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Show SOCIAL ITEMS OF mum special 16 ft. UPRIGHT Regular 299.95 21 ft. CHEST - 289.95 Reg. 359.95 HOW 14 ft. RGA WHIRLPOOL HO FROST nn REFRIGERATOR TWO DOOR (Reg. Pay-stru- 569.953 WM Shepherd, COLOR TELEVISION Reg. 695.00 HD50 e, d Af) Fip 03U.U Maude Robertson. Refreshments were served by Ida Pay-stru- p and Lillie Gillispie. Mr. and Mrs. William Marshall and family of Heber City visited on Sunday with Mrs. Lillie Gillispie and Mrs. RCA WHIRLPOOL DRYERS - Regular - Regular Shepherd, Gill-lispi- with trade HD70 Anna 229.95 HOW . 179.95 La-mo- nt Paystrup. with trade with trade Paystrup. Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Kirgan of Salt Lake City spent Friday and Saturday visiting with her son in law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. George Kendall. Sherd Shepherd of Roy visited with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rulon Shepherd on Sun- JACK'S Refrigeration and Appliance Center day. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Pierce of Salt Lake City spent Sunday and Monday of last week with his mother, Mrs. O. H. Pierce. MAKE Hamer Shepherd and child-reof Spanish Fork spent Saturday and Sunday at the home of his brother and sister in and Mrs. Delwin law1, Mr. n IMPROVEMENTS Shepherd. Dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Erick Wankier on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gee and Mr. and Mrs. Niels Neil-se- n all of Gunnison, Mrs. Thelma Mitched of Los Angeles and Mr. and Mrs. John D. Shepherd of Levan. CONCRETE IN NEPHI We're set up to give you prompt, efficient service delivered to your location just on any amount when you need it! Call us at 310 for additional information and for free estimate on your concrete improvement job. NEPHI BRIEFS NEPHI LUMBER CO. Phone 310 - 55 West Second North - Nephi ' The BIG .. .going Step! America-wid- e I ewslJ ALKERS Utah Nephi, C0MPLTE in-tomp- 4-- 754-391- 3. FOR SALE Chrome kitEVANS BEAUTY SHOP will chen set with 4 chairs. In good be open Monday, May 29 for condition except that chairs Memorial Day. Phone early for need recovering. Also, baby or an appointment. child wardrobe and youth chair. Make offer. Mrs. James P. McCune, phone 178. NOW Give a wedding gift that is really worthwhile Join with your friends in Contact with WANTED substantial gifts buying gift from wish freedom people who lists on all weddings at 4D FARMERS worry financially. & Builders Supply Auto Plumbing INSURANCE GROUP 66 the hardware center Fast and South Ph. Utah. Main, Nephi, Jenfriendly service. Call Art 306. sen at 567 or Bob Tolley a I 635, Local Agents. RECOVERING CHAIR Kitchen and living room chairs FREE use of our Carpet recovered platform rockers Shampooer with purchase of recovered and restyled Liv Blue Lustre Shampioo Chaproom sets recovered with ing man Furniture Co. Also newest style fabrics Fast automobile seat covers at 1951 Dodge service, reasonable rates FOR SALE 186 South Vints Upholstery, condition in excellent Pickup Contact Vinton Steiner, phone Main, Nephi. ORGAN TEACHERS or qualified organ players wanted as Sales Agent in the Nephi area for Lowrey Organ. Get details, write PROGRESSIVE 342 SCHOOL OF MUSIC East 3rd South, Salt Lake City Utah. TO BE ASSURED of Memorial Day Flowers, PLEASE PLACE YOUR ORDER EARLY. We will fill your baskets and containers at reasonable prices. Nephi Floral. One set of FOR SALE diamond rings (engagement IGA Tablerite 90 Score ring and wedding band). Also Mrs. Ramon Wilkey and Sweet Cream Butter only 63c first basemans mitt, ideal for daughter Tamera of Montello, lb at Johnsons IGA where you Little League, for sale. Contact Nevada are visiting with her buy all your food needs at our Bud Hansen or call 298R. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Maylon cost or less plus 10 per cent. Bowers, and with her hus Second-han- d FOR SALE bands parents, Mr. and Mis. condition in Wilgood buggy FARM 85 baby FOR SALE Herman Wilkey. Ramon Call 86W. key has accepted a teaching acres irrigated; 400 acres passhares Juab Lake position at Henderson, Nevada ture. 85 for next school year, and they Irrigation Co. water; 7 room FOR SALE: 16 acres, 10 Ellis Russell, Mills. plan to spend the summer in house water. Located near shares Las Vegas, Nevada. Fountain Green, Utah. Grain COME IN AND SEE OUR chopper and feed mixer, comContact DISPLAY OF APPLIANCES plete with motors. Green, Washers, dryers, refrigerat- Reed Green, Fountain CY8-244Salt ors, freezers, and water heat- Utah or call ers. Also a good supply of Lake City for information. cleaning and laundry supplies! Plenty of supplies for house Brand new FOR SALE cleaning Plumbing & 12 Builders Supply, 66 South Main Winchester 16 Ga. Model, value retail Shotgun, Pump Nephi. Phone 306. for only $64.95 (un$109.95 fired but has several small FOR GIFTS THAT LAST for 'scratches from handling). Also Cal. Enfield, like weddings, birthdays and grad- U. S. 30-0- 6 new only $29.95 and 2 .38 Cal. uation Nephi Jewelry. Revolvers $15.95 each. Call 586J Joes Repair. WANTED TO RENT small portable TV for one or two CEPTIC TANK CLEANING Eva Hoyt, phone months -- Phone 323R for appointment 206W. See your local Great American FORD ? FORD FARM EQUIPMENT soft seat. CONTINENTAL TRAILWAYS "easiest travel on earth" FORREST HOTEL use convenient fackaos K. Your Utoco Dealer becomes one of 29,000 American Dealers to serve you better with products of AMERICAN OIL COMPANY Your Utoco Dealer proudly displays the red, white and blue "AMERICAN sign at his station as he joint 29,000 other American Oil Dealers to serve you better America-wid- e under one name . . . American Oil Company. n AMERICAN u ITraCT MORI Now, with American Oils vast modern refining and research facilities, you can expect ever finer products than before. Yet, youll still enjoy the careful, helpful service youve had in the past from your Utoco Dealer. Drive in soon and see how our Big Step serves you better. TROU AMXRICAN ... AND YOU GET rr-TH- ATS ISei THE AMERICAN WAT I AMERICAN OU. COMPANY J. Sperry Phor.e 287-- .. .choos carefree chmtim DUTT HALF RATH or TABLERITE C At BACON per pound FRYERS 2s 475' PIERCES PORK & BEANS on hamburger hot dogs or buns Heinz Relishes 411 Hamburger OLIVES Tall Jumbo cans INDIA OR SWEET RELISH WATERMELON: Ripe 479 bunch Sc 16e m LARGE KLONDIKES EACH FANCY SLICING 2 for 9$ CUCUMBERS Old BLUE STAR C for V MEAT PIES BLUE STAR O for A 77j DINNERS BLUE STAR FRUIT PIES each LEMONADE 10 cans 85c 3 30 for ONLY sLEEHOT - can DEVILED HAM UNDERWOOD DEL MONTE 14 oz bottle CATSUP RELISH GREEN ONIONS RADISHES OR 33 LB PICNIC VALUES SAVE SO4 Ks!.Do North Main Nephi. Ph. 22 WHOLE OR RATH SOCIETY HAMS Boneless, Ready to eat, THREE LEGGED OR TRIPLE BREASTED 83c Value DOG OR BURGER2pkf of47 Nephi, Ut COMMERCIAL BUILDING FOR SALE Suitable for warehouse, feed and Implement store, manufacturing plant, bottling (works, bowling alleys, and many other commercia uses. IGA NEW ALUMINUM 12x25 FOIL 'rices Efective Thursday SEE OUR PILLSBURY OVEN READY can BISCUITS 0, Saturday ' Monday! Quanfifes Limited Friday TNT'i FOR ADDITIONAL BUYS! tq. Contact: JAMES P. McCUNE, Attorney at Law 53 North Main Street, Nephi, Utah Telephone 257 Ail prices are our Approximate GOST OR LESS To which we add Located at First West and First North in Nephi, on railroad siding (Union Pacific). One story brick and block constructs. Ground floor 7,730 ft.; cement basement 4,370 sq. ft. units 71 is SHANK HALF -- LB K . . . NEW THRU SCHEDULES Departs Nephi DAILY 4:20 p.m. to. DENVER OMAHA DES MOINES CLEVELAND PITTSBURG PHILADELPHIA NEW YORK. FRANKS & pkg of 8 FAMLEE BUNS IRSURNACE AGENCY - Nephi, Utah silortleH, pleasant: everything howl should bs. And you'd enjoy it all at its very best all along Continental Troilwoys. No change ol bus . . . no change of baggage,., you relax straight thru in the same BRAND K- -J 312 ...Msy, VALLEY ful drivers, on. easy payment basis. Get full details now. - Phone THRU-BU- S that K, MOTOR C9MPAHY for people who like to travel CQHTIHIHUL TRAILiVATS Pat-ric- RATH-BLACKHAW- TRACTORS 137 South Main Agent, Find out if you can qualify for lower rate car insurance, available to care- -' Page F;v9 0 Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy R. Ostler of Bountiful are parents of a boy. bom May 16, 1961. The grandparens are Mr. and Mrs. IRoy T. Ostler of Nephi and Mr. and Mrs. William T. k of Salt Lake City. 2, 4-- D 1961 May 25, PARTS AND SERVICE FOR PARKIN BIRTHS Hanson. Thursday, Heeling Monday Night IIF.IJ WANTED SalrwuMi SEE OUR SPECIAL GIFTS Evidence of Cub Activity whs or Agents $2 50 per hour or for Father Day Nephi ' m full bloom' Monday evenmore for part or full time Jewelry, Nephi. Utah ing in the Levan Ward Recroute work. Large repeat orreation hall as the steady beat ders. Man or woman. Write s beat deep DOWN A DOLLAR A DAY of the McNESS CO., Box 4014. Oakinto the hearts of each cub until sold land, 23, Ca lifornla. See our spedal scout family present at their GE Freezer advertisement on hrst Pack "Indian meeting. GRAND CHAMPION AA 6 of this Issue Country" was the theme and a Large eggs only 39c dozen at page host of 'Indians were observand Builders Supply, Johnsons IGA 56 East Center Plumbing ed going through Indian songs, 66 South Mam. St., Nephi. Why pay more for stunts, ceremonies and games. less? Twenty-fou- r Cubs Joined the ITS PLANTING TIME and 24 cubs with parents pack double and were present WATCH AND JEWELRY Petunias, singles, to Monday Snaps, Moss go through the Bobcat night REPAIR Reasonable prices ruffled; Asters.Glorlosa inductRose, Salvia, daisy. ion ceremony All four dens had prompt service Nephi Dahlias, Lobelia, Ageratlum, den exhibits and skits on the Jewelry, Phone 341. Marigolds, Zinnias. Verbenia, program. Pansie, Daisies, Delphiniums, Pack officers are: Alvin FOR SALE Columbine, sweet Wiliam; Basket of Gold, Christensen, pack chairman; Huckbasket of giant pansies, gold, Baby's Breath, Hibiscus, Charles Williams and Rex delphinium, cabbage, cauliflower, Chase, painted daisies, leberry, sticks, pholox. sweet william, egg plant, onion sets, tomatoes, derson, committeemen; Ted AnCubmaster. Den mothNephi ers are Leah pinks, carnations, portulaca. hot caps, peat moss Ida Williams, 213 -East 5th North snap dragons .astors, zinnias, Floral, Paystrup, Ramona Hoyt and marigolds, dahlias, cockscombs, Phone 329. Marilyn Kendall with Shirley tuberous besalvia, verbena, Chase as assistant. gonias, geraniums, chrysantheTheo Westring and Boyd R. SEE OUR SELECTION of mums, several varieties of peIvie from Nephi were present used furniture and appliances tunias, alsum, lobelias, perennChapman Furniture Co., 61 to help the pack get off to a ial astors, doronlum, gladiola South good start. Main. bulbs, rose bushes, peppers, caul flower, egg plant, cabbage, tomatoes, Insecticides fertilizLYNN MELLOR home for er peet moss. Roy Olsen, sale 6th east between center 212 South Center, Santaquin. and first north See Neldon Dorian Paystrup of Tooele visited on Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Christian Phone 179.95 HOW . 149.95 BUY READY MIX p, Gertrude Shepherd, Lillie Olive Poulsen, Fay Winter, Mary Jane Winter, Jessie Pauline Broad-heaWorthington, and the county officers: Zola Howard, Helen Scott, Alice Bailey, Cecelia Briggs and with trade RGA UIMES Ida Paystrup. Faye Winter gave the lesson on Telegraphy and Edra Morgan gave the history of William Marker, first white boy born In Utah. County President Zola Howard gave a report on the state convention. Those present Included Edra Morgan, Ida Dulcie Francom, Viola with trade I)c Successful Firsf The Chicken Creek camp of the Daughters of Utah Fioiv eers meeting was held Thursday at 2 p.m. at the City HalL Second vice captain Edra Mor gan conducted. The opening song by the group was follow ed by prayer by Viola Shepherd, and minutes were read by with trade levan Cub Pack Holds ,k'v I' LEVAII 229.95 HOW ET3 iZHnniZEnii only 10 56 EAST CENTER STREET PHONE 57 NEPHI FREEZING WRAPPING CUSTOM CUTTING' - CASE LOTS are at cost plus 6 |