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Show Page 8 '3Etmes-efo- s Wednesday, May 17, 1995 Nephi, Utah week of January. It was legal, he said. This is not Utah County, said Lunt. Conover said it was important to him to retain the business. The treasurer had brought the notice to him, he said. I would be happy , ? i to come and get it. The Times-New- s usually gets all the legals, said Conover. It is just in this one instance that we would like to have an equal opportunity. He said if dissemination of the list was a problem, he had the same capabilities to get the list ; V out. We dont have a second class mailing permit at the Eureka Post Office at the suggestion of the post master, said Conover. does have a secThe Times-Newond class permit in Nephi. : : Governor on Wilderness stand them, and, we think, demonstrated that their support is lims ited to the numbers of people we Correspondent saw present there, said Young. He said the extremists were Commissioners Juab County wrote a letter to Gov. Michael 0. vocal, organized and were will-Leavitt to indicate their collec- - ing to misrepresent the issue and tive stand on Wilderness and the the depth of support for their role the governor played in his position, as well as the particu lars of any given area. efforts to resolve the dispute. also Young said the commissioners Commissioners urged firmly believed the recommenda. those involved in the decisionmaking process to consider, the tions made by the affected counrecommendations of the various ties were the most rational, reacounties. Juab County, as well sonable assessments of the paras most of the other counties with ticular areas and that they repWilderness Study Areas, has ex- resented the interests not only of pended a large amount of time, the local people of the areas in energy, money and other re- question but of the vast majority sources in developing the recom- of the people of the state. In the best interests of the mendations which have been and of the people of this counties to presented to you and congresBy Myrna TVauntvein . Times-New- Company in Springville. Conover protested the decision to give the business to a local pubpublisher. The Tunes-New- s lisher is Allan Gibson, Nephi, but, said Conover, he also prints his paper in Utah County. He said Gibson took the paper to a printer there to be printed. Both our treasurer and clerk said they had taken items to you which had not been published in a timely manner, said Ike Lunt, commissioner. v Conover said he thought he had published in a timely manner. But if not, could I not repent from that sin? he asked. Commissioners said they He reminded the commission would discuss the issue with the he met the legal requirements for treasurer and the clerk and then publishing the delinquent tax would notify Conover of the final notice. He said a major newspa- decision. We will talk to them adto we Gordon wrote state, per in Utah County never pub- and will get back to you, said encourage you sional delegation, of lished the notice until the last Gordon Young, commission chair. to recommendations here the and chair commission Young, affected counties, for we bethe Ike and Bernini Lunt, Joseph lieve that those people most facommissioners. ... After attending the regional miliar with the land and the hearing held at the University of people who live in the closest Utah, we feel some additional proximity to the affected areas input beyond what was con- have done a great job of distillin our recommendation ing the information available, tained ATTITUDE BALLET REVUE Under the direction of Pam Welsh, be in order, wrote Gordon considering public input, and Older people who participate in Attitude Ballet Company will present Ballet Around the World may Its even possible to get started chair. commission AuditoSchool the drafting the most reasonable rec- a regular weight-trainin- g Young, in 7:30 18th on a. training program without Juab High at proThursday, May p.m. It, of course, was obvious that ommendations of which areas gram may be doing more than any weight at all just flex your rium. A traveler, Lyndsie Fowkes, will visit and be entertained by dancers from different countries. proponents of the extremist po- genuinely fit the criteria of wil- keeping healthy they may be arms, raise and lower them to sition were able to monopolize derness under the 1964 act, said helping themselves remain inde- your side, about a dozen times or almost exclusively the speaking Young. ' pendent, says a Stanford Univer- so a day to start. Add a few s Juab County Commissioners sity exercise physiologist. to this regimen to build abopportunities in order to give an impression of widespread sup- have appealed a decision made William Haskell, professor of dominal muscles, and you have -port for that position, said by Peter W. Karp, U.S. Forest medicine, notes that research the beginnings of a strength proService Supervisor, to approve conducted in recent years shows gram, explains Haskell, a Ph.D. Young. and the hard the Gardner Canyon Gypsum that for healthy persons even who serves as deputy director of These demonstrated season, throughout people By Jennifer Wallace we never gave up. We were wor- amply their lack of respect for Mine Environmental Impact into their 90s, weight training the Stanford Center for Research JHS Correspondent ried about making it to State, but their elected officials, for any Statement. can not only increase muscle in Disease Prevention. we played hard and made it. Jack A. Blackwell, appeal deAbout 10 to 15 minutes a day, viewpoint which differs from strength but can also help mainteam The Lady Wasps softball their own, and for any reasonable ciding officer and deputy regional tain vitality and independence. six days a week, is probably suffinished their season with a Continued from page 7 forester, said the appeal of com- Thats why the National Insti- ficient for a senior strength proattempt to resolve this issue. semi-finfellow mission had been received in a tute on Aging recommends that gram, says Haskell. But he adds loss to number 1 San his he and Young said, Juan last week. The Lady Wasps commissioners, thought many of timely manner and would be pro- older persons, after consulting that brisk walking is a good had beaten the San Juab those of the extremist position cessed. It would be reviewed by with a physician, consider a supplement to build aerobic fitBroncos earlier in the year but had a vested interest in keeping Richard Adams, Appeal Review- strength-trainin- g regimen as ness as well as strength. resolved from and Officer. were unable to pull off the win said the issue being Adams, ing of a health Juab-Higpart to advance in the State tourna- rado, Nevada and Idaho, no matter what areas were des- Blackwell, would review the ap- program. led the team scores through ment. ignated or in what amounts, the peal and would make a written Weights can help build entire the day until the last 2 extremist group would not be recommendation. Juab was on the run for the( ' events. We ended that will allow older -' strength missup third, first 2 innings. Kellie f ..The Responsible Official, For- persons to climb stairs, pull appeased. We second one place by point. The extremist position is fun-- ,' est Supervisor, Peter W. Karp, themselves out of the bathtub, Greenhalgh hit a home run, ing home the 2nd place trobrought dishonest in that it will contact you and offer to meet lift household objects in short, bringing in Summer Sperry and Millard Invitational damentally from the phy this issue as one of eR in an attempt to informally re- to do many things that might Kristi Jackson. RaDona Steele we were edged out of 1st portrays wilderness designation or! solve the issues raised in your otherwise require a caregiver, and Greenhalgh each hit singles. where 1 ther by point .to Dugway High uncontrolled' Tena Sanders had a sacrifice place exploitation, said appeal, said Blackwells Haskell' explains.'''''"'- f" r School..;Tf R Officer The To in, , bunt, r, Young. experienced anyone The sports medicine .experts The noseJtnowsvwhyfrasal Apgejd Deciding " What canbe said the seniors with the federal landj will issue a written decision or says older persons who shy away decongestants may be bad. Just Im proud of our team, com- who achieve dealing worked so to hard mented Allie Gee, We played agencies, this is give notice to the commission by from strength training need to stick the nozzle up your nose, the State Championship and management June 9. absurd. overcome the misconception that give it a little squeeze, and youll dreamed of putting their names abunof it is for young athletes only and be relieved of decongestion for 12 Martin were said there Conover, publisher Young in gold on that trophy? What les- dant regulations in place which the Eureka Reporter, protested that heavy barbells and other hours, the ads say. Right? Not so sons can we learn from such a prohibited a great deal of the the decision commissioners made special equipment must be used. fast, says a recent edition of great year but disheartening fin- potential uses of public land un- two weeks ago to publish all 'Actually, you can make your Emergency Medicine. ish? Sometimes life is not fair, der which would make the tax notices in The own weights. You can fill si sock Because for the 12 hours you explobut you can rest assured within itation extremists in Nephi each year. or glove with sand, or even sim- - ' may get the first time around, prophesy im- Times-New- s yourselves that you are champR possible. Prior to the commission deci- pier, you can lift a book prefer-- the next time, the relief may not . ons and it has been our honor to The hard core extremists sion, the Eureka Reporter and ably a thick paperback thats not last as long. And the time after work with such outstanding in- which we witnessed at the Salt The Times-New- s shared the pub- going to hurt you if you drop it. that, it may give you even fewer dividuals as all of you, both boys Lake will never be sat- lishing duties. The two papers Rubber-ban- d like devices are hours of relief. After a few days hearing and girls who participated in isfied, will never a wil- alternated years, said Conover. also good for training and may of sprays, the relief may last only support Track this year. Coaches Owens derness bill no matter how much The Eureka Reporter is be purchased inexpensively, a half-houThis is because with and Nielson. effort is expended in appeasing printed by Art City Publishing Haskell says. continued use, you become more and more dependent on the spray, and the nasal membranes become inflamed, swollen and engorged with blood. Once this addiction occurs, theres no way to regain free, natural breathing again without quitting your nose spray, cold turkey. Experts recommend carefully following directions which caution against using nasal sprays more than four times a day for more than four days. s. Older people who use weight training may keep healthier . Lady Wasp softball team finish season with a 4 14 record sit-up- 4-- 14 al Track . well-round- ed Nasal decongestants may be a problem : - - r r. r? Follow this prescription when you want to know the news in so-call- ed East Juab County! Seasonal allergies can cause nose bleeds Clip and send with payment to The Read Every Week!nmni pcd S been WASHHJ0T0 ent itguteUOM I I 4 P be, too mtrvnaunf on bit vat vei V diannel vert ride a t4 emoii ymeritj JSPj iw..rncr R'."'" 1 71 Dpcab court rulni , court rTV ammualcatkMM t1 IT,. 9D ; rot igtrU ij noit Mdedtt eeia - Yes i sign me up for a one year y g ,ion Name 0f aul 01 - ibr ed i bao a In Sttolort &x pporten. igeri ngk fkd M pwpoe the ruder , CM harm! the ect aof tt,, KAfJ9M7! ;eortipw"Mfru ereon. Mid erf the mart hell ht The panel di the pvortna end Pnnae codl) led rejulatlo TVComotrTcrt f Nephi, training emcMtadver by r Utah 84648 subscription to The Times-New- s ntionf rtwaKtS Ml. Our m of a act world a il tali itlunily lUwor live pro Men I1 t wnirt an tropod7 eftemoon co nd ttiih the found harncsstfendv from to CttinomlSauteQeeKatO and pr , s P.O.Box 77 PRESCRIPTION FOR SUCCESS: lwrmake Times-New- Address Me feu f carrot anten City State Zip Telephone Seasonal allergies, sinus infections and dry winter weather can irritate the delicate nasal lining causing bleeding. The following techniques for stopping a nosebleed are recommended by Michael J. Lynch, M.D., team physician at Penn State University: 1 Insert a small piece of tissue or cotton into the affected i nostril. Tilt your head forward to blood pressure to the head. i lower 2. Apply pressure to the dividI wall between your nostrils by I ing squeezing them between your I thumb and forefinger and I breathe through your mouth. I Continue this for about one I minute. 3. If your nose continues to I bleed, squeeze the nostrils for an I additional five minutes. Contact I a physician if bleeding has not I stopped within fifteen minutes. Once your nosebleed has I stopped, apply an antibiotic ointI ment. Do not blow your nose for I several hours and continue to apply ointment for several days. ,J R |