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Show SIj imc-Eclxi$,-e- Nephi, Utah Thursday, van Page Five Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Scott gave a dinner on Sunday for Susan Aston, on her seventh birthday anniversary. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Keith Aston of Logan, Mrs. Sadie Reid, in and Lee Aston. Kev- Mr. and Mrs. Mac Shields and family of Panguiteh were visitors at the home of Mrs. E. C. Sherwood on Monday and Tuesday. Mrs. Shields is daughter of Mrs. Sherwood. Mrs. W. W. Stephensen visited over the week end with their children in Bountiful, Murray and Springville. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Jarrett ot Salt Lake City announce the Mr. and Mrs. Lemar Dalby, Mr. and Mrs. Emma Dalby, Mrs. Dean Dalby were in Sandy last Friday where they attended the funeral services of Albert Jensen, a brother in law of Mrs. Emma Dalby. Mrs. Pauline Mangelson and daughters visited on Saturday in Provo with Mrs. Alvin Price. Mrs. Mary Stephensen of Henderson, Nevada is visiting relatives and friends in Levan. She is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Mildred Taylor. birth of a daughter on May 4 at the LDS hospital. The babys weight was 5 lbs, 3 ozs. Grand' parents are Mr. and Mrs. Cloo Malmgren of Levan and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hedberg of Ne phi. Great grand parents are Mr. and Mrs. O. IL Pierce of Levan. Sudweeks, a student at the University of Utah, spent the week end at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs Raymond Sudweeks. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Sudweeks and family and Mr. and Mrs. Oris Sudweeks and family spent Thursday at Bryce and Glen Canyons. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Svedin were in Sat Lake City last week visiting their children: Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bowers and Mrs. Clifton Cazier, Mr. and Fork visitMrs. William Cazier, and Mr. family of American Mrs. Sadie ed on Sunday with and Mrs. Leo Noorda. Bowers and Mrs. Edna Sherwood. 1955 Willys FOR SALE Mr. and Mrs. James Shepdrive. In exJeep herd and children of Orem viscellent condition. Only 19,000 ited on Sunday with Mr. and miles. Equipped with spot light Mrs. Rulon Shepherd and Mr. Contact Wallace Kay at Mona. and Mrs. Clifton Bosh. The Levan School Library has been presented with $22.43 by the Parent Teachers assocThis money iation of Levan. was earned by the sale of candy and popcorn at shows presented at the school. The school secured $10.00 on admis sions to the shows. Both sums will be used to secure new books for the use of the students. The students are deeply grateful to the P. T. A. for their help in securing new books for the library. 2 kg PACKAGES GARDEN CATSUP 12 oz bottles, Each LIMIT 3 BOTTLES it STANDBY APPLE SAUCE " Per n - - - He LIMIT 4 CANS NIAGARA STARCH regular package Deusnup of Deseret, Mrs. Lee Wood of Provo and Mr. and Mrs. Dean Wood of Salt Lake City. A wedding reception for Mr. and Mrs. William Teramoto was held in Salt Lake City Saturday evening, May 2. Attending from Levan were Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Jackman, Mr. and .Mrs. Golden Mangelson, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Christensen and Bishop and Mrs. J. Clair Collard. This Week's Weather 9QC Record Given POWDERED TREND 2 43 CARNATION DRY quart size MILK--1- 2 Bar-tholme- ROYAL CROWN COLA BUY 6 at the regular price and GET 2 FREE HAMS - - WHOLE OR HALF- - -- per pound 39 Trimmed - Nylon, or Cotfon Rayon - 1.Q3 to 3.9C An additional .30 of an inch of moisture was received in storms during the past week end, according to the report of the weeks weather" furnished by Ray W. Christiansen, Nephi City Recorder and records man for the local weather observation post. Report for the past week shows: Out-of-tow- Full or Half QQC to or PAJAMAS Full, Shorties and Baby to Doll styles 29 ..75 74 30 45 59 84 1 2 3 4 5 6 44 79 53 56 52 35 35 63 35 32 2.90 to4.98 Sunday. Commander Alma Fullmer of Springville, Chaplain Walter Anderson and secretary, Mrs. Walter Anderson were in Nephi recently on business for the State Encampment of the Black Hawk, which this year will be held at Fairview. They met with Mrs. Catherine B. Bowles, director, and the group had dinner at the Snak Shak cafe. Mrs. Merlin Painters brother, Homer Barnett of Grange-vill- e, Out of town relatives and friends here for the funeral of Mrs Cleo Reed included: Mr. and Mrs. James Powers, Mr. and Mrs. Dewayne Jenson of Brigham City; Milton Lunt and Mr. and Mrs. Delmar Price of Logan; Mrs. Robert H. Park, O. D. Loveridge, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Morgan, Mrs. Florence Inscore, all of Salt Lake City; Mr. and Mrs. Morris Lunt of Mr. and Mrs. G. Dugway Lloyd jkobbs, Mr. and Mrs. Morris H. Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Lynn L. Groneman, and Mrs. Alta Elliott of Provo; Mr. and Mrs. James Reed, Mrs. Carrie Reed, Mrs. Wanda Arnold, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Rindlesbacker of Lark; Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Reed and Michael of Midvale; Verl Reed of Sandy; Mrs. William Peterson of Holladay, Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Mangelson of Levan; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Warren, Mrs. Faye Carter, Mrs. LeVe Curtis of Pay son, Clyde Ewell and Mr. and Mrs. Kent .00 The HOOVER factory rep.00 .00 resentative will be at the new .27 Chapman Furniture Co. May .03 9 to give demonstrations, to .00 answer questions, and lubricate on your .00 free the agitator Chapman .89 Hoover vacuum Precipitation for April Furniture Co. Precipitation for ear to 5.52 date Used toilets, FOR SALE Readings are taken each morn- basins. Also one used sink Also new fixtures and all types ing for the proceeding of Plumbing Supplies Barton period. Plumbing Co. 24-ho- ur Priced from Priced 4.99 to 8.98 Styles -- 1.90 to Idaho the funeral Painter. Is here to attend services THE TIME BOX AT THE TOGGERY North Main Nephi 19 SEED Pleasant. Maxine Ostler, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Ostler, Nephi Lois Haynes, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Elmo Haynes, Nephi Nancy Parkin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Parkin Nephi Rodney Danielson, Little Valley, Utah Mrs, Roliert Ballow, Levan Mrs. Maynard Whittington. Nephi Mrs. Walter Potts, Lynndyl Mrs. William Newell, Mona Wayne Morgan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Faye Morgan, Nephi Mrs. Kenneth Ingram, Nephi BARLEY UMt -- OATS KOMAR SEED WHEAT JUAB COUNTY MILL & ELEVATOR CO. Ai IGA Mom's wish it our command f wm& ol itw year our constant task is to brmg the bail product th lowest prxes plus h .end mess end converwerxe to make Mom s shoppmp experience et IGA a pleats Ye (very Day it Mom s Day at K.A b'Jow'i ' "i 309 x SALUTE YOU! THANKS FOR YOUR TREMENDOUS RESPONSE TO OUR GREEN TAG SPECIALS (which are still in effect Ibis week end) HERE ARE 3 MORE WEVE ADDED IGA TABLE RITE Save 20c lb! 0 U S CHOICE BEEF US No. 1 GRADE A BAG 10 LB Save22c! of Mr. Mrs. Dora Jean Cherry and son Scott of Provo are visiting this week at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph D. Park. Rodney Park, a junior at the Utah State College at Logan; and Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Park of Provo visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Park over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Park visited also at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Howard, parents of Mrs. CLOVERLEAF HALF GALLON CARTON BUM IX Check our Windows and Shelves for 2 Pages of BARGAINS as advertised in the IGA ADS in the Provo and Salt Lake Papers Park. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Pay and family of Ely, Nevada and Mrs. Leonard Pay visited in Salt Lake City with friends and also enjoyed a visit at the zoo over the past week end. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Powell have their son and daughter in law, Mr. and Mrs. Dean Powell and family of Richland, Wash- ington visiting with them this week. They also are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hanson, parents of Mrs. Dean Powell, in Fountain Green. oHssteasi 56 EAST NEPHI-PHO- CENTER ST. NE 5T - WRAPPING - CURING - SMOXIIIG CUSTOM CURING FREEZING . . . IN MANY AMERICAN COMMUNITIES! 'l JC'l 1 H Vf! '' a newspaper was a thing to be marveled at memories of the Press' fight for freedom were fresh in mind. Although newspapers are common in our country today, their existence should not be taken for granted. It is a wonderful fact that alSi most all of our modern communities have their own hometown newspapers, freely edited by members of their own communities spreading the news, stimulating the business of the community, and keeping their readers informed of important events elsewhere. It is well to keep in mind that a free press and a free people are an unbeatable team. Then for V". ii I h i ,fj j .. v b i,or GX ' ! , r s - -- 0 A NEWSPAPER WAS A RARITY 22.50 Hankies Blouses -Nylons Beautiful Yardage All at Curtains - Cen- Jewelry Diamonds Engraving and Plumbing The following have been ad- Builders Supply, 44 West mitted as patients at the Juab ter St., Phone 306. County Hospital during the past week: 4-- D Michael Johnson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Chesley Johnson, Ftn. Green. Mrs. Nels Peterson, Hinckley LaMont McPherson, Nephi Mrs. Robert O. Johnston, Mt. Watch Repairing s2sw i - $99.95 A Few Decades Past 2.90 to 5.90 LUGGAGE - Popular Purses DUSTERS Mrs. Elaine Petty spent the week end with Mrs. Gilbert Bailey visiting with friends in Nephi. She returned to Cedar City Sunday night. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Kelson are visiting with their son Gordon, who is playing for the Datona Beach, Florida club this season. Mrs. Eva Golden of Orem visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Black on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Black and family and Miss Fay Davis of Kearns visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Black over the week end. Good Assortment -- - 1.Q8 3.90 COTTON NO IRON Mr. and Mrs. George Conneland Margo, Mr. and Hrs. Garry Connelly of Salt Lake City, and R. II. Gardner of Levan visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Bailey on Sunday. ly Here for Reed Services BETTER DRESSES 2.98 GOWNS ing. Folks n High Low Prec. Christensen. 37 .00 Date April April May May May May May May Many COTTON DRESSES SUPS COTTON 11. Ost- SPECIAL G.E. 40 gallon Electric water heater. Fast re10 year guarantee covery ot ilflinufe Suggestions for MOTHER'S MY - Lace Mr. and Mrs. George ler and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kimura of Gunnison attended the wedding reception of Mr. and Mrs. William Teramoto in Salt Lake City Saturday even- Menus for the school lunch program in Juab School Dist rict have been announced as follows for the week of May 11 through May 15: Luncheon meat, Monday hard boiled eggs, cabbage-carrand pineapple salad, creamed corn, apple muffin with butter, milk. Rolled cured pork Tuesday shoulder roast, whipped potatoes and gravy, pickled beets, grapefruit and pineapple, jumbo raisin cookie, bread and butter, milk. Beef - potato Wednesday burger with cheese slice, buttered carrots, cabbage slaw, rice raisin pudding, bread and Leas? LADIES SLIPS Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Ord of Bountiful visited in Nephi Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. George V. Ord. They were here on account of the illness of Mrs. Ord. butter, milk. Thursday Turkey and noodles, fresh canned tomatoes, apricot cake with sauce, bread and butter, milk. Baked lima beans Friday and ham with tomato sauce; Mr. and Mrs. Clark Wood buttered broccoli, peaches, peaMr. and Mrs. Floyd Murphy had as their guests on Sunday, nut butter fudge, bread, butter and Miss Catherine Bowles of Frank milk. Mrs. and Mr. and 26, April Provo visited at the home of Wood of Delta, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Catherine B. Bowies on Lawrence Bennett, Mrs. Fred HEPIEI CHICKEN BREASTS OR THIGHS --P- How are the weeds doing in yard? Growing fast with Daughters of Utah Pioneers your of Camp Birch met at the the nice rains we have had? home of Mrs. Mont Sperry on If only the ilowers would grow would May 1. Mrs. Effie Scott, capt- as fast as the weeds we It is ain of the camp, presided. The all have beautiful yards. weeds lesson was given by Mrs. C. a constant fight to keep W. Johnson, who also read a down we must not give up Let's all pitch in and Hills of Zion". Mrs. now. poem Scott also gave the history of make Nephi as beautiful as we We can do can this summer. her grandfather, Joseph it, but we need help from all Comof you. Please help us! Dainty refreshments were BeautificDevelopment munity served to: Mrs. C. W. Johnson, Mrs. George V. Jones, Mrs. ation Committee. Thomas Stephensen, Mrs. Sidney Scott, Mrs. Leon Howard, Mrs. D. C. Boswell, Mrs. Sylvia Peters, Miss Madeline Pyper, Mrs. Orus Sudweeks, Mrs. Mr .and Mrs. Herman Chris- Clarence Hansen and the hosttensen had as their guests on ess, Mrs. Mont Sperry. Sunday, April 26, Mr. and Mrs. In the game of life dont get Leon Christensen and family and Kearns Christensen of Salt the idea you can pitch brickbats and catch bouquets. Lake City. Mr. and Mrs. Duane Anderson and son of Salt Lake City School Lunch Menus spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. Chloe Anderson. Are Announced Richard THIRD SOUTH Oil MAIN LIMIT Briefs iNevvs Nephi Local and Social News the party. Susan Twitchell, daughter of Mrs. Donald Pass, Nephi Social Items Hold Regular Meeting May 7, 1959 Mrs. Clark D. Prisbrey entertained at a birthday party for her son, Alan, on the occasion of his third birthday anniversary. Refreshments were served to Jackie and Brad Beck, Denise and Debby Corbett, Deltha Gowers, Gregory Yorgason and the guest of honor, Alan. They all enjoyed the games and other activities of Daughters of Pioneers ocal r .i. rjr -- ' 1 YOUR HOMETOWN NEWSPAPER IS A HERITAGE TO PROTECT! ULc.li. PRESS ASSOCIATION 14 WIST IIOADWAT SAIT IAKI CITY, UTAH |