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Show Utah foundation reviews state income tax change Utahs new state income tax law enacted by the 1973 Utah Legislature will tend to benefit individuals with low incomes and families filing joint returns. On the other hand, persons with large incomes and working couples who have been filing separate returns may pay a higher tax under the new law. These were some of the conclusions reach by Utah Foundation, the private tax reserach organization, in their analysis of the new state income tax act passed this year. The report notes that the new law will eliminate much of the Arvilla Lunt made captain, FortWallDUP Mrs. Arvilla Lunt was chosen captain of the Fort Wall camp, Daughters of the Utah Pioneers for the coming year. Joey Olpin was named first vice captain; LaVerne Worthington, second vice president; Nellave Sperry, secretary; Elizabeth Black, treasurer; Mildred Ingram, Lua Stephenson, chaplin; chorister; Delta Wilkey, historian; Elva Lofthouse, registrar; Leila Wilkey, lesson leader; Martha C. Eagar, relics custodian; and organist Mildred Ingram. The meeting was held May 11 at the home of Mrs. Lunt, with Elva Lofthouse conducting. Attending in addition to those named above were Stella B. Anderson, Mary Scott, Ellen Jarrett, Geneva Worthington, Katie W. Ingram, Hazel Carter, Amy Warner, Beatrice Winn, and Thelma Jackman. Mrs. Olpin and Mrs. Jackman were The lessons, The Isles of Man was given by Mrs. work involved in preparing two separate income tax returns one for Federal and the other for state tax purposes. It will permit taxpayers to begin with Federal taxable income as a starting point for determining state taxable income. Downward adjustments are authorized for (1) Federal income taxes paid, (2) income from U. S. Government obligations, and (3) designated retirement incone. On the other hand, an will be upward adjustment required for state income taxes claimed as a federal tax deduction. In addition to the simplification in preparing of state income tax returns, the new law incorporates many of the Federal income tax advantages, such as higher exemptions and deductions, into the state act. Foundation analysts point out, however, that some taxpayers will be adversely affect by the change over. The tax advantages provided by incorporating the Federal features into the Utah law required that new and generally higher tax rates be adopted in M 298 Miss Ireta Carter was installed as president of the Ladies Literary League for the 1973-7club year, when members met at the home of Mrs. John V. Garrett on May 3. Other Mrs. officers installed by Garrett, retiring president, were; Mrs. Rex Tolley, vice president; Mrs. Clinton Kirgan, secretary; Mrs. John E. Hill, treasurer; Mrs. Stella Boswell, reporter; Mrs. Gibson Cowan, historian, and Mrs. Max L. Orme, parliamentarian. In attendance were: Mrs. Lynn Parkin, Miss Ireta Carter, Mrs. Mrs. Mildred Lunt, Merron Price, Mrs. Stella Boswell, Miss Rheta Sperry, Mrs. Joseph R. Greenhalgh, Mrs. Raymond Pay, Mrs. Clinton Kirgan, Mrs. Elmo Wilson, Mrs. Rex Tolley, Mrs. Lloyd Goble, Mrs. John E. Hill, Mrs. Gibson Cowan, Mrs. Reese Mrs. and Painter Roy McPherson. establishes three separate tax rate schedules applying to dillerent classes of taxpayers instead of a single schedule lor all taxpayers. In ellect. this change allows income-splittinadvantages for a husband and wife tiling a joint return. g Another important revision, according lo the Foundation, is the provision that up to $4.8011 in income may be retirement deducted in order to determine taxable income lor state tax purposes. In the case of a husband a wile tiling a joint return. each may deduct up to income. $4,800 in retirement Included as retirement income are Hi pensions and annuities (2) bonds received under a qualified bond purchase plan. cl) interest. (4) rents, and (5) 5, v Nationally Famous Steel VAPEX HOUSE PAINT Smooth spreading, long wearing clean-u- p Easy soap and water Many popular colors Calibrated Colors SATIN LUSTER ENAMEL Tops in scrubbability, durability Walls, trim, furniture Lovely satin luster Hundreds of colors Inc. Ask about our Special Sunbrella fe 2IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIK Wanted E s EE 5 Young men and women to work on, around or be con- nected with the E E EE M05l fighter bomber iiiiniiiiiiiiiii I m PLUMBING & BUILDERS SUPPLY Sec-Tre- j iiiiiiimiiiiiii! I MOTORCYCLES BOATS SNOW GLASS MOBILES MOBILE HOMES BONDS OVER 25 YEARS INSURANCE SERVICE IN THIS AREA The i N AUTOMOBILE COMMERCIAL K-- J INSURANCE AGENCY K. 51 J. North Main SPERRY, Phone 623-038- Agent 7 Nephi, Utah . Ml u! l IKl SPECIAL LOW h o' PRICES FOR THIS SALE! J VV Y S.& $2.00 f I OFF CELLU-TON- Harold Jacklin, President Dee Allred, Vice Pres, E.Vance Galder, FIRE BUSINESS - s PBjsKnnfl PRATT&LAMBERT 225-231- providing your insurance needs. M of P. O. Box 333 OREM, UTAH 84057 Call (801) 1 I would appreciate the privilege of Mother - Dav visitors al the home ol Mrs Elena Stanley vveic Mi ,md Mrs. Daryl II. S.mlev anil childicu Kohert. icm-- c. Barbara, Richard and Mails. Mi and Mrs MaeNeil i oldoii Stanley 'gdeti ol rem and children Michelle. LaDavv n Mr. and Mrs. and Michael oi man Manley and daughter civ o. Mr. and Mrs. ,m a ol ha - Manley and sou Timmy "I Mminium, Mr. and Mrs. a Mai Manley and daughter I.u im. and Mr and Mr- - Don ales and larnilv YOGDGJL AUTHORIZED Steel Building Systems Mrs. Oscar Newton had Mr. and Mrs. Vent Jensen and lamily ol I ay son and Percy Newton ol Mona as her guesls on Mother's Day. UJ SHOWER OF COLORS announce Buildings Mis Norman Whiting and children, and Mr. and Mrs. Ba.-- d .shepherd and lamily live general ion picture was aken during the (lav Ml QUALITY AND SERVICE AT DISCOUNT PRICES South Main - Open 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. that they are the CUCKLER 5Nephi, Utah 1973 , ( Members of the Senior Citizens club will meet Wednesday May 23. at the Senior Citizens center. Club officials say that the 'Hillbillies'' will entertain, beginning al 2:3(1 p.m. Refreshments will be served. r s ' Senior Citizens u-- cd Times-New- IPirt Steel Building Systems REPRESENTATIVE aar. Mrs. Belly Ellertson is visiting m Detroit. Mulligan w illi tier luster parents. Mr and Mr- Civile Cunningham, and also with her mother. Mrs Im cnee Jewell The study emphasizes, however. iliat no one lax can be the total lo compare burdens ol state and local governments. While some Mates rely primarily on income taxes, others place more stress on sales laxes and-oproperty uses I ah lias tended lo lavor a well balanced tax structure rely mg on all ol the major taxes Inr support ol stale and local raw eminent tunc! ions. 4 proudly si haw I The Mr .aid Mi- - Berry Newton lad as llit'ir gresls on Mother's lay Mr. and Mrs. Vent Jensen mil lamily Mr. ami Mrs. Kevin Jensen and son Jason, Mr. and liFJGGl Miss Carter is president Lit. League The study observes that the new state income tax law Mother's Day guesls al the home ol Mr and Mrs. Arthur K.,y were their granddaughter and her husband. Mr. and Mrs. I.u k Hull and their daughter l.e.-- a ol Cortland, Oregon Mr. and Mr- - Max Carler and Mr. and Mr- - shley ( 'ook were also' or al the Kay home Mr. and K. Alton Mrs, Eller'tson spent Mother's day m t uden w ith their son-law and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie I Jackman. of order to maintain the same overall leval of revenue. Even with the higher rates, it is estimated by some that the 1973 changes will reduce state income tax revenue by about with $1.4 million compared amounts that would be produced from the same income under the old state law. Mona News dividends 'I lie deductions lor interest, rents, ;md dividends, however, lire limited lo tax-p,- i v et id v eurs ol age tint) over, In eompnrmg Utah's stale ineomo tax with other stales, the Foundation concludes that the Utah tax is somewhat above average, especially at the middle and he higher income levels. The report observes that the 1973 tax law changes moderated the tax lor most families tiling joint returns. These reduet ions are parlicul-arilnoticeable al the lower income lev els RCI gallon 0 WE LL PAY YOU TO LEARN If youve never been in the Air Force and want to take advantage of one of several hundred available Air Force technical schools, you can simply by joining theAir Force Reserve. There are forty-nin- e different career fields and most are available at Hill AFB, Utah. V V- I, LARGE SELECTION OF FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES SEn ODD J (oUrQ(d I USDA CHOICE TABLE RITE MEATS DtlflY CLEAN, WIDE AISLES! (BmeU rnfaGtikmnS YG!JFSK780 EASY TO SHOP CASES! 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