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Show Nephi, Utah Page 1959 Thursday, Two Nephi Local and Social News ms TOPICS iti UTAH SIATH$ 7 o AsQ)ctATIN ( ASSOCIATION PuLluheJ every Thursday Entered at the post office mall natter under the act One Subscription rates: nre payable Subscriptions on request. A. Publishers Editor-Manage- B. Gibson and Roy Roy E. Office: 96 South Main Street, Telephone m mgaaaEgs Mr. and Mrs. John V. Garrett visited in Elberta, with the Pro Vita deserved this party Mr. and Mrs. Keith Carney on ,for such a wonderful job they The time for elections has dld dui.jng the school year. The Sunday. They attended fast day rolled around once more, and lettermen deserved the party, services where their grandson the Crimson and Gold parties too for an the work and prac- - was given the name of Dennis are battling it out again. Many tice they put in to make this Garrett Barney. different ideas are being dis- year a success. On April 30 Mrs. John V. played in the halts. The CrimN J son party supporters are wearGarrett had as guests at a ing rockets and satilites, and Your Notes Wanted: quilting party: Mrs. Lora Milthe Gold party are wearing ler, Mrs. Violet Neilsen, Mrs. special glasses. Tell Nelda Herbert, Mrs. Rula GilSend your letters in. The candidates are: Crimson us about your parties, socials, more, all of Payson; Mrs. Ozzie For president, Michael R. and events that are taking Farr of Provo; Mrs. Erva HowGarrett; vice president, Rich- place. All information received ard, Mrs. Donna Sparks, Mrs. Mrs. Clarence ard Park secretary, Marlene will be appreciated. Send your Dellis Brown, Sorbe; girls sports manager, letters to: Teen Topics, Nan Hanson and Mrs. Ava Kaye Wilkey; boys sports man- and Jim, care The ager, Robert VVetherell; Gold 96 South Main, Nephi, Utah. n Mr. and Mrs. Douglas party: for president, Phil Sperand son Steven of Blue ry; vice president, Jimmy Jatoo Water, New Mexico is home to Don't overdo anything cobsen; secretary, Arta Worthan visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. leaves much often gratitude ington; girls sport manager, Alvin M. Goble for a few days. Carolyn Hayes and boys sports impression of expectation. manager, Robert Royce Mr. and Mrs. Loran Bellis-to- n On Thursday morning at 8:40 Many a man has burned his were recently the of a campaign assembly will be 'fingers in his haste to strike house Ogden of Mr. and Mrs. guests put on. Here the candidates while the iron is hot. H. Greenhalgh. Mr. and Joseph will give short talks. The halls Mrs. Hyrum Greenhalgh and of the school are filled with daughter Utahna, and her fianCrimVote which say signs ce of visited on son or Vote Gold but the DON'T DRIVE YOUR Sunday Springville with Mr. and evening main thought is for everyone CAR LIKE A TANK Joseph H. Greenhalgh. to vote. N J Mrs. Will L. Hoyt is visiting in Washington with her daughHeld Parties Birthday ters: Barbara and Vivian, and Two birthday parties were her son, William L. of held during the month of April On April 21 a surprise party was given in honor of Nancy Mrs. Hyrum Tidwell and Mrs. A birthday cake, ice Nyman. Morgan Lamb and son Richard were guests of Mr. and Mrs cream, and punch was enjoyed by those present. On April 23 Eugene Jackson on Sunday. a party was given for Sally BUT... They also attended fast day Lomax. It was held at the Nemeeting in the Fourth ward to witness the blessing of the new phi City park. Here a weiner If you want to drive a tank joia the roast with all the trimmings Jackson baby. was enjoyed. After the meal NATIONAL GUARD was over a birthday cake was Mr. and Mrs. George Latigiven to Sally with 17 candles mer spent the week end in with fire. glowing American Fork with Sergeant N J and Mrs. Merle Kay and family. Mr. Latimer also visited Pro Vita and Letterman in Kearns and blessed two Party Successful great grand children. The annual Pro Vita and Mrs. Erma Jensen of Brigham Letterman party was held at City and Mrs. Ludeen Park of the City Park. Here games, Salt Lake City were house sofe ball, volley ball and many guests Wednesday and Thursother activities were used to day at the home of Mr. and work up an appetite. A nice, Mrs. Ora H. Lunt. meal was enjoyed by all who! attended. All in all, we feel that Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Morgan of Provo, and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd United States Department of Schramm of Payson and their the Interior, Bureau of Land two children visited at the Notice Pubfor Management. home of Mr. and Mrs. Clark lication. FINAL PROOF Morgan over the week end. April 23, 1959 Notice is hereby given that Mrs. Ernest Motes of Mesa, Newell H. Bracken of Nephi, Arizona visited in Nephi recwho made Utah, Homestead ently with Mr. and Mrs. K. E. Entry No. Utah, 02818, for Motes. She is mother of Mr. WliSEfi Section 23. Township will, live longer and have Motes. 14S, Range 2W, Salt Lake Mer- fccEssssinn at Nephi, Juab County, at Nephi, Utah, as second of Congress of March 3, year $4.00; Six months, in advance. Advertising r Mr. and Mrs. Duane Mem-mo- tt of Sait Lake City spent the week end here visiting with Mrs. Hazel Garrett, and other relatives and friends. with NAN and JIM EDITORIAL NATIONAL E. Utah. class 1879. $2.2j rates Gibson Gibson 196, Nephi, Utah azsai Times-New- s, Tol-ma- FOB LEASE The TEXACO SERVICE STATION and Main to Move at 3rd South - Hew Paint Inside and Out - Ready Into - Contact E. R. SHAW Phone 71 or 8 I liThe secret of happiness is to might be a walking still convert yesterdays trials Into and brary of information rays of sunshine today. be traveling the wrong road. You 5 room Mr. and Mrs. Earl E. NielFOR SALE sen spent Sunday with Mr. and home. Part basement. 9. Mrs. William Correy of Salt West First South. Phone 244J. Lake City and Mr. and Mrs. Don Olsen of Kearns. Top soil, till FOR SALE children s for sand white dirt, sand Also box. plastering sand Bishop and Mrs. Kenneth Nyman visited in Logan Friday Call Dwain Tidwell at 578 W and Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Rasmussen and Used TV sets FOR SALE Mr. and Mrs. Orvin Nyman and Used Sofa washer, Used Maytag visother relatives. They also Furniture-Pho- ne Chair Chapman ited with Mr. and Mrs. Ray 300. Burtenshaw, former residents of accomNephi. Bishop Nyman 2 completely FOR RENT panied his parents to Black edecorated apartments electfoot, Idaho to attend funeral water and services of an uncle, Archie ric ranges, heat, See J. Gayle sewer included. McNeil. Yorgason, or phone 128W. 9tf Mrs. Ferry J. Ostler entertained at a birthday party on Apartments FOR RENT Wednesday for her daughter, ground floor. Electric ranges Marva Lynn, on her sixth birthfloor coverings day anniversary. Delicious re- refreigerators, Kendall furnished. One freshments were served to 12 344 or 135J Phone apartments. little 105 WEST CENTER is the new home of B8W - SERVICE for the best in farm, auto and general mechanics. Phone 66 guests. KNOWS Been , Libby s PINEAPPLE 8 GRAPEFRUIT JUICE 4 46 oz 1.00 DUNCAN HINES BLUBERRY MIX 3 NIBLETS CORN Kernel 12 oz cans 3 for Whole BOOKLETS CATALOGS MENUS has filed notice idian, of in- more pep and ginger tention to make final proof to establish claim to the land be- if we print them tor you. fore Kenneth J. Sperry, at Nephi, Utah, on June 30, 1959. We'll use strong, Claimant names as witnesses: Evan Blackett, Kenneth Hoyt, Hammermill Amos G. Irons and Therle Ostler, all of Nephi, Utah. F. S. KIRK, Acting Manager, Salt Lake City, Utah 3 Dates of publication May 7, 14, 21, 28 and June 4, 1959, in The Cover to protect them and liven them up. : Times-New- s, Nephi, Utah A GENUINELY HAPPY MOTHERS DAY FRESH MILK - CLOVERLEAF Paper Carton EIjc - 3 cans 1.00 CLOVER LEAF ICE CREAM OLEO - 14 3 gallon lbs CRISCO 1r 93 SALAD DRESSING to believe it! Quart bottles, Each- r- Electric Clock 37 2 SODA CRACKERS GARDEN RAKE 77c WHEEL BARROW 6 EACH - - sgc ID) 1 .99 - - QQ c GRASS SEED - Short Supply 51b 1.00 SEE OUR TORO TILLER AND POWER HANDLE Phone 306 SNACK LUNCHEON MEAT -- 12 oz tin 43c le ORANGE JUICE 3 cans for LEMONADE QQc 101.00 MEAT PIES 5 for l.QQ HAMS - Chef Brand - Boneless, atless - Ready to Eat - lb 79 ROUND STEAK - TENDER - - per pound 70 PORK ROAST pound 3flc BACON - MC FARLANDS - It's Tops 2 lbs 00 CHEESE - EVERYODY LIKES IT - - - per pound 3gc i WE SERVICE WHAT WE SELL! 1 44 West Center St., Nephi 19 Carnation Tuna 4 for 93$ gallon -- 10 Year Warranty QQ.30 Other sizes in stock. PLUftIBING AND BUILDERS SUPPLY lb pkg Nabisco WATERMELONS IRONING BOARD COVERS - Regular PLASTIC PAILS 7fcc 29 Miracle Minder Calrod G.E. Ranges from 149.95 - bottles Removable Doors - All CABBAGE - - per lb - FAST RECOVERY 07c Powdered Sugar 2pEi29t 30" GE WATER HEATERS-4- 0 3 lb tin MISSION CATSUP 73c MIRACLE WHIP must see this range 30 DOLES PINEAPPLE NOW - - - 5 tins 1.00 1 You y2 gallon 7 easts for Cream Style Motiier - Spring Garden P NALLEYS TANG DRESSING - - 43c DEL MONTE CORN YOUR OLD WATCH IS WORTH MORE ON TRADE IN AT NEPHI JEWELRY 4le lb pkg WE WOULD LIKE TO WISH ALL MOTHERS LOST Black rim glasses with design stems. In green aligator purse. Helen White, phone 402W. sturdy 1.00 PILLSBURY PANCAKE MIX ' ' 1.00 packages I 6 Nephi, Utah smi i |