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Show Leva on Mews Weekend guests at the home Mr. and Mrs. LeGrande Mangelson were Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Witt and family of Salt Jake City. Other visitors on Sunday were Bishop and Mrs. s David Mangelson and family of Payson. Mrs, Gilbert Mr, und Shepherd visiled on Sunday at the home of Bishop and Mrs. Heber Taylor. They also visited with Mr, and Mrs. Ted Thompson and family of Ephraim who were guests at the Taylor home. Jarnent P. hud as their visitors on Mothers day, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Mower and lamily of Salt Lake City, and Mr. and Airs. Homer Christensen ol Mona. Mr..jnd Mrs. Reuben Mangeiion were guests at a Mothers Day dinner Sunday held at the home of Mr. and .Mrs. Clarence Reed in Salt Lake City. Other guests were ' Mr. and Mrs. Kent P. Christen- j,sen and daugh'er Annette; Mr. and Mrs. John B. Hansen and children Sue, Mathew, and Brent; Mr. and Mrs. William John; Mr. and Mrs. Clyde H. Ewell and daughter Tamara of Ogden ; and Mr. and Mrs. David Hastings of Draper. Mother's Day guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Powell were Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Powell and children of Malad, Idaho; Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Powell and children of Nephi; and Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Powell and lamily of Juab. ol ' of . . : t i ; ; . ' I t Saturday visitors at the home of Mrs. Edna Peterson were her Mr. son and daughter-in-law- , and Mrs. Raymond Peterson of Midvale. The Levan Lady Lions met at the City hall on Thursday, May 10. The evening was spent doing handwork. Those present were lone Christensen, Virginia Howard, Florene Taylor, and Anna Shepherd. Mr. and Mrs. I , I Earl Holley of Provo were visitors one day last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Heber G. Shepherd. Mr. and Mrs. Rayola Thorne and daughter Carol of Spring-- ; ville were visitors on Saturday i at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John D. Shepherd. ' J Thursday visitors at the home Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Shepherd were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ormsley of Hollywood, California. of i Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Shpherd had as their guests on Mothers Day, Mr. and Mrs. Homer i Shepherd of Spanish Fork, Mr. t and Mrs. Basil Shepherd of Salt Lake City, and Monte Shepherd r and son Jacob of Levan. Mr. and Mrs. Delwin Shepherd were visitors on Monday. J 5 1 v Mrs. Onita Wade and children Bountiful spent Mothers day with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Erhardt Bendixen. JL'of J Mr. and Mrs. Victor Sorbe and children and Mr, and Mrs. Clair Paulsen and children were Mother's day guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William F. Sorbe. Rex Anderson of Salt Lake City was a visitor over the weekend at the home of his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Niels C. Anderson. Mothers Day guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Bendixen were Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Lindhardt and family of Granger, and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wilson and family of Levan. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Tobler and family of Salt Lake City and Edgar Christensen of Levan were Mothers Day guests at the ol home llrs. Grace Christensen. Marvin Mortensen and family ol Bountiful spent Mothers Day with Mrs. Floy Mortensen. Scott Froerer, who is attending school in Provo was a visitor on Monday evening at the home Mortensen. of Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow Beard were guests of their and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Morris A. Hodson, at a family dinner held in a Provo park son-in-la- Sunday. Mothers Day visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ross I larper w ere Mr. and Mrs. Blair Painter of Nephi, Shirley Harper and her son Ron, Noreen Robbins, and Mr. and Mrs. Dan Hafen and daughter of Santa Clara, Utah. T- I I I I I I I I Floy Chiropractic Physician maintains office hours in Nephi South Main Street Each Tuesday, 11 a.m. to 6 p. m. I I I I I I Saturday visitors at the home Olive Taylor were her brother-m-laand sister. Air. and Airs. Levern Stephensen of Salt Lake City and their (laughter. Airs. Alary Lou Dalby ol San Jose. California. Mr. and Airs. Max Winter and lamily. and Air. and Airs. Vern Winter and family ol Kaysville Elementary PTA meeting set. May The Nephi, Utah May 17, 1973 a 4 DOUBLE KNIT SUITS SPORTCOATS halt cab. most accessories Call Centerfield. PANA VISION' gall hot water tank, kitchen sink, wash bowl, medicine cabinet. Contact George V. 20 Jones. - priced from S49.95 S49.00 The TeggeFL? 1972 18,000 Vega Hatchback; mics. Vorv Good condition. 553 East Phone 4, 623-033- Business Personals CENTRAL REAL 623-165- Center. 20 1971 Mach Mustange with 425 engine, air conditioning. Excellent condition. $3000; Frigidaire rolngcrator in good condition, $5o.oo. new boy Practically scout unilorm, size 34. Call 023-007- 20 Legal Notices 35 West Third North PROVO, UTAH 0 Phone 373-833- RESIDENTIAL -C- OMMERCIAL FARM PROPERTY WAYNE C. CLOSE Broker GLEN E. COWAN 623-189- 8 Cook, lull and part-timPleasant hours, good working conditions. Colonial Manor, 71 20tf North Main. Nephi. e. Wedding Gift list for every wedding at the Nephi Lumber Co., 55 West Second North, tf Nephi. Phone 623-014- 7 ESTATE 1 20tf LICENSED SALESMAN NOTICE OF I IWI.TWSAI.F Notice is hereby given that on Wodnesay. the 23rd day of May, 1973. at ten oclock a.m. at the door of the County front Courthouse in Nephi, Juab County, Utah, I will offer for sale ai public auction and sell to the highest bidder for cash, pursuant to the provisions of Code Ufa Section Annotated 1953, the toilowing described real estate situate in said county and now' held by it under preliminary tax sale. No bid lor- - less than the total amount of taxes, interest, penalties and costs which are a charge upon such real estate will he accepted. Maida Sale No. Undivided U mile m loliowme Bey 6 rds 9 Iks W ol SE Corner ol Lot Blk 28. Plat A, Nephi Town-sit- e Survev. Th. N. 61 j Rds., W. 20 Ft.. S. 6':. Rds., E. 20 ft. to Beg. Subject to R. of W. Tax 95 East Center - Nephi Phone 0 623-049- Member: Multiple Listing Service I st 1 Producers Finance Company: All that part or portion of Lot 7 Blk. 4 Plat A, Eureka Townsite Sur., Described as the wly half of lot 7 & further described as Follows; Comm, at NW.ly Cor. of Lot 7. Th. Running N. 59 deg. 36 min. E. 43.38 Ft. Th. S. 33 deg. 34 min. E. 146 Ft. to S ly Bdy. Line of Sd. Lot; Th. S. 59 deg. 36 min. W. 46.1 Ft. Tim. N. 31 deg. 25 min. W. 4(5.25 Ft. to theSd. Pt. of Beg. Coot. 1.150 Ac.. Tax Sale No. META0C010R Business Opportunities How would you like to start your own business? Now you can! Heres a truly unique opportunity to become vour own doss in a hold new lield. A business that niters you virtually risk free income Irom a remarkably small investment. A business in w hich you can enjoy a prestige position in your community while serving a useful ana MOM ml SUPER WHAMS! mgmJ WEDNESDAY needed function. Montgomery Ward and people to join us in our ttil-yold catalog business and we want them We want to offer you a business of your own as a Montgomery Wajd agent. This program is designed to furnish the owner with a ready market, guaranteed customers and immediate commission as an agency. All you provide is location, lease or owned; plus a portion of operating expenses and ability to sell. Were looking for an agent in Nephi. Call or write 103 Maple Street, Midvale, Utah 84047 J&S CARPETS Sales and Installation Contact JACK or SHELBA FAUSETT at 296 East 5th South, Nephi, phone 623-190- 1. 796-24- FIRE Card of Thanks AUTO HOMEOWNERS FARMOWNERS BONDS We would like lo sav thanks to our many lricnds and neighbors, lor the many things that were done lor us during the time we have both been in the hospital It will long he remembered and appreciated. Ruby and lH Love Anderson 20 LIFE Central Utah Insurance GARRETT PAINTING COMMERCIAL OLD NEW CUSTOM MIXED COLORS ROLLER AIRLESS SPRAY Ph. 623-18- Agency have urn 33 SOUTH MAIN NEPHI, UTAH ViiMine -- i oi Nephi a drinking 1 any .in 38 TRACTOR AND TRUCK REPAIR GET YOUR EQUIPMENT READY NOW FOR YOUR SPRING AND SUMMER WORK. wine machine repair seniic, ir m iieeil ol new or used sew mg m.n tunes may call ( nuk Sew mg l.ii 'tine ( enter in Orem. 225-l- LARRY PETERSON Agent - Broker x 0 and Rebuilding Complete line of parts retail and wholesale Complete Automotive 22 PALFREYMAN ENTERPRISES 45 SOUTH MAIN 6 Nephi, Utah Ph. 623-005- Juab. PURPOSE. The Board of County Commissioners hereby declares that this ordinance is adopted to achieve the following among other purposes, and directs that the provision hereof in order to be interpreted accomplish these purposes: ( To adopt a transient room tax ordinance which complies with the requirements and limitations contained in chapter 35. Laws of Utah, 1965. 2 To adopt a transient room lax ordinance which incorporates provisions identical to those of chapter 31 of title 17, Utah Code Annotated, 1953, as amended. (3) To adopt a transient room tax ordinance which imposes a per cent tax and provide a measure therefor that can be administered and collected by the State Tax Commission in a manner that adapts itself as fully as practical to the existing statutory and administrative procedures followed by the State Tax Commission in administering and collecting the sales and use taxes of the state of Utah. (4) To adopt a transient room tax ordinance which can be administered in a manner that will provide funds for the purposes of establishing, financing and promoting recreational tourist and convention bureaus and for that purpose create, at the discretion of the Board of County Commissioners. a reserve fund com-p- i ised ol any funds collected but not expended during any fiscal year. TRANSIENT ROOM. There is hereby levied and there shall be collected and paid a tax upon all rent tor every occupancy of a suite, room or rooms on all persons, companies, corpora-lion- s or other like and similar persons, groups or organizations doing business in Juab County as motor courts, motels, hotels, inns, or like and similar public accommodations, at the f rate ot one and per cent. Except as hereinafter provided, and except insofar as they are inconsistent with the provisions ol title 17, chapter 31, Utah Code Annotated, 1953, as amended and in iorce and effect on August 1, 1965, all of the provisions ol title 59, chapter 15, and title 11, chapter 9, Utah Code are 1953, Annotated, hereby adopted and made a part ot this ordinance as though lull y sel forth herein. Wherever and to the extent hat in chapter 15 ot title 59, and title ly chapter 9, Utah Code Annotated, 1953, the state of Utah is named or referred to as the taxing agency, the name Juab County shall be substituted therelor. Nothing in this subdivision shall be deemed to require substitution of the name ol the county tor the word state when t hat word is used as a part ol the title ot the State Tax. Commission, or ol the Constitution ol the State of Utah, nor shall Hie name of the county be substituted ior that ol the state m any section when the result of hat substitution would require action to he taken by or against llic county or any agency Ihcrool. rather than by or against the State Tax Commission m perlorming the lunctions incident to the administration or operation ol this ordinance. it an annual license has been issued lo a retailer under ol the said Utah section Code Annotated. 1953, an additional license shall not be required by reason of this seel ion. There shall he excluded from the reiU paid or charged by which tlic tax is measured: Hi Tin amount of any sales or use tax imposed by the state ol I tali or by any other governmental agency upon a retailer or consumer; 2 Receipts Irom the sale or service charge for any food or beverage or room service charges in conjunction with the occupancy ol the suite, room or rooms. 1 ) ) t United FKL'i Co.: nati'il or supplied by any person, corporation, other go- erninental agency or irom any other source whatever ior the purposes outlined in the Purpose Section of this ordinance, and, when such funds are received, they shall be deposited and used in the same manner as though they were derived irom ihe tax imposed herehv. TRANSIENT DEFINED. For the purpose of this ordinance, the term TRANSIENT is defined as any person who occupies any suite, room or rooms in a motel, hotel, motor court, inn or similar public accommodation ior fewer than thirty consecutive days. STATUTE INCORPORATED. The provisions of title 17, chapter 31, Utah Code Annotated 1953 as amended, enacted by chapter 35, Laws of Utah, 1965, are hereby incorporated herin and made a part of this ordinance by this reierence thereto. PENALTIES. Any person violating any of the provisions ot this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof , shall be punishable by a line oi not more than $299.00, or by imprisonment for a period of not more than six months, or by both such fine and imprisonment. provided, that a corporation violating a provision or provisions of this title shall be punished by a fine not exceeding one thousand ($1,000) dollars. EFFECTIVE DATE. This ordinance shall take effect lit teen 15) days after the date it was passed and adopted. Passed and adopted and ordered published by the Board ol County Commissioners of Juab County, Utah, this 23rd ( (lav of April", 1973. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF JUAB COUNTY Richard G. Foote, Chairman Alton Gadd, Member Sleele McIntyre, Member ATTEST; Earl L. Warner Clerk of Juab County Published one-hal- USE OF FUNDS COLLECTED No lunds collected and received by Juab County by No 1&4. LITTLE virtue ol the tax imposed I). Cli'i; I.OOES. SUR. No. 682:'. l.xmg Sec. 22. 23. 26, 27. hereby shall lie used for any purpose other than establishing. T. 12S..R. E..S.L M..C011I. 59 176 Ac. Imancing. and promoting recand convenJuab G psum Lo! 37. Lving in reational. tourist tion bureaus. Lots 4.' 5. 6. & See. 3 T13S.. IJESEEYE FUND. For the HIE .S L.M. Cont. 16.391 Ac. ' purposes authorized bv this there is hereby IN WITNESS WHEREOF, f ordinance, have hereunto sot my hand and created a reserve kind to be he Convention o'lieta! seal his 13th day of known as Rui can Special Reserve Fund April. 1973. EARL L. WARNER which shall bo maintained Seal apart Irom JuahCounly Clerk sep. irateand and oilier special lunds general ol J11.1t County and in which Ml properly here ollered foi sli.dl lc deposited any and all sale and which has not been I mills coilcclcd by virtue ot the oil a lo s'ricken private lax imposed hereby bul not purchaser is hereby stricken olf expended during the fiscal year .eld sold to he County ol Juab, in which they were collected or alil I hereby declare (lie lee 111 any oilier subsequent fiscal simple Idle ol said property to vear he xesied m said county. CONTRIBUTIONS The Board of o Dales Iulilieutioii. April 26. Commissioners is herebyCounty authMax !. Id. and 17. 1973 in the orized to accept, on Ih'IuiII ot the I ones News. Neplll. I'lah, county, lunds contributed, do- - Sale No. Slates (ixpsiim MAC 1 1 1 Machine Shop requiring & Elmo Tax Sale No eali I.oxwell Beg. at NW. ( '"I'ikt ot Lot 37. Blk. 5, Plat B Eureka City Survey. Th. N. 62 (leg. II min. E. 67.13 Ft. to NE. Corner. Th. S. 18 deg. 39 min. E. 61.30 Ft. to A Pt., Th. S. 62 deg. 11 min. W. 60.45 ft. M. Or L. to a pt. on W. Bdy. lane Ol Said I,o 37, Th. N. 24 iley II mm W. 59.45 Fl. to .ell Tax ditioning problem? II so. call hour, day or night. 41 min. W. 98 Ft., Th. S. 54 deg. 34 min. W. 40 Ft. to Beg. 8 RESIDENTIAL General Machine Shop am Welding Complete Engine Recon- Notices Com. at NW. Corner 7. Blk. 6. Plat A, Eureka City Survey, Th N 54 di'y 34 min. E. 89 Ft. Along N .mo. Tim SE. Parallel To E Side Line 98 El. M. or L. to s side ,me Th. N. 49 cleg. 37 mm. E. 40 Ft.. Th. N. 35 deg. I Neil Garrett 20 Janette No oxterui l.oi house with three or more bedrooms. Phone Mr. Raker at INSURANCE Sale tax 1 5 GimkI 623-025- 360 North Main Street Nephi, Utah 84648 Phone (801) 0 . 623-051- v.V.V.V.V.V.N V..V..VV. V. 'f iCOOQgCl County of ( PHIL STILSON Home for Sale three bedrooms, newly remodeled throughout. 8150(1.00 down. 263 East Third 20 South, phone Wanted to Rent t 51tf CALl NOW! 30 Nurses, nurses aids and houseManor, 71 keeper. Colonial North Main. Nephi. Phone Daughter NCTWXXIICR Main in Nephi $900. 20 528-328- 4 623-051- 1 P0N11 H400UCT10N name, or better still, drop in at our store at 66 South Main, your PRO hardware center, also featuring Western Auto Catalog Hardware. 66 South Agency. Chev steering, Ford brakes. New wiring throughout. New Reliable man to do farm chores, work and light maintenor ance. Call 20tf early or late. WINNER OF 6 I A ACADEMY I . V8 283 BRUSH for The graduate. m 20 vard Thursday, Friday, Saturday, May 17, 18, 19 Gill lists! yes. we have gift lists lor every wedding. . call us at 62JT199 and wc'Il include your there- - Jeep with 1954 Willys Do :: $150.00. Centerfield. 528-328- 20-2- 1 NEW SHIPMENT TIES AND TIE TACKS ) pickup. Help Wanted CCl and RAST A BARBRA ST I from J14.95 - - priced from 20 per month. Contact Phil at Uniled Farm Agency. 360 North 20 Main. 1 -Gray - priced Call 20 SOMEONES WAITING for a property like yours! Our computer file has thousands of requests from prospective buyers all over the country. Is YOUR buyer 890 THEATRE STARTS Best Quality WESTERN and DRESS DRESS SHOES of Two bedroom home in Nephi. VENICE NOW AT THE TOGGERY - selection For Rent Times-New- s bo s BELTS have a big 1955 Dodge Half-to- n V8 Good condition. The Elementary Parent and Teachers Association meeting will be held on Friday, Alay 18, at 4:00 p.m. at the Elementary School. New officers will be announced at the meeting, and retiring teachers, Mrs. Verda Oliver, Airs. Itha Gadd, and Mrs. Evelyn Lomax will be honored. The general public is invited as well as parents of Elemenfary students. A story of love. Filmed by David Lean 623-012- We artilical flowers for memorial day. Forsey's Variety Store, 18 Sunday, Monday, Tuesday May 20. 21, 22 -- Ph. Variety ORDINANCE NO. 109 TITLE. This ordinance shall be known as The Transient Room Tax Ordinance of the 623-071- ARE YOU REhDY TO SELL YOUR PROPERTY? 300 reels, $17.88, Casta-bubble- s, 10c each. Forseys 20 Store, Nephi. 623-008- Qj East-Ne- phi Mitchell Horseshoeing. Herb Carter, 20 Variety Store, Nephi. Legal Notices JlAB COUNTY Forseys 623-020- 9 Gtyarfssgi 148 North 200 $99.95. Airs. Boyd Park and daughter Becky; Airs. Earl Fowkes and daughter Nancy; Airs. Harold. Jackson and daughter Barbara ; Mrs. Delwin Shepherd and daughter Janice; and Airs. Alma Jones and daughter Jaynette attended the annual Alolhers and daughters activities held recently at Snow College. DOCTOR ROBERT NEWBERRY 754-340- 754-327- Nephi ZHIVAGO to honor the dead Lancer Mobile home. 14 x 72 three bedrooms. See at Save the high price of new Imedale Trailer Park or phone furniture. Have yours re81 f 62:!(il2o covered. Custom upholstery, LaRay Kester, Mgr. 515 South Center. Santaquin. Phone Lawnmowers, 20 inch, $69.95; (after 3 p.m. call 1972 It . . girls day OFBOmSMSTEMUKS MEMORIAL DAY Moisture fruits, vegetables and other storage products. We have (mono and Magic Mills. Ruth's North Storage Supplies. 19tf Main. Phone 623-161- 0 Nephi group attends Snow College DAVID LEAN'S FILM ORDER EARLY Let us supply your needs lor Low storage with Bernard 1 AWRW PLACE YOUR lmir-clinde- Directory Legal Notices Services Services r ii72 Mada pickup Call Mont Shepherd at 623-- I 165 alter 7 p m. or bet ore 7. a m Elder Dennis Hoyt left Hawaii recently to enter his field of labor in the Hong Kong mission. Dennis has been studying Chinese at the Church College of Hawaii. METfiDGOlCWVNMAYtR PLEASE For Sale were weekend visitors at the home ol Air. and Airs. Alma Winter. AWARDS! L Classified Ads and Business Mr, und -lf Dr. D. D. CAMPBELL at 71 Mr, Clii'lsli'iisen FEU-MUTE- D Times-New- s, in the Nephi May 17, 1973. The Juab School District Board of Education will accept applications for the position of ana Assistant a combined Superintendent, position. Clerk-Treasur- Applicants must be qualified with training or experience in School administration and must have the ability to handle the clerical and financial duties of the clerk. Applicants should submit a Resume of their training and experience with the application. Applications must be in the Juab School District Office, 305 East First North, Nephi, Utah by June 12, 1973. Juab School District Board of Education M. Clark Newell, Clerk PROBATE AND GUARDIAN-SHINOTICES. Consult, P County Clerk or respective signers (or additional information. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of William Roberts, also known as William J. Roberts, deceased. Creditors will present claims with vouchers to the undersigned at the office of Udell R. Jensen, attorney at law, Nephi, Utah, on or before the 20th day of August A. D. 1973. Claims must be presented in accordance with the provisions of 5 UCA 53 with proper verification as required therein. Thelma R. Steele administratrix of the estate of William Roberts, aka William J. Roberts, Deceased Published in the Nephi Times News, May 17, 24, 31, and June 7, 1973. NOTICE TO WATER USERS Don E. Jones, 1955 W. 4620 So.. Salt Lake City, Utah 84119, has filed with the State Engineer App. No. 42328 to (66-19- 0.015 appropriate sec. ft. of water in Juab County, State of Utah. The water is to be diverted from an well, ft deep at a point E. 4000 anu N. ju u. trom SW Cor. ji Sec. 8. T14S. RlE, SLB&M; and used from Jan. l to Dec. 31 for the domestic purposes of one lamily. stockwatering of 250 cattle: and used from Apr. 1 to Del. 31 lor the irrigation of 0.25 ncs. in parts of SE' ('SE' , Sec. 8. . . SLB&M. Protests the resisting granting of this application with reasons therefor must be filed in duplicate with the State Engineer, 442 State Capitol. Salt Lake City. Utah 84114, on or bet ore June 16. 1973. Dee C. fra risen STATE ENGINEER Published in the Nephi Times-News- , Nephi, Juab County, Utah. May 3. 10, and 17, 1973. 1 I J |