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Show NEPHI NEWS BRIEFS mer Miss VKlan Blackett, and is a niece of Mrs. Beal. Mr. and Mrs. Hoy Hanson participated In the Canyon Itiv-e- r Marathon over the weekend. In which 507 boats were registered to make thtf trip from Gneenriver, Utah, down the Green River to the confluence, and then up the Colorado River to Moah, a distance of 196 miles. Three days were necessary to make the trip. Mr. and Mrs, Hanson reported the trip was wonderful and the scenery along the rivers truly outstanding. Mr, and Mrs, Kenneth Hone and family of Clot. Arizona, and Mr. and Mrs. George Martel! of Helper were recently guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Butler. Mrs. T. H. Burton visited in Logan. Salt Like City and Orem last week with her family. Mrs. J. Q. Anderson has r turned to her home in Bakers field, California after spending the past month with her mother, Mrs. P. N. Anderson. She also visited In Salt City with her brother and sister in law, Mr. and Mrs. EksAyn Anderson. Jimmy Golden and Addle Weaver of Provo spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Brough, Miss Mildred Bean of Los Angeles is visiting with her Airman First Class and Mrs. Evan K. Grecnhalgh, and children Yvonne and Jerry of Seel a Li a, Missouri are on leave from the Whiteman Air Force Base and are visiting with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Painter and other relatives and friends. Ike Mrs. Florence Beal has received word of the birth of a daughter . on May 13th, to Mr. Philo Searle of and Mi-sKearns. Mrs. Searle is the for Thursday, May 25, 1961 Nephi, Utah Mr. and Mrs, G. R, Judd parents, Mr. and Mrs. James iiean and with her brother In and Mrs. Fred Morgan were law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. In Las Vegas on May 10 to attend the funeral services for Arnold Brough. Mrs. June Calder Huntington, Mrs. Jack Burton and child- wife of Clifford If. Huntington ren of Salt Lake City have and sister in law of Mrs. Judd, spent the past three weeks at Mrs. Udell R. Jensen spent the home of Mr, and Mrs. Harry Burton. Mr. Burton joined four days of last week visiting her for the week end and they with her daughters Ann f and returned to their home In Salt Kathleei In Salt Lake City. Lake City on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ora Lunt, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Max Bramail George D. Ilaymond and Mr. of Salt Lake City were week and Mrs. George P. Ilaymond end guests of his mother, Mrs. Jr. and daughter Paula Jeanne were Leland Nielsen. Mother's Day dinner of Mr. and Mrs, Bruce guests Mr. and Mrs. Fred Morgan, Thompson In Spanish Fork. Jimmy and Leslie Morgan were In Provo on Saturday evening Visitors at the home of Mr. as dinner guests of Mr. and and Mrs. Jack Robinson the Mrs. Clair A cord. They also past week were Bob Orton of attended the District MIA! Panguitch, who visited on Sundance festival. Mr. and Mrs. Donald day; Robinson of Panguitch on Tuesday of last week and Mr and Mrs. Roy LeFevre of Salt Lake City on Friday Spray away Bermuda grass in Dichondra lawns Mrs. Claudia Birch ield, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Robinson, was in Payson on Sunday to attend the open with DOWPON Grass Killer house for Eugene Hillman, who Is retiring from teaching. She also visited In Santaquin with friends and relatives. Now there's an easy way to keep your yard looking neat g without weeding. Use Dowpon, the syitenua Grass Killer. Sprayed carefully on the grass around lawn Its way edges, patios and driveway, under fences, it works . . kills . the roots to the through grass growing system right or two applications are usually tops, roots and all-o- ne adequate. Your yard stays clean ana neat with minimum work on your part Dowpon is easy to apply . . . doesni even need a rainfall after application. Take the easy way to a yard. Get Dowpon Grass Killer todayl Trademark af fM Daw CMtmieaJ Company back-breakin- Mrs. Roland Hansen of Orem visited Monday with her brother in law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Parkin. Mr. and Mrs. Maynard Whit- tington of Salt Lake City, Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Whittington, Mr, and Mrs. Richard Whittington and Mr. and Mrs. Glen r Broadhead enjoyed Sunday In the canyon. U HiTERMOUHTAIH din-no- t p 285 f FARMERS West Center Nephi Page Four PUBLIC NOTICES NOTICE TO WATER USERS The following applications have been filed with the State Engineer to change or appropriate water in Juab County. State of Utah, throughout the entire year unless otherwise designated. All locations are fn SLB&M. To Change: Jack M Nelson, to Ut. proposes Lynndyl, change the point of diversion of water initiatof 5.15 sec.-f- t. ed by Application No. 21877, Certificate No. 5199. The water has been diverted from a well at a point N. 49'T4W. 1993.6 ft. from SE Cor. Sec. 35, T14S, R5W, and used from Apr. 15 to Oct. 15 as a supplemental supply, to irrigate 362.4 acres dn Wt4 Sec. 36, NEtiNEM, (2) S. 5182 ft. and W. 2070 both from N14 Cor. Sec. 19, T14S, R1W, by means of two earth dams, 18 ft. in height, creating a reservoir having a Inundatcapacity of 10 ae.-ft- .. ing 2 acres in (No. 1) Lot 17, (No. 2) Lot 34, both in Sec. 18, T14S, R1W; and used as a supplemental supply for the watering of 100 cattle in SE4SE'4, SEUSWU Sec. 17, T14S, R1W. ft ft W. Adams, 82657 1495 So. 23rd East. Salt Lake from an UnCity, Ut. 5 ac.-f- t. Iyal Wash, trib. to Middle Fork of Sage Valley at a point named N. 1344 ft. and W. 8676 ft. from SE Cor. Sec.. 18, T14S, R1W, by means of a dam 18 ft. in height, creating a reservoir having a capacity of 5 ac.-ft- ., inundating 2 acres in Lot and used for SEKNEK. SWKNEU. NEU 23, said Sec. 18, 100 cattle. SEtt, NW4SEW, SWtiSEH, the watering of T149, Sec. 35, SW14 SEWSEti, in82747 Melvin B. Robbins, R5W, and for year-roun- d cidental watering of 250 cat- 59 North 2050 West. Provo, Ut. 5 sec.-f- t. tle. from a spring area, Hereafter, 5.15 sec.-f- t. will be which is described as comwell bef. mencing at the SW Cor.. Sec. diverted from a 16-i300 and 500 ft. deep, at a 2, Til S, R1E. thence N. 65s ft. 35E. 1900 ft., S. 2705E. 800 point N. 10 ft. and W. 788 from S4 Cor. Sec. 35, T14S. ft.. S. 6535W. 1900 ft., N. R5W. The water is to be used 4205W. 550 ft., N. 320 ft. to and for beginning. The water is to be during the same perioddescribed diverted at either one or both the same purposes as above. of two points as follows: (1) S. 320 ft., (2) S. 1275 ft. and Grant S. Nielson, W. 350 ft., both from SW Cor. Ut. proposes to Sec. 2, T11S, R1E. The water Leamington, of diversion is to be conveyed by 2 miles of the point change of water initiated 12-iof 5 sec.-f- t. pipe, and used for the The domestic requirements of one by Application No. 28110.divertwater was to have been family, for the watering of 0 ed from a well at a point S. cattle, and from Apr. 1 to Oct. 50 ft. and E. 1320 ft. from 31, as a supplemental supply, Cor. Sec. 26, T14S, R1W, to irrigate 220 acres, all uses N and used from Apr. 1 to Nov. in NWti Sec. 4, T11S, R1E; 1 to irrigate 240 acres in SW& Sec. 33. T10S, R1E. Sec. 26. NW14 WNEU, and for year-roun- d T14S, R1W, E. Sutherland, 82772 incidental domestic and stock- Mona, Ut. Alger 4 sec. ft. from a watering purposes. t. 12-iwell bet. 200 and 500 ft. Hereafter, 5 sec.-f- 16-i- is to be deep at a point N. 660 ft., and well, a diverted from a E. 1120 ft. from S14 Cor. bet. 50 and 500 ft. deep at Sec. 4, T14S, R1E. The water 1370 W. and point S. 2400 ft. S'ec. is to be used for the domestic T14S, 26, Cor. NE from ft. of two families, same requirements the used during R1W, and of 300 cattle, the for watering same purperiod and for the 4 horses and 50 sheep, and from poses as heretofore. Apr. 1 to Oct. 31, as a supsupply, to irrigate plemental To Appropriate: 440 acres, all uses in Sec. 4, Sec. 5, T14S, R1E, 29495 Reid E. Bankhead and StSW!4 9ec. 33, SE!4SW 2200 East 550 F. Turley, Jay Sec. 32, T13S, R1E. sec.-r- t. North, Provo, Ut. 1454 12-ideep ft well, from a Bench Water Users 82803 10.5 at a point N. 755 ft. and7. E.T13S, Assn., Gerald Nielson, Pres., ft. from SE. Cor. Sec. 20 sec. ft. from R1E. The water is to be used Lynndyl, Ut. 20-i1, as a either one or both of two Nov. 1 to from Apr. 100 and 1000 ft. e wells bet. to "Tig-atsupplemental supply,SWt4NW deep at the following points: 320 acres in Sec. (1) S. 1350 ft. and E. 2200 ft. N R1E, T13S, 18, Sec. NW. Cor. Sec. 26; (2) S. from R1W. 13, T13S, 1340 ft and E. 1820 ft., from 27, both in T14S 31414 Melvin William Kay1 NW. Cor. Sec. R3W. The water is to be used & J. D. Young, Mona, Ut. well, 500 for the watering of 2000 cattle, from an sec.-f- t. 1313 tt. and from Mar. 15 to Nov. 1, No. a ft. deep at point Cor. as a supplemental supply, to and W. 229 ft from SEwater irrigate 1450 acres, all uses in Sec. 18, T11S, R1E. The to 1, 6, 11, 12, 15, 17 to 21 Secs. 1 from Apr. used be is to m 29, acres 30, T15S R4W; Secs. 40 incl., Oct. 31 to irrigate T15S R5W; Sec. 35, 1. 14, 2, 12, 18. Sec. EtSE14 said T14S, R5W. 32506 J. W. Brough, 53 East 82804 Bench Water Users Center St., Nephi, Ut. 12 Bee. Gerald Nielson, Pres., Assn., oi both one or ft. from either Lynndyl, Ut. 10 sec. ft. from a wells, 500 ft. deep at 20-itwo 50 ft. well, bet. 100 and 1000 the folowing points: (1) S.150 at a point N. 420 ft ft. ft. deep 9. 1300 (2) ft; and W. 915 W. and from ft., from SE Cor. both and W 2790 ft., Sec. 26, T14S, R3W. The water NE Cor- - Sec. 24, T12S R1W. as a is to be used for the watering The water is to be used the of 2000 cattle, and from Mar. for supply supplemental SV4 15 to Nov. 1 to irrigate 300 in cattle 500 watering of and acres as a sole SE14 Sec. 13, NL4NE14 Sec. 1450 acres as a supply, supplemental R1W. T12S, 24, supply, all uses in. Secs. 35, 26, 752 T14S, R3W; Secs. 1, 6, 11. 12, Staheli, Alma S2631 Orem, Ut. 5 15, 17 to 21 inc., 29. 30, T15S, East 2nd North, well, R4W; Secs. 1, 2. 12, 14. T15S, from an 18-isec.-f- t. at a R5W; Sec. 35, T14S, R5W. ft. 350 deep and 100 bet. W. and ft 171484 ooint N. Protests resisting the grant29, 1491 ft. from Si4 Cor. isSec. of any of the foregoing apto be T12S. R1E. The water of 100 ing with reasons thereplications the watering vised for 1 to for must be filed In duplicate from Apnl eattle and with State Engineer, 403 31 to irrigate 200 acres, State the Salt Lake City, 29. Capitol, Sec. said uses Ln WH Utah, on or before June 24, 1961. Bent R. Bryan 68 32656 10 Wayne D. Criddle. Ut. Nephi. West 4th South.Unnamed Wash, STATE ENGINEER ae ft. from an VaL of Sage mb to East Fork Published In The Timeg-Newevierr River, at either 1 v Nephi, Utah, from May following the of both 3036 11 to May 25, 1961, m s n. n. n. n. NNEi n. n. 8-- 4-i- n. n. n. S - s, Graduation is a time for reminiscing upon the 12 years past as each of you have been first graders . . eighth graders . . . and seniors . . . upon the friendships you have made . . . unon the state championships . . . upon the wonderful Junior Proms . . . upon the incidents which appeared huge as mountains which now have been remembered as insignificant. It is the time to look back upon the teachings of the years, with appreciative thoughts for those who spent countless hours helping us to master English, homemakinug, algerbra . . . and a host of other subjects. Gratuation day brings a sense ot appreciation, too, for those who have made it possible through understanding love . . your parents! NEPHI FLORAL VALLEY BUILDERS SUPPLY DICK S CHEVRON SERVICE, Graduation Comday becomes mencement Day also, for on this occasion there begins a new phase of life . . . new goals to achieve . . new unsurmountable mountains and problems to conquer. In a world where Democracy and idologies are seeking for mens minds and wills, there are problems that will be solved and resolved by young graduates of today. On this solemn occasion, the businesses below join in saluting each of you 1961 Juab High School graduates, with the wish that your future will be made brighter with happiness . . . and health . . , and peace ! 4D PLUMBING & BLDRS SUPPLY JACK'S REFRIGERATION Inc. PICK'S DRIVE INN GARRETT CONOCO SERVICE SNAKSHAKUTE CAFE KENT S CHEVRON SERVICE PAINTER MOTOR COMPANY FROS-T-FREE- Z RAY'S CAFE KEL SON CAFE ROBERT HALL PHARMACY INTERMOUNTAIN FARMERS CHAPMAN STUDIO ALLEN'S CASH STORE AG ANDERSON CONOCO SERVICE FORSEY'S VARIETY STORE THE TOGGERY RALPH'S JOHNSON IGA MARKET FUB'S AMERICAN OIL STATION EVANS BEAUTY SALON PARKIN MOTOR COMPANY CHRISTENSEN S INC. SMITH BAKERY CHAPMAN FURNITURE THE TIMES-NEW- S ERMA'S DRESS SHOP |