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Show Nephi, Utah Thursday, May 25, 1961 USU TESTS SAFFLOWER FOR NEW CROP USES Two Pag Weather REPORTS iines-EtUi- Jjs fi NEPII! STATION Pate tGP Em raiuiWirriSwffliioi NATIONAL u 0 1 u r EDITORIAL or Jv op cOv MEMBER every Thursday at Nephi, Juab County, Utah, entered at the post office at Nephi, Utah, as second class mail matter under the act of Congress of March 3, 1879, Subscription rates: One year $4.00; Six months $2.25. Subscriptions are payable in advance. Advertising rates on request. Roy E. Gibson Office: 96 South Main Street, Telephone 196, Nephi, Utah Published Editor-Manage- May May May May May May May r: DON'T BORROW SUBSCRIBE Pate May May May May May May May Illch Low Pree. 18 19 20 40 HO HO 41 40 43 45 49 76 78 21 22 23 21 77 H6 .00 .00 .00 00 .00 .00 .00 43 LOCAN Utah State Uni verslty was recently designat el as the center for Safflower Breeding Research in the Unit ed States. Safflower is an oil seed crop. At present the oil is used primarily in the paint . industry. Experiments are being made to find its values as LEVAN STATION a cooking and edible oil. According to word from the High Low Prec. USD A, Dr. Lester Leinlnger, .00 32 17 77 Service .00 Agricultural Research 39 18 79 USU will assume leadership at .00 39 80 19 of Safflower investigations! He .00 44 76 20 will have primary responsibil.00 38 21 79 .05 ity for developing adapted and 42 84 22 for Utah and Idaho .00 .84 42 23 ....80 var-eti- es n and will send advanced selections to California, Arizona and Nebraska, where further evaluation and Marriage license . . Two marriage licensee were selection will be carried on Issued by the Juab County by state and federal cooperaClerks office on May 22, to: tors. "This crop is very Important Robert Cox Palton, son of Lein-ingMr. and Mrs. Edward M. Dal- for Utah and Idaho" Dr. Ideal an We said. have ton of Delta; and Eleanor Keala Kaioi of Delta, daughter climate here because Safflower of Mr. and Mrs. Sbmuel F. requires a lot of rain before It blooms and little or no rain Kaioi of Hawaii. n after It blooms." Robert L. Cunliffe of Primarily Safflower Is grown and Frances R. Nichols ofSaltLake City. early-generatio- under contract with commer-cial companies and brings $70 to $80 per ton. At the present time approximately 800 to 1200 pounds are realized per acre on dry land and 3.000 to 3.500 poundj are realized per acre for Irrigated land. Four thousand pounds have been produced on Irrigated land, but this U' not consistent The US DA Crops Research Laboratory, which Is expected to be ready for use July 1, will house this research project as, well as other Important research activities. Dr, Leinlnger came to USU In August 1959 from Iowa State University where he received He was his Ph. D. degree. born and reared In Boone, Iowa and was associated three years with the Iowa Crop Improvement Association and one year with the Iowa Farm 1 I I j er Cop-perto- Farm Bureau Endorses State Recommendation Farm Bureaus cropland adjustment program was discussed at a meeting on May 17 at the Juab County Courthouse at which the Juab County board of directors and national affairs committee met to make recommendations to the state and national Farm Bureau organizations; and to acquaint the county membership with the plan which Is In accord with a resolution adopted it the national convention last Mrs. Smith Mamed Booklore President The Book Lore club met rec--1 ently at the home of Mrs. J. E. Worthington for the election of new officers: and a pot-- 1 luck party. New officers named are Mrs. James Smith, president; Mrs. Milton Boswell, vice president; Mrs. Lorin Christensen, secretary and treasurer, and Mrs. Alma Jones, reporter. Mrs. Kate Haynes of Nephi joined her son and daughter In law, Mr. and Mrs. Merl Haynes and children Katherine and Roger for a trip to Southern Utah, Glen Canyon and Arizona over the past week end. ' JEliXlIIS SALES December In Denver, Colorado. Juab County Farm Bureau members endorsed the nation al and state programs: 1. Voluntary acreage retirement program for all producers of all crops. 2. Retirement of a percentage of a farm or the total 805 SERVICE North Main O O SINCLAIR Products YOU GET AN EXTRA MEASURE OF CUSHIONY DRIVING with Texaco Marfak chassis lubrication. Quieter riding, easier handling for 1,000 miles or more. We lubricate your car by chart, not by chance. With it you get a Safe-check-u- p free under-ca- r ... a careful check on many potential trouble spots. For a safer, cushiony ride, come in today I T - CONSIGNEE Phone 8W Nephi, Utah INSPECTED HIRE HOW HiTERMOUIlTAIH FARMERS 91-2- Congressmen will be contacted and advised that the Farm Bureau program Is essential to a prosperous free agriculture and the welfare of the nation as a whole. - THURSDAY-FRIDAY--SATURDA- & MONDAY BITS POST TOASTIES GRAPENUT FLAKES -- SUGAR 4 pkgs lac 1 .00 CRISPS - - Mix or Match --AL- PHA o PIERCES PORK & BEANS 2fcs 4 85c GERBERS BABY FOOD - - 10 cans 95c 1 Ibbag 19c ORANGE SLICES MARSH MALLOWS-l- ib bag 25c 3 PKGS 89c CAKE MIXES PINEAPPLE - GRAEFRUIT JUICE 46 oz cans 3 for 85C for your .. 1 - FRESH TOMATOES CUCUMBERS Firm Slicers CORN-FRE- SH- NEW POTATOES 2 packages 29c EACH 5C 6 EARS 29c 10 LBS FOR 37c WATCH OUR BERRY PRICE Roscoe Garrett, Mgr. Ammonium Nitrate FRESH FRYERS with Limit 3 WHOLE lb 27c CUT BAR S HAMS per GOLD COIN BACON 31c pound - - - 89c per lb -- 53c FRANKS - Skinless - 2 LB 79C UP--L- fid si ill 111 I ' p ' V , I i v h4 5 1 I ? ft H ft VI kif, f J Prilled USS Ammonium Nitrate is a g nitrogen fertilizer that is ideally suited for fast-actin- long-lastin- , g, of western crops. USS Ammonium Nitrate contains 33.5 nitrogen, and the white, round prills are easy to use in standard equipment. USS Ammonium Nitrate comes in a new bag with special liner which assures you of a top side-dressi- 1c all SWIFTS FIRST QUALITY ICE V2 gallon 79C CREAM --- 3 for 1.00 FROZEN FRUIT PIES -- 5 for 1.00 CHETS MEAT PIES TV DINNERS- - - Several kinds - -- - Each 49C TIP TOP DRINKS --Assorted--' 9 for 1.00 BOOTH BREADED SHRIMP 49c Side-dres- s V Y ANGEL FOOD CAKESReg.45c3forl.OQ MARGARINE 2 lb 75c ALLSWEET CUDAHY VIENNA SAUS AGE 483c SNACK LUNCH MEAT -- -2 cans 79c STAR KIST TUN- A- - - - - 4 cans for 1.00 J ELL-- 0 -- ALL FLAVORS 10pkgs85c --t- (formerly Utah Poultry and Fanners Cooperative 285 West Center Nephi fertilizer needs -- SPECIALS FOR 46 oz cans 3 for 89c PINEAPPLE JUICE ZEE PAPER NAPKINS - - 80 count - - 10c GREEN BEANS- - - Regular size cans -- 6 for 1.00 can -9DEL MONTE SALMON SUNNY JIM PRESERVES-2- 0 oz Large 39c DEL MONTE CREAM CORN 5 tor 89c ization. SILVER HAFLE SERV10E-1- 03 N. Main, Nephi LAMS SERVICE Levan 8 Junction IIEPHI TEXACO SERVICE-3- rd So. Main. Nephi -- Nephi OR TRUCK de LEO R. OTTEI! & HAVE YOUR CAR farm. 3. Adjustment payments In cash or kind, with emphasis on payment in kind, from CCC stocks, with care not to allow government held products to depress the markets. 4. Economic opportunity for farm people in contract with the complete controlled and regimented plan proposed by the administration. 5. Use of crop land as a basis for participation, not crop by crop histories. 6. Use price supports to protect farm income, rather than to set farm prices. 7. A farm program to unify agriculture rather than divide It Into splinter commodity groups, each fighting the other. The meeting in Nephi was one of a series being held throughout the state under the direction of A. V. Smoot, presEd. Thomas and ident. Jarman participated from the state office and Norman Ostler, LeRoy Larsen, A. Roy Bowles, Frank Green-halg- h and R. Roscoe Garrett represented the county organ- I II ng SKINLESS B 5-p- ly quality, fertilizer. . Insist on USS Ammonium Nitrate for your free-flowin- 5 LB CANNED HAM ---- 5 LB 3.79 PREMIUM OR MORRELLS g dressing needs. side- USS) Nitrogen Fertilizers tost. 6 Nephi, Utah r |