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Show YOUVE imcsTctxiJ3 Sfljc GOT TO IIURRY! or youll be caught in that old rush! Inspection wheel alignment and balancand tuneup today at ing last-minu- te Nephi Local and Social News Mr. and Mis. Fred Hedberg 6(5 Service, 2nd South and have returned to Nephi after Eds Four Page Thursday, May Main Nephi. having spent ten days in St. with their son in law George Erick building FOR SALE and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. in location and lot in excellent Ralph Beard. Levan. Suitable as it for comAir. and Mrs. Wallace Carter mercial use. Near junction of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hedand See J. Clair U. S. 91 and attended the funeral serberg inLevan for further Collard at vices of Clark Hudson in Price formation Monday. fident and as a result found Mr. and Mrs. Earl Jarrett Mr. Brackens Sixth Grade Our class has been making that chili can really burn. Carl visited recently w'lth Mr. and sculptuies. We make a head Gardner was one of the more Mrs. Von Jarrett at Logan, Mr. out of soft clay. Then we cast hardy souls who proved that. and Mrs. Glen Augason of Midit with plaster of Paris. When After the dinner a short pro- vale, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Johnjthe plaster is dry be pour on gram was presented under the son at Centerville and Mr. and a clay that dries and becomes direction of Rebecca Warner, Mrs. Don Jones of Brigham hard. When this clay is dry we Maureen Docherty, Verna Mar City. and Linda Butler and it le out, water it and smooth Bailey. The Pinta ta large container Misses Gwenavere and Shauan to the portable that typing when that dries we sand it off Then we paint them with cer- made and decorated in the form Esplin of Mt. Carmel, Utah visteachers can fully recommend 1 amic paint, giving about two of a green, white and red cat ited with Mr. and Mrs. Clarcoats all over. Next they go Mexican colors) had been made ence Pay over the week end. in the oven and are fired. Af- by Michael Paxman, Edward They are neices of Mrs. Pay. ter they are fired, an oven glaze Kendall and Jimmy Morgan. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Beard of is put on them, and they are Edward was lucky enough to to break it with St. George were week end put back in the oven, then they win the chance at the home of Mr. and Then they a small, hand-carve- d come out glossy. bat, and Mrs. Fred Hedberg. are finished and w;e can take he did just that. The Pinata had been filled them home. Mrs. Jack Wright spent SatMr. Blacken sometimes reads with suckers, caramels, and and Sunday in Orem urday to us about the different prob- Mexican candies. Enough for Mr. and Mrs. James D. lems of the world. Lately he all was found in the creation. with THE REMINGTON At the end of a very enjoy Mathews and daughter Susan has been reading about the govELEVEN PORTABLE Rebecca able party the students and and with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur ernment of Russia. Miss Barbara Dean Brooks, Latimer of Pocatello, Idaho who Warner, Reporter. With New COLOR KEY! Get the Adult Education teacher also were visiting with their Juab never . . . outgrow portable you son in law and daughter, Mr Bowles office Grade Mr. Fifth for sang their way home. expert its designed and Mrs. Mathews. well as . . . beginners typists as Mr. feaThis is in Hello essential major identical again! Mr. and Mrs. James G. Berry Bowles fifth grade. In school CARD OF THANKS tures to the standard typewriters and family of Salt Lake City, used in modern business offices. we have show and tell, and We are very grateful for son in law and daughter of the And, free of extra cost now we have decided to have the kind expressions of sym- George A. Sperry, were weekTouch TypRemington special singing. We asked Mr. pathy, words of consolation, end visitors in Nephi.' Course-teac- hes the you ing Bowles ll we could have Carolee for beautiful floral offerings, school approved touch method by Pay come and play for us. He and for each and every act of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Glazier, color within one week! Great gift Mr. Mr. and obtained Badeys kindness in our behalf follow- Mr. and Mrs. Clarence H. Warfor grads I Newells permission, and so ner, Mayor and Mrs. R. E. ing the death of our mother, Only $5 Down, $1.50 A Week Carolee came and played the Mrs. Cleo Reed. We apprec- Winn, Mr. and Mrs. Elgin GardIt was iate the kindnesses piano and we sang. of the Sec- ner, June Kendall and Carl For a short itme only you surely lots of fun. We want to ofond Ward Bishopric in arrang- Galloway, city and county for coming. school a can buy this typewriter for thank Carolee road attended ficials, and the services, conducting ing Good-bj- e Ellen Pay, and now! only $120.00 for those who spoke, offer- sponsored by the Municipal Reporter. ed prayers, gave musical select- League, and County Officials This includes all taxes. The ions and in other way as- association held at Kanab over Juab School District Spanish sisted at theany the past week end. services. regular price is $148.06 instudents heard that Mexican of Mrs. Cleo Reed Family cluding taxes so you can save chili and beans would Mrs. Clark Austin and her put a $28.06 if you act now! This callous on the tongue and grandfather, Alfred Gowers, Mr. and Mrs. Claroffer is good until May 25! make it possible to roll their FOR SALE Completely visited with and talk Spanish modern better iRs home. Wall ence Gowers at Delta over the SEE IT NOW ASK FOR 'more fluently. So on Monday, to wall carpets. New furnace w'eek end. DEMONSTRATION AT boarded 40 students and water 27, heater. Newly decorApril Dr. Carl J. Taylor and sons a bus at the High School and ated. Ideal location. For infor- of Burton traveled to Provo where they mation call 407J. Byron How- L. Barstow,of California; Los Angeles, and Taylor enjoyed an evening in real Mex- ard. Mrs. Ora Liston of Salt Lake ican atmosphere at the El City visited at the home of Mr. And w'hat a FOR SALE Mariache cafe. Easy Way and Mrs. Joel Taylor this week. 123 South Main Street meal! Enchiladas, tacos, $40.00 gas lawn mower They were called to Nephi on and real Mexican chili. See Lou Kizsak at Forrest Phone 280 Nephi account of the serious illness Some got a little too over-eoof their father. Nephi, Utah 7, 1959 iJews from the Nephi Elementary Schools U-2- 8. vis-rto- rs QUIET-RITE- COLOR-KE- SPORTSMANS SUPPLY fri-jol- es n- Mr. and Mrs. Allen Tolley and were in Spring City Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Aiken, to visit with Mrs. Tolley, w'ho is ill. C. R. Tolley SIP EXCESSIVE Mrs. Claude Tolley spent last week in Salt Lake City visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Caz-le- r. GEAR WEAR Multi-Servi- pressure stics characteri- High oxidation resistance Recommended for many other type gear boxes e So, play it safe. Order RPM Gear Lube from us ..and stop Multi-Servic- excessive gear wear! For any Standard Oil product, call i LEO W. CHRISTENSEN NEPHI, UTAH Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Anderson and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Liddiard spent the week end in Las Vegas, Nevada where they enjoyed a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Boyce Moi ley, formerly of Fountain Green, and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ranier of Lynnwood, California. Mr. and Mrs. George E. Howard celebrated their 61st wedding anniversary on May 4th, They quietly at their home. wish to express their appreciation to all their family and friends for the kindnesses they have received through the years Mr. and Mrs. K. M. Draper of Moroni were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Anderson on Monday. Ladles Literary Club Members Observe Annual Mothers Day The annual Mothers Day program of the Ladies Literary Club was held Monday night at the home of Mrs. James H. Eager. Mrs. John Cotton, club president, was in charge of the meeting, and after the business of the club, the time was in charge of the program committee, Mrs. James H. Eagar chairman with Mrs W. W. Stephen-sen, Mrs. T. W. Allred, Mrs. A. L. Garbett, Mrs. Jack Wright, Mrs. Harry Foote and Mrs. John Cotton, members. Each member in turn paid tribute, in memory of their life, with choice sentiments of love and affection for them. Mrs. T. II. Burton, Juab District Mother of the Year was especially honored. She was presented with a beauMrs. T. VV. tiful corsage. Allred paid her a beautiful tribute for the club members. Games and mothers day songs were enjoyed by the group. Delicious refreshments were enjoyed by Mrs. James R. Stanley, Mrs. G. R. Judd, Mrs. Lester B. Belliston, Mrs. W. W. Stephensen, Miss Mabel Sperry, Mrs. T. W. Allred, Mrs. Marvin Anderson, Mrs. Ferry J. Ostler, Mrs. Ralph Belliston, Mrs. Harry Foote, Mrs. John Mrs. J. W. Berwick, Cotton, Mrs. John E. Robertson, Mrs. Jack Wright, Mrs. T. H. Burton, Mrs. A. V. Gadd, Mrs. A. L. Garbett and the hostess, Mrs. Eager. Mrs. Hastings Judd of Twin Falls, Idaho and Mrs. T. H. G. Parkes of Nephi were special guests. President Cotton announced that the Graduates Luncheon would be held on May 21st at the d Ward hall. She urged all club J Adults 75$ members to attend. Fred Wilkey and daughter Pamela, and Doyle Beard visited in Phoenix, Arizona recently. They also visited at Glen Canyon, Painted Desert and other points of interest along the way. UTAH POULTRY & FARMERS' CO-O- P The National Society of the Sons of Utah Pioneers, and the National ' h.lden Spike Association, in cooperation with Union Pacific Railroad, take pleasure in inviting vou to DEDICATION OF THE RAILROAD VILLAGE MUSEUM C0RINNE, j Tiyor Alien. Provo Utah J Kids 50$ First-Secon- Miss Verna Palmer, Miss Sherlene Slack and Miss Betty WE CHISEL on gas, tires and Buds Sinclair. Hill were at Cedar City and batteries of the Southern parks visiting Utah over the week end. Junior M Men and Junior Gleaners of the Nephi First Ward MIA were hosts at a party in the Relief Society room of the ward chapel, honoring members of the ward who have had long service in the ward activities. were in attendance Fifty-si- x and it was very enjoyable to all who attended. Gear Lubricant keeps hypoid gears working smoothly under any operating conditions. High film strength Powerful extreme RPM 1 Nitrogen Fertilizer Increases Dairymans Corn and Grain Yields UTAH-- 2 p.m. SATURDAY. MAY && e J. Taylor Allen, RFD 1, Provo, Utah, operates a dairy farm, so top yields and top quality from his silage corn and grain are vital to his feeding operations. We use USS Nitrogen Fertilizers and figure they help us get 10 to 15 bushels more per acre on grain, and a 4 to 5 ton increase on silage corn, Mr. Allen says. The high protein content of the fertilized corn and grain is important in increasing milk production. Mr. Allen says, proper fertilization is a good investment. I get back several dollars for every dollar spent on fertilizer. I like the results I get from USS Nitrogen. Mr. Allen and mSny other Utah farmers have learned that maximum yields and profits can be achieved only with proper fertilization. And for nitrogen, successful farmers prefer USS Nitrogen Fertilizers USS Ammonium Nitrate (33 ' N), USS Ammonium Sulfate (21 N, 24 Sulfur) or USS Anhydrous Ammonia (82 N). Increase your yields and profits this year with USS Nitrogen Fertilizers made by United States Steel. Order USS Nitrogen Fertilizers from jour local dealer today. 100-acr- 1: i frI fa ;fyi Nitrogen Fertilizers r i Dedication of plaque marking Promontory Summit ai historic site by Notional Pork Service, U. S Deportment of the Interior 10 30 a m. UNION PACIFIC l LJ ) 91 H 9 |