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Show I Wednesday, December 6, 1995 Page 9 Nephi, Utah tKfjc DWR says that $5 fee will support habitat development, restoration, and access for license holders sSporfs. . . Lady Wasp basketball starts season with victory over Lehi points and Stephanie Boyd with 6. The team played hard, and I was pleased with their efforts, stated Coach Ken Rowley. The Freshman team defeated Lehi 41 to 24. The high scorers for the Freshman game were Kamelle Newton with 17 and Marcie Jackson and Misty Olpin both with 8. The team played hard and did well in breaking their press, stated Coach Elkington. The Lady Wasps also played Beaver and were defeated 68 to 36. The high scorers for the game were Amberlee Wright with 12, Alesha Newton with 7, Shantell Hall with 6, and Arin Gould with 5. Coach Sperry felt that the whole team contributed to the game and that Amberlee Wright played great all around. Beaver was state champions last year, so they have a lot of experience, By Suzanne Woodland JHS Correspondent The Juab Lady Wasps got their basketball season off to a good start with a victory over Lehi last Thursday night. Juab defeated Lehi 57 to 54. The high scorers for the game were Amberlee Wright with 19 points, and Arin Gould with 10. Having the most rebounds for the team were Am. berlee Wright with 15, and Ann Gould with 10. Juab played very well for the 1st game of the season, stated Coach Allen Sperry. We surprised them with good defense and handling of their full court pressure, he emphasized. The JV team was defeated by Lehi 42 to 30. The high scorers for the game were Tina Howarth with 9 is coming from a combination of fish habitat. I think weve got a fishing and hunting licenses real winner. Its a big plus for also buy a $5 wildlife Habitat along with combination license sportsmen in trying to reverse Authorization. Revenues from buyers. So it looks like an equal the trend in habitat loss, Valenthis new fee are dedicated solely spUt. Its spread across the board tine said. Habitat authorization program to habitat development, restora- and the intent is to spend the revenues are protected by law. tion, acquisition, and access. money in that manner. At a glance, one might think State legislators and sports- The money is solely dedicated to mens that anglers likely will pay the groups worked for several habitat projects. Under the new lions share for this new program years to get this type of program license structure, the $5 Big because so many people fish in funded. With revenue projections Game License, the $5 Upland Utah. On the contrary, says of $2 million annually, habitat Game Habitat Stamp, and the Bob Valentine, Director of the improvement projects will be $3.30 state Waterfowl Stamp Utah Division of Wildlife Re- possible for upland game, big have all been eliminated. sources. I think the lions share game, waterfowl, wetlands, and Anyone purchasing a hunting or fishing license for 1996 must which gave us a look at how we stood in the state, stated Coach Sperry. He also felt that Juab played good offense as well as good defense. The JV team was defeated by Beaver 55 to 30. Alesha Newton and Shantell Hall were the high scorers. Alesha with 9 and Shantell with 8. Coach Rowley felt that the JV team was going in the right direction, and that they just need- Cary says ... Nominate and elect individuals for Soil Conservation Districts ed to continue to work hard. The Freshman team defeated Beaver 34 to 24. Marcie Jackson scored the most points for the team with 15. Juabs next game will be Tues- day, December 12, against Pa-rowa- n. The games will begin at the JV and Freshman teams. The Varsity game will 5:15 for begin Utah voters can influence soil ural resources. SCDs are depenand water conservation pro- dent special service districts. All grams, according to Cary G. land in Utah is contained within Peterson, commissioner of the an SCD. Soil Conservation Districts are Utafy Department of Agriculture and chair of the Utah Soil Con- governed by a board of five citiservation Commission. Voters zens, elected by their peers, in a have the opportunity to nom- special election conducted by at 7:00. Eed off ffhe season ffootball stats released By Suzanne Woodland JHS Correspondent The following is a run-dow- n of the Juab Football teams stats for the 1995 season. The Varsity team was region 12 champions with a record of 7 and 0 in region play and 9 and 1 for the total season. The Varsity team had a total of 2,601 yards rushing and passing and had 209 total points scored for the whole year. Ben Sutorius led the team in rushing stats; he had 926 to tal yards. Preston Jones led the team in receiving; he had 7 receptions for a total of 160 yards. Nick Bowles had the highest in passing stats; he completed 52 out of 141 for 857 yards. Jason Kelsey led in returns; he had 7 punt returns for 142 yards, 3 kick returns for 48 yards and 5 interceptions for 60 yards. Greg Johnson had 1,740 total yards in kicking. Ben Sutorius had this highest defensive points. His total was 177. The JV team had a record of 7 and 2, and the Freshman team inate and elect individuals who mail. Board members serve four-yedirect the programs and activiterms of office. Commissionties of the 39 Soil Conservation er Peterson announced that ar Districts across the state, Peterson explained. Soil Conservation Districts had a record of 9 and 1. (SCD) are the grass roots memJuab had 7 players that were bers of the named to the Region 12 which for more than Football Team, they were: partnership 57 years has worked to help land Nick Bowles, Jeff Dansie, Richmanagers enhance and protect ard Pay, Chet Jackson, Dustin Utahs basic nat Mace, Jason Kelsey, and J.J. Ray. Receiving honorable mention were: Clint Bowles, Nick Painter, and Aaron Mangelson. The Football Region 12 Team MVP was Ben Sutorius. Juab Football is AWESOME, emphasized Coach Messersmith. I look forward to a great year Holidays, parties and alcohol next year, he stated. they all seem to go together, dont they? That may be why in last year, 3 5 percent of all fatally injured drivers of passenger vehicles had a blood alcohol content of 0.10 percent or higher. Thats above the legal limit in all states. Never drink and drive, and never get into a vehicle when the Kevin Waldron. Coach Waldron driver has been drinking. Western Insurance Informawould really like to emphasize Service offers the following tion what a great job Richard White, to help you decide not to facts Ryan Warner, and Chet Johnson have been doing. It is really im- drink and drive this holiday seaportant for the heavier weights son: In the U.S., there is an to be successful, because, when related traffic fatality every they are successful it makes the 32 an alcohol-relate- d minutes and team successful, Waldron stattraffic injury every two mined. The next wrestling match for utes. Two out of every five AmeriJuab will be the Winter Classic will be involved in an cans held at Juab. It will begin at 3:00 related crash during their on Friday and continue on Satlifetimes. urday. al All-Regi- on By Suzanne Woodland JHS Correspondent The Juab wrestling team did Drill team participated in Utah Classic By Suzanne Woodland JHS Correspondent The Juab High school Drill - Team recently participated in the Utah Classic held in Heber City. Out ofnine 2A teams Juab placed 2nd in novelty, and 6th in both dance and military. In order to qualify for state, they must average 90 or above points in competition. Our Drill Team did so in this past competition. The girls have worked really hard so far and have shown a lot of improvements. Thej)t will continue to improve for the next competitions, stated Lisa Blackett Drill Team Advisor. in the competition held at Gunnison High School last Saturday. The Varsity team had three duels. The first duel was against an independent team, the second duel was against South Sevier and the third duel was against Manti. The team members who won 3 out of 3 duels were: Casey Shepherd, Shawn Shepherd, Greg Johnson, David Trauntvein and Aaron Mangelson. Winning 2 out of 3 duels were: Seth McPherson, Andy Messersmith, Kelly Lind, and Mike Miller. Winning 1 of 3 duels was Ryan Warner. Wrestling only 2 duels were Richard White who was 2 for 2, Chet Johnson who was also 2 for 2 and Clint Bowles who was 1 for 2. Winning for the JV team match-u- p were: Kelly Lind, Chet Johnson, Ryan Warner, Richard White, Cody Howarth, and Jon Christensen. Tyler Fowkes and Ryan Greenhalgh both won twice for the JV team. The team is improving a lot. They are becoming more aggressive and tense rather than sluggish and scared, stated Coach UDA says hay quarantine still effect in county for shipments to California 1 The Utah Department of Agriculture (UDA) is reminding Utah hay growers that the California cereal leaf beetle quarantine remains in effect on Utah produced hay until further notice. The UDA is offering this reminder because the California quarantine is allowing shipment without fumigation on Utah grain products from December through April 30, 1996, accord- 1 ing to the California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA). The CDFA says Utah hay, except pure alfalfa, remains under their quarantine. Hay growers in the 15 Utah counties infested with the cereal leaf beetle must first fumigate their products before shipping to California. Those 15 counties are: Box Elder, Cache, Davis, Juab, parts of Millard, Morgan, Rich, Salt Lake, Sanpete, Sevier, Summit, Tboele, Utah, Wasatch, and Weber Coun- ties. Growers in the areas must obtain a certificate of compliance from the Utah Department of Agriculture before shipments will be allowed into California. The CDFA is allowing shipment without fumigation on grains and small cereal products that have been in storage since harvest. Grain products such as: barley, oats, wheat, ear com are allowed shipment under this provision. Under the quarantine, California is restricting the movement non-infest-- ed election. Stay sober, stay safe during the Holidays All-Regi- on Juiaib Wrestlers do well in Gumiison toianmameimt well there are three positions up for election in each of the states soil conservation districts, except for the two SCDs in the southern half of Utah County. These two soil conservation districts may combine into one district which would require a different type of in 1994, 51 percent had a blood alcohol content of 0. 10 percent or higher. at fatdt in an alcohol-relate- d traffic crash will cause an increase in your auto insurance premium. Being alcohol-- Traffic crashes involving males are much more likely than of hay such as straw and hay, those involving females to be including a mixture of alfalfa and hol-related. Alcohol involvement in trafoats, alfalfa and grass and alfalfa and barley. Pure alfalfa is ex- fic crashes is highest for men age empt from the quarantine. OthWhile alcohol-relate- d traffic er products restricted are: grass all occur crashes fodat and hours, they sod, grass forage seed, der and plant litter, used har- peak at night and happen more vesting equipment or machinery. often on weekends. In 1994, more Utah is one of 30 states under drivers with a blood alcohol conthe California quarantine, in- tent of 0.10 percent or higher cluding the Western states of were killed on a Saturday beIdaho and Montana, and all of tween midnight and 3 a.m. than Canada. The cereal leaf beetle is any other time. Even with a blood alcohol cona destructive leaf feeder. Wheat, tent as low as 0.02 percent, alcobarley and oats are the principal hol affects attacked driving ability and crops by both larva and crash likelihood. The probabiliadult. To avoid any shipping delays, ty of a crash begins to increase the UDA is recommending pro- significantly at 0.05 percent and ducers contact their local agricul- climbs rapidly after about 0.08 tural field representative, or con- percent. Among drivers with a tact the department in Salt Lake blood alcohol content above 0.15 City for help. Dick Wilson, Direc- percent on weekend nights, the tor of the Utah Department of likelihood of death in a singleAgricultures Plant Industry vehicle crash is more than 380 says, Producers can save consid- times higher than it is for non erable time and expense by con- drinking drivers. Contrary to popular belief, 87 tacting the department or their local state agriculture represen- percent of drivers with a high tative before trying to ship to blood alcohol content in fatal crashes have no alcohol convicCalifornia. tions during the previous three years. Of drivers killed in roadside hazard crashes (hitting a tree, sign, wall, etc.) in 1994, 49 percent had a blood alcohol content of more than 0.10 percent. Forty-seve- n percent of all motorcycle drivers killed in crashes in 1994 had a blood alcohol content of 0.10 percent or higher. Of pedestrians 16 years and older killed in nighttime crashes alco- 31-4- 0. r5 I 84114-650- 0. ERA CASCADE George and Judy Ann Phillips Nephi 623-198- 9, , alcohol-- SCD board member candidates are nominated locally, either by a nominating committee or by public petition. The committee consists ofthe chairs of the County Commission, County Farm Service Agency Committee, the SCD, and the County Agricultural Extension Service agent. Six or more registered voters living within the SCD boundaries may also place names on the ballot. Nominations by petition are due at the Utah Department of Agriculture by December 15, 1995. Commissioner Peterson indicated that SCD election ballots will be sent in January 1996 to principal land managers on the Soil Conservation Commissions voter mailing list. Any registered voter may participate in this election by requesting a ballot. Candidate nomination petition and ballot request forms and more information about the election process can be obtained from local SCD, Extension Service, and USDA Service Center officials, or by writing or calling the Utah Soil Conservation Commission, P.O. Box 146500, Salt Lake City, UT 1st in Service." MOVE INTO A BRAND NEW HOME FOR CHRISTMAS! Two new homes in Nebo Heights 1500 square feet finished. 1500 foot unfinished basement. Three bedrooms, two baths with jetted tub in master bedroom and laundry on main floor. Call today. 4 12 acre or 3.75 acre parcels in Nephi City limits. Call for information. FOUR BEDROOM BRICK RAMBLER: Owner motivated. Two kitchens, two family rooms, two fireplaces with inserts, 3 bathrooms, with or without acreage, animal rights, and double garage. Call for details. BEAUTIFUL VEW of mountains or valley. Three bedroom home with vaulted ceilings, wetbar, oak cabinets, two fireplaces with inserts, bay windows, garden tub, and attached garage. GREAT BUILDING LOTS: in Nebo Heights COMMERCIAL PROPERTY: on south end of Nephi. CORNER LOT IN NEPHI: has curb, gutter and sidewalk. Canyon Hills Park Golf Shop announces a Christmas Blowout Sale Wed. Dec. 6th thru Fri. Dec. 23rd from 6 to 9 p.m. daily. Everything in the store marked down just in time for Christmas giving! Jr0 to lMjIo single-- vehicle Refreshments wiB ell be served! Al sales final. Payment accepted by cash, check or credit card A |