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Show CUIjc Thursday. December I, I960 Nephi, Utah Pago Eight and Social News New Folder Levan Local Describes Mr. and Mrs. Willis Shepherd of Magna were Thanksgiving holiday guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. John D. Shepherd in Levan, and Mrs. Olive Cowan in Nephi. Central Utah Juab Hospital Patient List Thanksgiving day dinnerl guests of Mr. and Mrs. Laurel II Carter, were Mr. and Mrs. Georfe Carter and family, Mr. I Ballow were her mother, Mrs. end Mrs. Homer Christensen! Jack Kelley of Nephi; Mr. and and familyk of Mona, and Mr. Mrs. Wallace Ballow and son and Mrs. Dell Carter of of Ephraim. Mr. and Mrs. Philander Day 3 bedroom FOR SALE of Fillmore, Mr. and Mrs. Phil comDay of Salt Lake City and home with furnace Contact insulated Mrs. Merl Day and family of pletely Kanosh were dinner guests of Lynn Wright for information! Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Christen- or to see the home sen and family on Thanksgiv Another in a series of reThanksgiving day guests of information folders on Mr. and Mrs. Eugene S. Powell admitted patients phi. gional Albert McKenna, son of Mr. Utah has just been Issued by were Sidney Powell, who is at the Juab County Hospital and Mrs. Rex McKenna, Nephi the state Tourist and Publicity with the U. S. Navy at Long include the following: Tawara Tidwell, daughter of Council. Randy Morgan, son of Mr. Beach, California; Lynn Powe The new folder, ell of Salt Laek City; Don L. ing. and Mrs. Fay Morgan, Nephi Mr. and Mrs. Duane Tidwell, labeled North - Central Utah Powel, a student of Snow ColMrs. Beverly Allbee, Nephi Nephi Mrs. Max Green, Tooele. describes visitor attractions lege; Mrs. Ellen Jensen and Kerry Gee, son of Mr. and OF THANKS James Etephen Marcus, son from Heber and Timpanogos Carner Mrs. James M. Gee, Nephi Jensen of Fountain CARD Times of bereavement have of Mr. and Mrs. Paul C. Mar- Cave on the north to Nephi on Green. Rex Ilill, Nephi a tendency to make one more the south, and features the Craig Shepherd, son of Mr. cus, Salt Lake City. of for friends and relaPowS. Mrs. valMr. and Kim grateful Beliston, daughter Salt Eugene of fertile contrast Dex Mrs. and Shepherd, striking tives who extend their love and Mr. and Mrs. Glen Belliston, leys and upswept ell visited in Provo WednesLskc City. rugged, day with their daughter, Lou- appreciation and sympathy to O FARM SUPPLIES mountains of the area. Madeline Davis, daughter of Nephi help lighten the burden. We James H. Eagar, Nephi Mr. and Mrs. Vern Davis, Ne- Cities, scenic drives, accom- ise Powell. Charles ngram, son of Mr. odations, and features such as truly are grateful for assist Mr. and Mrs. Morris Hodson ance in our behalf; for the ALL NEW and Mrs. Earl Ingram, Nephi Utah Lake, Young Brigham Linton White, son of University, Mount Timponogos, and baby of American Fork kind words of friendship; and Joseph JENKINS SALES fi Mr. and Mrs. Joseph White, Deer Creek Reservoir, Spring-vill- and Mr. and Mrs. O. S. Aagard for the speakers, prayers and Reduction Art Gallery and Geneva were dinner guests of Mr. and musical selections at the funNephi. Woodrow Beard on eral services of our son and Inventory SERVICE Steel Works are described in Mrs. brother, Gean S. Gadd. Your Only birth at the Juab Coun- detail in the new publication Thanksgiving. HI SPEED DIESEL OIL 805 North Main O Nephi indnesses long will be rememduring the past in the state information foldty Hospital n Mrs. Golden R. FOAM HYDRAULIC Mr. ANTI and bered. week was: er series. In fact, 27 points and family returned to MULTI GEAR LUBE Mrs. Jane S. Gadd and 23 of attraction in north central November COMPLETE born Daughter, night after havTRANSMISSION (IHC) family. to Mr. and Mrs. Pearson Cor- Utah are described in alpha- Levan Monday holthe ing spent Thanksgiving AUTOMOTIVE RUB OIL bett of Nephi. Grandparents betical order in the folder. In CATTLE idays in California. They vis- Frozen Meat Pies 4 for 89c are Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Daley addition, there is information ited SEAT CUSHION TRACTOR Marine Land Land, Disney at Johnsons IGA where you of Gunnison, Colorado, and Mr. on accomodations and services and SERVICE On Knotts farm. the CHAINS TOW Berry of H. Corbett ALL of Mrs. at Pearson and available. your groceries their return trip they visited buy GREASE GUNS AND cost plus Case lots at Salt Lake City. Great grand D. James Cannon, council diLas in San Vegas Bernardino, Brim-haO SINCLAIR Products cost LOADERS eventare Mrs. G. W. plus that parents rector, explained of Provo, Mrs. Margaret ually all of Utahs important and Hoover Dam. BARREL PUMPS Q Front End Alignment and attractions will be described in Daley of Spanish Fork, TRACTOR TOOL BOXES Mr. and Mrs. Ned Mangel-so- n WANTED TO BUY Used Q Wheel Balancing of Payson. Graham Daley these 13 regional folders. When of Salt Lake City; Mr. and Sparks oil heater Overhaul HYDRAULIC JACKS Call Motor Eva Q easily obtainable. completed the series will con- Mrs. David Mangelson, Mr. and 206W. Hoyt, PLOW SHARES, SWEEPS of 100 more than tain pages Mrs. Gerald Witt of Provo and Q Welding COMPRESSORS AIR for the Chief! ThaFs the information on the entire state. Mrs. Annie Poulsen Fit Brake Service were, the O delicious steaks being featured SIDE RAKE TEETH Purpose of the folders is to dinner guests of this week at Johnsons IGA provide more detailed travel in- Thanksgiving Q Glass Replacement ManAND GRAINBOX Mr. TRUCK Mrs. LeGrande and Market at only 69c lb. Want formation for visitors than is gelson. Cops often after him! UfXICTC for of thick some cut specially available in the usual type Q Lubrication 2i2 HP GAS ENGINES Swiss steak? Call us up and publicity material. It has been Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Q Gold Strike Stamps to cut that n them Cannon SAWS Mr. your have CHAIN we'll said, and Mangel-soLorenzo found, Brough with gas and oil Phone Johnsons at 57. many crave detail visitors were in Ogden at the home liking TRAILER which heretofore has not been of Mr .and Mrs. Claude Pratt SPRAYERS on Thanksgiving. Mrs. Pratt rm HAND GUN SPRAYERS is a sister of Mr. Brough. GIFT LISTS Tor weddings, GRAIN AUGERS LF Phone 87 etc. at FORSEYS Miss Mary Collard spent the TOOLS and well do tne rest. Thanksgiving week end in Salt DRAW BAR, HITCH EQUIP Lake City with her brother In OILERS CATTLE law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. S bedHOME FOR RENT CABLES BOOSTER Donald Dastrup. conrooms furnace heat MATS CAR tact James P. McCune. Miss Ilene Collard of Provo CANVAS TRACTOR spent the week end with her HEATERS Mrs. J. parents, Bishop and Collard. HOSE HYDRAULIC Clair Schwinn FOR SALE Boys Recently Americas r eight-pag- e Man-gelso- 10. 6. ll Complete with attachments 30 more power than any other home cleaner Full 1V6 I 3 year hose guarantee Easy to use Lightweight Sunbeam Quality H.P. Motor DO-IT-YOURSE- RUG CLEANING MACHINES RENTED O o almost new phone Mr. and Mrs. Bryce ChrisRoy W. Hanson. tensen were Thanksgiving dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Neils Bogh in Delta, an uncle 89c Sale at Johnsons IOA Mrs. Christensen. Come in for additional 89c of specials not listed in our regThanksgiving day dinner ular grocery advertisement on guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank page 5 of this issue. 474 COMPLETE EASY TO USE INSTRUCTONS FURNISHED Thousands of families have used Silver King Machines with good results and big savings. Call us for informayour rugs and furniture tion on cleaning Three snow also furnishtires, 800 : 14 ed steam heated apartment for Earl Hawkins, phone rent 302W. upholstery We have added an upholstery shampoo - NO EXTRA CHARSE FOR UPHOLSTERY CLEANING EQUIPMENT WITH RUG CLEANING MACHINE & INSURANCE PHONE 636!!! Nephi, Uf. ALWAYS at !" I V?; lx ' GIFTS FOR ALL YOUR MEN FOLKS (Husband, Brother, Son, Boy Friend or Father) ewe BEAUTIFUL SPORT SHIRTS ARROW & TRUVAL SHIRTS (White and Colored Dress Shirts - All Sizes) SWEATHERS TO PLEASE MOST EVERYONE SOX in Vv'-'r- r WEMBLEY TIES - Ready lied ties - Bow Ties IruJdeal ONLY 3 4 piece set SILVERPLATE SPECIAL NOW AT ....... $25.00 ea. 17 Jewel WATCHES from 19.95 up Mens TIE TACKS TIE and CUFF LINKS 1 and 2 Strand iPEARLS $1.00 plus tax MELMAC DINNER WARE Service 4 Acrilan and Orion -- for Eight $29.95 TRANSISTOR RADIOS On full year guar. MANY BEAUTIFUL JEWELRY ITEMS AT $1.00 plus tax MENS AND LADIES WATCH BANDS $3.95 and up Many Styles WE STILL HAVE SOME WONDERFUL BARGAINS IN MENS 17 and 21 Jewel DRESS WATCHES at HALF PRICE!! Silver DONT FORGET THE BABY Feeding Spoons and Lockets! Other Gifts! MANY LOVELY GIFT ITEMS PRICED FROM $1.00 UP - Beautiful Regular Ties CURLEE SUITS -- SPORT COATS AND TOP COATS Headquarters for All Official Boy Scout Gifts - We also have some good BARGAINS in Shirts - Sweaters - Shoes NEPHI JEWELRY Telephone 341 L and Trucks COMPANY or anif cottons, wools, Banlon, s, Jim Manning, Auctioneers WESTERN FARM AUCTION .A-W- i THE TOGGERY ORLON AND WOOL Back-Ho- e, 710 COLUMBIA LANE PROYO, UTAH ARE FOUND KNIT SHIRTS IN BANLON - Spreaders, Front-loader- WILL POSITIVELY BE SOLD AT AUCTION 10:00 A. M. h Christmas Gifts USED Tractors, Automobiles $2.50 MEN OR AGENTS per hour or more for part or full time route work. Large repeat orders. Man or woman. Write McNESS COMPANY, Box 4014, Oakland 23. Calif. SPORTSMAN SUPPLY Phone 280 YOU THINK OF SALES- HELP WANTED GLEANERS WHEN DEC. 9, 1960 Trade in FURNACES that old furnace on a new oil Material, or coal furnace work and furnaces guaranteed BARTON first quality PLUMBING & HEATING 347 North Main Street, Phone 95W machine so now you can clean your own furniture, mattresses and car interior CYLINDERS etc r FOR SALE with no obligation. CARTER AIR HOSE HYDRAULIC Bicycle SAVES YOU MONEY 17 North Main J Exclusive Turbine Brush for finest Carpet Care Magically, your Sunbeam Dual Deluxe Cleaner converts in seconds to ZZS7, feinnmi a revolving brush upright Available at extra coat District Scout Committeeman CHAPMAN FURNITURE |