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Show Nephi news i'jrttv Visitors on Mothers Day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Milo Cazier were their and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Art Hartvigsen and children Pat, Rosie and Jeff of Spanish Fork. son-in-la- Mr. and Mrs. Thayne Jarrett had as their dinner guests on Mother's Day, her brother-in-laand sister, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Jones and family of Tooele, also Mr. and Mrs. David Christensen and son Kelly of Bountiful, and Mr. and Mrs. Gaylen Jarrett and daughters of Nephi. Gail Memmott, Bruce Kent Filling Gail Memmott, Bruce Kent Pilling to wed Mr. and Mrs. Maurice L. Memmott announce the engageand ment forthcoming Youre never too old to yearn. When you retire, youll still want to take vacations. When you retire, youll still want to buy new clothes, have an occasional night out, drive a newer car, buy gifts, and be independent. Will you be able to? If you have your health theres only one thing thats going to keep you from living the way you want to. Lack of money. Thats where U.S. Savings Bonds come in. You can join the Payroll Savings Plan where you work right now. That way an amount you specify will be set aside from your paycheck and used to buy Bonds. Its an almost painless way to save, and before you know it, youll have a sizeable nest egg built up for your retirement marriage of their daughter, Gail to Bruce Kent Pilling. Gail is a graduate of Juab Stake Seminary and Juab High School. She graduated from Ricks College with an Associate degree in Child Development. She is also a graduate of Utah Technical College at Provo with a degree as a dental assistant. Bruce is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Keith E. Pilling, Picture Butte, Alberta, Canada. He is a graduate of Lethbridge Stake Seminary and Picture Butte High School, where he was valedictorian. He will be a senior at Brigham Young where he is University majoring in economics. He has fulfilled a mission to France and Switzerland. The couple is planning a June 15 wedding in the Manti LDS Temple. Silly Stitches Club is organized 4-- H The Five Silly Stitches sewing club was organized recently. President and Treasurer of the club is Connie Kay, Vice President and Song leader is Machplle Jarrett, and Lori Lunt is th6 Secretary and reporter. Leaders of the club are Koye McPherson and Karen Ockey. The Mrs. Cleon Memmott re- turned to her home recently after spending a week with her Mr. son and daughter-in-law- , and Mrs. Mark Memmott and family at Spokane, Washington. Dinner guests Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James H. Ockey, Jr., were their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Farrell Carter and Mrs. Viola Ockey. Visitors over the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Morgan were Julie and Charles William Morgan of Salt Lake City, and Dr. and Mrs. Stephen Morgan and family of Kays-vill- Mrs. Verda Kendall was a dinner guest on Mothers Day at and the home of her daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Willis Brvan. Visitors on Sunday at the home of Mrs. Verda Kendall were Mr. and Mrs. George Kendall and family and Mr. and Mrs. Stanley. Sherwood of Levan. Reeent visitors at the home of Mrs. Wanda Burridge were her sister. Mrs. Eva Baldwin of Salt Lake City, also Mrs. Burridges daughter, Mrs. Max Strong and Mrs. Strongs daughter, Mrs Jay Buzianis and her children of Tooele. LETS GO FISHING Mr. and Mrs. Greg Sanders (Juanita Goble) of Glendora. California were visitors over the weekend at the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Goble. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kendall had as their visitors on Mothers Day Mr. and Mrs. Edvtard Kendall and family of Granger, Mrs. Shirley Greenhalgh and children of Payson, Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Jenkins and family. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Kendall and children of Nephi, Mr. and Mrs. William Peterson of Holliday and Boyd Burton of Salt Lake ('it v. son-in-la- Mr. and Mrs. Thayne Jarrett and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Jones Emily Nebeker of Salt Lake were in Ephraim Sunday and Val Oveson of Orem City visited where with they evening Mr. and Mrs. Gordon and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Lund and Collette and Nebeker family and attended sacrament of Manti weredaughter over the guests Lund with them. meeting Terry weekend at the home of Mr. and was speaker at the meeting. He , Mrs. Thad M. Nebeker. lias accepted a call to the Australian Mission. Dinner guests Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mr. and Mrs. Dan Johnson Chase were Mr. and Mrs. Byron and grandson Shane Jones, Mr. Chase of Salt Lake City, Mr. and and Mrs. Alex Johnson of Mrs. Ora Nielson and family of Nephi, and Mrs. Cleo Johnson of Sunset, Mr. and Mrs. Rex Fountain Green spent Mothers Chase, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Day in Leamington with Mrs. Parkin of Nephi, and Mrs. Reva Wilma Lovell and daughter Ballow and son of Magna. Eileen. Dinner guests Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George V. Jones were Mr. and Mrs. Lee C. Burton and daughter Kathy, Mr. and Mrs. Clair Anderson and children Dirk, Joni, Craig and Robert of Salt Lake City; Mr. and Mrs. Gordon A. Jones and children Cheryl, Scott and Jason of Bountiful; Dr. and Mrs. Richard W. Jones and children Susan, Carolyn, and Nathan of Logan. They also received calls from three other daughters. Nephi, Utah May 17, 1973 Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bailey and son Brett; Mr. and Mrs. Merlin Burraston and children Todd, Troy, Lori and Kyle; Miss Lois Bailey; and Mr. and Mrs. Michael Cor field and children Keri and Scott of Riverton spent Mothers Day with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Bailey. Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Carter and family of Spanish Fork were guests on Mothers Day at the home of Mrs. Wallace Carter. In Times-New- s , .. COME IN AND SEE US we have the fishing tackle that makes a fishing trip fun selected FOR fishermen BY fishermen! SPINNING RODS AND REELS SPINCAST RODS MONAFIL-MEN- T FLY RODS AND REELS AND REELS FLY LINES, LEADERS AND LURES LINES EVERYTHING FOR THE FISHERMAN!! Fishing and hunting licenses now -SPORTSMAN SUPPLY SPORTSMANS 810 North Main - Phone - Nephi available here HEADQUARTERS 623-014- 6 FAMILY FUN KIT AVAILABLE (Fob flOue FUN KIT containing a variety of games and activities for families planning a motor trip or vacation this summer is available at PARKIN MOTOR COMPANY, 113 South Main, Nephi, through June 30. A FAMILY Mr. and Mrs. Leo Christensen had as their visitors on Mothers Day, Mrs. Kathy Pritchett and daughter Tammy of Ely, - Free Great Selections Nevada, Mr. and Mrs. David Christensen and son Kelly of Bountiful, and Mrs. Dulcie Francom of Levan. WAILETS COLOGNES BOOKS JEWELRY SMALL APPLIANCES CLOCKS Stephen Bracken left recently where he will be employed for the summer months. GRADUATION LUGGAGE Mr. and Mrs. Dwain R. Bracken spent Mothers Day in Ogden with Mrs. Brackens mother, Mrs. Francis Huber. - Created especially for our customers, the Family Fun Kit has hundreds of activites to help keep children and DISCOUNT adults entertained both on the road and at home John Parkin, the dealership president, said. Its not available at any store and features things to do for every age and interest. DISCOUNT WATCHES -- 15 TIMEX A $3.95 value, the vacation travel package Is available for $1.00 to customers who visit Parkin Motor Co. for specially priced service work during May and June. 1Takw1?nite 10 Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Lunt and children of Bountiful spent Saturday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Lunt. Visitors on Sunday at the Lunt home were Mr. and Mrs. Paul Lunt and family of Draper and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Lovell and daughter Mindee of Nephi. 40-pa- TIES SHIRTS SOX AND HOSE BELTS PANTS HANKIES SWEATERS SHOES BOOTS LINGERIE SANDALS TAPE PLAYERS RADIOS TAPES & CASSETTES for Parkinsville, Kentucky e The specai kit contains a Johnny Horizon colorbook sanctined and by the U. S. Department ing activity travel game endorsed by of the Interior and a road-sig- n the National Safety Council. It also contains a book of jokes and puzzles and two decks of cards a regular deck for adults and a Ride and Win card game for children. Gift Wrap! maintenance and sendee the VACAspecials offered at the dealership are TUNE-UPTION INSPECTIONS, ETC. Among spring-and-summ- S, MANY OTHER GIFT IDEAS AT CHRISTENSENS PARKIN MOTOR CO. Mrs. Iris Lunt and daughter Lynnea were weekend guests at the home of Mrs. Lucille Lunt. Other visitors at the Lunt home on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. William Stout and daughter of Salt Lake City. aneEEsaaaHBBBanw In our experience the odds are that we can rejuvenate your weak picture tube ... not replace It! years. U.S. Savings Bonds. Because you want to retire from work, not from living. v t- - Kike . stock !h . inmenca. f Buy U. S. Savings Bonds ' Now E Bonds pay 5Ht interest when held the to maturity nf 5 years. 10 months i4 first year Bonds are replaced if lost, etolen, or destroyed When needed they can be cashed at your bank Interest is not subject to state or local income taxes, and federal lax may be deferred until redemption. WfM , r ,v V & j 5, $ jf 1 w 4. .15. Phil and Lillian Early talk ' Sjci about three big advantages of dialing east before 8 a.m. Their news may surprise you. The big 11 But it has changed the price of your home. For example, if you When it's 7:30 here, it's 8:30 time service advantage: price advantage: What does this mean? It means that in about 95 of these instances we are SUCCESSFUL in rejuvenating your present picture tube. In means, usually, that your weakened picture tube can be brought back to life for I, 2, 4 and even 5 years and more. It means that for about the price of a house call you can save the $120 to $150 that is needed for a replacement tube. It means you'll be surprised at the succes of the process. It means you'll be happy for the saving and the The big The big changed the' price of ashes bought an $18,000 home in 1963 today it's worth about $24,200. Don t be left with a costly pile of ashes. See me about a State Farm Homeowners Pol icy that will cover your home for all it's worth . . . and keep it that way with automatic Inflation Coverage. rr 7C , .Vo1 Inflation hasn't ' tT in the midwest. Everybody's up. and frsh. and ready for a leisurely Long Distance visit. advantage: You make significant savings if you dial your own Long Distance calls before 8 in the morning. For example, a three-minut- e call to Chicago Direct-Diale- Because lines are less congested before 8. your call is completed quickly and easily. Dialing east before 8 am offers a real d. costs only 65 cents before 8. After 8 that same call costs Si. 25. You can saving to business people too. Mountain Bell either pocket the difference. Or talk a little longer. results. WE BELIEVE IN KEEPING CUTOMERS, NOT IN SELLING PICTURE TUBES. If you have a problem, give us a call CULLEN Gunnison, Utah 528-348- Fe ard tWtWIAMCI ( HARDWARE FORSEY'S VARETY 4-- E. OLSEN 9 Casualty Company Hom Oftc Bloomington Itunm MO DON WHNOtOGf WITH GOOD OiD 623-119- 9 623-064- 3 USHlONtD COURTtSY c t IHT1GRITT service Orem Ph. 225-834- 4 Youre up! I Dial east before 8 and save. fates do nol appt on can? to Au M o H,iau opeMiof-hand'enhtic r. are not lva.laoie), credit caid (CAiept wVre Direct Oia'-ohotel guest pr rang filled to another number. Duect-Da- i station , calls collect, t |