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Show HOLIDAY SEASON CALLS FOR SPECIAL CHRISTMAS COOKIES Nephi Local and Social Items Thanksgiving dinner was giv- en in honor of Charles E. Step-hense-n at his home on Thursday. Present were Mr. and and Mrs. Harold Anderson family of Kearns, Mr. and Mrs, Rulon Ogden and family, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Briggs and the honored guest, Mr. Cookie time is any time, but most especially at Christmas. With friends dropping in unexpectedly during the holiday season, children home from school, and lots of entertaining, a good supply of special Christmas cookies is a "must. So get out your most colorful tray and plates and arrange an assortment of bright butter cookies on them. To make your cookies really special, as cookies for Christmas deserve to be, use these recipes that call for butter, as the key ingredient. Butter enriches the cookies, and it has an natural flavor incomparable that improves their taste. ! J NOEL COOKIES , . 7 dozen cookies 400 oven 10-- 1 minutes 34 cup softened batter 134 cups sugar . . . 1 eg g 1 teaspoon vanilla 236 cups sifted cake flour 136 teaspoons baking powder 36 teaspoon salt 34 cup candied cherries, finely chopped Few drops red food coloring 1 square baking chocolate, melted 34 cup finely chopped pecans tablespoons coconut, chopped 36 teaspoon almond extract Cream butter and sugar. Add egg and vanilla and mix well. Sift dry ingredients and add to Divide the the egg mixture. -- ' dough into thirds. To one part add the chopped cherries and red coloring; to the second add the chocolate and chopped nuts, and to the third add the chopped coconut- - and almond extract. Line a small bread pan 734x with waxed paper. Put 2x") the cherry batter on the bottom, then the chocolate, then the coconut. Cover with waxed paper and chill for several hours or overnight in the refrigerator. Cut in 36 inch thick slices and cut each slice into thirds. Bake on an ungreased 2 minutes cookie sheet for in a 400 oven. Cook on cake racks. CHOCOLATE NUT CLCSTEES 0 cookies 350 oven 10 minutes 2 squares baking chocolate, melted 1 cup sifted flour 94 teaspoon salt 36 teaspoon baking powder 36 cup softened butter 1 cup sugar 2 eggs 2 teaspoons vanilla 2 cups coarsely chopped pecan 10-1- 50-6- m ag fc MINT FROSTING: cup softened butter , cups sifted confectioners sugar 36 teaspoon peppermint extract 3 teaspoons milk or cream Few drops green food coloring Melt chocolate. Sift dry inCream butter and gredients. 34 236 2-- 3? ITEMS OF SOCIAL IIEPHI ents, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Mrs. Beth Rosquist and of Granger spent Thanks-givin- g Blackett. Mr. and Mrs. C. Anderson of week end with her par- - tC Menus in the Juab School Nephi, Utah Gary Norton and Miss Ray-ol- a Russell of Provo visited District Food Services program with his grandparents, Mr. and for the week of December 3 Mrs. Melvin Stanley last Fri- through December 9 have been Thursday, December I, I960 Page Seven announced as follows: day. Lewis Andei'son of Reno, Nevada is visiting with his mother, Mrs. Olive Anderson to observe her 91st birthday anniversary. ElOn Friday, Mrs. Mayme lison Cox of Provo, Mr. and Mrs. E. Fred Kendall spent Mrs. Paul Smith and baby of Thanksgiving in Orem with Dr. Salt Lake City, Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. Gordon S. Johnson. Elden Simpson of Ogden, and Mrs. Eva Hoyt spent the of St. Edward Thompson George, a student at the Brig- Thanksgiving holidays at the ham Young University visited home of Mr. and Mrs. Ballard with Mr. Stephensen on his Hoyt and family in Orem. birthday anniversary. He also Week end visitors at the received phone calls from Mr. and Mrs. Carlyle Thompson home of Mr. and Mrs. Verda and Mrs. Ruth Smith of St. Kendall were her brother and J. O. Huggins and George; and Mrs. Annie Farns- nephew, Grant Kendall Green. Keith of A card congratulaworth. tions also was received from and daughter Tressa of Magna Mrs. Kate B. Carter, president also visited the first part of of the Daughters of Utah Pion- the week. eers. Mr. and Mrs. Merl Kay and Thanksgiving dinner guests family of American Fork; Mr. on Friday of Mr. and Mrs. A. and Mrs. Dale Wilson and famL. Garbett were Mr. and Mrs. ily of Salt Lake City; and Mr. Jack Garbett and children Su- and Mrs. Phil Mallicon of Orem san and Mike of Palo Alto, were Thanksgiving day dinner California; Mr. and Mrs. Paul guests of Mr. and Mrs. George children Latimer. M. Christison and Kathleen and Kim of RichAt the home of Mr. and field, and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mrs. J. Walter Paxman for Wetherell of Provo. Thanksgiving dinner were Mr. Mr. and Mrs Don Gadd and and Mrs. Thomas W. Felt, Mr. sugar. Add eggs one at a time, daughter were dinner guests of and Mrs. Dwane C. Hill and beating well after each addi- her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eu- their families, of Salt Lake tion. Add vanilla and melted Allred on Thanksgiving City. chocolate, then sifted dry in- gene day. a nuts. from and Drop gredients ...Mr. and Mrs. Lavar Waters teaspoon onto a greased cookie Mr. and Mrs. Chester Foote and sons Bobby and Joseph sheet and bake in a 350 oven Spring-vill- e in Thanksgiving weekthe Thanksgiving spent for 10 minutes. When cool frost spent with and their son in law Mr. and Mrs. Joseph with end with green mint frosting. Max Cream daughter, Mr. and Mrs. RobMINT FROSTING: Lyman. butter and half of the sugar. Knight. Their grandson, them with Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Eliason Add mint extract and remain- ert Knight returned week- of Salt Lake City and Dr. and the to or milk to Add spend Nephi enough sugar. ing Mrs. J. L. Millward and childCream to make the frosting of end. ren David, Ricky and Elizabeth spreading consistency, then tint Mr. and Mrs. Keith Barney of Ashland, Oregon were visa pale green with food coloring. Mrs. itors on Spread cm the chocolate cookies. and family and Mr. and Thanksgiving at the Arlyn Steele and family of homes of Mr. and Mrs. G. R. CHRISTMAS CHERRY COOKIES Santaquin were Thanksgiving Judd and Mr. and Mrs. Fred dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. Morgan. 5 dozen cookies minute 5 350 oven, John V. Garrett. 136 cups sifted flour Mr. and Mrs. Glen Jarrett Mr. and Mrs. Keith Black and baby of Salt Lake City; 36 cap sugar and boys of Moses Lake, Wash- Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Malmgren, 2 teaspoons baking powder 36 cap softened batter ing spent Sunday and Monday Miss Sharlene Malmgren and ' 1 egg, beaten of last week at the home of Ed. Malmgren of Levan, and 1 tablespoon milk Mr. and Mrs. Harry Black. A Mr. and Mrs. Delmar Howlett 36 teaspoon almond extract dinner was were Thanksgiving day dinner 36 cap chopped almonds held on Monday. Those enjoy- guests of Mr. and Mrs. TheoCandled cherries and Mr. ing the affair were dore Jones. Sift flour, sugar and baking Mrs. Reed Smith and family; with Combine Mrs. powder together. and Mr. Mrs. Earl Hawkins returned Alicia Reed, butter until the mixture resem- Keith Black, and the host and home Sunday after spending bles meaL Mix egg, milk, and and Mrs. Harry two weeks in the Utah Valley almond extract and add. Fold in hostess, Mr. Hospital at Provo for medical chopped almonds and chill the Black. treatments. dough in the refrigerator until Black Mr. and Mrs. Harry it can be handled. Form the were in Payson Tuesday afterMr. and Mrs. Duane Garrett dough into small balls and place noon to attend the funeral ser- and family of Kaysville spent on greased cookie sheets. Press with Thanksgiving holidays a candied cherry in the center vices of Lee Rindlisbacker. and Mrs. Mr. their parents, of each and bake in a 350 oven Thanksgiving day guests of Brigham Garrett and Mr. and min. Cool on cake racks. for Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Norton Mrs. Earl Hawkins. Monticeillo visited on Novemb- in Provo were his parents, Mr. er 20th with Mr. and Mrs. Ray- and Mrs. Melvin Stanley of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Goodson mond Blackett. Nephi; Mr. and Mrs. Max Nor- of Twin Falls, Idaho spent IdaDinner guests of Mrs. Hazel ton and family of Preston,BowlSaturday and Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Byron Bosh on Thanksgiving were Mr. ho; Mr. and Mrs. Charles and Mrs. Vernon Bosh and fam- es and family of Springville. Johnson. Special guests were Miss Sharily of Spring City. Gary Mrs. Jemerva Jenkins and on Ellis of Mapleton, p Mrs. and Mr. Raymond and Mr. and Mrs. Homer Jenkins of BraUsford Springville Tooele of and family were Thanksgiving visitors of Cedar of City. David Vogele d spent Thanksgiving day with A delicious Mr. and Mrs. Emery G. was dinner turkey Mr. and Mrs. her parents, Orem. in members. 27 enjoyed by Ralph Carter Step-hense- SCHOOL LURCH MENUS FOR WEEK n. Monday Steamed tunies, mashed potatoes, creamed peas, carrot stick, parsley spring, cherry macaroon bread pudding, sixty minute rolls with butter, milk. Tuesday Salmon cheese sandwich, crunchy green pepper slaw with pimento, Harvard beets, pineapple upside down cake, milk. Wednesday Tamale pie, buttered green beans, jellied lemon carrot and celery salad, butterscotch raisin pudding, whole wheat bread and butter, milk. What kind of people buy series H Thursday Individual meat rolls, baked tart spinach, celery squash, sticks, raisin bread with butter, peanut butter cookie and Savings Bonds? milk. Friday Baked meat loaf with cotcauliflower au tage cheese, gratin, combination vegetable salad, Dutch oven rolls, milk. IIEPHI HEWS BRIEFS Mr. and Mrs. Milton T. Harmon and baby, Mr. and Mis. Roger Jorgensen and twins, Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Shepherd and Mr. and Mrs. A. S1. Benn-io- n of Salt Lake City, and Andrew Thompson were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Harmon. Briefly, theyre any kind of people with $500, $1000, $5000, or $10,000 to invest for current income payable every six months for 10 years by Treasury check. The kind of people who want a guaranteed yield of 3 interest to maturity. Series H Savings Bonds are You move protected against loss, and carry no risk of market fluctuation. Its easy to exchange your present Series E Bonds into H Bonds, if you need present income from your savings. Simply ask your banker for complete details. more than money with U.S. Savings Bonds You Ik V. B. Gryimmtnt t kmko, for tkoyr help save the peace dott not pa g for this advertiting. Ik Trtatnrg patnotw donation, Tk Aivtrtiimg Conned Vtpart-mn- t 12-1- 12-1- STRAWBERRIES 5 PKGS 1.00 FRESH OYSTERS -- Unfrozen 12 OZ 64 PICTS WEET PEAS Reglar pkgs - 5 for 95 SUNKIST JUICES 4 Flavors 6 ans 85? 5 WE HAVE A GOOD SUPPLY OF BEAUTIFUL GIFT WRAPS Old Fashioned PLUM OR DATE PUDDINGS XMAS CANDY AND NUTS fall cans CANNED MILK 3 for 47t per dozen - 51? RANCH EGGS Fresh Pay-stru- Col-lar- . --Re- WHEEL uglar pound GOODS APPLES - Jonathans or Delicious 2 LBS 25 ? APPLE CIDER GALLON -- 83? DUTCH APPLE COKIES Purify lb 289? ARISTOCRAT BROOM - Best qualify 1.85 BLUE ROSE RICE 2 pounds for 27? DELRICH OLEO 3 pounds for 89? SALE Formerly fit ties! 1 Item Regular 34.95 11.95 18.95 17.95 13.95 24.95 14.95 BICYCLES TRICYCLES TRICYCLES TRICYCLES tricycles tricycles WAGONS --10- WAGONS -- SALE - 24.95 -16.95 -14.95 -13.95 -10.95 -19.95 .98 - -6- .98 .98 Reg. 12.95 for Reg. 9.99 guns for 11.95 8.99 Reg. 7.99 guns for Reg. 6.50 guns for 6.99 5.50 - HALIBUT - CENTER SLICES per lb 47? H bag-- 1.00 CUDAHY'S WEINIES-2- V VEAL CUTLETS 4 FOR 69? ground 'GROUND BEEF-Fresh- ly 2 lbs for 89? per pound 41 ? SAUSAGE - Freshly made, ervinq from 6 Ho -9- SLEEPING BAGS AT REDUCED PRICES 1.98 WRAPPING PAPER -- NOW 1.39 --- B B GUNS IS IN OUR MARKET All ftio-- Can Cat! u Adults $1.50 Children 6 to 15 75$ Children under 6 Free PHONE 7 a - COMPLETE PROCESSING BEEF - PORK - LAMB OF |