40 Acre Lots. Starting as low as recreation, fishing and hunting. & Strawberry Reservoirs 5, $500 per acre. Vacation and $125.00 down $125.00 per month. Taurus & Plumbing Excavating Inc. 1 123195 PLATES.-191- on up. Suite 1325 Salt Lake City, UT 84104 Extraction Carpet Cleaning T.lachinc Rental b WANTED: OLD UTAH LICENSE 643 South Redwood Rd. HOST. Dry Cut and use this coupon today! rator Box 9221, Salt Lake City, Utah 84109. (ucan) 49PD -- " 27 South Main, Nephi 50Pd WANTED, OLD INDIAN ITEMS!- - Decorator has cash for blankets, rugs, baskets, pottery, photos, paintings, or whatever. or write: DecoCall Don (801 )534-796- 0 FOR FREE INFORMATION WRITE: AMERICAN CAR TITLE off" ' message. Complete package Our Truck Scale Is Now Open! Coupon good until 623-434- 2 Training program LOADED ON YOUR TRUCK! $3". 00 apartment or County. Don't leave smoke, no children. Call Juab No Royalties No additional cost LUMP $50.00 TON SLACK $42.00 TON Valuable r Pd WANT TO RENT- older home in Exclusive Territory pickup old cars and trucks! COAL FOR SALE WATER-An- 1 East 100 North Nephi, Utah, until 12 Oclock Noon, December 18, 1995. A bid form and specifications will be available at the city offices on December 6, 1995. All bids must be made on the required bid form The City may waive any informalities or minor defects or reject any and all bids. 49 50 Bill $10,000 Cash 623-262- PROFIT POTENTIAL- - Preengineered building industry has dealership opportunity available in select areas. Call to qualify. (303) Ext. 1501. 49Pd 623-592- Paid - We Please call Legal Notices... I HERTIAGE & y amount. after 5 p.m. 52 NEPHI IRRIGATION LUCRATIVE of month. Room GOT A CAMPGROUND MEMBERSHIP OR TIMESHARE- - Well take it. Americas most successful resort resale clearinghouse. Call Resort Sales Information toll free hotline 49PD (ucan) 1of5 758-413- Nepffi:$250Tb$35(TpefYriorrth.WOnthly; rates'. Call 623-107- 1 or stop by at 413 No Wanted.. classified Please check yourTimes-New- s ad the first week it appears. If you find a mistake, telephone us promptly. The Times-New- s will be responsible for one insertion only. 1cmp Classified ad Here are The Times-New- s rates: $3.00 for 4 lines and .75 cents for PUBLIC NOTICE each additional line. Each line contains,, Notice is hereby given that a hearing will g a u 1cmpL Be held December1! 81 199, at 1 0:30 a.m., does not endorse, pro- in the Chambers of the Juab County The Times-New- s For Rent... South Main, Nephi. Thanks to everyone who shared in our special day and a special thanks to Diane Ballow. Mont and Leslie Taylor 49 - 494Bill " pju YOU CAN OWN YOUR OWN HOME!- - No r 623-594- 1 49 - 495Bill anytime. SPECIAL EDUCATION INSTRUCTOR-Th- e Central Utah Public Health Department is looking for a special education instructor for its Early Intervention Program (age 0 3) to work in the six county area. This person must have a Bachelors degree plus certification in Special Education. The position is 50 time with 50 benefits. Travel is required. Applications will be received at 70 Westview Drive, Richfield, Utah 84701 . Contact Russell Anderson for more information at the above address or call 896 5451 Ext, 20 during business hours. The Central Utah Public Health Department is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Closing Date is December 29, 1995 at 49 - 511 8Bill 5:00 623-217- 623-015- miL. - PERSON TO WORK IN DAYCARE- - Part time, appx. 15 to 20 hours per week. Must be over 18 years of age. Must like to work with children. Call 623-261- 0 chain saws and gasoline string trimmers. 148 South 100 East, Nephi. Call Free pickup and delivery.45 - 17Bill FLOOR COVERING- - See Chapman Fur-- . OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT- - Call 43 - 12Bill niture, 27 South Main, Nephi, for all your needs. Expert installation ROOMS FOR RENT--. In Safari. Motel in D WV42&C. ! availabJR,-.'.-irfi5 GENIE 20 GAL' WETDRY SHOP VAC-$5Precor 615e digital rowing machine, $50.; 7 quality mens fine taylored suits, fit med. build, $50 each or $250 PD Poulan (Pro), McCullough. See us for 387-271- - Card of thanks. Seasonal & e employment available at National Parks, Forests & Wildlife Preserves. Benefits bonuses! Call: ext.N89634. (ucan) 49 623-171- downpayment on Miles materials, attractive construction financing. Call Miles Homes today, ext. 1 . (ucan) 49PD Page NATIONAL PARKS HIRING- - 49Pd OSTLERS SMALL ENGINE, NEPHI-Sale- s and service for Airens, Snapper, 623-220- 1 Sound Port, wave quad 4X table, sound card, minitower case, 101 keyboard, (needs HDD and ram), $950. TMC PCI 54PV high end Pentium mother board wOPTi: chipset, AMI Bios, 51 2K cache, 4PCI, 5 ISA slots, baby AT size, $350; 14 SVGA monitor, $200; four 1 mg 30 pin SIMMS, $100. Printer, 24 dot matrix, fair condition but works vgood, $50. 49Pd 623-594- 1. 623-594- 1 : Help Wanted... 2VL-bu- f Nephi, Utah For Sale CD-RO- winch, AMFM stereo. Exellent condi-tio50Pd $11,000. Call i tEt c host mml I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I .J C ' U Plumbing, all types Heating Repairs, all types Gas Furnaces & Lines remodels New Construction Back hoe Work Free Estimates Call Alex or Mike at 623-201- POOR COPY 1 T Features Sled Construction Convenient, Secure, Affordable Heavy Duty r a Full i Ground level I n ..r - a STOW-I- I For Sale or Rent I I O UW"I I (801) 977-888- 5 1995 W I , 8 x8 x20 (800) Initara toenut 1 370-011-1 Sa Lake Cdy. UTW10S REFRIttMKDJUNnAMMLE' 11 |