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Show Levan Nephi, Ut ah - Thursday, May 25, 1961 2 a mns SOOM Group Holds Third of Meeting Series Si Pag CD OF MONA The third of the series of five Discussed in Article on civil defense B Medical training was held at the Levan City Hall Monday, May day dinner guests of Mrs. Kat- (Following la one of a aeries 22. Family Fire Safety and le Mrs. Reva Bryan of article dealing briefly with Rescue was the topic for the andSheperd. Mrs. Lrma Newton also I a wide range of common health evening, with a film and re- were Sunday visitors. problems, especially prepared corded narration being shown Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Newton feunTon by Woodrow Beard. A demonJh! stration of various types of of Salt Lake City spent Sun- fire extinguishers was given by hme f MfS' KtUt an Pleased by the Utah State Williams. George Kendall and Warm Medical Association.) Taylor with talks on rescue Mr, and Mrs.' V. J. Christen-- 1 work and artificial respiration SUNBURN methods. Short comments al- sen of Magna and Mr. and so were given by Mrs. Helen Mrs. Lloyd Blackham of Moroni G. Lee, County Women's Act- visited with Mr. and Mrs. I Many otherwise enjoyable summer activities are made un Laurel Carter on Sunday. ivity director for CD. pleasant because people forget Mr. and Mrs. Jess Brooks or are blissfully unaware of a Next Mondays workshop returned home from few basic facta concerning exwill be given on Family arecently three weeks visit In Califor- posure to sunlight Since "Old Health and a first aid demonstration and skit will be given. nia with relatives and friends. Sol is the source of all energy, It Is Mr. and Mrs. Jess Brooks that only reasonable to assume Allegiance to the flag was prolonged exposure to solled by Alvin Christensen and vsited in Payson cm Sunday ar rays can have serious con-- 1 prayers were given by Ben with her brother and sister in sequence. jStephensen and Heber Taylor law, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Clay Severe sunburn Is rarely son. problem for farm workers because exposure usually give the farmer a I healthy respect for the sun. Nephi News Briefs However, let the farmer and his family take a vacation to Mr. and Mrs. W. W. ri the ocean or the mountains and I entertained their child- they can just as serious ren and grandchildren at their a burn asacquire their city cousins. home on Saturday and Sunday. It was once believed that a! Here for the affair were Mr. deep sun tan was as healthful and Mrs. Jay S. Winter and as it was but recfamily of Bountiful; Mr. and ent evidenceattractive, seems to indicate Mrs. Alma L. Garett and fam- the opposite. When the skin is ily of Springville, Mr. and Mrs. exposed to an excessive amount Robert L. Stephensen and two of who tanning, as In childrer) Cathy and Bobby of work outdoors most people of the time Spokane, Washington; Mr. and It shows certain changes which Mrs. Keneth J. Stephensen and may best be described as prechildren of Bountiful; Mr. and mature aging. This "aging Is Uncla Sam Guarantees Mrs. Lee Logan and two sons accompanied by harmof Bountiful; Lynn Reno of usually ful changes In the and almost double your money Provo; John Orton of Weiser, hair follicules. Longglands term exMrs. Stephenson cele- posure can also be a Idaho. factor ini Wlin yon hold U.S. Sayings AsoMin workshops Ru?irr FT. GE FREEZER PRICED AT 288.95 PRICE WILL BE REDUCED 1.00 EACH DAY UNTIL SOLD NEPHI HEWS BRIEFS Public Invited Htals To Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Stephenson returned to their home in Sjokane, Washington tins week, calling Mr. Stephensons Posse Drills PMHO TUIIIIIO Repairing parents that they had arrived The Nephl Riding Club is meeting every Wednesday at 7:30 at the Fair Grounds arena for drilling. The sound system is being used and the public Is Invited to watch the drills and to enjoy the good Western . music. I home safely, m- I..t.V. "TOUXSTl ReSfyling - ReffnIshing YOUR OLD WATCH 1$ WORTH MORE ON TRADE IN AT For appointment, Call 20J Lamont Enterprises NEPHI JEWELRY Phone 341 Neohi k: Bo 47 Nephi UkMLlj I I GET READY TO BEAT THE HEAT SENSATIONAL year-in-year-o- ut TRADE-I- N SALE GIVES YOU Step-hense- Many Models of TRAVEL-AI- R AIR CONDITIONERS IN STOCK 39?5 4995 6995 8995 PLUMBING AND BUILDERS' SUPPLY 66 South Main 66 South Main NEPHI, UTAH ' 66 South Main PHONE londj 66 South Main 306 17 yens, f brated a birthday anniversary during the week. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hobbs, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Stephenson, Miss Mildred Stephensen, Mr. and Mrs. Fenton Memmott also visited at the Stephenson home during the two days. months E the development of certain types of skin cancer which fortunately can be easily removed. So if one is outdoors a lot Its wise to get maximum protection from adequate clothing and protective ointments or lotions. sunburn varies in degree as does any other Mrs.. W. W. Stephenson re-- bum, from mild redness to seturned home Thursday after vere third degree, blistering spending a week with her son bums. The severity of a sunin law and daughter, Mr. and burn depends on several factMrs. R. L. Gerrard (Carol) at ors, such as the sensitivity c,f Bountiful. Mr. and Mrs. Dave the Individuals skin, the Anderson of Montebello, Calif. amount of pigment it contains, and Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Me-- I the length oMtaeexposedfthe Donald of Salt Lake City ac-- altitude of the exposure, and e companied Mrs. Stephenson to the use or of protect- her home. ive agents. It is common sense for ev-eiyone exposed to the sun to take the necessary precautions to protect the skin from inDUS jury. There are many commer-- 1 rial lotions and creams on the market today which contain materials which effectively filter out most of the suns harmful rays. Zinc oxide paste affords good protection against the sun drying and cracking lips, and a good pair of sun glasses will guard against irritation of the eyes or eyelids, Vacation-typ- e I 6.00 to 4 00 To 7 on any new dll tte UBLEUMP! YOU'VE SEEN YOUR FAVORITE poleorR, lamp 'lejyem- - MAGAZINE! Your choice of famous, nationally advertised DELAMPS- -at dil on an new WHEN YOU PURCHASE A NEW THIS TAG IN SIGNERS J I true ofiw-- at the Nationally Advertised price! IN ADVERTISED bargain prices by d your old, floor and table models! Come in soon and see our complete line of Designers lamps in a wide range of styles and prices. Take advantage of this special offer N0WI tradin- I g-in out-date- LIVING IkUseCMfci) 0 YOUNG hOMA A non-us- We extend to each Graduate of Juab High School of 1961 our Most Sincere Congratulations 1T? CM UNICO FENCE I P on your achievement "O V MAY 25 THROUGH JUNE 3 61 SOUTH MAIN I -. j with a sincere wish for the future that it may hold full realization of ' 1 - your fondest dreams v NAME THE LOAN V we make them Studded Heavy "T" POSTS 6l2 ft. NOW 1.24 50 or more at INTER!, IOUIITAIII FARMERS 285 West Center Phone 49 NEPHI, UTAH R. Roscoe Garrett, Manager AUTOMOBILE LOANS ON FIRST SECURITY WHEN YOU NEED A for new or used cars HOME REPAIR LOANS for additions or modernization FISHING CONTEST FOR BOYS & GIRLS TO AGES BEAUTIFUL FIRST & SECOND PRIZES for the longest "trout caught in the local 4 14 canyon stream or at Burrastons Pond in the 1st week of fishing, beginning June 3. A fish caught any other place will NOT be eligible. NOTHING TO BUY IN THIS CONTEST --- BAIT CANTEEN -- MOSS LARGE BAG ONLY 24c MONOFILMENT SPINNING LINE ICO YARD SPOOL 39c --O- FISHING ITEMS GLASS FISHING RODS 98c and up REELS 69c up FLY HOOKS SALMON EGGS ONLY 5c EACH I Sc bottle PERSONAL LOANS - SPINNING REELS SPECIAL "OPENER PURCHASE S6.00 REEL SALE PRICE 3.99 Carded SHELLED HOOKS 2 cards 15c CAST-A-BUBB- each per dozen When it comes to solving any money problem you meet on the way toward your personal and family goals, First Security Bank is the place to go. We have the money and experience to help you, regardless of the type of loan you need a loan to fit your budget. FARM & BUSINESS LOANS for short or long terms Terms arranged to meet the timing of your income NLY LES for many needs 29c 2.89 HUNDREDS OF OTHER ITEMS AT LOWEST PRICES HUNDREDS OF BARGAINS IN CAMPING EQUIPMENT AND GARDEN SUPPLIES HARDWARE 8 ARMY-NAVSTORE 48 NORTH MAIN-NEP- , Y HI! ODES? 003QI3IK7 QG3C .t H M UMV MJk. mm tmm, Umk vi |