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Show THE TIMES-NEW- Thursday, May 17, 1973 NepM, Utah S, Pag i A Home Paper For Home People -- s:' The Times, Yul. 14, : CONFERENCE AUG Eighteen Foot Strip Concrete Highway Through Main HEAVY RAINSTORM Street. DOES MUCH DAMAGE te five hours. The storm seems to have been the most severe on the Levan Bids lor the const! uction of an 18 Ridge, as measurements taken at the foot strip of concrete highway from experiment station registered 1.40 the north city limits and extending inches. According to Supt. Bracken to the south city limits along Main of the station the estimated loss to street of this city will oe opened at ridge farmers from the storm is at the office of the State Road Com- least 20,000 bushels of wheat. mission at 2 p. m. August 2uth. In this city several floods occurThis information is contained in an red and caused considerable damage advertisement which is being pub- fromthe flooding of cellars and lished in this paper this weeik, the lawns. In the canyon amount project being designated as Federal of rocks and debris was washed on Aid Project number 53. to road and it was quite difficult The distance is given as 1.77 miles, to the travel the road that evening. and the principal items of work are: From later reports it seems that 2200 cubic yards of common excavatover ion, 1600 cubic yards of bonow, and the storm was quite general 18,800 square yards of concrete Central Utah although to the people of this valley it seemed that we were pavement. As outlined in a previous notice getting the major Bhare. the city published in this paper, council and property owners will pave the two business blocks from 1st JULY A WET MONTH HERE North to 1st South streets. Bids for this additional paving will probably be opened at the same time as the State and Government bids are openAccording to the report of S. T. ed. The advertising for bids for this Vickers, the official government part of the work has already been weather observer for this section of published by the city council. Juab County, the month of July was With the action now being taken a real wet month and above the averby the State Road Commission, the age for moisture, there being a rainwork of extending the paving tlirough fall of 2.60 inches during the month. town should be completed by the lat- These measurements Were taken at ter part of September. The improve- Mr. Vickers ranch in Salt Creek ment will be welcomed by the major- Canyon and may vary with measureity of the citizens as the condition ments in other parts of East Juab of the street during the winter County. The storm Tuesday accountmonths has been deplorable. ed for 1.15 inches of the total for the month, which is a record rainfall tor this time of the year. PIPE LINE PRESIDENT HARDING OUTING BIG SUCCESS MORONI NINE NEPHI EIGHT The local ball team went over to Moroni yesterday afternoon and met the team from that city in a game of baseball. The result was a win foi Moroni by the close score of 9 to 8 in their favor. Sperry, Bellis-to- n and Worthington were the battery tor Nephi. Quite a large number of the fans went over from here to see the game, and also to attend the celebration being held there. SPRINGVILLE TWELVE NEPHI ONE The ball game between the local team and Springville Friday afterd noon was rather a affair the visitors winning out with a score of 12 to 1 in their favor. Nephis lone tally was made in the second frame, when Ole Boswell hit a two bagger, followed by Rees, with a 3 base hit which scored Boswell and The undoing of the saved a shut-ou- t. locals occurred in the 3rd and 4th when the visitors fell on Belliston for a total of 9 runs in the two innings. After this avalanche of hits and errors, very little scoring was done and the visitors were held down pretty much of the remainder of the game. The veteran Frederickson did the mound duty for Springville and pitched one of the best games seen He received here for sometime. airtight support with all the breaks in his favor. Belliston and Worthington were the battery for Nephi. Umpire George D. Haymond. one-side- GROUP PICTURE OF FATHERS AND SONS BREAKS-CIT- Y IN DARKNESS DIED LAST NIGHT The news of the sudden death of Piesideut Harding came as a distinct shock to ihe people of Nephi this morning. Aiihougn it has been Known tor several days that he had been ill, the encouraging reports sent out daily, led to the the oeiief that ho would soon lie around again. According to the dispatches sent out it appears that a saokeof apoplexy was the direct cause of death. COURT ADJOURNED FRIDAY NIGHT FATHER AND SONS did success in every way. During the outing it is estimated that over twelve hundr.ed people visited the scene of the encampment which was on the scout grounds near the ranger station. By actual count at the bon fire program held Sunday evening under the direction of the Stake M. I. A., 920 people were present. The outing is something more than a father and sons affair, it is a mother and daughters or as Supt. T. H. Burton said in his remarks Sunday afternoon, it is a commmunity outing. The services Sunday afternoon were under the direction of the Stake The speakers were: Presidency. President T. D. Rees, Patriarch L. A. Bailey, Bishop Louis Neilson of Fountain Green, Patriarch J. W. Paxman, and Judge T. H. Burton. About 435 were present at ths meeting. Sunday evening an excellent program was rendered around a huge bonfire which was greatly enjoyed by 61.1 present. Previous to this Mr. F. C. Chapman, took pictures of the Fathers and Sons, the Mothers and Daughter's and a group of Bee Hive Girls. Mr. Chapman only had a small post card camera with him which accounts for the small picture taken. The picture on this page is that of the Fathers and Sons present. ;; 11-1- AGED RESIDENT 2 PASSES AWAY The Quarterly Conterauce of Juab Stake wili be held Saturday and SunFrom day August 11th and 12th. The prin- Funeral Services Held Home of Deceased Ihurs-da- y cipal business ot this conteiauce will be the auxiliary gioup conventions Morning which will be held in the local High School. The Sunday afternoon meeting f lom 2 to 4 p.m., and the Sunday At the lipe age ot 89 years evening meeting 0f the M.I.A. will be Madsen an old resident passed held ini the tabernacle, the remainder of the sessions will be held in the away at ner home in this city MonHigh School. day morning. Ihe cause of death was The iollowing is the program as due to the intimities ot old age. She is survived by one son Aitred Madoutlined: Saturday, August 11th, 10 to 11.30 sen of this city. Ihe deceased was a. u., regular session of conference. born in Denmark, Europe and came Saturday, 11.30 to 12.45. Joint to this country in early lue. Her Auxiliary Stake Boards Meeting, in- husband died here many years ago. Funeral seivices were held from Stake Presidency, cluding High the with home jesterday morning Council and Bishoprics. s Saturday, 12.50 to 1.50 p. m. Bishop Bailey in charge. The speak-eiwere: Patriarch L. A. Bailey, W. Relief Society Stake Board (LunchA. C. Bryam, P. P. Christison, and eon Meeeting.) Saturday, 2 to 3.20 p. m. Quar- the closing lemaiks by Bishop Bailey. Each speaker paid tribute to the good terly Conference Session. Saturday, 3.30 to 5.30 p. m. Aux- life of the departed and told of her D. S. iliary Stake Board Meetings for faithful membership in the L. Sunday School, M. I. A. and Pri- Church. Musical numbers were furnished by mary Association. Note: The Y. M. M. I. A. and Y. the Cole Sisters, Mrs. Gerald Pyper, L. M. I. A. Stake Boards will meet and Miss Merci Goldsbrough and R. together for one hour and them sep- Q. Dorius. The opening and closing arate for one hour. prayers were offered by J. D. Pexton, ' Alonzo Ingram respectively. and 7 to 8 p. m. Saturday evening, meeting of the Stake and Ward Re- Interment took place in the Vine creation Committees together with Bluff Cemetery. A large number of friends of the executive officers of the M. I. A. Saturday, 8 to 10 p. m. Social for deceased came over from Ephraim Priesthood Authoiities and Stake to attend the funeral, there being and Waid Officers and Teachers of seven or eight car loads. all Auxiliary Organizations under the supervision of the M. I. A. Stake Will Tender Banquet To Committee on Recreation. Doctor Miner Sunday morning, 9 to 10.30 a. m. Separate Auxiliary Meetings of Stake and Ward Officers and Teachers. Sunday 10.30 to 12 noon. Joint The Kiwanis and Commercial Sunday School and Primary Associat- Clubs will tender a banquet to Dr. ion Session. General public invited. D. O. Miner next Monday at 12.15 1 noon to m. Stake p. Sunday 12, Hotel. Members and Ward Music Committee meeting p. m. at the Forrest to. make reservations are requested Sunday 2 to 4 p. m. Stake Taber- for plates not later that 6 p. m. Sunnacle, Regular Conference Session. with George D. Hayday Sunday evening, Tabernacle, M. I. mond evening, V. Pyper. There will or Arthur A. Meeting. tJenerpi Public invited. be a program and also a farewell address given during the, banquet. The function is being arranged in Plant 10,000 Fingerlings honor of Dr.' Miner who is leaving In Canyon Stream here next week for San Diego, California, and who has been a valued member of each organization. 10,000 trout fingerlings were planted in the canyon stream near the ranger station yesterday afternoon OFFICIAL TIME TABLE under the direction of local game IS DISTRIBUTED warden Edgar Park. The shipment came trom the Springville hatchery and were made up ot Rainbow and Local Agent 1. M. Petty has furEastern Brook variety. Ed Shepard this office with the new time nished hauled thorn down in his truck, the the exact time of the table giving of expense tiansportation being paid arrival and of the local n departure by local sports. Fishing in the can-jostream this year has been the trains under the new schedule.at best on record this being due to the Train 71 leaves Salt Lake City 7.20 a. m. arriving at Nephi at 10.38 regular planting of young trout that a. m. arriving at Fillmore at 1.55. has been made the past two or 72 leaves Fillmore at 2.20 p. Train three years, in this respect fisher, m. arriving at Nephi at 5.18 p. m. men are indebted to a number of m. local men who have met the expense and Salt Lake at 8.15 p. of bringing them here. Mrs-Ann- With City Will Valley was visited by one of State and Government In theJuab heaviest rains on record Tuesday Business Section atternoon which lasted for nearly The Father and Son's outing of Juab Stake held Saturday and Sunday, July 29th, and 30th, was a splen- County The News, Vol. 7, No. 9. QUARTERLY STAKE BIDS OPENED AOG. 20TH Over Twelve Hundred People Visit The Canyon and Enjoy Outing. j; Nephi, Juab County, Utah Friday, August 3rd, 1923. No. 22 MAIN STREET PAVING Co-Opera- Devoted to the Interests of Juab Judge burton, finished the business ot this term of court Friday and adjourned until Sept, i 1th, at 10 a. m. The closing business transacted was the case of the Nephi National Bank vs E. A. and J. M. Sorensen. By stipulation of the attorneys for both parties, judgment was found for the plaintiff in the sum of $3,216.49 principal and $309 attorneys fees. the1 plaintiff to pay its own costs. The last case of the session was that of H. M. Miller, W. E. Tracy, vs J. Leo Eliertson and E. Leroy Ellert-soThis case which has created considerable interest involved the question of a lease on the ranch of Mr. Miller situated in Box Elder County. The jury brought in a verdict in favor of the plaintiff in the sum of $937.50 damages. eve-enin- g, n. NEPHI SIXTEEEN PAYSON SIX liie high pressure pipe line which connects the Electric Light Canal with the City Power Plant broke at a point where it is Monday laid underneath the Sanpete Valley The cause of the Railroad track. break was due to the settling of the track on the pipe line which caused the wooden pipe to become impaired and unable to withstand the weight of the engine and train passing over it. About 12 feet of the pipe had to be taken out and as it was impossible to obtain this size pipe in the state it was necessary to order it On account of from San Francisco. thiB break the plant was shut down Monday and Tuesday and the city was thrown into darkness for two nights. Tuesday morning Mr. Ernest of the Big Anderson, manager Springs Electric Company of Fountain Green together with a couple of directors of that company met with the Mayor and City Council and went over the situation with them. The outcome of this meeting resulted in the Big Springs Company being able to furnish this city with enough power to carry the ordinary day load with the exception of the mills, and also to furnish enough power for lighting the residences and picture show. In this connection Mr. Anderson of the Big Springs Company suggests that the people be as economical in the use of the light at night as possible in order that there will be enough power for the needs of the city. It is very fortunate that the city had the present contract with the alBig Springs Company and were with connection for ready wired up their plant. In about another month the new plant at Fountain Green will be completed after which this company will be able to take cartf of this city in any emergency. It wil probably be two weeks or more before the present damage to the local plant is repaired. The ball game played here Wednesday was full of thrills for the fans as the locals, with a number of new players of the younger generation, surprised the veterans from Payson, winning by the wide margin of 16 to 6. Marcus Burton, was on the pitch ing end and twirled good ball through out being effective in the pinches. Mont Sperry was behind the bat and LIGHTNING HITS gave a good account of himself. CHICKEN COOP Among the special features of the A were. double in the 3rd game play when Arvil Sperry, made a brilliant one hand catch in the left field, and During the severe electric storm then pegged to Cowan at 1st, retir- Tuesday afternoon the chicken coop ing the side. The catch by Sperry of Stephen Boswell, located down on was one of the best seen on the local his farm was struck by lightning, diamond this season. In the 8th, killing 24 pullets. Glen Worthington knocked a home run scoring Park and Burton. Roger Lunt a 2 base hit, and Rulon Cowan Encampment Will Be Held a 2 bagger in the 3rd innings. At Springville Mrs. George Golden was called to Salt Lake yesterday on account of the death of a relative. Mrs. Alex Pace, of Price, Utah, was Nephi yesterday attending the uneral of Mrs. Anna Madsen. Mrs. Pace returned to her home last evening. in Mrs. Alice Goodman left yesterday for Provo, Utah, where she will visit for a few days, after which bhe will go to Cardston, Canada, to attend the dedication of the Temple in that city Mr. George Frinel, elcs returned home spending his vacation the guest of Mr and Hobbs. of Los Ang Friday after of two weeks Mrs. Lloyd a Bee Hive Girls Enjoy Outing Party At Stephensons The Miss Inez Stephenson, and Mr. Kenneth Hill of Salt Lake were delightfully surprised at the home of the former evening. Wednesday Games were enjoyed during the evening after which a dainty luncheon was served to the following: Geneva Garrett, Naomi McKnight, Celia Sperry, lone Garrett, Mabel Wilson, Maurice Chase, Eugene Ingram, Tom Ingram, Earlice Christensen, Clyne Leavitt, and the guests of honor Inez Stephenson and Kenneth Hill. Miss Booth Entertains of Inlo Swarm of Bee Hive Girls the North Ward spent an enjoyable time in the canyon Thursday afternoon. Hiking and swimming was enjoyed during the afternoon after which luncheon was served to the following: Nelda Beck, Lois Allen, Dorothy Stephenson, Maude Knowles, Bessie Painter, Arelda Coulson, Lucile Foote, Gladys Brough, Margaret Smith, Katy Sidwell, and the Elece Bee Keepers, Ruby Painter, In Knowles, and Edith Garrett. the evening a marshmallow and weenie roast was enjoyed after which the girls walking home in the moon- light. J. W. Adams, is .spending a few days in Salt Lake City this week. entertained Booth Miss Atheli Club the members of the Entre-NouC. H. Ganett returned home from at her home Wednesday afternoon. Salt Lake Sunday where he has been The time was spent in sewing after visiting for a short time. which a dainty luncheon was served to the following: Mrs. Ben Sweeney, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Owens of Salt Mrs. Paul E. Booth, Mrs. W. H. War- Lake attended the Father and Sons ner, Mrs. Joe Willis, Mrs. Orton outing in the canyon Sunday. They Durham, Mrs. Nell Golden, Special were the guests of relatives during and their stay here. The second annual encampment guest: Mrs. Clarence Warner, Miss Booth. of the Sons and Daughters of Indian the hostess Mr. and Mrs. Walter Adams of War Veterans and Pioneers will be The Board of County Commission- Salt Lake City, and Mrs. Henry held in Springville August 14th to inclusive. Invit- ers of Juab County will meet in this Adams of Rexburg, Idaho, were 17th, both dates ations are being sent out to war vet- city tomorrow in their regular month- guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Orme at the Father and Sons Outing erans in this city to attend the festi- ly sesson. in the canyon. vities and a large number are exMiss Eloise Pace, returned home pected to be in Springville in the Miss Ida Brough, and Mrs. Clardates given above. yesterday from Salt Lake where she has been employed for some time. ence Foote, spent Pioneer Day in Mrs. E. N. Pyper, of Salt Luke Salt Lake and also visited with reand Mrs. S. B. McCune of this city, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. W. Paxman, latives and friends the remainder of spent a few days the past week en- motored to Logan Tuesday to attend the week. joying the wonderful sights of Cedar the Farmers Encampment. Mrs. J. F. Hilton left Wednesday Breaks, and Zions Canyon. On the return trip Mrs. Pyper spent the Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Blackett evening for Portland, Oregon, after night with Mrs. McCune at her home and family of Salt Lake are guests spending the past two mouths in this here, leaving for Salt Lake the fol- this week at the home of Mr. aatl city the guest of her parents Mr. and Mrs. John Pitt. Mrs. Orson Cazicr. lowing day. s' |