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Show Utah Mephi, Thursday, December I, I960 Page Two CHRISTMAS TREES for sale TICKETS NOW for Colorado Fur and Spruce Dinner Buffet Ward the First December 5 at Cor Available 8 6 to pm Serving from 244 North 1st East, Ne-ph-l. the betts, Bring on December 8th 4 tip . whole family. The Lynn FOR SALE See our fine quality hand75 N. 6 East home at Mellor Chapman made Stieff Toys Neldon Hanson, phone Furniture Co. 61 South Main Call 472J. BUY and Mrs. Byron Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Lee Boswell and children and Mr and Mrs. Robert Wells and daughter spent Thanksgiving in Manti with their mother and grandmother, Mrs. Marion King. Mr. and Mrs. Owen N. Gibson and son Teryl of Preston, Idaho and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Greenhalgh were dinner guests on Thanksgiving at Mr. and Mrs. the home of Stellman Greenhalgh. Mrs. Clark Greenhalgh visited in St. George with her brother in law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Christian; also g her mother, Mrs. William over the week end. Mu-si- Dont forget the Community Good sup STOKER SALE Development meeting Decem, i . v ber 16 at the High School Aud- ply of both new and used unMr. and Mrs. A. M. Gray of Furnace motors and itorium. The administration its Thanksgiving in Heber the Juab District Schools will controls also in stock. Barton spent with Mr. and Mrs. Eldon be studied. Plumbing Co., 349 North Main City Allred and family. Almost new or FOR SALE Our 45th Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Maynard Wan-ki440 John Deere crawler with anyway its our anniversary and and family of Manti; Mr. winch and dozer. Sacrifice youll find hundreds of bar- and Mrs. Dix Grace and family price. Phone 2966, MoronL gains in our store this week of Payson; Mr. and Mrs. RobUtah. end. Theyre so hot youll want ert Zumpano and son Robert to call the Fire Department! of Salt Lake City spent ThanksYoull gasp so much at our giving at the home of Mr. and WANTED SALESMEN specials youll want the resus-ciato- Mrs. H. L. Grace. Men Stop in at Allens Cash WANTED AT ONCE monMr. and Mrs. Keith Chapman to supply Rawleigh household Store if you want to save visconsumers in ey Youd have to travel hund- of Beaver were week-en- d necessities to Full or part reds of miles to beat these bar- itors of her parents, Mr. and Juab County. Mrs. Elgin Garrett. time. Old established demand! gains this week. Steady - year around income. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph WillUSE our efficient Carpet Write, giving age, previous of Kaysville and Mr. and iams with FREE S purchShampooer work, phone number. Mrs. Clifford Park and two Blue Lustre of ase Shampoo Dept. were Thanksgiving children Chapman Furniture Co. Denver, Colorado. week-en- d visitors of Mr. and 3tipd Mrs. Theo Park. LOST YOUR KEY? You can at made quickly Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lunt Furnished get another FOR RENT 44 West Center. were accompanied by Mr. and apartments at Kendall apartMrs. Sterling Fackrell and Phone 19 for ments FOR SALE Slightly used family of Springville to Brigland leveling equipment. Case ham City where they enjoyed Soil Thanksgiving with Mr. and 900 tractor with an FRESH EGGS FOR SALE Mover Scraper. Priced to sell. Mrs. Milton B. Lunt. Mrs. J. V. Cooper, 856 North See Grayson Roper, Oak City Mr. and Mrs. Ray Lunt and Utah. 1st West. Phone 851J, er r! and Mrs. Catherine Bowles spent the Thanksgiving holidays with Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Kgeler and Miss Catherine Bowles in Provo. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Barker spent Thanksgiving at Escalante, Utah with his mother, Mrs. Dicey Porter. GIVE BOOKS FOR CHRISTMAS ORDER CHURCH BOOKS NOW -- 5c 30-- - STORE $1.00 and up 10c NEW SPECIALS EACH WEEK TO THE PERSON BUYING OUR ITEM MYSTERY of Beautiful lane Appliances & TV Sets Sunbeam Eureka Vacuums Record Bar! Appliances Native Forker JACK'S Refrigeration Appliance Center with sale prices LOT HOUSE 2 for 5.00 WEIGHT UNIONS Sizes 40 to 46 Value -- NOW -- 4.47 NOW 3.47 2 for 5.00 KNIT SPORT SHIRTS MAKE IT NOW FABRICS For smart wearables or giftablesl YOU SAVE MORE AT YOUR IGA STORE PERCALES 3 yards for Better Fabrics 69c to 0 G. E. APPLIANCES LENNOX FURNACES Hobby is little things KOHLER PLUMBING FIXTURES NEW HOMES BUILDING BUILDING MATERIALS! FLUMDIIIG 4--D & All REPAIR RADIATOR COMPLETE tune ups electronicaly checked with the ANALOSCOPEI VERB S Motor Service Complete Body Repair - Painting Kitchen Chairs reSet of 4 covered $22.50 Followed Father's Footsteps SPECIAL BUILDERS SUPPLY VIIITS Body SALE See the 1961 56 East Center Let IGA 1,00 - Priced from Phone 57 Juab County's Oldest Automobile Dealer Serve Youl 1.29 COMPANY 3 1 SINCLAIR PLYMOUTH CHRYSLER VALIANT Drives Chrysler from Painters! Be sure & Upholstry zr COMPLETE AUTOMOTIVE REPAIRS ALL MAKES OF CARS GOODYEAR Tires Batteries & Phone 10 SHIP 'N SHORE OF CANDY JONES DRESSES FOR THE TEENS VICKY VAUGHN y ERMA'S DRESS SHOP 345 North Main (AD Phone 95W . 8th North and Main BUILDING BLOUSES DRESSES FOR LADIES Priced to Suit Sizes 5 to 24 JEIIXIHS Sales Service Nephi MATERIALS ALL KINDS SCOTT LAWN CARE CENTER Kill Crabgras with Scott's 'CLOUT' BENNETT Tools PAINT tor & SAVE THE IIEPIli LUMBER CD. Phone 310 55 West 2nd North Builds! CHEVROLET BUICK AND PONTIAC ! GREENWOOD SERVICE TIRE SPECIALISTS COUPON from our advertisement on page six to enter in the drawing for FREE PRIZES Past Perxy civic organization NEPHI DRUG Nephi, Utah SHOP AND SAVE AT. , ALLEN'S CASH STORE , GO. Phone 27 BATWE FEATURE TIRES TERIES HOUSEHOLD AND PAINTS FARM APPLIANCES MILK WHITE FEEDS Has sister, two brothers Buy MILK WHITE EGGS fresh daily at your favorite - WE GIVE GOLD STRIKE STAMPS ' ATTENTION LADIES!! SPONGE FOAM CGLGRS - ALL - - 85c yard t POULTRY & FARMERS COOP 285 West Center St. Nephi KENS HARDWARE & ARMY NAVY STORE 48 North Main Street T Nepht HALLMARK RELIABLE MERCHANDISE REASONABLE PRICED COURTEOUSLY PRESENTED Christmas Cards Single or Boxed Civic leader but hanger on! ROBERT MALL PHARMACY ALWAYS AT CHRISTENSENS, . . GROCERIES VEGETABLES! FRUITS Family consists of both kinds MEATS Grocery Store GLASS All Purposes He to UTAH 140 South Main SUPPLY Phone 312 South Main PRODUCTS TONI TODD yard SEE US TODAY for a new deal on Used Cars! We also a fine selection of Fords and Mercurys fresh from the factory! MOTOR Ladies Saddle King Jeans, Beg. oz 3.25 NOW $2.60; Mens 14 Western Saddle King Jeans, reg. 3.98 NOW 8.39; Boys 143 oz 13 to 18 years Saddle King Jeans, Reg. 3.49, NOW 2.98; Boys 143 oz Saddle King Jeans (up to 17 years) Reg. 2.98, NOW 2.67 The Toughest denim made pre shrunk fast color. Buy correct size. SPORTSMAN PARKIN PAINTER MOTOR GO. NEW SHIPMENT PRATTS Served as state veep! JOHNSONS FALL Ladies and JUST ARRIVED Childrens Holiday Cotton Dresses Member Nephi service club South Main TABLE FRESH PRODUCE FOR THE LADY WHO PUSHES THE CART NOW 1.99 per pair NEW BED SPREADS -- Wnged. and several Priced at 3.99 and 4.98 colors to select from FASHION 61 TABLERITE MEATS Regular 2.49 1 Hurry FEATURING WOOL lot COTTON SKIRTS Phone 75W - BOYS HEY CHAPMAN FURNITURE Phone 300 O North Main 1 & SPORT COATS AND SWEATERS CEDAR CHESTS Nylon SKIRTS--M- All MOTOROLA Stereo We have a large selection DRESSES Lot N N: HOUSE COATS & DUSTERS 3.95 fo 6.95 1 JEWELRY 8. 1960. RCA WHIRLPOOL FREE MERCHANDISE NOW Legs Dates of publication: Novemb17 and 24; December 1 and er - to - Long NEPHI We Repair All Appliances Satisfaction Guarnteed on Work FORSEYS 1 Short or Long Sieves NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of Elmer Meldrum, deceased. Creditors will present claims with vouchers to the undersigned at the law office of Udell R. Jensen, 125 North Main Street, Nephi, Utah, on or before the 18th day of March, A. D. 1961. s GENEVA MELDRUM, Executrix of the estate of Elmer Meldrum, deceased. L VARIETY 4.95 ALL TOYS REDUCED 10 TO WINTER Haynes. A CONTEST ABOUT YOUR FRIENDS IN NEPHI AND EAST JUAB COUNTY--DEPOS- IT ENTRIES WITH ANY OF THESE FOUR BUSINESSES THIS WEEK for Children We have a complete library of "The Golden Books 1 spent Thanksgiving with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Angus 20.00 Cash Reward Offered! dcM Cotfo- Mr. and Mrs. Merl Haynes of Salt Lake City and Mr. and Mrs. Clark Haynes of Provo Personality rd n- sisters. ho Is Our 4-- D BUY Bert Hales of Deseret and their families. Mrs. Dutson, Mrs. Hales and Mrs. Mathews are ITEMS OF 8, 1960. La-vo- 3, 1.00 AND GUARDIAN- NEPHI Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Bowers spent Thanksgiving week end in Idaho Falls with their son Mr. and Mrs. Chase visin law and daughter, Mr. and ited at Sunset Roy with their Mrs. Pat Whittington and famMrs. Orin Neilsen, daughter, ily. over the Thanksgiving weekMr. and Mrs. Larry Johnson end. and daughters of Murray and Mr. and Mrs. Forrest AnMr. and Mrs. Golden Theobald and children of Delta were derson and family, and his parMr. and Mrs. Arthur AnThanksgiving day visitors at ents, of Fountain Green derson n the home of Mr. and Mrs. were Thanksgiving day dinner Ellertson. guests at the home of Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Cox of Mrs. Perry Peel in Salt Lake Mapleton and Mrs. Roene City. Twenty-tw- o family memof Payson spent Thanks- bers enjoyed the day together. giving day at the home of Mr. Mrs. Peel is a sister of Forand Mrs. Vern Davis. rest Anderson. RAW-LEIGH- UTL-151-24- day family spent Thanksgiving: in Woodscross with Mr. Mrs. Lawrence Memmott. PROBATE SHIP NOTICES. Consult SOCIAL Juab County Clerk or Respective signers for additional information, NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of Earl H. Steele, aka Mr. and Mrs. James W. E. H. Steele, Earl Harold Mathews and daughter Lola deceased. Creditors Steele, Thanksgiving in Oak will present claims with vouch- spent with Mr. and Mrs. Emery City ers to the undersigned at the C. Dutson and Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Cow- law office of Udell R. Jensen, an and family were Thanksgiv- 125 North Main Street, Nephi, of Mr. Mrs. and ing day guests Utah, on or before the 18th day Larry Goble in Salt Lake City. of March, A. D. 1961. JENNIE L. STEELE, Mr. and Mrs. Gail White and executrix of the estate of two sons of Tremonton were Earl H. Steele, deceased. Thanksgiving week end visitors Dates of publication: Novembof Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Cooper. er 17, 24 and December 1 and Nephi Local and Social Items iMr. Judge and Mrs. F. W. Keller of Price, Mr. and Mrs. James II. Crane and daughter of Salt Lake City; Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Cox and three children, Mr. and Mrs. Edward D. Cox and three daughters, all of Bountiful were week end visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. P. Cox. INC. Nephi, Utah Right Reserved by .Western Advertising Enterprises, 34 West Broadway, P. O. Box Mystery Personality" (P by Western Advert! ring Enterprises! )russ t,TRna Prpvnnlio Somalis! f 1327, Salt Lake City, Utah. - 1 |