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Show man order filth dealers in local area courts, Foimerly, they could be prosecuted only at the point of origin of this material usually! iOBSCEHE MAIL Kiwanis Livestock Show Declared Very SuccessfuiSpring Event, Prizes. Given UNDER P.O. DEPT. 3 ie Mona Ward Relief Soc- - Ic a lew big cities where obscene Thursday, May 7, 1959 jslephi, Utah Page Three mail dealers have taken san- - u'y ls sponsoring a dance u'vv studthe P1sen,eii ly THIS WEEK behind legal technicaht-- ! ' FOR SALE Pansie, Violas, L11 SPECIAL 1 nmeom, on cc ;.n,s s sTring and heret our big A successful, although poor Greenhalgh with Brown Swiss, judging in the show ring. Fox1 Dolphiniuh, Postmaster General Arthur ies and liberal court interpret- - Saturday Diagons, Snap evening in the Mona Glove, Columbine, Painted All automobile ' ly attended by the general pub- A rating, 80 lb bran and 5 lb special lie also gave the boys in- E. Summerfiold declared this ations of what is obscene. g Now, under the new law, dis- Waid Amusement hall, stalling ics, Primroses, Gladiolia bulbs 'Cleaners and polishes (Simonize lic, stock show was conducted salt; Kent Jackson, Holstein, structions and demonstrated week that the American public Basket-of-Goltributors of obsenity can bejat 8 P last week by the Agricultural A rating, 80 lb bran and 5 lb fitting a sheep, explaining theca'n'''ilut't''' naVioiV Roses Pei on- - anti Johnsons) going at half-min the' communities A correct and Always a good scIection .Committee of the Nephi Ki proced- mon a ,,ear traffic in mail order Asters and Verbena, Shrubs PrT; Mrs Dm,yI H Stanley ol necessary Jimmy Jensen, Holstein, where the material is received C)lvm aml Mlb- Ma ciowaid ol 20 varieties of petunias, Salvia, 0 T SED CARS Parkin warns club. The stock show was rating, shovel Marilyn Green- - u re to hold the sheers and how obscenity and where the damage is done, Magna visited with then mothSouth Main. held at the Juab County Fair halgh, Holstein, A rating, pie- - to curry, cord and shear the 1 Alysum, Portulaca, Iwool to gie the animal a good Appealing for public support Mr. Summerfield explained. Grounds, with Joseph F. Par- nic ham as prize. er, Mis. Maude Fovvki s, on Sat- teis, Zinnias, Dwaif and Tall "The Post Oftice Depart- in day. in his intensified war on "the rish and Lynn Esplin as judges, Suffolk Sheep divisions: Marigolds, Veibona, (appearance. Dahlias, BAI.I, POINT PENS Mr. Summerfield told The committee of the club Suffolk ewe lambs: first, Al The Kiwanis Club expresses barons of obscenity who are ment Begonias, Geranium nH,, ,rnerl.v sold for $1.00 ea. consisted of R. Roscoe Garrett, rating, Richard Park, 2 chick-- 1 appreciation to Theo Paik and brazenly iolatmg our homes Congress recently is pressing Mis Clyde Jauett and child- Coleus, Cocks Somb and Phlox. 70 ONLY AVAILABLE at the office (See them chairman; Alton S. Gadd, Udell en dinners; 2nd, A rating, Rich- - the Clovcrleaf Dairies for fur- - and soliciting our children the the use of this new legislation ren ol Salt Lake City were the oy Olson, 212 South Center Tlmes-New- s R. Jensen and they were assist- ard Park; 3, A rating, Ronnie nishing chocolate milk for all Postmaster General said the to the fullest possible extent guests ot her parents, Mr, and St., Santuquin Phone 9913. in our window) Special, while the last 50c each A Juab ed by Earl II. Steele of the Spery, shears; 4, Mike Cotton, IcxhibitoPs; and to Ray Worth-- 1 people themselves hold the fin-- B The lirst case presented fol Mrs. Ray Newton over the of the amended week end. al lowing action passage can because ''take Fund Booster Cash Store 5 The Allens and salt. lb club, Jay Dailey, FFA Direct Building abovelington they put rating, Tired of not enough hot wat- project. legislation was at Boise, Idaho, or and Kay R. Bendixsen, 41 1 four boys from the FFA divis-lfo- r furnishing hot dogs for thelthese filth merchants out of and Mr. and Mis. Blaine Newton er in For the best deal in town to made related mailings 1 atbusiness. all director. and and 2,exhibitors division, present ion; California and Oregon, address- of Salt Lake City visited with on an electric water heater, call FOR RENT Modem home Results of the judging in the Kent Worthington, both A rat-- 1 the show. They also express Mr. Summer field sngeested ed for delivery at Grace, Idaho his mother, Mrs. Katie Will- Barton Plumbing Co ! with furnace heat Call 250J various divisions were as fol ings, oil stone as prize; 3, Clif-lthe- ir thanks to Mr. Parrish and The offenders, a man and his iams on Sunday. ' .lows: ford Howard, B rating, lbMr. Esplin for their work as its wife, each received a ten year (Placing will be in order giv- Terramycin as prize; 4, Roger I judges of the show; and Jay Mr. and Mrs. Hanison Oliver aPI,ears unoraerea in your prison sentence and fine. Other have received word en, followed by prize, or prizes, Stowell, B rating. Dailey and Kay Bendixsen forlsa10 that their mail home box: cases now of nature are similar assistance given. awarded) Yearling ewes: FFA group; llvaluable is who with son, Gedge, serving I Statbefore the United pending Sheep and beef judging, F, Ronnie Sperry, A rating, knife; 1. Save all materials receiv-ethe Armed Forces in Alaska, es attorneys from whom F. A, Division Richard Park 2, 3 and 4, Dwight Anderson, has recently been sustained as including the envelopes and itive responses have been po.S' ' hair recut; Bob Garrett, hair cut A and two B ratings, 2 chickWard Cleik of the Anchoiage (all enclosures, ceived. Chad Winn, hair cut; Ronnie en linners; groups: 1, Kent Branch of the Church of Jesus am I 1 1 making this special ap- Christ of Latter-da- y 2. Repoit the matter imdivision Worthington, A rating 2nd, Sperry, knife; Saints. Mr. Summerfield Clark Kay, Ludlow prize John Ellertson, A rating, hi f mediately to your local Post-Mr- s. peal now . believe because I concluded, and the and of master materials turn Mrs. Kent Worthington, 5 lbs salt lb Terramycin. Guests Clara Sea-moThelma Roundy awarethat son1 in increasing public on Sunday were her Tommy Garfield, Don F. Gadd your Aged ewes. FFA group: 1, (daughter Vickie Kendall spent over to him (You mail ness of the problem, as well as in law and daughter, Mr. and prize. Ronny Sperry, A rating, 5 lb two days visiting recently in complaint and evidence if you cothe new laws and growing Mrs. M. C. Hansen of Dragcr-- u Fat Beef division: Paul salt; 2 and 3, Richard Park, Nephi with Mr. and Mrs. Terry wish.) by newspapers and ton; her granddaughter, Carol P 3. Stand ready to sign operation FFA, colored halter and both A ratings, pair jeans; Kendall and with friends. Mrs. CP if 5 lbs salt; Bruce Russell, FFA, 1, Kent Worthington, Sadie Reid who has spent the mal complaint and testify If other public media in public- Dien Cook, and a great grand-- 1 oil rope set; izing the problem have given daughter, Debbie Ann Cook of' Bruce Howard A rating, pair jeans; 2, Roger past month in Salt Lake City criminal action should be HUGO: us an unparalleled opportunity Salt Lake City. A rating, Shears; 3, at the Roundy home returned cessary, FFA, 2 chicken dinners, Mr. Summerfield said public now to eradicate this social and salt and haircut; Richard Pace, Kent Worthington, A rating; 4with them to her home in Ne- fra. udk. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Neilsen ' FFA, pair jeans, 5 lb salt Bradley Brough, !i lb terra-ph- i. cooperation at this time is moral blight upon the nation." Chris children and Helen and Bruce Young, I, pair jeans, 5 mycin; particularly important because Mr. and Mrs. Horace Ostler Lj is' APPLIANCE REPAIR and were guests of her parents, Mr. lb salt; Melvin Pace, FFA, bull Federal Government Ram lamb- - FFA group- - 1 Miss Call Eldon and Mrs. Colton at Roosevelt and house wiring Carter Miss and Ireta which new with a leader and 5 lbs salt; armed 5 lb jaw Richard Park, A rating; over the week end. Spring-- 1 makes it possible to prosecute BovvlosatJ176 Feeders Division: Marilyn Ostler were salt; 2 and 3, Ronny Sperry, ville and spent the atern00il Steven Wilson, Feeder steer, both B ratings group: 1 Knight rating A; prize rope halter and and 2, Kent Worthington, both (with Mr. and Mrs. Max five pounds salt; Eugene Hintze, Sunday. They also visited ratings; 3, Karl Howard, A1 on young bull, C rating, 5 lb salt; rating, Vi lb terramycin; 4, with Chester Foote at the Utah Mont Jones, Valley hospital. young Hereford Roger Stowell, A rating. Herfer, B Potential rating; T4 Yearling rams: Roger StowMr. and Mrs. Norman Ostler 1 and 2, both A rat pound Terramycin; Gordon Me ell, visited in Spanish Fork on Sun- A flashPherson, bull, rating, ings with Suffolik rams; 3, with relatives. light; Mike Tidwell, Jersey, Richard Park, FFA, A rating day The exciting world within a drop of oil keeps growing as we make discoveries that A grade, 80 lb bran and 5 lb with Suffolk; 4, Kent WorthingMr. and Mrs. Delbert Broad-- 1 salt. A ton, rating, Hampshire head spent Saturday visiting bring new and better products into your world. heifers: B rat-- 1 with friends in Provo, Young Farell Jackman, Marjorie ' ' ing, Rambouillet; 6, 7, Bruce fuels and of from hour automotive enter these Even your day now, every products Mr. and Mrs. Tom Burridge Russell, FFA, both A ratings with aged rambouillet ewes; and son Tommy of Brignam under at night and clothes you wear fibers blankets for to lubricants sleep you synthetic A price of a suit cleaned and City visited over the week end Wanda Mrs. pressed went to Farrell Jack- - with his mother, during the day. man; An airplane kit and 5 lbs Burridge. 1---Z - J r itl'.V.' l Nv. went to Blake Garrett for M Wax containers that preserve food; plastics, paints, photographic film, detergents, Mary Louise Dugmorel To help meet your growing demand for son oCPetatana, Califorwas Garry medicines, synthetic rubber and thousands of other items for farms, homes, industry of Mr. and Mrs. IX'troleum products, we invested $235 million 2A and 3B places for feed-Ir- nia, daughter a week, have for exploration and development in 21 states spent hagej which Standard of oil because made are now better Armed Forces Vs and ingredients the er lambs, with a prize of lb ere with her of the U.S.and 12 other Western Hemisphere parents. Mr. and terramycin. Mrs. Owen Dugmore of Salt countries. supplies to manufacturers. In the fitting and show- Lake with Sunday spent City were manship division, prizes and Mrs. Chase and attend- much more. And so last year, as every year, one of But theres more in oils future awarded as follows, all in the Mr. ed fast day meeting in the Ne- divisions: 1, Kent Worthour biggest jobs was finding ways to make oil serve you better phi fourth ward where the boy using research to ington, dozen bakery rolls; 2, name and a bless-- 1 5 lb 3, salt; create new and improved products, and building facilities to put these products to work. Bradley Brough, Roger Stowell, 5 lb salt; 4, ing. Clifford Howard, 5 lb. salt; and Mr. and Mrs. Orin Neilsen Here are some of the things we did during 1958 to expand the world within a drop of oil: 5, Garry Bowles, 5 lb salt. of Hill Field, and Mrs. Joseph as were awarded Pigs Neilsen of Salt Lake City prizes FFA Richard Winter, h ted at the home of Mr. and A grade Leon Winter, two Mrs. Roy Chase on Sunday. B ratings, flashlight; Clifford On May 4, Mrs. Douglas Our research and technical service stall has A rating, flash- Sackett, Brown attended a Mothers and grown to 1400 people. Today we make more light. than 1000 products not sold 15 years ago. Judge Joe Parrish commend- - Daughters party in Spanish ed the boys on the good job (Fork where she was guest of During that time our research budget more done so. He recommended that her daughter, Mrs. Marion B. than tripled. several steers be held for a Johnson. Mrs. Brown gave a at least another toast io the daughters later show two months. He also explained l ,, , w h what the market desired, and Terra"ce from the Umver-lookin- g end week what the buyer of today was the of to visU wAh his uah Slty for in fat beef. rs Emstin mtherHe commented that the Mrs. Ernest and boys in the Salt Lake County Foote.grandmother, SURVEILLANCE - N -- Dais-.spnn- al haU-bil-sa- Mot-Lobel- ns-i0- Ilund-Tuberu- ' 4-- H IXnfsX'itmf (SeV'jV d, News Briefs 4-- G 4-- i y aijua Man-gelso- n, rmxOd for-grolu- p: 4-- H 5-- lb NEPHI LUMBER 4-- H This small world gets bigger every year 4-- 4-- 4-- r I- lnS.ith..afd.'ri:ana J ej I 4-- H 4-- 4-- - 4-- H area were taken to the packkitchen extension ing plants and followed the through, and thus had costs only pennies a day steers an gained advantage over other and a to order, just call our business office 4Jj Mountain States Telephone groups. Judge Esplin gave the young exhibitors instructions on how to show a lamb before a judge. With Jay Dailey acting as judge ) Mr. Esplin demonstrated to the boys the correct proceedures for handling the lamb for IrtHOU HCIMG Mr. and Mrs. George Ingram of Lehi spent the week end at the home of her mother, Mrs. Ernest Foote. Producing and distributing products takes continuing investments in new refinery equipment, piiH'Iinrs, tankers, trucks and traders. Last year, $108 million went into these new facilities. G.E. 40 gallon SPECIAL Electric water heater. Fast re10 year guarantee covery $99.95 Plumbing and 4-- D Builders Supply, the Qp.enin& o--l Our 38,395 employees were paid $281 million in wages and benefits. Standards 152,754 stockholders received nearly Ai for each dollar of the market value of stockholdings. LOAN SERVICE IS A PERSONAL & CONFIDENTIAL NOW AVAILABLE FOR ALL IIEPKI AND AREA RESIDENTS Loans For Standard 4 Consolidation of payment. 4 The Financing or Refinancing of Autos to Lower payments and obtain additional money; Bills was one of the largest customers in the West. Our purchases included 50,000 items . . . helped provide jobs and payrolls for more than 10,000 firms in hundreds of Western communities. into one easy monthly Carefree Vacations 4 ! Or for any Worthwhile Reason NO WAITING OR RED TAPE -L- GLADLY EXTENDED I i ARE WITHIN MINUTES we helped advance progI lemisphere ress In more than 70 free Ed-te- Through affiliates, Call 616 m countries. MAIN STREET - NEPHI, Oil development helps provide jobs; supplies funds for education, health and housing. ...or stop al our office al 45 SOUTH j OANS UTAH JOE HARTLE - Manager f STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA plans ahead to serve you better us |