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Show Wednesday, December 6, 1995 Nephi, Utah tEIj t Page 10 Message from Margie ... Flaming your M plentiful holiday meal on a lean holidays ones day or evening. Who knows By Margie Memmott they may even turn around and USU Extension Home Economist do Ask family and friends what they remember most about Thanksgivings and Christmases of the past. What do you think they will say? Most people tend to re- member the odd family times the burnt turkey, the gag gifts, grandpa leaving his dentures on the table. Most cant remember more than a year or so back what presents they received or how perfectly the table was set. This should give you some hints of what makes successful holidays. According to Dr. Glen Jenson, family and human development specialist in the Utah State University College of Family Life, we should put at least as much effort into planning for the holidays as do the local merchants. These are some guidelines toward a pleasant, planned freinds and family oriented holiday season: Plan: Planning makes possible a better management of limited resources. It will also give you more time to do and enjoy the things for which we celebrate a holiday, namely enjoy others company and renew love and friendship. Who know planning ahead may even provide some time for relaxation. Do not procrastinate: Do the things that are least pleasant to do first. Getting these done early in the season will make the rest of the holidays more enjoyable. Involve others in the preparations that need to be done. It is easy for parents to do most if not " all of the preparations. Children rcan and will learn from helping with the many things that need to be done along with sharing the family traditions. Say no to requests for your time and talents that do not fit with what you had planned for the holiday season. It is okay to say no to requests that you do not have time, resources or interest in doing. You do not have to give reasons or even make up stories that you have something else planned for that night. Saying no, and doing it politely is something most us need to practice doing more often. Take some regular breaks during your holiday preparations. The fall and early winter seasons contain some beautiful scenes in nature. Stop and enjoy the movement of the leaves, the quietness of a snowfall, the beauty of undisturbed snow, and the wonderful music that accompanies the Christmas season. Being a workaholic during these to holidays is counterproductive to the reason for these celebrations. Think of someone for whom you can brighten their day. A plate of cookies, a card in the mail, a phone call, a delivered flower or a short visit for no particular reason would brighten most any VO PLUMBING it for someone else. Plan your gift giving around service to others. Visits, letters, telephone calls, picture exchanges, written life histories, copies of favorite stories or poems, and rendered deeds are often appreciated more than costly gifts purchased from the store. Just like the rest of holiday preparations, Jenson says the actual visits with relatives require planning. Ideas to enhance family togetherness during holiday visits: 1. Hold a family discussion prior to the visit to discuss expectations. Expecting peace and quiet with lots of family members with small children present is likely unrealistic. Getting into heavy discussions about politics or religion is not likely bring about family harmony. Most importantly, plan your visits to cover an optimal amount of time, not the maximum allowable days. 2. Schedule activities that take into account the age span of the participants. Remember that most extended family gatherings will involve persons of a variety of age ranges. Younger children do not like to set around the dinner table and discuss family matters and older grandparent-age- d persons do not enjoy lots of noise and commotion. Time alone is valued whenever groups of people get together. An occasional walk or trip to the store is a TOP FARMERRANCHER AWARD Rasmusson ofManti. group All-Terra- in doses. the load of work. It is often hard for the host to ask quests to pitch in and help. That help might be extended in forms of physical labor or going to the store and buying a sack of Answer by: Georgia Lauritzen, Utah State University Extension ' nutrition specialist Even though you may be underfunded this time of year, it doesnt mean you have to be underfed. It is possible to fix appetizing, balanced meals on a lean budget. Turkey is a great buy during the holiday season if you are feeding a large group of people. A small family can dine on chickAngela and Shand en priced at about 79 cents to $1.20 a pound. Potatoes are a healthy, inexpensive food to stock up on. They can add variety to your table with many options for preparation such as boiling, baking, Top Young Farmer named by state U A Sanpete County farmer has been named the top young farmer in Utah by the states largest general farm and ranch organization. According to UFB President Ken Ashby, Shand Rasmusson, Manti, was judged the winner of the annual award, which is given each year to a young farmer or rancher after a statewide contest wherein a professional adjudicating team examines applications submitted from throughout the state. The coveted award was bestowed on Rasmusson at the Utah Farm Bureaus 79th annual convention, November 16, in Salt Lake City. Rasmusson, who is a partner pleasant relief for everyone. ana Sanpete cattle operation to advice in slow to Be 3. give other adult. Adult children do not with his wife, Angela, and his generally take well the wisdom family, bested nine other young and knowledge from the previous farmers and ranchers in winning generation on how to raise chil- the competition. He will receive dren. Grandparents are well ad- a Honda TRX300 Fourtrax Vehicle, from American vised to treat their married children as peers and adult friends, Honda Corporation, the Utah not as children. Likewise married children should be very to suggest ways their parents might do of adthings differently-Givin- g vice to each other is fine if it is asked for, and then only in small 4. Offer to share mashing and au gratin. Honda Dealers, and the Utah Farm Bureau. He also received a $500 check from the Dodge Truck Division of the Chrysler Corporation. Additionally, the Rasmussons will receive an expense-pai-d trip to the American Farm Bureau Federations 77th annual meeting in Reno, Nevada, January 1996, to compete in the national YF&R Achievement Award Contest. The winner of the national competition, which includes a representative from all 50 states and Puerto Rico, receives a Magnum or Cummins-powere- d pick-u- p truck from Dr. Lloyd is now 0, serving patients at the New Nebo Vision Center at 48 South Main, Nephi Accepts the following providers Medicare, Medicaid, IHC, Blue Cross Blue Sheild,Gem State, EM A - Health Choice, Dodge. Shands wife, Angela, is the daughter of Cary and Renee Peterson of Nephi. First runner-u- p in the contest was dairyman Jeff Hardy of Corinne. Second runner-u- p was dairyman David Roberts of CALL Times-New- 623-574- I 0 Carpet and vinyl Sales and installation Shannon showing. R-2- Calf 623-120-0 LaDaun Ray Branch Broker MLS Kathryn Jackson Shannon Raynoao - 623-72- 27 Wallace F. Bellow w Dont waste time searching for a particular item... & WV at FREE statewide access to newspaper classified ads! E- Upholstery Looking for a new truck? Call ADZ for Toll Free access to Utah newspaper classified listings v 151 North eco East Nephi, Utah 623-472- 3 New car? Used car? Call ADZ for statewide newspaper classified Ij-C- DOl. listings. f or LaDaun. 2 14 acre lots in Nephi. $12,000 each. APPRAISAL IS ALREADY DONE on this home on .64 acre. Current zone $57,950. FHA or Utah Housing. SUPPLY 623-213- v LaDaun. NEW CUSTOM HOME ON 1 2 ACRE with animal rights. 5 bedrooms, 3 baths with unique floor plan. Lots of extras. Call today for exclusive Cottam Services Wales Recycle your comfortable Old" furniture to be better than "New" w stove, large living room, 2 bedrooms, $65,000. Call s 3 after 6:00 to leave message Utah 55 West 200 North, Nephi, V other 1,100 sq. ft. Wood water Free Estimates! Reasonable Rates! Call ADZ Super nice large family home. 4 or 5 bedrooms, 2 baths, new gas furnace on 14 acre in Nephi. $87,000. Call LaDaun. CUTE STARTER HOME with CLEANING 'CARPET Hot extraction! For Rubber Stamps Baxter's Furniture Repair Free Estimates Style Changes 623-120- 0 NEW ON MARKET. Selectcare, DMBA, PEHP and many more! Subscribe today! Only $19 per year in Juab County NEBO AGENCY INC NEPHI OFFICE Now at 61 South Main, Nephi See The Licensed Contractor We Service What We Sell! Quality Service Hundreds of fabrics am Call 96 SO' FOR SERVIC- Heating Service Plumbing Service Electrical exHomemade Anothtime. take do pensive but er option is to purchase frozen dough. Watch for sales, since frozen dough can stay in the freezer for up to several months. Stale bread mixed with celor day-ol- d makes a nice nuts and ery I 66 SOUTH MAIN, NEPHI, UTAH p--f Pow- dered milk can be used in preparing the potatoes and is less expensive than milk from a carton. Vegetables, such as squash, are nutritious and inexpensive and make a good holiday dish. Pumpkins and apples are also plentiful and inexpensive this time of year and can be used in holiday desserts. budget? rolls are not Newspaper readers now have FREE access to statewide newspaper classified ads. 4 BUILDERS' 623-119- 9 How can I fix a 623-12- 00 23-4535 |