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Show 2 Page tmc8-c&J- Swimming pool to open on June 3rd Fallen trooper honored by Special Olympics runners The Nephi City Swimming Pool is scheduled to open (weather permitting) Saturday, June 3rd at 1:00 p.m. and close at 8:00 p.m. Early morning swimming, 6:30 a.m., will begin June 5th and will take place Monday through Saturday, regu- By Myrna Trauntvein Times-New- s Wednesday, May 17, 1995 Nephi, Utah 0 Correspondent lar pool fees. Handy Ingram has received several honors this past week but one of the most touching was the honor paid him at the beginning of the Special Olympics Torch Run held in Nephi on Tuesday. Ingram, who was honored at state and national ceremonies held for the fallen heroes of law enforcement, was also honored locally. A plaque was presented in honor of Ingram who died last year after being hit by a tractor-trailunit along the side of the freeway where he was sitting in his parked patrol car after making a traffic stop. Ingram was dedicated to the service of the people, said Juab County Sheriff Dave Carter in making the presentation. Carter called up Utah Highway Patrol Sgt. Paul Mangelson; Byron Woodland, commander of the Juab County Search and Rescue Team; and Gordon Young, Juab County commission chair. He said he wanted the three there to help accept the honor for Ingram. Randy Ingram was not only a member of the UHP but was a member of the Sheriffs Office and was a dedicated member of the Search and Rescue Team where he had donated many volunteer hours of service to others, said Carter. p.m. only. Ladies Night will be Tuesday evenings from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Regular fees. Aqua Aerobics Classes will beJune 3rd gin June 5th. Sign-u- p or call for more information. and If you are interested in becomJuly July Sign-up- s will ing a Lifeguard or Water Safety 11. July be taken at the pool AFTER 1:00 Instructor, call the pool for more 623-162- 2, 19-3- 0, 17-2- 3-1- 4, 8, 31-Aug- 2nd Ward Relief Society plans meeting serves er popcorn and a Nephi 2nd Ward Relief Society ciety only will meet on Wednesday, May 17, few treats. Dessert will be served to all at 6:30 p.m. at the church. Relief to Society members. There will be a craft, a quilt fun. There of and lots tie, lessons will be a nursery for the children. Please feed them supper before you come because the Relief So v iS-- v1 Scout round J T N SPECIAL HONOR Sheriff David Carter holds up plague which will he featured at the new Juab County Public Safety Building south of Nephi. ried out the duties of organizing his photo. It Lynn McAffee, UHP trooper in the event locally this year. charge of the local Special Olym- was difficult, he said. A flag ceremony was held pics Run, also paid tribute to In- at gram at the opening ceremonies the nearly completed public on Tuesday. safety building and Chad Bowles, The theme this year is The Nephi City Police Chief; Mangel-soUHP Sgt.; Carter, county said Ultimate Sacrifice, McAffee. Last year Randy In- sheriff; Bruce Beal, city police gram helped with the annual ac- officer; and Woodland, search tivities and this year we are pay- and rescue team commander presented the colors. ing tribute to his memory. He said he could not help Mangelson read a poem, What thinking of his friend as he car-- is a Police Officer, He too paid tribute to Ingram. Runners from the local community and the various law enforcen, This plaque will hang in memory of Randy Ingram in the new public safety building when it is completed, said Carter. The wooden and metal plaque features a history of Ingram and Swimming lessons will begin June 5th. Registration for the first session will take place at the on June 3rd or pool, 5th. Sessions will be daily for two weeks. Sessions are scheduled as follows: June 16, June . tableonMay Scout Court of 18th in Payson will be a Round Table for Honorplanned allThere scout leaders on Thursday, On Tuesday, May 23rd, at 7 p.m. there will be a Nephi Utah Stake Court of Honor at the Nephi 1st, 2nd, 7th Ward church. All scouts, parents and leaders HOMECOMING Sister are encouraged to attend. Stephanie Judd, daughter of Richard and Judi Judd of Provo, formerly of Nephi, has returned, from the Nebraska Omaha Mission. Her homecoming will be held Sunday, May 21st at 9:00 a.m. in the Grandview 9th Ward, 1555 North 1350 West in Provo. May 18 at 7 p.m. at the Payson Stake Center. All scout leaders, cub scout leaders, Blazer leaders, Varsity Scout leaders and Explorer leaders should be present. ment organizations then ran through town to the Nephi City Park where refreshments were served. : Meet Your Chadwick f Hearing CenterConsiiltaht Nephi weather ? ARROW OF LIGHT Pack 3134 recently awarded Arrow ofLight awards to Warren Hall, son of Bruce and Darla Hall, and to Jace Peterson, son ofRhett and Ann Peterson. Both young men also received the Fifteener Award from the Mt. Nebo Scouting District for having completed more than 15 Webelo achievements. Their Webelo leader is Darla Hall, their Cub master is Robyn McAfee. Norma Sherwood, replorteirt Date High Low Prec At The Juab Community Center ft, ; Nephi, Utah ?f V Hop Aboard The Vp'",-'.V New Wednesday, May 17 ll a.m. to 1 p.m. YW AWARD D. Vem Chadwick daughter of Christian Free Service on all makes & models Batteries & Accessories UMWA, Medicaid, USX Approved Provider i. Attend the church of your choice each week! For more information call Chadwick ((( Hearing Centers , Christianna-Jensen- Neighbor Serving Neighbor and Marygray Jensen, received her Young Woman Recognition Award in March. She will graduate from Juab High School May 31st. Christianna plans to attend Oasis Express to Mesquite the College of Eastern Utah where she has received a music scholarship. To oo the Editor Nephi & Fillmore June 4th and 5th Levan Town - A division of Olsons reenhouse Gardens 550 South 500 West, Santaquin 754-351-7 Olson's Qreenfwuse gardens and Summit CreeuTsery invite: everyone to come out to Santaquin to see the huge selection of (Bedding (Plants we have. This year we also have Trees, Shrubs, and othergardening needs s , Two Night Package HOORAY for Bob Shepherd!!! He was. the only one on the Le- Per Person Double Occupancy van Council last Wednesday night that showed his civic responsibility. This was to vote NO to sending our mayor to a May-orConference when the town of Levan is so short ofthe money needed to run our town. Even if the town had adequate funds, a paid trip to attend one of these meetings Would be questionable considering our towns physical condition. Conference ings probably could be obtained for the cost of postage and then be studied at home. And SHAME ON the one that voted yes and stated that Connie needed a vacation even if his statement was intended to be a pun. The council needs to face up to these hard facts and reality; as well as their responsibility as council members. ' Alfred Godek . al Package Includes $100.00 Fun Book Transportation Lodging . For individual or group reservations please call 7 a.m. 7 p.m. PST daily Rates are based on double occupancy before tax. Single rates are available. Reservations are required. Must be 21 yean of age or older. Allan R. Gibson, Publisher Mariann C. Gibson, Editor Myrna Trauntvein, Correspondent Nephi, 623-019-5 Marilyn Keyte, Correspondent Mona, 623-033- 9 Julie Smalley, Correspondent Levan, 623-- 1 503 Call (801) 623-052-5 for subscription, news or advertising FAX (801)623-473- 5 . Levan rWTian Nrwi (UPSP M Sort Maia. Nephi. Uuh 631-06- Sead addrett diaaget la The n pabhihed S464S Timet-New- Secoad-cla- tt t, p each Wedaetday by the Timet-NePabhihag Co . pottage n paid at Nephi. Utih POSTMASTER: O. Boa 77, Nephi. Ut S464S Dtadbaea: Newt aad adtemnag. dote of hauaett. Monday poor to pabbeanoa. Whea a holiday faltt oa Moaday. dw deadliac a the Fndty poor to pobbeama : Sit oatht. SI) ia ar art af hah Coaary, aac year. SIS ai Jaah Coaaty. oatade hwbConrty, payMe ia adraace No aebicnptraat accepted for leat diaa at month. Siagle J0. copy price. tli Adtrtritmg 550 South 500 West, Santaquin 754-361-7 nan ttafahh npon mpat far pabheama a arijeameritmgad only wiR heated deetat dietn aewtwonhy The editor tetenwt die right la hold wbaaned arwi aeim lor ABnckarndphotapaphtariiaamd e ct POOR |