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Show Nphl, Juab County, Utah 84648 &l)c Attend Otatra-Jfaui- a BYU Mee! Students from Ju&b Junior High and Ju&b High School attended the 30th annual High School Journalism Conference at Brigham Young University idrunyr, 62S-0SZ- FREE DICYCLE! nTEIOUilTACI ASSOCIATION cation. offers you a BICYCLE, FREE with the purchase of a HOME FREEZER REFniSERATOR or cc:::i:iati::i The local students who attended the one-da- y meeting Included Lois Bailey, Rita Otte-so- n, Marian Williams, Jim Gadd, John Cowan, Vance Gibson, Reid Hall, Julia Nebeker, Nick-l- e Sperry, Claudia Jenkins and Kent Jackson. Also attending was Calvin Nellsen, advisor to the Juab High yearbook. you can purchase e 23 cu. ft. Upright Freezer and get the bicycle too, for just . . . Mr. and Mra J. IL Cotton left Monday by plane for Las Vegas, Nevada where they attended the RCA Whirlpool appliance show. They returned home on Thursday. Mrs. Ward Hall of Berkeley, California la visiting with her brother in law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Cox. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Cox entertained on Monday in honor of her sister, Mrs. Ward Hall of Berkeley, Cbllf.. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dyreng and Mr. and Mrs. Grant Dyreng of Manti and Mr .and Mrs. Ivan Dyreng of Ephraim. Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Whitlock of Mayfield visited with Mr. and Mrs. Eld. Cox on Tuesday of last week. Mrs. Pearl Dahlen of Provo spent the week end with her mother, Mrs. Brigham Garrett Mr. and Mrs. Mack V. Riches of Denver, Colorado, and Mr. and Mrs. Cl&ron Bailey of Salt Lake City were guests at the homes of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Crane and Mayme Riches on Sunday. Mrs. Sharon B&lle and two sons of Salt Lake City are visiting with her mother, Mrs. T. G. Fowkes thle week. Mrs. Flowkes has spent three weeks in Salt Lake City with her daughter. You can buy a 28-f- t. Chest for freezer, too, bicycle type fust j.90 .... COME IN TODAY put the bike away for Christmas either boys or girl's models. Small down payment. Easy monthly payments if desired. No interest or carrying charges. See your Branch Manager, at ROSS GARRETT 285 West Center Phone 623-0- 3 Nephi 1 1 iramoMi Mrs. Norma Anderson, Mrs. Cora Wankler and Mrs. Virginia Howard were In Logan to attend the Utah State University leadership training week. Mr. and Mrs. James Shepherd and family of Orem visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Bosh on Sunday. Irene Mangelson, Mary Aagard, Mary Jane Winter, Pauline Mangelson, Fern W&nkier, Bonnie Paystrup, Louise Taylor, Eileen Ballow, Myrtis Stephensen, Floy Harper, Carol Hansen, Bonnie Bosh, Enid Wor- Mrs. Lea Childs and son Wayne Childs and his daughter Cindy of Salt Lake City were Saturday over night and Sunday guests of Angus and Vln-nl- s Christensen. They also attended the farewell party and testimonial for Terry Christensen. wood and Gwen Stephensen. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Winter were in Salt Lake City on FriMr .and Mrs. Lavem Stepday. They visited with Mr. and hensen of Salt Lake City spent Mrs. Tom May. Saturday and Sunday with Mr and Mrs. Dean Dalby. Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Christensen were Mr. and Mrs. Philander B. Day of Fillmore, Mr. and Mrs. August Pearson and three children of Kanosh, Mrs. Lela Childs, Wayne Childs and daughter Cindy, and Miss Connie Keele of Salt Lake City, Mr. and Mrs. Bryce Christensen and children of Tooele, Mr .and Mrs. Cleo Bogh and daughter Barbara of Centerfield, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Peterson and three daughters of Gunnison, Mr. and e Mrs. Leo Day of Oasis, and and Angus Christensen. Vin-ni- Onion Pacific is many things to many people PIERCES PORK & FOLGERS COFFEE YAMS lib 79c 2 lb 1.49 3 lb 2.23 BEANS 303 size 8 tor 1.00 BANANAS FOLGERS INSTANT LIBBY'S VIENNA 9 COFFEE 20c OFF 1,39 per pound S AU SAGES 5 cans 1 .00 PINEAPPLE -- GRAPEFRUIT PENNISONS CHIU JUICE DEL MONTE 4 cans for 1.00 . . FOODS 46 OZ TINS UBBTS BEEF 4 for 1.00 49 CORN TIPTOP 11 for LIBBY BEEF STEW PUMPKIN -L- IBBY DRINKS 1.00 Regular 24 oz can 49c Ho. 214 size cans 2 cans 37 NIBLET WHOLE 6 cans SPAGHETTI 12 cans 1.00 KERNEL CORN fl.00 Regular 15 oz can- s- -- 8 for 1.00 1 lb BLUE CHARCOAL-PREST- O Several flavors HI DRINKS C BRAND -- 10 lb bag -49c BONNETT 39 12 oz can- s- -- 10 for 98 FRUIT PIES HERSHEY GIANT RAYETTE AQUA NET BARS - - - 3 for 98 Frost N Flam- e- Also NOW 2 for 1.00 R Pumpkin or Mince PAPER PLATES TO PKG 100 3 fr 89 RAYETTE BLUE AQUA 59c for 1.00 NET 2 lb tin ROYAL GARNET SWIFTNING 3 (oz SHORTENING 79 GRAPE 8 for RAYETTE YOUNG 2for 1.00 SET JUIC- E- 1.00 MIRACLE UR SHUREFINE FRUIT BUTTER WHIP SPECIAL BRAND -for 1.00 5 69 COCKTAIL .SALAD MlfBClS DRESSING LIBBY MEAT WALNUTS 1 lb 89 Whip J PIES 7 for 100 SPANISH PEANUTS QUART 53c 49c UTAH FRUIT Regular package NOW 29 SODA CRACKERS -- 3for98 PIES SHASTA POP-131.2 pound package - - 45 BREAD - Reg- 29c - - 4 for 98 TV DINNERS CROCKER BETTY NOW 2 for 77 BREAD- - BUTTERMILK 3for 98 CAKE MIX6 0ff: 3pkgs79 - FRANCO-AMERICA- Eileen Ballow was elected president of the Civicettes on Wednesday as they met at the home of Melba Ballow. Other officers elected were CoDeal Brough, vice president; Enid Worwood, secretary, and Gwen Stephensen, reporter. Refreshments were served by the hostess to Alice Shepherd, M&rva Shepherd, Blanohe Stephensen, Mrs. Ralph Jackman and daughter Ava visited In Cedar City with Mr. and Mra Walter Engle recently. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Peterson of Fountain Green spent Thursday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Jackman. Mrs. Edna Sherwood was in Lehi on Friday to attend the wedding reception of her grandn daughter, Karen Mellor and K ester. Mrs. Sherwood was a house guest of Mr. and Mra Ray Bowers, and she returned Ar-li- home on Sunday. a-- . S, N PLATES-SUPERIO- 9-In- ch a ... I ' T 00 - x To Shippers...U.P. is synonymous with ' the finest freight service, modem specialized equipment, locomotives to assure e deliveries. high-powere- d on-tim- 'v To Consumers . . . Swift, dependable delivery of many products they buy both perishable and durable. To Travelers . . . Relaxing, comfortable, safe nomical travel on Union Pacific Domeliners. and FRYERS the western states it serves, Union Pacific's purchases made, wages to employees and taxes paid, all contribute toward the activities and economy of the community. , RESH WHOLE -- per lb 29 CUT UP -- per lb 33c eco- 'v -F- GROUND BEEF E xtra Good Lean and 2 lb 89 To Communities... In For Plant Site Seekers ... A wide selection of track-sid- e tracts including fully developed industrial parks offer unusual opportunities for industries of ail types throughout the Union Pacific West. '"M Government . . . Union Pacific's strategic middle route between the East and all the Pacific Coast is an essential link in the nation's transportation system, vital to Its economy In times of peace and to its defense in emergencies. We would welcome Page Nephi Local, Levan Local News Briefs For instance, October 21, 1965 Social Items last Saturday. They heard Gary Neeleman, International regional executive for the United Press International. discuss the Importance of . ai tm 0 per effective and accurate communpayable ication in the world today. He Mllihed Tharadaya at Nephi. also described the workings of DWk leeoad ela m entry at the massive UPI communicaMarkl, Utah. tions network. The local students also parBoy E. Glbooa BStor and Manager ticipated In sectional meetings during the forenoon and after M Booth Mala CSSm noon. Speakers from the areas 8 Telephone of news, broadcasting, and adNephi. Utah vertising advised students Interested in making communlca tions a career, while other specialists gave "how to do It" tips for the production of newspapers and yearbooks. "The conference was sponsorNOWS the time you need ed by the Utah Journalism Eda HOMf FREEZER and now ucation Association and the BYU Department of Communis the time to make a ications. The BYU department GREAT BUY! offers the bachelor's and master's degrees In professional programs for specialization In printed journalism, advertising FARCERS and public relations, radio and television, and journalism edu94-0- Thursday, BACON lb pkg 2 lbs SWIFT'S PREMIUM ER SWIFTS PREMIUM 98 CANNED HAM - 3 lb 2.98 lb LUNCH 6ozpkgs ROUND MEAT 3 for 89 STEAK--7- 9 SLICED FRANKS FRANKS VALLEY SWIFTS - per lb lb 49c BRAND 2 lbs 93 53 BOLOGNA SPECIAL SWIFT'S PREMIUM 1 T BONE STEAKS 79 1.55 CHUNK lb 43c the opportunity to serve you. Union Pacific Railroad ME ATS GROCERIES FRUITS VEGETABLES.-FIICH- E G23-C4- 52 Two |