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Show Nephi, Juab Counfy, Utah 84648 HUNTERS: be careful and be sure to make my accident policy a part of your equipment. 41.00 will purchase $5000.00 K. J. Sperry, 51 coverage North Main, Phone 623-038- 7. FOR SALE: SPINET PIANO this area. Take over $14.58 monthly payments. For more details write Credit Manager, Box 6179, Sugar House Station, Salt Lake City, Utah 84117 Clitf Is SHOE BARGAINS WHILE THEY LAST -- WORK AND DRESS OXFORDS AND UP 6! BOY'S NYLON JACKETS l2 PRICE r 45 and j45 BOYS SLACKS 2M Pro Vita Members Gain Prizes for Sales Effort Sljc SititcO'iVVuio- Nephi Local Social Nevs Mrs. Sadie Reid celebrated For the past two weeks her 80th birthday anniversary and members of the Pro Vita club at the home of her brother Mrs. of the Juab High School have sister in law, Mr, and been selling magazine subscrip- Arthur Scott on Wednesday of last week. Her guests were tions. Merlin Roundy, Mr. and Prizes offered were an AM-F- Mrs. David Mrs. Rice, and Mrs. Ruby radio for the transistorized of all Salt Lake Olsen, girl that sold the most mag- Mr .and Mrs. Vernal RoperCity, of Each girl azine subscriptions. Mrs. Rose Nellsen of that sold $30.00 or more won a Fayette. Mrs. Lula B. Memmott, stuffed bison, and girls selling Mona, Mrs. Jennie Swasey and Mr. and $15.00 worth or more each won Mrs. Arthur Scott. a comic pin character. Mrs. Lowell Oldroyd of FounEvelyn Nellson sold a total of $115.66 of magazines to win tain Green and Elmo Kendall of ithe top prize. Winners of the Provo visited with their brothstuffed bison were Judy Hough- er, Verda Kendall on Sunday. ton, Donna Ingram, Julee Ny- Mr. Kendall has just been reman, Angela Brough, Sandra leased from the hospital. Jackson, Evelyn Neilson and Miss Carol McPherson, who Sarah Starr. Winners of the comic pin is attending Dixie College at characters were Sheri Menlove, St. George, spent the week end Janette Parkin, Dana Phillips, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rona Shepherd, Donnette Yates, Merle McPherson. Donna Aagard, Ann Brough and Mrs. Arthur Scott visited in Patsy Garrett. Provo two days last week with Donna Stephnesen Reporter: her son in law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Aston. ONLY $1.00 will buy a hunting Mr. and Mrs. Jay C. Mickel-- j accident policy protect your son and family spent the week K. see J. familys security Duchesne in with his parend Sperry at 51 North Main or call ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. n and family. 4142 FOR GUITAR LESSONS call Also Kirk Morgan at has agency for sale of Fender guitars and amplifiers, acoustic or electric. Terms can be Contracts handled arranged. by Progressive School of Music. Rental guitars also avail623-180- 3. o PAIR 29 able. CORDUROY VESTS YOUNG MENS 198 FANCY LARGE SUPPLY OF DEER HUNTING TOGS LADIES STOCKINGS CANNON - SEAMLESS 575 MESH - per pair tf FOR OVATION COSMETICS call Carolyn Hayes Bailey at 213 623-144- 8, East 5th North, Nephh 4043 Inch FENDER GUITARS, basses Also various and amplifiers. non - electric guitars. Ludwig All prices. drums. Herger Music, 158 South 1st West, ProMr. and Mrs. Charles Tidwell vo. Closed Mondays Mrs. Fred Tidof 3850 incl. wellKaysville, and daughter Annette of Farmington were week end guests of Mrs. Frank Tidwell. POTATOES FOR SALE came to attend the wedThey 295 Bill red or white Pay, of Creig Tidwell and Gail ding North 5 East, phone 4142 Ann Higginson. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Parkin 3 BEDROOM HOME FOR and Mr., and Mrs. Jim Fishchio oil of Salt Lake SALE t- - Close to town City were week low down payment end guests of Mr. and Mrs. K. furnace 1 Call Mr. Winn at J. Sperry, parents of the ladies. 42 Mrs. Archie Aiken of Spring SHETLAND PONY for sale City spent the week end with Contact Roy Chase at 193 her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. R. East 5th North, phone 623-07Tolley. 4142 Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wilkey of Wednesday Mrs. Jesse Bailey and daughter Lois were in Salt Lake City on Wednesday of last week to attend a party given in honor of Miss Lucille Bailey at the home of Mrs. Carolyn Christensen. Mrs. Bailey remained in Salt Lake City for a few days visiting with Mr. and Mrs. lyn Burraston, Miss Lucille Bailey and Mr. and Mrs. George G. Oonnclley. Dr. and Mrs. John J. Bateman and three children of Salt Lake City spent Sunday with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mrs. Paul Braith-walt- e Brough. and three children of Salt Lake City spent one day last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Brough. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Day and daughter Beth Ann and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Day of Salt Lake City visited with Mr. Dale Bailey, a student at the and Mrs. Elmont Carter on Brigham Young University, Sunday. spent the week end with his Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Cooper parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse A. Bailey. Miss Lucille Bailey and visited In Tremonton several Michael Corfield of Salt Lake days last week with their son and daughter, Mr. and City were Saturday over night in law White. They also atGall Mrs. at the Jesse Bailey guests funeral services for tended the home. Leonard Tidwell in Salt Lake Mr. and Mrs Blaine Belliston City on Monday. DON'T BORROW TODAY! HUNTERS - - - DON'T FORGET to make one of my accident policies a part of your hunting equipment. Length of Terms Prin. Sum OTHER SUMS, TERMS AND PREMIUMS AVAILABLE at SEE ME or CALL ME 623-038- and 7 can write the I policy of your choice immediately. K.J. SPERRY -- Agent NORTH MAIN Phone 7 51 623-038- - NEPHI mm uUulsIKj 623-125- 5. Mr. and Mrs. Rue Golden 2for DRINKS--12ca- ns 1.00 PIERCES PORK & BEANS 300s 8 for 1 00 VAN CAMP TUNA -- Chunk style -- 4 for 1.00 LIBBY CORNED BEEF 7 z can 3 for 1.00 PINEAPPLE JUICE OR APRICOT N ETC AR -- 46oz -- MIX OR MATCH - 3 for 1 .00 46 oz tans - 3 fr 87 TOMATO JUICE 15 oz 8 cans 1 .00 SPAGHETTI MORTONS SALT "26 ozpatkages each 10 10 ROLL PK 69c TOILET TISSUE N - 87c 2 HAWAIIAN PUNCH Ooz 5 for 87e VELVEETA CHEESE , Pud size Anderson of Modesto, California, Mrs. Olive Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Anderson and Mrs. Verda Cloward. Heber Greenhalgh of Phoenix, Arizona is visiting with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Greenhalgh. Mr. and Mrs. P. V. Redd, Miss Jeannie Hunt and Miss Shirley Redd of Blanding, and Mrs. Mark Humphrey of Orangeville were recent dinner guests of Mrs. Lester B. Bellis-toMrs. Fred Herberg spent a week in Logan with Mr. and Mrs. Von Jarrett, in Garland with Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Jar' rett, and in Brigham City with Mr. and Mrs. Don Jones. Miss Annette Johnson and her friend, Gordon Lovell, who are attending the Utah Trade Technical Institute at Provo were guests of honor at dinner on Sunday, October 10 to celebrate their birthday anniversaries at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. ,Dan O. Johnson. Other guests were his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Lovell and three children of Leamington, and Mrs. Cleo Johnson of Fountain Green. AND GUARDIANNOTICES. Consult County Clerk or Respective ASSORT- ED- lb 49c ar EUGENE LUNT Candidate for Nephi City MAYOR Councilman term ar Coupnciiman term ar term I r AS YOUR ELECTION CANDIDATES FOR NEPHI CITY OFFICES WE PLEDGE AN Gfl ?oiir Signers for formation. additional In- eaiad dif Hall FOR NEPHI CITIZENS. IF ELECTED. THIS MOVE IS LATE IN COMING! ACTION IS NEEDED! n. SHIP &R HARLOW W. PEXTON Candidate for Nephi City A. DEAN SHAW Candidate for Nephi City spent Thursday and Friday visiting in Salt Lake City and Bountiful with their children. Mr. and Mrs. Burnell Gowers entertained at a family dinner on Wednesday of last week. The guests were Mr. and Mrs. Chet PROBATE LUNCH MEATS 623-037- Mr. and Mrs. Reeve Richardson last week. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Stephen-ee- n accompanied Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Hatch of Bancroft, Idaho home cm Monday evening after spending ten days visiting with members of their family: Mr, and Mrs. Robert Stephensen in Salt Lake City; Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Winter, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Gerrard and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Stephensen in Bountiful. Mr. and Mrs. Hatch were enroute to St. George to spend the winter months. Mr. and Mrs. Scott Duckworth and Mr. and Mrs. Douglass Christison of Magna and Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Braith-wait- e of Orem were Sunday dinner guests of Ed. Chase. Kearns were Saturday overnight guests of Mr. and Mrs. John H. Wilkey. --A- Page Three 965 1 and family spent Saturday and Mrs. Dunne Hone and three ATTENTION HUNTERS Sunday in Salt Lake City with Children of Salt Lake City were will buy your deer hides. Call Mr. and Mrs. John Belliston and Sunday guests at the home of 0 or take to residence Mr. and Mrs. Richard Belliston. Mr and Mrs. Alien Tolley. at 104 West 3rd South, Nephi. 4142 Mr. and Mrs. William Bosh and three sons of Kearns spent Saturday with his mother, Mrs. Hazel Bosh. Mr, and Mrs. Don Ingram and children Cindy and Sarah were in Kanosh on Friday to attend the funeral services for Mrs. Carol Staples Keaier, Mrs. Leah Bosh of Levan visMrs. John L. Schofield of with Mrs. Hazel Bosh on ited Provo visited at the home of of last week. 623-055- frozen , Mick-elso- PAIR FRANCO-AMERICA- 1 623-038- 7. MEN SLACKS SHASTA Thursday, October 2 STUDIES MADE BY YOUR CANDIDATES PROVE THE SOUNDNESS AND FEASIBILITY OF LOWER POWER RATES Nephi Cily Government is now BIG BUSINESS. Hundreds of thousands of dollars are involv- ed annually. ALL OF IT COMES OUT OF YOUR POCKETS! WE FURTHER PLEDGE better management, greater efficiency, a full appraisal of needs for improvement of City Services with planned, orderly development! THE POWER RATE REDUCTION HAS BEEN LONG IN COMING! NOTICE TO CREDITORS BOLOGNA -- 45c Sliced ib Chunk, lb 39c BACON 'Palace' 2 lb thick 1.29 Estate of BARBARA HOYT FRASER deceased. Creditors will present claims with vouchers to the undersigned at Nephi, Utah, on or before the 8 day of January AJ. 1966. Claims must be presented in accordance with the provisions of Sec. Utah Code Annotated 1953, with proper verification as required therein. 75-9- -5 WILL. L. HOYT, FRESH GROUND BEEF - - - 2 lbs 79 c Administrator of Estate of Barbara Hoyt Fraser Deceased. Dates of publication: October 7, 14, 21, and 28. 1965 in The Times-New- . 3 s, Nephi, Utah AND SEE IT BECOME A REALITY! Ml U1 f asto Paid Political Advertisement bNerjiiCity Republican J |