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Show 4 Page Wednesday, May 17, 1995 Nephi, Utah tEJje ReB0m to honor Cassia Carter and Tony Kelley Herb and Debbie Carter are riage of their daughter, Cassie pleased to announce the mar- - Leigh, to Tony Ray Kelley, son of Leland and Janet Kelley of on Friday, May 19, 1995, in Nephi. A reception will be held in their honor that evening from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. at the Nephi Stake Center, 351 North 100 West. The bride is a graduate ofJuab High School, the Nephi LDS Seminary, and Utah Valley State GFWC 21st College. Members of the The groom is a graduate of Club CenturyDelphic Literary held their annual Mother and Payson High School and the Pay-- . curDaughter Party, in honor of son LDS Seminary. He is ConRoberts Cerently employed by Mothers Day, May 19th at dar Hollow Restaurant in Nephi. struction. Grandparents of the bride are There was a Hobo theme for this years party. Those attend- Rex and Vera Goble, and Lucille ing came in Hobo costumes; a and the late Elmont Carter, all prize was given to Winagene of Nephi. Grandparents of the groom are Eyre and Carmela Worwood for the late Cliff and Ora Davis, of Entertaincostumes. the best ment was provided by club mem- Santaquin, and the late Joe and Clarabelle Kelley, of Tooele. bers and guests. Each club member introduced The Maid ofHonor will be Elsie her daughters, daughters-in-laand the Best Man will be mother-in-laLyman, mother andor Allen Hall. the last is This annual party In case of an oversight, all celebration for club members before they break for the summer. friends and family are invited. The couple will make their Activities will resume in home in Santaquin. San-taqui- n, Club holds Mother and Daughter party DOWN ACjROSS 1 London radio station 1 Beats per minute 2 Worn by women to support the 4 Thigh ofa hog (usually smoked) 7 Boiled or baked buckwheat 12 An athlete who plays for pay breasts 3 Aureoles 4 The work of finding and killing or capturing animals for food Fiddler crabs At right angles to the length and opposite the center of a ship or airplane 15 More maritime 17 Without meat (Jewish) 18 Annual grass of Europe and N Africa 19 The residue that remains when something is burned 21 Take by force 22 Made by polymerizing butadi13 14 or pelts 5 The smallest whole number or a numeral representing this number 6 Bones The 11th letter of the Hebrew alphabet 8 A fabric woven from goat and camel hair 9 Junipero , Spanish priest 10 Disturbance 7 ene 24 Austria plant hormone promoting elongation of stems and roots 20 Utter a shrill ciy 22 Founder of Babism 16 A and C America 26 Alias 27 Scarabaeid beetle considered divine by ancient Egyptians 29 Rouse 31 Located, suited for, or taking 23 Chordophone 24 Write 25 A solution containing a phos- place within a building phate buffer 35 Rebels 37 A waterproof raincoat made of . , 27 Title of respect 28 Autonomic nervous system 30 The bill in a restaurant 32 Conceive of 33 Thai 34 Records electric currents asso ciated with contractions ofthe rubberized fabric 38 Take the place of work of some one on strike 41 Derek , Harvard 42 Alexander , secretary of State heart 36 In a way, cleaned 38 Ancient country 39 Lobster roe 40 Mite 42 Surround 44 Sound unit 45 High rock piles (Old English) 47 Avoirdupois unit 49 Radioactivity unit 50 Helps little firms 51 Shock treatment 43 Ad 44 A very large body of water 45 sheep 46 The Muse of lyric and love poTwo-year-o- ld etry 48 Make a prediction about 52 A nobleman (in various coun- tries) of varying rank 53 Auricle 54 Peacock network 55 Place in line 56 Tooth caregiver 57 Take in solid food Answers for week of 51095 Lets Talk Health! tigue, depression, noise, etc. The most common treatment Oh my aching head! How for tension headaches is times have you said that counter medications such as to have a less than sympa- - oirin, or acetaminophen, re- thetic friend or But National the ibuprofen. spond, its just a headache, take Headache Foundation (NHF) an aspirin? .cautions .that, overuse of these , For those who have regular medications may.actu;ally cause headaches theres hardly any1 a headache because over time the such thing as just a headache, or body becomes immune to the a little headache. And when you medication and blood vessels consider these facts from the dont respond as quickly. Five New England Center for Headpills a days is little not a its problem. ache, excessive," says Dr. Seymour 90 of Americans get some Diamond, executive director of kind of a headache some of the NHF, and can cause a effect. You have to take more to time. 50 to 75 of teens have at get the same results. Catching a least one headache a month. nap or just relaxing with either Headaches account for 80 an ice pack or heat on the back million doctors office visits a of your neck often achieves the same results. year. Americans spend $500 mil-- , Another remedy recommended lion a year on headache remedies. by Diamond is to press both The total bill for lost work thumbs under the bony ridge at time, health care, and medica- the base of the skull where the tion is between $6-- 8 billion a neck muscles attach. Keep up medium pressure for a few sec- year. There are three main types of onds, then release. Dont press headaches: tension, organic, and too hard and dont rock or rotate vascular. Vascular headaches are your thumbs. In this way, cover a puzzle, exactly why the blood the whole ridge horizontally in a vessels in the head swell is not band. When you known. What is known is that find a hot spot, says Diamond, two types ofvascular headaches, "repeat the thumb pressure the cluster and migraine, are treatment several times. Here extremely painful and frustrat- are some recommendations for ing. Organic headaches are the staying headache free: Get plenty of exercise type you are least likely to have. Maintain a sensible diet and An organic headache is caused by a problem with the structure of get plenty of sleep the head, a brain tumor, or blood Try to keep stress under con- clot. Less than one percent of all ' trol Watch your posture and wear headaches are organic head- aches. Tension headaches ac - your glasses count for nine out ten headaches ; Avoid alcohol, smoking, and and are typically caused by the drugs which can contribute to tightening of the muscles at the headaches back of the neck and of the face If you have frequent headaches and scalp. Anything which that interfere with your life, see makes you tense can ignite this your physician. type of headache sitting round- shouldered at the computer, fa- over-the-ma- as-on- ly ... over-the-coun- re-bou- nd ss. - "if-.- vlV? s''A $ i' ' - - s ,s,s4 As- - if-' f-- - 'a . Vi''. yA Cassie Carter and Tony Kelley, Temple wedding will 11 Rhizopodan 25 Large burrowing rodent of S r'' many Janette Jones and Steve Hanis Janette and Steve have chosen ementary Education and Early May 19, 1995, as the day to be- A1Childhood Development. . gin their lives together. They will be sealed that morning in the Jor--' dan River LDS Temple. There will be a reception held that evening from 7 to 9:00 p.m. in the Mona LDS Chapel in which the public is invited to attend. The bride, daughter of Blaine and Emalie Jones of Mona, graduated from Juab High School in 1992. She has spent the last three years at Utah State University where she is studying El .t' jsK I'. ' si'' i,y, The groom, son of Neil and Pamela Harris of Nephi, graduated from Bingham High School in 1991. Shortly after, he was called to serve an LDS mission in Madrid Spain. Upon his re- turn, he attended Brigham Young University and taught at the Mission Training Center. The couple will live in Logan where they both plan on continu- ing their education at USU. V, f 0 s ' Nf,V' over-the-count- er ''r'-' ' V'-v-oS- . ' v A y '&'' 'V ' "V 'Hs J'-'v- As . a' s A f A s; M St- - 4 v4' Agp , LaMAR R. COOK, DPM Specializing in diseases, injuries and surgery of the foot is available to S' J 4 s . AJ 1 Steve Harris and Janette Jones Daughters of Utah Pioneers (DUP) will hold their annual convention on May20lh I Hie Daughters ofthe Utah Pioneers (DUP) will hold their Annual Convention Saturday, May 20th at the DUP Museum, Main Street and Center Street in Nephi, according to Juab Company President Mrs. Thad see patients at NEPHI MEDICAL CLINIC 346 East 600 North Nephi, Utah Hours: WednesFor Appointments Call 1 :00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. days Fridays 9:00 a.m. -- 12:00 noon 623-077- 5 I (Delora) Nebeker. International Board members, FREE FILLS FOR 1ST THREE REFERALS CALL KIM STEPHENSON FOR APPOINTMENT 623-52- 41 Mary Johnson and Elma Odegard will be in attendance at the Officers Meeting which will begin at 9 a.m. The General Meeting for DUP members and guests will begin at 10 a.m. New Juab County Of- ficers will be installed; book sales and other items for the public will be on display at the Museum from 8:00 a.m. until noon. There are 5 DUP Camps in Juab County, including: Camp Birch and Gamp Fort Wall in Nephi, Camp ML Nebo in Mona, Chicken Creek Camp in Levan, and the Sunbeam Camp in Eureka. Camp Birch will be the hostesses for the Convention and Luncheon this year. Reservations for the luncheon should be made prior to the convention by contacting Captain Jesse Eller at New eligible members 623-530- 4. are invited to join the Juab County Daughters of the Utah Pioneers in their area. |