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Show Universal Microfilming Corp, 141 Pfeorpont Av&rrue Saltt Lake cityy Utah Pexton, Shaw And Lunt Are GOP Nominees by Single Copy, 10c tbf Nephi, Juab County, Utah 84648, Thursday, October 21, 1965 New Porter Sharing Is more pleasure than keeping. Try it! - reg In Ever hear of clever signs: Manager Due Named Pexton Wholesale Company. Mr. Pexton currently Is serving his second term as City Council- At Plant Soon At High s will be "he who thinks the deer hunt is an opportunity to hit the bottle and perhaps wont be driving as he otherwise would. Per- haps our ratio Is high we hope it is but nevertheless caution is the watchword for all who must cross the highways during the exodus. We are sure that highway patrolmen will be on the job to protect the motoring public as well as the pedestrians, and local police officers also will be doing everythng they can to slow down the traffic. But, accidents can happen to anyone so children are asked to be extra careful! reg a person might have Many become outstanding but for the fear of being different. Priesthood of Stake Invited To Meeting President R. Roscoe Garrett of Juab Stake has announced that the quarterly Priesthood meeting will be held Sunday at 2 p.m. at the Juab Stake House. All holders of the Aaronic Priesthood and all holders of the Melchizedek Priesthood are invited and urged to attend. An outstanding speaker has been selected for the meeting. President Garrett stated. The regular monthly meeting of the Juab Stake High Priests Quorum, and of the 71st Quorum of Seventy will follow the priesthood meeting. Relief Society Leadership Meeting Set Sunday Former Nephi Youth The Stake Relief Society Leadership meeting also will be held Sunday afternoon, starting at 2 p.m. at the Relief Society Serving On Mission Room of the Stake House. All A former Nephi resident has ward and stake Relef Society recently completed missionary (Board members are urged to training at the mission home in attend, according to Mrs. Salt Lake City and now is serv- Blanche B. Brough, president. ing in the Finnish mission. He is Robert Forsyth, son of Mr. and Mrs. Duane H. For- Relatives Attend syth, Who resided in Nephi from 1954 to 1956. Services in Idaho The Forsyth family now reCansides at Welling, Alberta, For Melvin Carter ada. Funeral services for Melvin Carter, 79, a former resident of Nephi, were held on Thursday, October 14 at the Minidoka Stake Tabernacle at Rupert, Idaho. He is survived by seven sons and daughters. His wife died several years ago. Mrs. Mildred Paxman and Mr. and Mrs. Farrell Carter attended the services. New Construction to Add 1800 Telephone Microwave Circuits Construction is underway on an addition to the American Telephone and Telegraph Com- panys radio relay station near Levan, according to Theron Johnson, Mountain States Telephone Companys area manager. Ronald Sperry Prime contractor for the 2274 square foot addition is the Oakland Construction Company of Nephi Young Man Salt Lake City. Subcontractors are local firms, according to construction company officIs Honored ials. . The building addition will be Business College completed this winter. Equipment installation will begin at Ronald Sperry, son of Mr. and that time by Western Electric When this is finMrs. George C. Sperry, was rec- technicians. ently elected to the office of ished. it will mean the addition Student Body President of the of 1800 communication circuits Stevens - Henager College for to the stations capacity. Tnis building is one of many the school year 1965-6Mr. Sperry and his wife in a nationwide network of rad(Kaye Wilkey Sperry, daughter io relay stations which transof Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wilkey) mit and receive telephone conare residing in Salt Lake City versations, data and radio and broadcasts. Each where he is attending Stevens television ac- station strengthens the signal studying Henager College, as it passes through the equipcounting and business ment and on to the next tower. at 6. The Republic- MissJuabto be Curtis C. Albertson, recently Alabama cemetery that says named Works Manager of the "All persons are forbidden to Thermoid DivisNephi Works, their but from flowers any pick ion of H. K. Porter Company, own graves" Inc., will be locating in Nephi reg within a few days, as he preA Chinese philosopher once pares to take over active mansaid that parents who are agement on November 1st. Mr. Albertson's appointment was afraid to put their foot down usually have children recently announced by Porter officials. He will succeed Jam w ho step on toes. es H. Stephens, who has been reg assigned to a manager function If you are too busy to be in Porter International. kind, you are Just too busy! Mr. Albertson has been affilreg iated with Porter Company since the acquisition of the forAlong about this time of the mer Quaker Rubber Company almost every year year which now is of Philadelphia, . we get a little preachy . and of the TherWorks the Quaker we hope that we have done H. K. Porter moid Division, an saved little good perhaps Inc. Mr. Albertson or perhaps prevent- Company, accident held has positions in the many ed an unnecessary death. sales and commodThe red coats are rolling! In engineering, functions of the Thermoid almost conceivable type of con- ity Division. veyance they will be headin Mr. Albertson is a graduate for the hills and Nephis main from the Drexel Instistrfeet is the main road to engineer tute of Technology in Philadeer country. Mr. Albertson, his wife We invite school class lead- delphia. will be lotheir and ers, and parents, to advise the cating in daughter in the very Nephi youngsters to be extra cautious near future. during Thursday and Friday-yewhen and next week crossing the highways on their way to school or to town. We realize that probably 99.9 per cent of the drivers will be completely competent and will be driving 100 per cent safely, but that 5 p.m. deadline. an City ticket is headed by Incumbent City Councilman Har- a restaurant, the sign reads: Our silverware is not to be compared with medicine . . . Don't take any after meals!" And then there's a sign in an Volume 56, Number 42 Filing of candidate list by the Nephi City Republcan Party was made at the City Offices Friday, several hours before the Pheasant Hunt Permits Today On Sale Next Week School Sandra Jackson, Sarah Starr, Claudia Parkin, Ann Brough, Myda Carter, Marjorie and Mary Garrett are the hopeful contestants for this year's "Miss Juab", As a new requirement, each girl was required to write a theme of 500 words on "Why I would like to be Miss Juab, and what her duties should be. The theme will help Judges in their selection. Each girl also will receive a rating from 1 to 20 on beauty, talent, extemporaneous speaking, and friendGreen-halg- Curtis C. Albertson Committee Attends Area Meet Recently Members of the committee for the Development of Com. munity Programs for the Mentally Retarded for Juab County attended a regional meeting at Richfield on Wednesday, October 12. The The meeting was directed by Bruce Wainwright, Director of the State Advisory Committee for the Mental Re- h, Permits for hunting in the Nephi Pheasant Hunt Unit will go on sale to local citizens" on Tuesday, October 26, according to an announcement by E. Rulon Brough, member of the Juab Stake Presidency in charge of the permit sale. The permits may be purchased at the office of Juab County Sher-rtf- f Raymond A. Jackson. Proceeds from the sale of the permits will go into the Juab District Boy Scout Fund, Mr. Brough stated. Following the sale on Octob liness in the school, In Thursdays assembly. Members of the faculty will be selected to judge the girls on citizenship, Wankier Winner Without Race in Levan tardation. The purpose of this meeting was to review and discuss final recommendations which the State Advisory and Task Force Shepherd. Committee have compiled from studies and recommendations which have been submitted from Cancer Sociefy Begins the state and county studies. After each county has met in Two-Mont- h a regional meeting where discussions and final recommendations are made, a final outline Education Campaign of the study and recommendaBreast cancer the leading tions for action will be presented to Governor Rampton prior cause of cancer death in women to the convening of the special today will be the target of an educasession of the legislature early intensive, tional program being launched next year. Committee members who at- this week by the East Juab tended the Richfield meeting County Unit of the American were Bishop and Mrs. Vaughn Cancer Society. JoAnn Tolley, County Unit J. Paxman, Superintendent of Schools Ralph Menlove; Juab Chairman, said that early deCounty Commissioner Alton S. tection is the best protection Gadd; County Public Health against this disease which will Nurse, Mrs. J. A. Burton; Juab afflict an estimated 62,000 new County Welfare Director Fay cases this year 'and will result Parker, and Calvin E. Neilsen, in some 26,0000 deaths in the United States. Juab High School Counselor. Training in breast will be conducted among two-mont- hs of president man. Republican nominees for the two councilman positions now er 26 for local citizens, the bal- held by Don Royce and Maurice ance of the permits will be on Tolley, are A. Dean Shaw, local sale the following day and school teacher, and Eugene Lunt, H. K. Porter Co. employuntil sold on a first come-fir- st ee. served basis. The City election will be held on Tuesday, November 2. PollPermit On Sale at Levan places, etc. will be listed Heber Taylor, president of the ing In next weeks Times-New- s. Levan Elders Quorum, has anMr. Pexton is past president nounced that pheasant hunt of the Chamber of Compermits for the Levan area will merce, Nephi and s a charter memgo on sale on November 1st, At ber currently a member of Vems Store, Frank Ballows the and Board of Directors of SerSinclair Service, and at Carter vice Merchandisers of America. Cafe. Permits will be sold at Mr. Shaw, Instructor In In$1.00 each, Mr. Taylor stated. dustrial arts at the Juab High School, is president of the Juab Education Assocation and has been active in church and civic clubs. Mr. Lunt, who served previously two terms in the City Council, has been Interested In farming and livestock raising throughout his life, and Is a former commanding officer of the Utah National Guards Nephi unit. He has been employed at the Porter Company for several years. Election From all indications, Farrell Wankier will be the next president of the Levan Town Board. Mr. Wankier is unopposed for the position, and has the endorsement of both "parties in .the election. The parties also got together and named four candidates for the town board positions, but they will appear on the ballot in alphabetical order without party designation. The four candidates are Alvin Christensen, Wallace Christensen, Vem Mangelson and Kent low W. Pexton, Control Dams In Good Condition, SCS States The floodwater retarding structures at the mouths of Miller and Biglow canyons were inspected this week by a team composed of representatives of the Watershed Elder Lester Broadhead project and Soil Conservation Service personnel. Sponsor representatives Included R. Elgin Gardner, Juab County Commission Chairman; L. Dwane Tidwell, Nephi Mayor; and Wankier, chairman of the Juab Soil Conservation District. Representing the Soil Conservation Service were Ralph Elder Lester Broadhead will H. Felker, Area Conservationgive a report of his mission to ist and Gilbert Searle, Area EnNorthern California, at the Ne- gineer, both of Provo; and Earl Spendlove, local Work Unit phi Second Ward Sacrament Conservationist. 7 at meeting Sunday evening Mr. Wankier of the Soil Conp.m., it was announced this servation District, reported week. that except for weeds and J. Paxman rocks which have fallen into Bishop Vaughn invites all members of the ward the principal spillway, the two to attend. structures are in good working Elder Broadhead is a son of condition. He also reported Mrs. Olive Broadhead of Ne- that the stream bank wheat-grasphi, and has served two years planted in 1963 to stabilin the Northern California area. ize the dams and the borrow area, is doing well. These two dams, a part of the Watershed Project, are designed to reduce the size and frequency of floods n in the south and parts of Nephi. They were Miller-Biglo- Elder Michael R. Garrett w Fourth, Second Wards to Ar-v- il Hear Mission Reports Sunday Bishop Ralph E. Chase of the Nephi Fourth Ward has announced that Eider Michael R. Garrett will give a report of his recently-complete- d mission at the Fourth Ward Sacrament meeting Sunday evening. The meeting will begin at 7 p.m. and all members of the ward are encouraged to attend, Bishop Chase stated. Elder Garrett, son of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd B. Garrett, served for two and a half years in Norway. Roadshow Ratings Told Ratings for the various ward presentations at the Juab Stake MIA Road Shows last Tuesday have been announced by the Stake MIA officers. The Road Show presentations were held at Mona Recreational Hall, Levan Recreational Hall and the Juab Stake House, and each of the six wards presented acts womens groups throughout the December Seniors Select Play, 18, 1962, themed to Pioneer Recreation completed county by the local cancer unit and will hold the largest flood Ratings as announced by the volunteers. 16mm films, film to be expected in a Cast for November were as follows: First judges strips and educational literaperiod, and let it out as a small Ward, very good, Second Ward, ture will be used to explain self stream or will do that little Date Presentation superior; Third Ward, excellent; examination techniques and how no damage. The structures also Fourth Levan Ward and to recognize the first symptoms are designed to hold all the silt Mona Ward, each The Other You is this years of breast cancer. Ward, very good. that can be expected to be washStake MIA officials extend Senior class play, according to Women who practice breast (Editors note: This is one of a ed by the control of large areas ed out of the mountains into sincere thanks to each who parClarence H. Pay, Juab High regularly and series of weekly background re- by the federal government these canyon areas during the ticipated in the road show. School drama director. who consult their physician ports to Utahs citizens concern- within the states borders. They next 50 years. The cast is as follows: Wilpromptly when warning symp- ing Goals for Utah. Natural include military reservations, loughby Adams, Gary Jones; toms are first discovered have Resources will be discussed In national parks and monuments, Inner Willy, Dan Boston; Sid- a much cure rate than an hour long television program reservoirs, power sites and forgreater ney Roscoe, Mike Cowan; Mr. those who delay treatment, Mrs. Civic Dialogue on station est reserves. Allison, David Paystrup; Aunt Tolley said. KUED-TThe State Land Boards probChannel 7, at 8 p.m. Louise, Evelyn Neilson; Aunt lems of securing title, surveys, Survivial rate for localized Thursday, October 21.) Alice breast cancer is 82 Olga, Kay Anderson; and inventories of the land are cent as Martin, Marcy Daley; Rita against 48 per centper natural resources Utahs extensive, and maximum utilizwhen the Clark, Claudia Parkin; Joyce malignancy spreads beyond the water, land, minerals and rec- ation of the land depends upon Tornson, Marian Williams; Inhold some of the vit- a study and cataloguing of site, Mrs. Tolley point- reation ner Alice, Sarah Starr; Aunt original al keys to the states economic lands according to their resoured out. Phoebe, Kathy Sherwood. StudLocal womens clubs or other and industrial future, as well as ces and potential development ent directors are Joan Fackrell the personal living conditions groups and Mary Garrett. Jim Reed is schedule ofa women whoonwish to Mining enjoyed by its citizens. breast program stage manager. In Utah Mining, either this or Cancer, month prominent reThe of a natural The play is scheduled for pre- next report since the coming of the railshould contact Mrs. month, dissources will be sentation on November 19. Nedra Starr, 260 North Main, cussed committee road, has become a dominant (Thursday, Oct- influence in the states tonight Mrs. phone economy Starr is ober 21) on Civic Dialogue" Mrs. Lowell Oldroyd of Foun- education chairman of the East and is tied more closely to manChanover Station KUED-Ttain Green and Elmo Kendall of Juab County Unit of the ACS. nel 7. than is generally recIts members include Sen- ufacturing Provo visited with their broth- There is no charge for this pub- ator Omar ognized, the panel stated. B. Bunnell, Price, But historically, most of the er, Verda Kendall on Sunday. lic service by the American Miles P. Romney, Mr. Kendall has just been re- Cancer Society and the local chairman; and Industrial developmining Dr. Utah Mining Association; come from outside ment leased from the hospital. has unit. William Hewitt, University of the state. Utah must main' Utah; Edward Richards, Walk- tain an investment environment er Bank and Trust Co.; Dr. William Bennett, Utah State fully competitive with other areas to realUniversity; and Dr. Dean K. ize its potential the report Fuhriman, Brigham Young adds. University. Research assistant is Harvey McDonald. Recreation e Anticipated increase of Water time will likely create ur"The state of Utah must face gent needs for expansion of the stark realty that its supply the favorite activities of citizof water will eventually be the ens: picnicing, swimming, fishlimiting factor in the develop- ing, sight seeing, pleasure drivment of its resources and the ing, boating, games, walking growth of its population the and sports event. report states. In light of these needs, the Water has traditionally been report submits the following provided and protected for ag- questions for consideration: Can we keep our natural riculture, but the needs of communities and industries may beauty and still use our wealth Can necessitate changes in Utahs of natural resources? water law. multiple use be controlled? Can lost beauty and lands be New sources must be explorJOSE FERRER as the Devil and Gretchen Wyler as aced, including underground de- replaced for recreational activ7 tocomplice Lola, watch fans root for Senators In pennant race velopment and possibly import- ity? Tune to KUED-Twith Yankees. The Devil has other plans in Damn Yankees ing of water from the Columbia night at 8 p.m. for the combasin or other northern regions. plete discussion on Utahs Renow playng at the Yalley Music Hall in North Salt Lake. sources. Next weeks discussion R. Elgin Gardner, Earl Sitendlove, Anil Wankier and L. Damn Yankees sill continue through Saturday night, and will be on Economic Land Dwane Tidwell on Inspection of flood dams recently. Brlgadoon will open Monday for two weeks run. Land resources are dominat- s, Miller-IBiglo- Natural Resources.. Tonights KUED Topic 623-028- 7. lies-ur- V w south-easter- 100-ye- ar |