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Show Wednesday, December 6, 1995 Tickets are now available for Starting a State, historic reenactment Chord) Nevs. . . s, Elder Coby Pay P. Elder Benjamin Harmon 5415 South Grove St. 5 Rocklin, CA 95677 Elder Lee Roger Higginson Guatemala City South Mission 50 East North Temple, POUCH Salt Lake City, UT 84150 Sister MaryAnn Menlove 12 Church Avenue Elder Jason Garrett 4007-Richport Way West Blanchards Town Dublin, 15 Eire Ireland D Tacoma, WA 98466 Elder Ravis Keyte Lange Rua Sao Francisco Elder Dan Woodland Salvador South Mission Caxia Postal 7384 Pituba 41810 - 970 Salvador BA Brazil 110 Sala 102 Derby 52010-02- 0 Brazil Recife PE, 0. Box 60 AUSTRALIA Elder David Nichols Suite Tij 1157 4492 Camino de la plaza SanYsidro, CA 92173-309- 7 -- Elder Jason Goble 8651 Baypine Road, Suite 105 Jacksonville, FL 32256 The 2nd Ward Relief Society homemaking meeting will be held on Wednesday, December 6, at 6:30 p.m. The ward sisters are not taking Christmas to the shut-in- s and widows as was previously reported. They are planning to do something nice for the widowers for Christmas this year on Christmas homemaking night. Sisters are asked to please bring a contribution to make a basket it can be anything from home-bake- d goods to a coupon for Elder Patrick Parkin 420 West 21st Street Anderson, IN 46016 7th Ward Christmas Party Friday a meal. Please bring something which would make a pleasant Christmas for them. e The missionaries will also be there to present a program. There will be a short presentation by Dianne Nichols and lots of fun. Refreshments will be served. The widows will be treated to Christmas goodies at a later date by members of the Young Women from the ward. full-tim- member-mi- ssionary The Nephi 7th Ward Christmas Party will be held on Friday, December 8th, beginning at 6:00 The party will be at the 1st 2nd7th LDS Ward Building. Please bring your own dishes. All members and are invited. There will be a delicious dinner, a short program and a very special Holiday non-membe- rs will also join in the program inStarting a State, chaired by LeavMichael Dennis Governor Ferrin, Layton High cluding itt, LDS Church President Gor- School Drama Department, is don B. Hinckley and Methodist just one of several events kickReverend Robert Sewell. ing off a yearlong Centennial celA childrens choir, comprised of ebration. Other events include more than 500 students from schools throughout the state, will sing several numbers and a patriotic laser light show will add a 20th century flair to the event. Tickets are free; however, seating is limited and ticket requests will be filled on a e basis. Tickets can only be ordered through the mail with a maximum of five tickets per request. To order, please send a first-serve- d, first-com- stamped self-addresse- d, FOR A SHINING, SHIMMERING, HOLIDAY TREAT, TAKE EXIT 261 Holiday voltage TO SPANISH FORK CANYON. THEN FOLLOW THE LIGHTS. at its best! SPANISH SOSK CITY 19th century train excursions, statehood thanksgiving services, reenactments of the 1896 statehood telegraph arrival and parade, and the Utah Centennial Gala featuring Utahs best talent. For more information, please call MetIifeHasA enve- lope to: Centennial Reenactment Tickets, P.O. Box 141996, Salt ReLake City, UT 84114-199- Whole Flock Of Insurance Policies. Reverend Illif and Brigham Jr. quests without coun- stamped envelopes will not be Many of the modern-da- y terparts of these participants honored. 6. Young, self-addresse-d, 2nd Ward Relief Society Juab County has plans for on Wednesday, December Homecoming on July 10th 6th at church the Ute Stampede during Nephi Epping, N.S.W. 2121 p.m. are now available for a Starting State, one of the historic reenactment ceremonies hosted by the Utah Statehood Centennial Commission to celebrate 100 years of Utah. Held 12 p.m. on January 4 at the Tabernacle on Temple Square, Starting a State will be a dramatic recreation of the 1896 statehood inaugural ceremony. In 1896, this ceremony officially inaugurated new state officials including Utahs first governor Heber M. Wells. In 1996, seasoned actors will play the roles of the original participants who included Heber M. Wells, C.C. Richards, Wilford Woodruff, George Q. Cannon, Joseph L. Rawlins, Chief Justice Zane, Tickets Missionary address, send them a Holiday greeting card Below find Missionaries and Servicemen and Womens addresses. The Times-New- s will publish addresses so that you may send them a Holiday Greeting again on the week of December 13th. Please send your adP. 0. dresses to The Times-NewBox 77, Nephi, Utah 84648 or drop them by at 96 South Main, Nephi. No address will be taken over the phone. Page 3 Nephi, Utah 'Ije Juab County Centennial pede and promises to be a speCommittee has plans for many cial afternoon and evening of super activities for the Centen- food, visiting, and entertainThe nial Year of 1996. A great deal of organization and planning is going into each one of these activities. In order to assist present and former county residents in their plans for the Centennial we are now announcing the Centennial Homecoming Barbecue and Program to be held on July 10, 1996. This activity will be held in connection with the Ute Stam ment. The organizing committee urges all former classes of the Juab High School to plan their class reunions and or family reunions around this Centennial Homecoming event. Further information will be made available at a later date. An invitation is extended to all to join us in this special Centennial activity. All the insurance coverage you may ever need is under one wing MetLifes. We have policies for life, health, auto, home and retirement Including IRA plans that can help your nest egg grow. So instead of finding different companies for different policies, call your MetLife representative tor a birds-eyview of insure ance. And get the coverage you need, from a company thats had its feet on the ground for over a century. See The Times-New- s For Rubber Stamps M. Christopher Harmon Account Representative 560 East 200 South 320 Salt Lake City, UT 84102 6ETMET. ITPAV5. Omm hmoOmm, "BLESSED ARE THOSE WHO HUNGER AND THIRST FOR RIGHTEOUSNESS, FOR THEY SHALL BY FILLED. (Matthew 5:6) By Pastor Keith E. South First Baptist Church JESUS SAYS THERE the alter of Holiness. We are to desire His goodIS GREAT BLESSED- ness in our lives more than a starving man who wa- NESS IN A STARVING is also dying of thirst, would desire food and SPIRIT) To best under- stand what Jesus was saying, it is necessary to consider the setting and the people. For the most part, we know very little about true hunger and thirst in our country to- day. Things were quite different in Jesus time. A mans wage was in the neighborhood of about 3 centsday. Nobody got fat on that wage! A working man ate meat once a week if he was able. The working man or day laborer in Palestine in Jesus day was always bordering on starvation, and even more so when it came to water. There were no taps to turn on or convenience stores to pop into. While on a journey the hot winds would whip up a sand storm and all he could do was to wrap his and his camels 2-- head, turn their backs to the wind and let their nostrils and mouths fill with hot sand and dry them out to the point of death. This is the desperate picture Jesus is describing. The man will die if water and food are not obtained. THE FOURTH BEATITUDE IS BOTH A QUESTION & A CHALLENGE: Just how much do you want righteousness? Do you want it as much as a starving man wants food or dying man wants water? Most people initially would want goodness, but it is a wistful desire, not a sharp well established purpose of heart. Lack ofcharacter is revealed when the moment comes and there is no preparedness or willingness to make the sacrifice necessary for goodness. Can you imagine what it would be like if the most fervent desire of mankind would be to do right? Imagine a desire stronger than wanting to watch the Super Bowl, stronger than attaining a six figure salary, stronger that the desire to sleep in on Sunday, or stronger than the maternal instincts of a mother. This is what the Lord is talking about. THE FOURTH BEATITUDE IS DEMANDING BUT ALSO MOST COMFORTING: It is demanding as reflected in the all encompassing statement at the end of the chapter in verse 48, "Therefore you shall be perfect, just as your Father in heaven is perfect . We are to desire God first in our lives. This means turning all control over to Him, never going against His Will or Word, and sacrificing all we have on ter! That is DEMANDING! The fourth Beatitude is also very comforting. The blessedness in our lives does not necessarily result from accomplishing good in our lives or our specific endeavors, but our continued hungering and thirsting for it. David accomplished much good for God and Israel but David failed God terribly. God, in His mercy, judges and rewards believers not only by their accomplishments for Him, but also their dreams and desires towards Him. Even though David committed adultery and murder, he hungered and thirsted for Gods righteousness in his life and repented of those sins, was forgiven, and went on to do great things for God. Yes, we will fail but if we admit the failure and repent, God will forgive and bless our lives if we continue to hunger and thirst for His righteousness. It is not just a part of His goodness, but the language states we are to continue to desire all of it. I think of the man whom no one could pin a moral fault on. He was a good man in that sense, but for someone to come and cry on his shoulder about a problem, he would freeze and turn a cold shoulder. On the other hand, there is the man who drinks, swears, and never goes to church but would give you his last penny or the shirt off his back if you needed it. Both are good in a partial way, but not completely. Jesus says it is not enough to be satisfied with partial goodness, neither icy faultlessness, nor a faulty O THE BLESSEDNESS OF THE ONE WHO LONGS FOR Paperback Book Exchange 125 North Main, Nephi Thousands of books to choose from Saturday, December 9th 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. warm-heartedne- TOTAL RIGHTEOUSNESS AS A 8TAHVING MAN LONGS FOR FOOD, AND AS A MAN PERISHING OF THIRST LONGS FOR WATER, FOR THAT PERSON WILL TRULY be satisfied! Victorian Gift Shop 125 North Main, Nephi As we wrap up another year and look toward the next, let us not settle for only parts of good- ness, but hunger for all of Gods goodness. The best way to start is to put all your faith and trust in Jesus for your salvation. Admit to God your failures and believe that Jesus died for your sins and He, not your works, is the only way to heaven. The Bible tells us in Joh. 14:6, Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me Again speaking of Jesus in Acts 4:22. "Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved i Wide selection of beautiful Door Prizes Refreshments A, Free Gift Wrap wTiXT 1001ft |