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Show CAC84101 1999 exp. ION 200 SALT LAKE CUT. UT SUITE 84101 5005 Serving East Juab County - A Nice Place To Live! Volume 93, No. 49 Wednesday, December 6, 1995 12 pages Single Copy Price 500 Commission approves six work stations and file server for Juab County Public Safety building By Times-New- s Myrna Trauntvein Correspondent Juab County Commissioners ap- proved six work station computers and a files server for the new county jail. Sgt. Terrance Parkin and Sheriff David Carter, Juab County Sheriffs Department, requested commissioners allow the purchase. The money for the purchase was included in the 1995 budget. The plan actually called for 11 computers, said Carter. He said he, and Sgt. Parkin, had pared the number down to the bare necessity. This is the least number we can get by with. Parkin said he had several bids for the computers. We have a local bid from Xtreme Fitness and Computer, Nephi, which is almost $10,000 lower than the state bid, he said. Our local bid will set the computers up at the new public safety building and will service the machines at a lower per hour rate than the state bid, said Cart- Juab County Commissioners Joe Bernini, Chairman Gordon Young and Ike hunt Juab County Budget in Mondays meeting. The Commission raised their own wages from JUAB COUNTY COMMISSION look over the $4,396 Million $9,000 to $14,000 annually. by commissioners for 4 p.m., Sheriff David Carter told commissioners they would need to put more money in his 1996 budget to cover the costs of lockers for prisoners and for a dietitian kitchen manager for the new public safety building. Carter said after he had left the meeting with commissioners where they had discussed the budget for his department, he realized the two items had been accidentally left out off the budget. The kitchen manager position has been advertised by Job Service already, said Carter. We have known for the past three years we would need to fill the position in order to house state prisoners. The new public safety building was constructed with the idea that the state prisoners would help pay the bills. However, said Carter, certain requirements must be met before the state will allow prisoners to be housed in the county. We had it planned last year, and I er. didnt notice that it wasnt on the list I think we should accept the bid of this year. In order to meet state requireXtreme Fitness and Computers, said ments, we need a certified dietitian and Joseph Bernini, commissioner. Purchas- food handler, said Carter. ing locally, at a lower price, had to be an advantage. Just prior to the public hearing set Continued on page 2 Commission raises their own pay to $14,000 per year and gives county employees a 3 pay increase were or retired could for the time the job with such low spare s Correspondent compensation. Juab County Commissioners set a Juab County Commissioners voted a budget of $4,396 in the general fund for pay raise for themselves into the bud- 1996. The increase in budget from 1995s get at Mondays commission meeting million in the general fund is an which was a $3,862 following budget hearing of 14 percent. Commissioners increase attended. poorly Only a few interested county employ- increased the budget but did not raise ees and the independent auditors, Dav- taxes. I think it is noteworthy, said David id Cloward and Denton Alexander, attended the afternoon public hearing on Cloward, independent auditor with the 1996 budget proposal. Hawkins, Cloward and Simister, Orem, We may as well be perfectly that commissioners balanced the budabout this, said Gordon Young, commis- get with no property tax increase. Salaries for county officials and emsion chair. We have included a modest in 1995 the budget ployees represented a 3 percent across salary adjustment the board adjustment, he said. for commissioners. The commission has selected not to Young' said the salary for the commission had been set at $9,000 annually incur any debt in 1996, said Cloward. No new leases or notes would be conplus insurance benefits. We have kicked that up to $14,000 sidered. They are committed to pay off per year per commissioner, said Young. all existing debt as soon as possible. Extra payments would be made, as He said the decision was made to increase the salary because the time com- they were possible. Those extra payments will be limitmissioners were spending doing the to the ed work of the county had increased greatly fund," said Gordon commission chair. in the past few years. Young, The job has grown to the point where The first thing citizens need to be it is not just a part-tim- e job, but a daily aware of, said Cloward, is that this duty- There are countless meetings and year has been a difficult time for comdetails which must be taken care of on missioners to balance the budget. Rea daily basis. quests of departments exceeded expectWe determined it would be necessary ed revenues by $540,000. The requests required commissioners to have a larger salary if we wanted to attract candidates to run for the posi- to seek detailed budgets from every detion in the future, he said. At the way partment in the county, including every things were, he said, only those who salary of every employee and every spe self-employ- ed By Myrna Trauntvein Times-New- up-fro- nt . ad - cial piece of equipment requested, he site to a said. Each department head met with the commissioners and included a line item break down of all materials and supplies requested, he said. Those reported were required to be extremely detailed. The commissioners were forced to make cuts to the bone, said Cloward. However, he said, all department heads had a part in the decisions made and were considered. The commissioners looked at each budget proposal in detail. Capital outlay projects represented $355,000 for the entire county. The big-- 1 gest outlay was the acquisition of land and the construction of a building at the fairgrounds for $180,000. The county gas tanks would need to be converted from the present status to meet EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) standards, one pick up would be purchased, and the ambulance associations would need $25,000 for equipment. The rest is very minor, said Cloward. There are no major items planned for purchase this year, he said. decision which the The commission had made, said Cloward, was very conservation. The biggest reason for the increase in the county budget from last years totals was the new county jail and the needs of meeting staff demands as dictated by the state and federal governments. In addition, said Cloward, the facility had gone from a d jail at the old 54-be- d jail at the new sight. to help with the costs. He will try to Probably the biggest reason why expenses go up is the type of society we live in, said Cloward. The budget for the jail in 1993 was $288,000 and in 1996 it was projected at $634,000. There is a substantial increase in the size of the jail which requires new jailers, more food, and more medical supplies needed to house the increase in prisoners, he said. The first payment on the jail scheduled for the 1996 budget will be $150,000, said Cloward. The sheriff will do his part to try to generate funds generate some funds by housing state inmates. The point that needs to be made, said Cloward, is that the commissioners are not making any tax increases and the expenditures they are making are being mandated by outside influenc- es. Not only had the commission spent a great deal of time balancing the budget, but they had the cooperation of each Continued on page 2 pay-as-you-- go 22-be- Accident at Lyirmdyl takes Me of 18 year old NepM resident Bj Myras TVanntveia Times-New- s Correspondent Wesdan A. Sperry, 18, Nephi, was accident at 1 p.m. killed in a one-ca- r Saturday near Lynndyl. The young man was pronounced dead at the Delta Hospital, said Utah Highway Patrol Trooper Gordon Mortensen. He was transported to the facility by West Millard Ambulance. Mortensen said the accident occurred 1 p.m. on State Road when Sperry, who was west bound, failed to make a turn on the highway. went offthe edge of the roadway the right side, over corrected crossed into the eastbound lane of traffic and then over corrected once again. The Sperry vehicle returned to the right side of the highway and rolled times. The cab of the vehicle lost its top in the accident as it rolled. at approximately Mortensen said Sperry was ejected on the second roll because he was not wear-13-2 ing a seat belt The vehicle, a 1986 Ford Ranger up truck, was demolished in the acci-o- n pick-Sper- ry dent Sperry is the grandson of Beth and Bill Sperry and Gae Sperry and the son of Linnette Sperry Sperry Smith, all of Nephi, and the son of Dan Sperry, ta. Del-thr- ee CHRISTMAS TREE The phantom Christmas tree in Salt Creek Canyon has again been decorated this year by person or persons unknown. The tree has been decorated each year and is a great sight for travelers on the way to Sanpete County. |