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Show Universal Kierofilnin Corp. IlTpont Avdnuo Saltt Like city? Utah 1A1 Little League Opens Monday Afternoon Play In the Past Juab Little league will get underway on Monday when the Lkn and the IA.M teams cross bats for a 5 pm. game, according to Leo Christensen, Little League 1reskient. Two games also are planned for Memorial Day, Tuesday, May 30 with games starting at 2:30 p.m. The schedule of games includes the following, with the game times, other than the Memorial Day games, all as of 5 p m. Monday, May 29: Lions vs IAM, east diamond. Tuesday, May 30: JCC vs Levan, Kiwanis vs Mona both games at east diamond, the first starting at 2:30 pan. Thursday, June 1: Levan vs Lions at Levan; IAM vs Mona, west diamond; JCC vs Klwanls at east diamond. Monday, June 5: Lions vs JOC at east diamond; Mona vs Levan at Mona; Kiwanis vs IAM at west diamond. Thursday, June 8: Kiw'anis vs Lions, east; JOC at Mona; IAM vs Levan at west. Monday June 12: Lions at Mona; Kiwanis at Levan; IAM vs JOC at east. Thursday, June 15: JOC at Levan; Kiwanis at Mona, IAM vs Lion at east Monday, June 19: IAM at Kiwanis vs JOC at Mona; east; Lions vs Levan at west. Thursday June 22: Mona at Levan; JOC vs Lions at east; IAM vs Kiwanis at west. Second half Monday, June 26: Lions vs Kiwanis at east; IAM vs Levan at west; JOC at Mona. . Thursday, June 29: Lions vs Mona at west, JOC vs IAM at east, viwanis at Levan. Lions vs Monday, July 3: IAM at east; JCC vs Levan at west, Kiw'anis at Mona. Lions at Thursday, July 6 Levan; IAM vs Mona at west; JCC vs Kiw'anis at east. Monday, July 10 Lions vs JCC at east; Kiwanis vs IAM at west; Levan at Mona. Kiwanis Monday July 17 vs Lions ct west; IAM at Levan; JOC vs Mona at east. Thursday, July 20 Lions at Kiwanis vs Levan at Mona; west; IAM vs JCC at east. Monday July 24: Playoff for championship between winners of first half and winners of second half. Each boy playing on the Little League teams is being asked by Little League officials to earn $1.00 and to donate this amount tow'ard the expenses of the league. I Oc Single Copy, Nephi, 11 Sunday School Supt. Farrell Dee Wright, a partner in the Plumbing and Builders' Supply, Sunday was sustained as Superintendent if the Juab Stake Sunday School, succeeding Russell Kay Stuart who was released to become a member of the Nephi Fourth Ward Bishopric. S Levan School t: i X -- 4 - A second of Valley Builders. assistant was not sustained at the Stake Conference. Priesthood. They were Fay II. Murray, Ronald Earl Sperry, Boyd Richard Mayer, James Clarence Paystrup and Lauren A. Keyte. Released from the Relief Society Board with a vote of thanks was Vivian P. Hoyt, and sustained as a new board member of the Relief Society was Georgia P. Carter. V- NEW STREET SIGNS have been installed on many Intersections this week as the Nepld Lions Club members really go to work. The new reflector-typ- e signs will replace outmoded ones on the street' corners throughout the city. Left photo, Lions David Austin, Loren Garrett, Rulon Nations Top Riders Participated Here Friday Rites Eleven of the Rodeo finalists 15 during 1960 contested at the Ute Stampede here last July, according to a statement issued this week by Ute Stampede officials after reviewing the 1960 results. This years rodeo, set for July 13, 14 and 15, will again be attracting the top cowboy contestants of the entire nation, just as it has since 1935 when it was first established. The Ute Stampede committee this year is beaded by Jack Brough, president, with John Robertson; Maurice Tolley, Ray Jackson, Bill Cooper, Bill Howard and Lorin Christensen on the committee. . i FIVE SELECTED FOR BOYS' STATE Gar-bet- t, Queen Contests Set Juneflst, 2nd non-fadin- g world-famou- 'v r.rry' long-lastin- Ran-som- e, by-la- part of the Blackhawk Encampment that year. Although not completely formulated, preliminary plans for the 27th annual Ute Stampede cal for bigger than ever parades on Nephis main street; the usual three big nights of rodeo and other attractions to make this year the biggest yet. Heading the specialty acts at the rodeo this year will be the Original Ben Hur Chariot Race. Bill Howard and Maurice Tolley attended the Las Vegas rodeo recently and were thrilled with the Chariot race. Mr. Tolley pointed out that Ben Randle and Son purchased the chariots and horses used in the movie Ben Hur" and give a wonderful performance in the arena. oCtton Rosser and his Flying U Rodeo Stock of Marysvale, California will again bring the bucking rodeo stock to the Ute Stampede. in a competition The Stampede this year Is to be combined with the Rlackhawk, Encampment. Five Nephi young men have been selected on city, county, state and congressional lev.The first Ute Stampede was to attend the annual Boys State which will els and campaigning is undertaken on a basis held here in 1935, and it was anbe held at Logan early in July, it was with regular elections. comparable nounced this week by Hal Laddiard and Frank Representing Nephi at Boys State this year Booth, American Legion Post No. 1 officials. Rose Garden will be Roland Nebeker and James Jensen, Nephi Mr. Liddiard said that the young men have been selected from the Junior class at the both sponsored by the Kiwanis Club; Clifton Four Top Juab High School, and the knowledge they Warner, sponsored by the American Legion; Boasts receive at Boys State will assist them during Earl Andrews, sponsored by the Nephi Junior their senior year and throughout their lifeChamber of Commerce, and Virl Wilkey, spon- National Roses times. sored by the local unit of the International In about three to four weeks, Association of Machinists. Boys State was organized many years ago Roland is son of Mr. and Mrs. Thad Nebek- according to Mrs. A. L. by the American Legion, Department of Utah, for the purpose of teaching fundamentals of er; James is son of Mr. and Mrs. Udell R. Jenchairman of Nephi MuniAmericanism. During the term of the state sen; Clifton is son of Mr. and Mrs. James A. cipal Memorial Rose Garden, the boys attend classes on various phases of (Jay) Warner; Earl is son of Mr. and Mrs. rose lovers of this area will be Democracy and are instructed by leading men J. Erva Andrews, and Virl is son of Mr. and able to have a preview of the in the state. In addition, elections are held Mrs. Fred Wilkey. Rose Selections winners for next year, bloomAning for the first time. NOTICE nouncement of the names of the s winners was made May 21. The office will be closed all day Memorial The Nephi Municipal MemDay. News and advertising orial Rose Garden is one of should be in our hands on the gardens officially designatMonday If possible, and will be ed by the AARS to have adaccepted until noon on Wednesvance plantings of the new Publication is planned day. rose winners prior to public 1 for Thursday morning, June Visitors to the availability. as usual, but in the event that A maximum of 50 Nephi Gardens will see four to establish more contest. In order too much material is received interest and obtain more conpoints will be allowed and no AAJtS winners, which are Wednesday for us to mechan- testants for the Ute Stampede one will receive less than 35 everywhere as the best ically handle, the publication Queen Contest, 1961, the fol- points. Adding of points adn new roses of each year, in all of the paper MAY be delayed lowing rules and regulations scoring will be made same as the glory of their spring bloomuntil Friday morning. are to be followed in selecting in the riding contest. ing. The new winners are headred the royalty for the 1961 Ute Personality judging will be ed by a splendid, Stampede. To assist the judges based on a maximum of 25 and rose which is named after the ' s French fashin selecting three girls it must a minimum of 18 points. The late be noted that these young lad- judges will be given an oppor- ion designer, Christian Dior. ies will represent Nephi and tunity to talk to each contest- This rose is the first red Hy$ the Ute Stampede throughout ant during the personality brid Tea since Chrysler Imperial which won the award nine the 1961 season by attending judging. years ago, to take the country some 12 to 14 celebrations in It has outtop rose honor. other cities by appearing on standing beauty of color and the Ute Stampede float. They Art Class to be g form and is noted for will be required to ride horses qualiities. Kings only on the three nights of the Available; Limit another Hybrid Tea winUte Stampede rodeo where they ner for 1962, is a tall growing, will ride in the grand entry and Set at 25 Students handsome yellow rose. The immediately after will be presGrandiflora class is representented to the crowd with an An art class under the di- ed by a dark red rose called official introduction. The Queen Contest will be rection of Rell Francis will be John Armstrong; while the held cm Thursday, June 1 at conducted in Nephi beginning only Floribunda winner for the 6 p.m. at the Juab County Fair the week of June 12 at the year, a low growing orange and Elementary school auditorium. yellow, is called Golden SlipGrounds, for riding ability. There will be three judges The class will be limited to pers. All four winners should be appointed to judge this con- 25 students and will run for class per- at their best in the Nephi gartest. Contestants will be re- 10 weeks with den from about June 15 on quired to walk, trot and can- iods. coninterested a Anyone as through early summer, and ride well may as horses ter contestant tact Mrs. A. A. Boston at 326 again in the fall. All residents The "8. figure Carolyn Paystrup that the Nephi showing the best ability in rid- or Mrs. J. Earl Reid at 134W. are reminded is theirs to enGarden Rose and 25 will receive points ing Selected to Attend joy at all times. no contestant will receive less than 18 points for this event. Mrs. P. L. Jones Is Annual Girls State The judges will remain separLEVAN Carolyn Paystrup, ate and apart while judging President of 20th Nephi News Briefs event and at the conclusdaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clar- this shall meet and add togethence E. Paystrup, has been se- ion Century Club for 6162 Mr. and Mrs. V. V. Steplected to attend the American er the number of points awardNew officers for the Twen- henson accompanied Mr. and and then Legion Auxiliary Girls State. ed to each contestant Robert Stephenson to She is being sponsored by the divide the total by three for the tieth Century Club for the next Mrs. by plane Monday American Legion Auxilary, Le- total score for each contest- club year are: Mrs. P. L. Jones, Bountiful ant. president; Mrs. Morgan Lunt, where they visited over night van Unit No. 24. Mrs. E. R. with their children, returning On June 2, at 7:30 p.m. al vice president; Girls State is to be held on with Mrs. Harry June 11 through 18 at the the Blue Room in the Cityis Shaw, secretary; Mrs. Frank home Tuesday Geo. Jennings and daughter Carol Utah State University at Lo- Equipment building, judgingand Morgan, treasurer; Mrs.historwho came to be with Mrs. Jenand Beliston, gan. The delegates to Girls to take place for beauty Mrs. L. J. Beliiston, parnings mother. Mrs. Willis Bryian; how learn to sent personality. State are an. who is confined to the C. Mrs. R. for liamentarian and be will four There Judges and and what a democracy is, the beauty phase of the Queen Jenkins, reporter. how it functions. ur Broadllead, Othel L. Pay, Dick Wetherell, Miles Anderson and Ivol White at work putting signs together. Right photo, another team and another work bench: Lions Foster Gardner, left and Merle White ready the 8th North and Times-New- s Main sign. Thotos Principal Lists Cowboys YOUNG MEN selected to attend Boys State at Logan are, left to right: Earl Andrews, Times-New- s Photo James Jensen, Clifton Warner, Virl Wilkey and Roland Nebeker. to Receive i Chosen and sustained as first assistant to Superintendent Wright was Lloyd R. Goble, manager of the Nephi Branch Also during the conference, five were approved for advancement to the Melchizedek 21 Diplomas at 4-- D v yy Volume 52, Number 1961 ight Named Juab w- Times-New- Juab County, Utah, Thursday May 25, MIA Graduation exercises for the Seniors of Juab High School will be held Friday, May 25, at the Jab High School auditorium beginning at 8 p.m. Principal M. Clark Newell announced Wednesday that the following will receive diplomas: Bart Aagard, Dwight O. Anderson, Robert Don Ballow, Lynn Grant Barnes, Stephen Ray Boswell, Lester W. Broad-head, Ia?e Christiansen, Carl R. Dalby, Stephen Ray Furr, James V. Garrett, Michael J. Golden, Gordon Lee Greenhalgh, James V. Jacobsen, Neil B. Kendall, Karl Madsen, Paul V. Mangelson, John M. Maughn, George M. Gordon McPherson, Ramon J. Memmott, Bill Irvin Moss; Robert K. Newberry, Steven W. Ockey, Paul 1L Ostler, Reese Blair Painter, Richard Dee Park, Preston Lynn Paxman, Larry D. Von D. Rosquist, y Sparks, Howard D. Sperry, Jack Wankier, F. Robert Wetherell, Ralph M. Wilkey, Douglas M. Williams; Karen Orgill Anderson, Lucille Bailey, Mary Carol Bean, Jackie Blackett Lowry, Lila Mae Carter, Nila Mae Christensen, Sharon Bogh Christensen, Nancy Collard, Roxanna Cole, Marilyn Greenhalgh, Koa Rae Hanson, Dianna Haycock, Carolyn Hayes, Carol R. Hill, Susan C. Howard, Karen Kaye Ingram, Lynda Gail Jackman, Evon Jarrett, Julie N. Johnson, Reva Kay, Jeannene M. Kendal, Donna Kenner, Renae Malmgren, Carolyn Oliver, Nancy Parkin, Joan Roundy, Sharon Russell, Linda Sanders, Carolyn Sparks, Georgia Sperry, Patricia Sperry, Shirley Stephensen, Joyce Tolley, Susan Tolley, . Nadine Tunbridge, Vicky Wankier, Patricia Low-thWhiting, Dorothy Williams, Dee Ann Winn, Alice JoAnn Worthington, Mc-Cun- e, Ros-enlun- d, De-Ra- Camporee Is Succesful Scout Affair On Friday and Saturday of last week, the Juab District Camporee was held in Levan n scouts and canyon. scouters registered for the affair. Following the setting up of camp and the preparation of supper, all joined in an evening campfire program. Members of the Order of the Arrow with Glen Beliiston in charge lighted the ceremonial fire. Gary LaComb was in charge and conducted the program of troop skits, musical numbers, stories and Fifty-seve- over-nig- ht songs. er Early Saturday morning the program of scout activities began. At 9 a.m. the troops gathered for a cooking demonstration well worth seeing, and given bq Ivol White. He gave a demonstration of chicken baked in a skillet underground, biscuits in foil, and several foil cookery hints. A high light was the participation of each troop boiling water and boiling eggs in paper cups and paper sacks. Scoutcraft skills participated in were fire by friction, fire by Rhea Ann Poulsen; address, The Future for Us" Terry mixed quartet, Christensen; "Just for Old Times Sake Janice Ballow, Shauna ShepBy Stake Director herd, Terry Christensen and Play in the Junior Softball Van Gardner; class prophecy, league of Juab Stake will begin Dorothy Wankier; class will, on Monday, June 5th according Shauna Shepherd; presentation to the schedule released this of graduates. Principal Robert week by Rex Hill. Stake YM McDill; presentation of diplomas, Clinn A. Morgan, memMIA Sports Director. Director Hill stated that no ber, Board of Education of Juab team will be permitted to play School District; song by class in league games unless the May the Good Lord Bless and closing prayer, $3.00 registration fee for soft-ba- ll Keep You; Williams. first is paid to the Stake Glen The exercises are under the Athletic Director as of June direction of Fern Wankier and 1. A dance honThe Nephi wards will play Robert Warner. will follow the oring graduates home games at the Nephi City the exercis es and the public is Park, Levan Ward at Levan invited. and Mona Ward at Mona. The schedule as announced by Director Hill is as follows: First at Monday June 5 Levan, 8 p.m.; Mona at Second. 7:30 p.m., Third at Fourth, 9 p.m. Thursday, June 8 Ixwan at Fourth, 7:30 p.m.; Third at Mona, 630 p.m., Second at First, 9 p.m. Juab High School's Band Monday, June 12 First at will parade today (ThursSecond at Mona, 6:30 p.m., at 8:45 p.m. In their Fourth, 7:30 p.m., Levan at day) new uniforms, and will presThird, 9 p.m. ent a band concert this evenSecond Thursday, June 15 at 7 at the Nephi 8 at Levan, Third at ing Park. pm. pun., City Mona at First, 7:30 p.m., The new uniforms have Fourth, 9 p.m. been purchased through pub19 at Levan Monday June lic subscription of funds. In Mona, 6:30 p.m.. First at addition to other funds made Fourth, 7:30 p.m., Third at available through the school. Second, 9 p.m. The public Is urged and Second invited to Thursday June 22 witness both of the at Mona, 6:30 p.m., Levan at performances today. Fourth at First, 7:30 p.m., Royden Ilill is director of Third, 9 p.m. the band. 26 Mona at Monday June Third, 7:30 p.m., Fourth at Levan, 8 p.m., First at Second, 9 p.m. Thursday, June 29 Third at Levan, 8 p.m., Fourth at Second, 7:30 p.m., Mona at First, 9 p.m. Monday July 3 Fourth at Mona, 6:30 p.m., First at Third 7:30 p.m., Levan at Second, 9 Schedule Announced Graduates for James Junior Softball BAND SETS PARADE, CONCERT pm. Mona at Thursday, July 6 Levan, 8 p.m., Second at Third 7:30 p.m., Fourth at First, 9 p.m. Each team will furnish one umpire for the game. All home teams will be required to furnish the game ball in satisfactory condition and approved by the visiting team. Miss Temple Wedding Date Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Gar- rett announce the engagement flinf and steel, signaling, flipping, AWARD WINNERS at the recent JIIS Award Day are shown above. More than 200 total awards were given. SCHOOL HONORS 200 More than 200 awards and certificates were presented in an assembly on May 17 to the students of Juab High School for achievement and for participating in activities within the school program. Awards were given in all areas. Award medals for doing the outstanding work in the following departments were given to: Robert Wetherell, athletic; Susan Howard, forensic; Myron Shepherd, boys physical education; Georgia Sperry, girls physical education; Carolyn Richard Sparks, commercial; Park, agriculture; Marion Gow- matics; Ralph Wilkey, industrial arts and Julie Johnson, home economics. student went to Steven Ockey and Best Supporting Student award went to Julie Johnson. The In addition, awards went to the student body officers, editors of the school publications and cheerleaders. Award certificates are given on the basis of service, activity and scholastic ability. Scholarships to the Senior administration were Gary Class will be awarded at the and LeRoy Larsen. Junior officers working with them ers, science: George McCune, graduation exercises on Friday were Steven Nyman and Jim- social science; Stephen Furr, evening. my Morgan. English; Carol Bean, mathe La-Co- Barbara Ann Garrett Nephi Couple Set nature, measuring, flapjack etc. At noon Vinton Steiner cooked another demonstration meal in tin can equipment made at home. He also cooked, among the other things, a cake using a reflector oven. Games were a part of the afternoon activity. Wren 2:30 p.m. came and time for the awards ceremony it was found that the Panther Patrol of Troop 136 of Levan Ward had first place honors. They had 2452 points and as prize received a nice cook kit, hand axe and shovel to add to their equipment. Second place was taken by the Wildcat Patrol from troop 132, Nephi Second Ward, with 2265 points and they received a hand axe and shovel. Third place honors went, to the Rattlesnake Patrol of Troop 136 of Levan Ward with 260 points. This patrol received a shovel. In charge of the camporee LEVAN The I evan school ninth grade comme.icement exercises will lie conducted on Thursday evening. May 25 at 8 p.m. in the Levan Ward Hall for the eleven graduates. The public is cordially invited to attend. The following program has boon arranged for the graduation services: Opening prayer, Von Gardner; address of welcome, Mary Morgan; class history, Janice Ballow; song by the graduates Now is the Hour"; address on theme "Now is the Hour Pauline Chester; address, "Citizenship" Lane Ilarward; song by class "Graduation Day"; class grump, Verell Shepherd, poem "If, and forthcoming marriage of their daughter, Miss Barbara Ann Garrett, to T. Morris Ostler, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leof Nephi. Roy T. Ostler The young couple will be mar-rie- r June 30 in the Manti Temple. A reception will follow that evening in the Juab Stake House. Miss Garrett will be among the June graduates of Brigham Young University. She majored in Homemaking education. While on campus she was a member of the Cumorah Club and an officer of Gamma Phi Omicran. Mr. Ostler served in the Netherlands mission and now is attending Brigham Young University majoring in Business management. Marriage Announced Word has been received by Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Goble of the marriage of their son. Richard Ray Goble. FT2. and Miss Miwako Odaki. The marriage took place April 21 at Yokasuka, Japan, where Ray !s serving aboard the destroyer U. S. S. George K. MacKenzie with the U. S. Seventh Fleet. |