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Show SOCIAL t mas OF 'Giant Eye Symbolizing Research Hope Is Visited by Small Birth Defects Victim MONA i-'- ? ., V , LW. V Charming Mrs. Rosemary Murphy of Kentland, Ind., Mrs. America for 1961, proudly displays one of the worlds best Christmas gifts a U. S. Savings Bond. The mother of five children, aged two to ten, Mrs. America feels there is no better way This Is the electron micro scope at Ohio State Universitya Hospital, Columbus, Ohio, CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS Mrs. Cleon Kay was in on Tuesday of last week to attend the funeral services of Alton Young. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Howell and family of Kearns spent the Thanksgiving holidays with her mother, Mrs. Cleon Kay. RUSSELL STOYER tributions. Congenital malformations afflict 250,000 infants annually in the United States and are responsible for the deaths of 34,000 babies each who are stillborn or die IIEPill HEWS BRIEFS year within four weeks of birth. The health organizations expanded program also includes Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Anderarthritis and continued work and son and daughters Kaye in polio. Arizona Christine of Phoenix, In his excitement while visited over the week end with reaching for the eyepiece of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. the vast instrument, Kevin Marvin Anderson at Nephi and didnt know that in probably at Mr. and Mrs. John Irons lens of such the Moroni. electron microscopes, scientists hope some day to pinpoint the Thanksgiving holiday visitors the savage embryonic at the home of Mr. and Mrs. cause of that crippled him bemishap Udell R. Jensen were Ann and fore he was born. By comparLake of Salt Kathleen Jensen ing normal and abnormal cells City; Richard Jensen and his under tremendous magnificroommate Kenneth Kiyle, stu- ation, researchers hope to disdents at the B. Y. U. Kenneth's cover, for example, why Kevhome is in Vancouver, B. C. ins spine never fused during his mothers pregnancy, or why some other little boy or girl is born with excess fluid on the brain another baffling birth defect which The National Foundation is studying. At his birth, doctors gave Kevin only a few hours to CANDIES MENS GIFTS PRINCE MATCIIABELL! ultra-powerf- PERFUMES ROBERT HALL PHARMACY ffl )rugs iPnR by Prpyriplion Spprialisl I man of 15 ul JACK'S Refrigeration Center & Appliance FREE-H9- 8 Got All Shook Up! Doll or $4.98 Truck with Notice is hereby given that the BOARD OF COUNTY JUAB COMMISSIONERS, COUNTY, NEPHI, UTAH, will receive bids for furnishing all labor, materials, transportation and services for the construction of an Addition to the present Hospital, at Nephi, Juab County, Utah. Each bid is to be in accordance with plans and specifications and other contract documents now on file with the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS JUAB COUNTY, where they may be examined and copies may be obtained from the the EUREKA VACUUM priced from 39.80 WHIRLPOOL DISH WASHER set of dishes 1 88.95 - Free 53-p- c. with each dish washer UPRIGHT SPECIAL-16- 1 w.t. FREEZER-259.9- 5 SPECIAL JUMP TRADE IN -- RCA WHIRLPOOL -- COMBINATION-MWe Service What We 1 1 NORTH MAIN STREET o. W60 - PHONE LEWIS Architect, 75W Architects shall be accompanied office; by a certified check, or cashiers check or bid bond for 5 of the amount of the bid, made payable to the order of i A "vv & iy fa f1! fa ! 2 4 ?.' '' i M y Here is an actual price label taken from a new 1961 Mercury Meteor 600. Youll find it on the window, according to the Federal Automobile Information Disclosure Act It proves Mercury has a dramatic new Kevin Sharp, 314 years, of Grove City, Ohio, victim of birth elecdefect of an open spine, stands before huge nine-fotron microscope at Ohio State University Hospital, Columbus. Instrument is used in March of Dimes-su- f ported research into congenital malformations. we longed to raise a live," says Mrs. Gerald Sharp, his mother. In addition to his amiiyi and a healthy one. open spine, he had two clubWhy should this unaccountfeet wniich are now much im- able accident have happened to proved due to surgery and us? But we count our blessphysical therapy. He is a brave ings. Perhaps fewer Kevins and happy little fellow even if will be born to the next genhe smiles so rarely. My hus- eration. We certainly pray so. band and I thank God that The lights return and, suptoday wider research is being ported by his crutches and defects." done into birth braces, solemn little Kevin She adds somewhat wist- struggles back from the micro, fully; scope. But at that moment, My husband Gerald and I looking up at his mother, met in an orphanage in Xenia, theres the suggestion of a Ohio. We became childhood smile around the corners of his sweethearts. Like other young mouth. ot low price 1 ONLY CAR THE 1961 MERCURY METEOR IS THE BETTER LOW-PRIC- E -- YET IT COSTS JUST A FEW DOLLARS MORE THAN THE PACK The new Mercury Meteor gives you the smoothest ride, the Bafest, huskiest construction, and more e interior luxury than any other carl It also gives you larger brakes than most, a bigger battery, more glass, larger tires, more body insulation, a longer wheelbase, and many other advantages. All this. ..plus a new low low price . . . plus our Special Introductory Deal which saves you a mint! Come in now and see the Nephi Local and Social Items Mr. and Mrs. Wayne S. An- were Thanksgiving week end drews, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald E, guests of their parents, Mr. Wilcox, and Miss Erveena An- and Mrs. J. E. Andrews. drews all of Salt Lake City Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Gowthe BOARD OF COUNTY ers and daughter Linda, A. W. Clyde, and A. J. Gowers were COMMISSIONERS, Sunday dinner guests of Mr. COUNTY, NEPHI, UTAH. The above mentioned cheek and Mrs. Clark Austin. or bond shall be given as a Week end guests of Mrs. Gilguarantee that the bidder will enter into the contract if one bert Bailey were Mr. and Mrs. is awarded to him, and will be Bernard Bailey of Costa Mesa, declared forfeited if the suc- California who were here for cessful bidder refuses to enter the funeral services of his into said contract after being father, Reed A. Bailey, which requested so to do by the was held in Moroni on MonBOARD OF COUNTY COM- day. MISSIONERS. Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. The successful bidder will be Bailey were Mr. and required to furnish satisfactory Gilbert Performance Bond in the Mrs. Norman Jorgensen and amount of his contract, and a Mrs. Zella Harris, all of Salt Satisfactory Payment Bond in Lake City. the amount of 50 of his con-trsMr. and Mrs. Lloyd Westover The BOARD OF COUNTY and Mr. and Mrs. Jay Bingham Miss Nora West-ovCOMMISSIONERS, JUAB of Santaquin, of Salt Lake City; Mrs. COUNTY, reserves the right to Avery and son LeGrande reject any or all bids or waive Susie were Thanksgiving of Provo bid. a in any informality No bidder may withdraw his day dinner guests of Mr. and bid for a period of thirty (30) Mrs. Barry H. Avery. days after the date set for the Russell Gardner and son opening thereof. Robert of Springville visited NovDated this 28th day of on Saturday with his mother, ember, 1960. Mrs. R. H. Gardner, at the BOARD OF COUNTY home of his brother in law and COMMISSIONERS, sister, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse A. JUAB COUNTY, Bailey. Bishop Grant Gardner By R. Elgin Gardner, of Payson also visited one day Chairman during the week with his ATTEST: mother here. j James P. Christensen, Clerk Mr. and Mrs. Howard Brown (Seal) and .Mr. and Mrs. Don Barton Dates of publication: Decemb- and family were in Vernal foe er 1, 8, 15 and 22, 1960, in Thanksgiving day dinner with The Times-NewNephi, Utah . Mr. and Mrs. Don Brown. JUAB I Record-Breakin- g Mercury 611 Includes transportation. Prices may vary slightly because of transportation cost differences. Includes automatic transmission. sedan not available. hardtop models. Two-do- Two-do- r 2 door Mercury Meteor 800 &C sedan '61 MERCURY METEOli METEOR 600 METEOR 800 MONTEREY the$ctTkm-prioi- Via PARKIN MOTOR Phone 312 s, m. GO. Nephi, Utah mmsmmmmm c HOLIDAY SEASON SPECIALS , CLIO ENSEMBLE if o O m? : i to ao X X i . Page Sir One of the greatest things about ihe beautiful new " BilEESCUESY METE is on its window: 4 - - December I, I960 er Bids will be publicly opened at the office of the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, JUAB COUNTY, NEPHI, UTAH, at 2:00 pm. on December 29, 1960. Each bid1 shall be made out on a form to be LU& . . . these to v - Thursday, ct ject. i tn ERIC-SANDSTRO- 290 North Uni versity Avenue, Provo, Utah, upon deposit of $50.00 per set, which deposit will be refunded upon return of such copy In good condition within five days after the bids are opened. If any contractor desires more than one set he shall pay for such set, which $25.00 amount shall not be returnable. Bids will be received for one contract covering General Construction, Electrical Construction and Mechanical Construction (plumbing, heating and ventilating), and one contract will be awarded for the entire pro- obtained at the Sell! 'f i Uah low-pric- FOR BIDS ADVERTISEMENT purchase of a CLEANER i anything. Such mobility as he has is made possible by his crutches and leg braces. Kevins is one of the significant birth defects the cause of which is being pursued today by The National Foundation with New March of Dimes con- Lay-to- n TOYS K giant inquiring eye nine feet tall, capable of magnifying the human cell 100,000 times. The small boy with the rather sad little face is Kevin Sharp, 3V4 years, of Grove City, Ohio, who wanted to see version of the a jumbo-size- d on toy microscope given him his last birthday by his doctor. Kevin has to see his doctor regularly because he isor a vicopen tim of spina bifida, from the spine. He is paralyzed waist down and cannot play ball or indeed play much at Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kay spent Thanksgiving in Caliente, Nevada with their son in law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Max Carter. Kevin and Ellen Kay of Richfield were week end visitors of their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kay. to prepare for your familys future than to buy Savings Bonds at Christmas or anytime. 4tlp Nephi, high-ceiling- ed Thanksgiving week end visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Claude Kay were Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Kay and daughter Lesa, and Miss Margo Kay, all of Salt Lake City. tJ n- The lights dim, and in the darkened little room a somber-face- d the at light stare3 pilot boy of a towering microscope. Mr. and Mrs. John McNeil and two daughters of Niles, California visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. E. Alton Ellertson. Mr. and Mrs. Gary 20 Gray visited on November at the Ellertson home. , CHRISTMAS TREES for sale Colorado Fur and Spruce Available December 5 at Corbetts, 244 North 1st East, Ne-p- GIFT WRAP 6 rolls assorted. wde. Gift wrap with free holiday cutouts on box. 1 t irs,5 . TRIPLE PACK RIBBON 3 rolls totaling 220 feet Assorted colors. Manufacturer List 98. list $1.98.' CHRISTMAS CURLING ORNAMENTS CHRISTMAS Beautiful Colorful. 5 of a color to a package. Choice of 8 colors. CARD SPECIAL' 20 cards to box. Assorted styles Comparable values to $3.00. REVLON COSMETIC SETS SHEAFFER PENS & PENCILS OLD SPICE TOILETRIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN YARDLEYS TOILETRIES FOR MEN (ODAKS - CANDY - ELECTRIC SHAVERS - MAX FACTOR SETS Comparablevalue J SPECIAL 3 $1.29 CD Radiologist MM titl 1I DRUGSTORE I I I 1U "MERRY CHRISTMAS I I I I CHRISTMAS CARDS SPECIAL 984. T ( I "'fui f w r CONTEST" I !' Name- - ' 1 ft IlForHerV CHECK ONE I Address. r City ForHimtl Present tins entry fo'm at any one of your Merry Christmas Drug Stares whose name and add-es- s appear at left, lor easy instructions on how to wm the valuable store prizes shown. Phone I -- State. I I I I NOTHING TO BUY II |