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Show Thursday, October 21, 1965 Nephi, Juab County, Utah 84648 2nf)c Train Blowup is Spectacular GET YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS BY 6:00 P.M. FRIDAY A n armored locomotive freight cars loaded with World War n tanks, artillery and other military supplies were "blown sky high during fUming of "The Train", which opens Sunday at the Venice for three days showing, through a United Artists release. Richard Foote, manager of the Venice, says that the big blow up" la the biggest and most spectacular explosive display ever set off for a motion picture, and was accomplished under the supervision of the man who burned Atlanta to the ground for "Gone With the 30 PERMANENT WAVE SPECIALS AT BEULAH'S FASHIONETTE helmer who notes that it would have cost this much if filmed in Hollywood. Made in France (or, should we say destroyed in France) the demolition simulated an allied raid on a German munitions train heading for the front during the final days of the Nazi occupation. 2 WOMEN MAY SHARE A 20.00 VALUE Burt Lancaster stars In "The Train as a French resistance fighter who succeeds In delaying the departure of this vital munitions train untU the Allies can carry out their attack. Th is Is fine entertainment1 Mr. Foote stated, "and we invite you to see it Mr. Foote also reminded all Wind, Lee Zavltz. The holocaust of iron, steel to prepare to and concrete was a terrifying attend the special Halloween mUlion dollar minute" accord- midnght thriller on Halloween ing to director John Franken- - night. CLOSED SATURDAY 1 70-to- and OUR PRESCRIPTION DEPARTMENT WILL BE rn pM Prog C 2 PERMANENTS vlEOO U2) FOR ONLY Call Now -- or 623-060- 1 Wood Still Available Free Forest Ranger Harold Laird stated Wednesday, that although a great number of free permits have been Issued for the fire- Mr. and Mrs. John M. Bozzuto LEATHER GLOVES A VERY LARGE SELECTION . Recent Marriage Miss Lorraine Nez Tsosie be came the bride of John M. Bozzuto HI on Monday evening, October 11, 1965, at the home of her foster parents, Bishop and Mrs. J. Barres Jenkins. Bishop Jenkins officiated in the ceremony in the presence of her immediate family and close friends. Miss Kathlyn Chambers attended the bride, and Carl Peterson of Waterbury, Connect- WATER HEATER Quick Recovery - Glass Lined 10 year guaranteed 79.00 ROLLERS - TRAYS - BRUSHES - icut assumed the duties of best man. A wedding dinner at Mickel-son- s Cafe followed the ceremony. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hunter Nez Tsosie The Arizona. of Cameron, bridegroom is the son of Dr. and Mrs. John M. Bozzuto Jr. of Waterbury, Connecticut. The newly married couple left Monday evening for Connecticut where they will make their home. VALLEY BUILDERS Phone 623-004- 4 JUST111! !SBER&ayOSIS (c(6Kto):i? All in One Fine Furniture Console Cabinet -- HANDCRAFTED AND TV TV BLACK-AND-WHI- HIGH FIDELITY STEREO Sunday over night guests of Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Peterson were Mr. and Mrs. Bryce Christensen and children of Tooele. Noel Robbins. Mr. and Mrs. Kent Christensen and two daughters of Salt Lake City visited with Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Mangelson on Sun- E Mr. and Mrs. .Erin Poulsen visited in Orem on Saturday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Miss Donna Keith Alligood. s Alligood accompanied the home for the week end. Martin Poulsen, who is attending the Utah State University spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Erin Poul-sen- Poulsen. and Mrs. Golden R. Mangelson. Mrs. Rayola Thorn and daughter Carol of Springville, Mrs. Nelda Van Ausdal and children of Provo were Thursday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. John D. Shepherd HUNTERS: be careful and be sure to make my accident policy a part of your equipment. $1.00 will purchase $5000.00 K. J. Sperry, 51 coverage North Main, Phone 623-038- 7. 4142 3 BEDROOM HOME FOR oil SALE Close to town low down payment furnace --Call Mr. Winn at 1 623-055- RECORD PLAYER 4142 213 623-144- 8, 1 SHETLAND 623-07- 2 4142 0 0 3 4 YOU ft 7050W Beautiful Contemporary Modem styling in genuine oil finished Walnut veneers and select hardwood solids. AS LOW rQO AS PER WEEK CHILDREN CENTER FEATURES THIS DELUXE HOME ENTERTAINMENT ZENITHS OWN DEVELOPMENTS FOR FINEST PERFORMANCE! Get ready for an exciting new thrill in home entertainment from this superb complete home entertainment center from worlds most famous name for quality. This beautiful console combination features Handcrafted Color Television with 25,000 volts of picture power. Plus the new Zenith SUNSHINE COLOR PICTURE TUBE for greater picture brightness. Zenith-t- he Every week thousands The High Fidelity Stereo Phonograph features the Zenith Zenith 2Q "Stereo Precision Record Changer with exclusive MICRO-TOUC2G TONE ARM with the fabulous "Free Floating" Stereo Cartridge. For the world's finest sound, there are four Zenith quality high fidelity speakers with cross-ove- r networks: two 10' woofers, two 6' x 4 m range speakers. Zenith quality through and through. Acquired legal ownership of water well connected to the Citys System that will supply the equivalent of two times the City's present consumption; also in the process of acquiring ownership for a second water well. Incidentiy, the approved applications for subject wells have laid dormant for ten years prior to our administration. Resurfaced Citys 4700' Airport Runway Installed "an essential facility for future fights and beacon growth of Nephi". More sewer extensions added the past the previous 15 years. How long has It been since youve heard their voices, listened 3 City time 1 years than. n; a "Class 6" fire insurance rating them. Long Distance. 2 Readjustment codition than Revamp City Ordinances direct proper enforce "dd 3 City sidewalk Improvement Program ing and weeds eradication program. 4 Replating the city in order 5 New additional water storage reservoir. 6 City and County Building "Civic Center" Participat ing basis with monies available from Federal government. 7 A general program to stimulate and improve 8 ,9 States Telephcr.- 1. 0 Paid Political Advertisement by Nephi City Democratic Commit better public relations. A continual program of beautification in cemeteries. Continue to go FORWARD, and progress on a well planned balanced budget with no increase in taxes. WE HAVE APPRECIATED YOUR CONFIDENCE .. WE PLEDGE OUR BEST - build to establish property lines. Mountain ZENITH HANDCRAFTED TV at any of City Electric Rates ment of same. one of the lowest in the state. The City's genera) tax levy has not been increased. City employee salaries have been upgraded. City officials and employees are equally divided relative to political affiliation, which in our estimation, constitutes a healthier organization to serve the people of Nephi. From an investigation of the City audits, we find that Nephi' to their news? Call is now in better financial in the past 1 5 years. THERE ARE A NUMBER OF ITEMS YET UNRESOLVED THAT WE WILL ENDEAVOR TO ACCOMPLISH FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE PEOPLE OF NEPHI, IF ... NAMELY: New City Equipment Building; new Police office; a two-wa- y radio system for communication between the office and the several City departments. By November, we will have had all the City Policemen attend Camp Williams Police Adademy. City's Fire Station remodeled and reorganized. A new steel constructed electric All the City's streets are hard surfaced and sealed. Nephi has sub-statio- and thousands of families choose the greater dependabililg urjll (ic(BarS For Mayor IN THEIR FIRST TERM THEY HAVE ACCOMPLISHED: 4043 incL PONT for sale Contact Roy Chase at 193 East 5th North, phone MAURICE TOLLEY For Councilman DWAIME TIDWELL A WORKING TEAM OF ACTION AND EFFICIENCY . . WORKING FOR YOU AND THE FUTURE OF NEPHI CITY East 5th North, NephL L DONALD A. ROYCE For Councilman FOR OVATION COSMETICS call Carolyn Hayes Bailey at The R0SEM0NT s George, spent the week end in Levan with his parents, Bishop 623-125- 5. FM RADIO fvV yV, Jerry Mangelson, who is attending Dixie College at St. FOR SALE Bill Pay, 295 white or red North 5 East, phone LONG DISTANCE AM RADIO e-e- tect day. GLORIOUS STEREO FM RADIO STATIC-FRE- pQiiwQiifslo Mr. and Mrs. Kent Shepherd and family visited in Scipio on Sunday with her sisters, Mrs. Chester Memmott and Mrs. POTATOES -- COLOR HI Levan Local News Awaits Couple After GAL 210 West Center Utah Credit Union League, Inc. 1706 Major Street Salt Lake City, Utah Home in Connecticut CRANE BATH SET - TOILET - BASIN ; 5 Today It Credit Union Day! 155,000 Utah credit union members join with other members from throughout the wor!J to celebrate 116 yean of credit union service. In 116 years millions have gained independence and security by saving at their credit unions where people work, loan and save together not for profit not for charity but for mutual service. The Credit Union Umbrella Man says: wood In Log Canyon northwest of Fountan Green, a huge amount of both aspen and fir remains "free to the public. Mr. Laird stated that the wood is In piles along side the Log Canyon road and can be easily secured in pickups, trucks, or trailers. The road Is In excellent condition. Any wood remaining at the first snowfall will be burned, Mr. Laird stated, and he urged those who can use the wood to take Immediate action. Ranger Laird also cautioned hunters against leaving fires unattended at any area of the forest service. Even though It Is late In the season, no chances with fire should be taken. 52 623-015- spooks-watcher- s DON'T BORROW SUBSCRIBE TUB Page Six |